The Thomas C. Donnelly Library at New Mexico Highlands will host a free, five-part reading and discussion series called “Let’s Talk About It: Jewish Literature — Identity and Imagination.” The series explores Jewish literature and culture through scholar-led discussions of contemporary and classic books on a common theme. Donnelly library’s series will explore the theme of fathers and daughters in a changing world. The library is one of more than 250 libraries nationwide receiving grants to host the series developed by Nextbook and the American Library Association.The first program will be Sept. 4 at 6:30 and will explore Tevye the Dairyman by Sholem Aleichem. “We’re delighted to have been chosen to host this unique series, which will highlight the vibrant literature of the Jewish people,” said April Kent, assistant librarian. “This is much more than a regular book club, as discussions will be led by a well-qualified scholar.”Additional books will be discussed every two weeks at the library. These books are Bread Givers, by Anzia Yezierska, O My America!, by Johanna Kaplan, American Pastoral, by Philip Roth, and  Bee Season, by Myla Goldberg. Brandon Kempner, assistant professor of English will lead a discussion of the book at each session. Kempner teaches American Literature at New Mexico Highlands University. He has extensively studied and taught Jewish literature and a wide variety of classes on multiethnic literature. All programs will be at Donnelly Library at 9th Street and National Avenue. For details or to register, call 505-454-3401.