August 21

This weekend, August 24 and 25, Highlands University is celebrating made-in-New-Mexico films at Ilfeld Auditorium with free public screenings of student-created shorts, a trio of blockbusters, and guest speakers from the state’s film industry.

Saturday, there will be showings of “The Lone Ranger” at 10 a.m., “The Astronaut Farmer” at 12:45, and “Cowboys and Aliens” at 3 p.m. (see trailers below.) Each film will be preceded by a brief introduction about locally made movies and growing opportunities to become involved in the state’s burgeoning film activity.

Sunday at 2 p.m., Emmy-award winning producer, actor and screenwriter Lisa Lucas will address the public and students from Highlands’ inaugural Film on a Phone summer camp. Guests also include Dirk Norris of the nonprofit New Mexico Film Foundation and Hollywood actor Ben Koldyke, who has strong Las Vegas ties. Attendees are encouraged to chat with the guests. Subjects range from how to create, fund, and distribute your own independent film to what careers exist behind and in front of the cameras.

During the camp this summer, instructor Leon Bustos and his team showed middle- and high-school students the basics of creating, editing and producing a short film using only a smartphone and some serious ingenuity.

“The main goal of this film camp project was to grow and nurture the critical thinking, technical skills, and expression of filmmakers. We also wanted to promote the kind of resources and technology Highlands offers in the media arts and technology department,” Bustos said.

After the students’ films are presented on Sunday, the winners of the Film on a Phone awards will be announced. The public is encouraged to attend and support the students as they show their first movies on the big screen.

Saturday film schedule:

10:00 a.m.: The Lone Ranger


12:45: The Astronaut Farmer

3:00 p.m. Cowboys and Aliens