Assistant Professor Natural Resources
ARMAS Director
New Mexico Highlands University
HSCI-334 Hilton Science and Technology Building
Phone: 505.454.3366
Faculty Information
Ph.D. 2000, Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman Washington Dissertation: Morphological Abnormalities and Developmental Responses in Chironomus tentans Exposed to Zinc and Lead
M.S. 1998, Environmental Science, Washington State University, Pullman Washington Masters: Evaluation of Mouthpart Deformities and Heavy Metals in Chironomids from the Heavy Metal Contaminated Coeur D’ Alene River
B.S.1994, Environmental Science, New Mexico Highlands University Las Vegas New Mexico
- Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Sciences, New Mexico Highlands University (8/05-Present)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Studies, California. State Univ. Sacramento (2002-2005)
- Assistant. Professor Adjunct, Environmental Science & Regional Planning, Washington State University (2001-2002)
- Postdoc Associate, Natural Resource Sciences , Washington State University (2001-2002) Conducted research on the induction of abnormalities in chironomid larvae exposed to heavy metals
- Postdoc Associate, Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Washington State University (2000-2001) Conducted research on the potential pathways of
- Aquatic Toxicology
- Use of Invertebrates as Indicators of Metal Pollution
- Limnology (Lake and Stream Ecology)
- Trophic Characterization of Waterholes in South Australia
- Aquatic Bioassessment
- Watershed Management
- American River Natural History Association Research Grant $25,000, Phone survey of American River Parkway Users (2005-Present)
- California State University, Sacramento Probationary Faculty Award $6000, Conduct heavy metal study of the American River
- California State University, Sacramento Pedagogy Enhancement Award $6500, Develop lab modules for Environmental Toxicology Course
- National Physical Sciences Consortium Fellowship 1994-2000
- Presidents Award Washington State University 1998
- Mentor of the Year Award Washington State University 1997
- New Mexico Minority Doctoral Scholars Fellowship 1994-1997
- Environmental Management Career Opportunities for Minorities Academic Scholarship, Environmental Protection Agency 1993-1994
- National Hispanic Scholarship Fund/Department of Energy Academic Scholarship 1991-1993
ACADEMIC SERVICE (abbreviated)
- New Mexico Highlands University Faculty Research Committee (Aug 05-Present)
- Faculty Participant and Co-Coordinator California State University, Sacramento Introduction to Science Research for Underrepresented Students in Science (2002-2005)
- Faculty Senator California State University, Sacramento (2002-005)
- Research and Creative Activity Committee Member California State University, Sacramento (2002-2005)
- Student Research Competition Judge California State University, Sacramento (2002-2005)
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Wold, L, Martinez, E.A., B. Moore, J. Schaumloffel, and N. Dasgupta. (In Review). Growth and morphological responses in Chironomus tentans with arsenic exposure. Currently in review by the journal Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
Martinez, E.A., B. Moore, J. Schaumloffel, and N. Dasgupta. 2004. Teratogenic vs. mutagenic abnormalities in chironomid larvae exposed to Zn and Pb. Archives Environmental Contamination Toxicology 47(2):193-198.
Martinez, E.A., B. Moore, J. Schaumloffel, and N. Dasgupta. 2004. Effects of exposure to a combination of zinc and lead spiked sediments on mouthpart development and growth in Chironomus tentans (Diptera: Chironomidae). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 23(3):662-667.
Martinez, E.A., B. Moore, J. Gay, and D. Rice. 2003. Long term survival of Salmonella enterica in freshwater and sediments and transmission by Chironomus tentans (Chironomdiae: Diptera). Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 69(8):4556-4560.
Martinez, E.A., B. Moore, J. Schaumloffel, and N. Dasgupta. 2003. Morphological abnormalities in Chironomus tentans exposed to cadmium and copper spiked sediments. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 55:204-212.
Martinez, E.A., B. Moore, J. Schaumloffel, and N. Dasgupta. 2001. The potential association between menta deformities and trace elements in Chironomidae (Diptera) taken from a heavy metal contaminated river. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 42 (3):286-291.
Martinez, E.A., B. Moore, and J. Schaumloffel, and N. Dasgupta. 2001. Induction of morphological deformities in Chironomus tentans exposed to zinc and lead spiked sediments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(11):2475-2481.
Dasgupta, N., J.D. Spurrier, E.A. Martinez, and B. Moore. 2000. Comparison to control in logistic regression. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation. 29(4):1039-1057.
Book Chapter Publications
Heldmann, J., A. Brown, J.D. A. Clarke, E.A. Martinez, S. Rupert-Robles, and M. Thomas. (In Press). Follow the water applying a Mars exploration strategy to the Arkaroola Analog Region, South Australia. In: J.D.A. Clarke editor, Mars Analog Research. Published by, American Astronautical Society’s Science and Technology Series Volume XXX, Univelt Inc., San Diego.
Clarke, J.D.A, Persaud R., S.M. Rupert-Robles, E.A. Martinez, F. Karouia, J. Heldmann, A. Brown, M. Thomas, V. Waclawik, V. Gostin, D. Willson, S. Dawson, P. Krins, S.T. Sklar, J. Waldie, N. Cutler, and J. Laing (In Press). Expedition Two Overview: Preliminary Results from a Mars Analogue Expedition to the Australian Outback, Jonathan D.A. Clarke editor, Mars Analog Research. Published by, American Astronautical Society’s Science and Technology Series Volume XXX, Univelt Inc., San Diego.
Rupert-Robles, S. and E.A. Martinez. 2005. A proposal for a Mars Analog Microbial Observatory. In: Frank Crossman and Robert Zubrin ed., On to Mars II: Exploring and Settling a New World. Apogee Books Publishing.
Persaud R., J.D.A. Clarke, S.M. Rupert-Robles, E.A. Martinez, F. Karouia, J. Heldmann, A. Brown, M. Thomas, V. Waclawik, V. Gostin, D. Willson, S. Dawson, P. Krins, S.T. Sklar, J. Waldie, N. Cutler, and J. Laing (2005). Expedition Two: An Interdisciplinary Mars Analog Research Expedition to the Arkaroola Region, South Australia, Canadian Space Agency, Contract 9F007-4-6071.
Martinez, E.A., B. Moore, and J. Schaumloffel. 2000. Potential impacts of mining waste on the chironomid larvae from the Coeur d’Alene River. In Chicana/o Latina/o Studies for the 21st Century: New Perspectives on Mentorship and Research. Ed. Marcos Pizarro. Pub. Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Abstract Publications/Presentations
Martinez, E.A., S.M. Rupert, and J.D.A. Clarke. August 2005. Geophysical and chemical characterization of water sources at Arkaroola, South Australia. Presented at the 8th International Mars Society Conference, Boulder, Colorado.
Clarke, J.D.A., E.A. Martinez, and S.M. Rupert. September 2005. Geophysical and chemical characterization of water sources at Arkaroola, South Australia. Presented at the 5th National Space Society of Australia Space Sciences Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Martinez, E.A. and S.M. Rupert. August 2005. A comparison of surface water sources at MDRS, FMARS and MARS-OZ. Presented at the 8th International Mars Society Conference, Boulder, Colorado.
Martinez, E.A. 2005. Bioassessment and Toxicity Evaluation Using Aquatic Invertebrates. American River Watershed Conference Proceedings, Sacramento CA p. 33
Martinez, E.A. 2003. Morphological abnormalities in Chironomus tentans exposed to cadmium and copper spiked sediments. Northern California Regional Chapter: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (NorCal SETAC) Annual Conference.
Martinez, E.A., B. Moore, J. Schaumloffel, and N. Dasgupta. 2000. Induction of Morphological Deformities in Chironomus tentans Exposed to Zinc and Lead Spiked Sediments. Northwest Scientific Association 73rd Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, Moscow Idaho.
Martinez, E.A. 1999. Evaluation of Mouthpart Deformities and Heavy Metals in Chironomids from the Heavy Metal Contaminated Coeur d’Alene River. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Conference Proceedings, Santa Fe, NM p. 117
Martinez, E.A. 1998. Evaluation of Mouthpart Deformities and Heavy Metals in Chironomids from the Heavy Metal Contaminated Coeur d’Alene River. American Chemical Society Conference Proceedings, Boston, Mass.
Martinez, E.A. 1996. Fact or Fiction: Popular Beliefs about Global Warming. The Boeing Environmental Symposium. Pullman, WA.
Martinez, E.A. 1994. Evaluation of Approaches for Determining Background Levels of Metals in Soil. Conference Proceedings, Second Annual Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Private Sector Energy Research and Development Technology Transfer Symposium. Birmingham, Alabama, p. 52
Martinez, E.A. 1993. Dinosaur Extinction as a Global Climate Change Indicator. Conference Proceedings, National Congress for the Advancement of Minorities in the Environmental Profession. Washington, DC, p. 18
Lessard, R.; A. Archibeque; E.A. Martinez. 1992. Socioeconomic Benefits of a Global Warming Event. In: L. Rosen and R. Glasser (eds) Climate Change and Energy Policy. American Institute of Physics. New York, p. 500
Martinez, E.A. 1992. Detrimental Effects Of A Global Cooling Event. Poster presentation: Waste Management and Environmental Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Abstract Publications/Presentations
Martinez, E.A., S.M. Rupert, and J.D.A. Clarke. August 2005. Geophysical and chemical characterization of water sources at Arkaroola, South Australia. Presented at the 8th International Mars Society Conference, Boulder, Colorado.
Clarke, J.D.A., E.A. Martinez, and S.M. Rupert. September 2005. Geophysical and chemical characterization of water sources at Arkaroola, South Australia. Presented at the 5th National Space Society of Australia Space Sciences Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Martinez, E.A. and S.M. Rupert. August 2005. A comparison of surface water sources at MDRS, FMARS and MARS-OZ. Presented at the 8th International Mars Society Conference, Boulder, Colorado.
Martinez, E.A. 2005. Bioassessment and Toxicity Evaluation Using Aquatic Invertebrates. American River Watershed Conference Proceedings, Sacramento CA p. 33
Martinez, E.A. 2003. Morphological abnormalities in Chironomus tentans exposed to cadmium and copper spiked sediments. Northern California Regional Chapter: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (NorCal SETAC) Annual Conference.
Martinez, E.A., B. Moore, J. Schaumloffel, and N. Dasgupta. 2000. Induction of Morphological Deformities in Chironomus tentans Exposed to Zinc and Lead Spiked Sediments. Northwest Scientific Association 73rd Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, Moscow Idaho.
Martinez, E.A. 1999. Evaluation of Mouthpart Deformities and Heavy Metals in Chironomids from the Heavy Metal Contaminated Coeur d’Alene River. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Conference Proceedings, Santa Fe, NM p. 117
Martinez, E.A. 1998. Evaluation of Mouthpart Deformities and Heavy Metals in Chironomids from the Heavy Metal Contaminated Coeur d’Alene River. American Chemical Society Conference Proceedings, Boston, Mass.
Martinez, E.A. 1996. Fact or Fiction: Popular Beliefs about Global Warming. The Boeing Environmental Symposium. Pullman, WA.
Martinez, E.A. 1994. Evaluation of Approaches for Determining Background Levels of Metals in Soil. Conference Proceedings, Second Annual Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Private Sector Energy Research and Development Technology Transfer Symposium. Birmingham, Alabama, p. 52
Martinez, E.A. 1993. Dinosaur Extinction as a Global Climate Change Indicator. Conference Proceedings, National Congress for the Advancement of Minorities in the Environmental Profession. Washington, DC, p. 18
Lessard, R.; A. Archibeque; E.A. Martinez. 1992. Socioeconomic Benefits of a Global Warming Event. In: L. Rosen and R. Glasser (eds) Climate Change and Energy Policy. American Institute of Physics. New York, p. 500
Martinez, E.A. 1992. Detrimental Effects Of A Global Cooling Event. Poster presentation: Waste Management and Environmental Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Environmental Science
- Water Science
- Limnology
- Management of Freshwater Ecosystems
- Quantitative Methods
- Environmental Toxicology
- Aquatic Pollution Assessment and Management
- Landscape Architecture (Storm-water Management)