A High Wind Warning and Red Flag Warning have been issued for Las Vegas and surrounding areas until 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 6. As a precaution, the NMHU Las Vegas Campus will be closed Thursday at 10 a.m. for the remainder of the day. All classes have been also canceled through the end of the day, including asynchronous and all NMHU centers (Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Santa Fe, and Farmington).


Minor in Physics

The program of studies for a minor in physics consists of at least 22 hours of physics courses (16 hours of required physics courses and at least six hours of elective physics courses) and three hours of required mathematics (MATH 3250). Prior to enrolling in this minor, students are required to complete Calculus 1, 2 and 3 (MATH 1510, MATH 1520, and MATH 2530 respectively).

Required courses: 16 credit hours
PHYS 1310 Calculus-based Physics 1 (5)
PHYS 1320 Calculus-based Physics 2 (5)
PHYS 3610 Modern Physics and Relativity (3)
MATH 3250 Applied Ordinary Differential Equations (3)

Electives: 6-8 credit hours
Choose two courses from the following list:
PHYS 3000 Astrophysics (4)
PHYS 3110 Mechanics (3)
PHYS 4020 Statistical Mechanics (3)
PHYS 4210 Electricity and Magnetism 1 (4)

Minor Total: 16 credit hours

Physics (PHYS), Courses in

PHYS 1005. Elementary Physics (4); 3, 2 Fa
A survey of physics for technical and general education students. Previous NMHU PHYS 105.

PHYS 1230. Algebra-based Physics 1 (4); 3, 3, 1 recitation Fa
A noncalculus-based introduction to physics. Does not apply for credit in degree requirements for engineering or chemistry majors. Corequisite: MATH 1220. Previous NMHU PHYS 151.

PHYS 1240. Algebra-based Physics 2 (4); 3, 3, 1 recitation Sp
The second half of a two semester algebra-based introduction to Physics. This course covers electricity, magnetism and optics. Prerequisite: PHYS 1230. Previous NMHU PHYS 152.

PHYS 1310. Calculus-based Physics 1 (5); 4, 3, 1 recitation, Fa
A calculus level treatment of classical mechanics and waves, which is concerned with the physical motion concepts, forces, energy concepts, momentum, rotational motion, angular momentum, gravity, and static equilibrium. Previous NMHU PHYS 291. Corequisite: MATH 1510.

PHYS 1320. Calculus-based Physics 2 (5); 4, 3, 1 recitation, Sp
This is the second semester of introductory physics course for physics, chemistry, and engineering majors. The course covers electricity and magnetism, simple circuits, optics and introduction to relativity theory. Prerequisite: PHYS 1310. Corequisite: MATH 1520. Previous NMHU PHYS 292.

PHYS 2350 – 4350. Selected Topic in Physics (1-4 VC); Fa, Sp
Course in topic or topics in physics. May be repeated with change of content. Previous NMHU PHYS 235-235.

PHYS 3000. Astrophysics (4); 3, 3 Fa, Sp
A study of celestial mechanics; the earth-moon system; the sun, planets and satellites, asteroids, stars and galaxies. Prerequisite: PHYS 1320. Previous NMHU PHYS 300.

PHYS 3050. Intro to Computational Physics (4); 3, 3 Fa, Sp
Introduction to numerical techniques for solving physics problems. Includes an introduction to programming and computer graphics. Prerequisite: PHYS 1320, MATH 1520. CS 1450 is strongly recommended. Previous NMHU PHYS 305.

PHYS 3110. Mechanics (3); 3, 1 recitation, Fa, Sp
Review of Newtonian mechanics of point particle systems, including linear and coupled oscillators; central force motion; rigid body motion; Lagrange’s equations. Prerequisite: PHYS 1320 and Corequisite MATH 3250. Previous NMHU PHYS 311.

PHYS 3370. Mathematical Methods in Physics (4); Fa, Sp
Vector analysis, matrices, calculus of variations, complex variables, orthogonal functions and Fourier series, and ordinary and partial differential equations with applications to physical problems. Prerequisite: MATH 3250. Previous NMHU PHYS 337.

PHYS 3610. Modern Physics and Relativity (3); 3, 3 recitation, Fa
Introduction to post-Newtonian physics. Through examples from atomic physics, particle scattering and black-body radiation, the student is introduced to concepts from quantum mechanics such as wave-particle duality and energy quantization. The student continues the study of post-Newtonian physics with special relativistic dynamics and kinematics. Prerequisite: PHYS 1320 and corequisite MATH 2530. Previous NMHU PHYS 361.

PHYS 3800. Advanced Laboratory 1 (4); 2, 4 Fa
Quantitative laboratory experiments in topics associated with classical and modern physics. Prerequisite: PHYS 1320. Previous NMHU PHYS 380.

PHYS 3810. Advanced Laboratory 2 (3); 1, 4 Sp
Continuation of PHYS 3800. Quantitative laboratory experiments in topics associated with classical and modern physics. Prerequisite: PHYS 3800. Previous NMHU PHYS 381.

PHYS 3900 – 4900. Independent Study (1-4 VC); Fa, Sp
Independent study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU PHYS 390-490.

PHYS 4020. Statistical Mechanics (3); Fa, Sp
Mechanical theory of the thermodynamics of gases, including ensembles and distributions; connection between statistical and thermodynamic quantities. Prerequisite: PHYS 1320 and MATH 3250. Previous NMHU PHYS 402.

PHYS 4210. Electricity and Magnetism 1 (4); Fa
Electrostatics, dielectrics, boundary value problems, magnetism, Maxwell’s equations. Prerequisite: PHYS 1320 and MATH 3250. Previous NMHU PHYS 421.

PHYS 4220. Electricity and Magnetism 2 (3); Sp
Continuation of PHYS 4210, with an emphasis on applications. Prerequisite: PHYS 4210. Previous NMHU PHYS 422.

PHYS 4300. Computational Fluid Dynamics (5); Fa, Sp
This course presents a review of numerical methods, introduces the basic equations of fluid dynamics, explores computational methods for and limitations of these solutions, and provides an opportunity to computationally solve fluid dynamical problems having applications in science and engineering. Prerequisites: PHYS 3370. Previous NMHU PHYS 430.

PHYS 4500. Seminar in Physics (1-4 VC); Fa, Sp
Seminar course in a topic or topics in physics. Previous NMHU PHYS 450.

PHYS 4530. Optics and Modern Optics (4); Sp
This course is offered to students in the physical sciences and engineering who will be exposed to optics in such diverse areas as optical imaging, communications, spectroscopy and light. Prerequisite: PHYS 1320. Previous NMHU PHYS 453.

PHYS 4550. Physics Research Seminar (1); Fa, Sp
Upper-division students participating in a physics research project will present one or two 30-minute presentations on their project to faculty members and other undergraduate students registered in the course. In addition, the students will participate in the discussion evolving from other student presentations. Cross-listed as: CHEM 4550. Previous NMHU PHYS 455.

PHYS 4610. Quantum Mechanics 1 (4); Fa
The algebra of quantum mechanics; the Hamiltonian; examples in a finite basis; the Schrödinger equation; examples in one and three dimensions. Prerequisite: PHYS 3610 and MATH 3250. Previous NMHU PHYS 461.

PHYS 4620. Quantum Mechanics 2 (3); Sp
Continuation of PHYS 4610, with an emphasis on applications. Prerequisite: PHYS 4610. Previous NMHU PHYS 462.

PHYS 4680. Solid State Physics (4); Fa, Sp
Mechanical and thermal properties of solids, the electron theory of metals, and band theory. Prerequisite: PHYS 4610. Previous NMHU PHYS 468.

PHYS 4990. Senior Project (1-3 VC); Fa, Sp
Individual research arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU PHYS 499.



The Department of Math, Computer Science, Engineering & Physics

This minor is under the College of Arts and Sciences