FRC Grants Awarded

Fall/Spring 2009-2010 || Spring 2010 || Fall 2010 || Summer/Fall 2011 || Spring 2012 || Summer/Fall 2012 || Spring 2013 || Summer/Fall 2013 || Spring 2014 || Summer/Fall 2014 || Spring 2015 || Summer/Fall 2015 || Spring 2016 || Summer Fall 2016|| Spring 2017 || Summer/Fall 2017 || Spring 2018 || Spring 2019 || Summer/Fall 2019 || Spring 2020

Spring 2020

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Erika Derkas Research
Sociology Women of Iron: Female artists in the world of casting, fabrication and forgoing in Flagstaff, AZ
Kevin Ensor Travel
Counseling Present at the American School Counseling Association National Conference Seattle, WA
Rick Froyd Travel
Counseling Navajo Nation Human Research Review Board 2019 Bi-Annual Research Conference in Windowrock, AZ
Peter Linder Research
Arts and Sciences “Ya no es de indios: Economic Expansion and societal change in Maracaibo Province in the eighteenth century”
David Lobdell Research
Arts and Sciences 3d Printing and Casting Symposium in Hilmsen, Germany
Julie Tsatsaros Research
Natural Resources Attend 2020 Annual Conference of the American Society for Environmental History in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Summer/Fall 2019

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Ali Arshad
Chien-Chung Chen
School of Business The Economic & Fiscal Impact of the Removal of the Annual Tax Cap:  A Case Study of New Mexico Film Incentives
David Chadborn Travel
Psychology An Examination of Post-Object Fandom
Michael Petronis Travel
Geology Present at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ


Spring 2019

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Jennifer Lindline 25% Release Natural Sciences Promoting Undergraduate Perception, Preparedness, and Placement in Water Resources Management Careers
Lori Rudolph 25% Release Education Research on Palestine Refugee Women in Tel Aviv and Bethlehem, Palestinian


Spring 2018

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Helen Blythe Travel
English Presenting at the 2018 Literary Studies Convention in Canberra, Australia
Blanca Cespedes Research
Natural Resources Management Dendrochronology study of natural fire regime in San Miguel and Mora Counties (DENAFIRE)
Jennifer Lindline Research
Natural Sciences Testing magma flow and emplacement models in a Tertiary ring dike complex: implications for crustal growth at continental rift zones
Lori Rudolph Research
Education The Psychological impact of Israeli Settler on Palestinians in Tel Rumeida, Hebron
Michael Petronis 25% Release Natural Sciences NSF-Geophysics-Collaborative Proposal: The tascotal Mesa transfer zone Crustal deformation associated with Rio Grande rifting in West Texas and adjacent Mexico
Blanca Cespedes 25% Release Time Natural Resources Develop and resubmit a U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture through the Hispanic Serving Institutions program (USDA-NIFA-HIS)
Miki Ii 25% Release Time Biology Using physiological and neurophamacological techniques will determine how development of healthy neurons are effected by mulations of DNA repair factors in Caenorhabditis elegans, a nematode.
Jiao Chen 25% Release Time Chemistry Acquisition of an Ultra-high Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy for Research, Education and Outreach in NanoChemistry.


Summer/Fall 2017

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Ericka Derkas Research
Sociology Post Conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina:  Reproductive justice and the struggle to improve status among women
Jesus Rivas Travel
Biology Conference: XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Herpetologia in Ouito, Ecuador
Michael Petronis Travel
Natural Sciences Conference:  Basalt 2017 Conference, Kadan, Czech Republic
Jessica Snow 25% Release Time Biology A study on the estrogen paradox of pulmonary hypertension and lead to more effective treatments for this deadly disease.


Spring 2017

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Miki Li Research
Biology Roles of DNA repair genes in neurotransmission in Caenorhabditis elegans (round worm)
Kim Taik Travel
Education Attend the 66th Annual Western Illinois Univ. Math. Tch. Conference in Macomb, Illinois
Jessica Snow Research
Biology Role of Novel Estrogen Receptor in the Development of Pulmonary Hypertension


Summer/Fall 2016

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Erika Derkas Research $4,75.28 Sociology Borders & spacio-cide: A gendered analysis of education outcomes among students of Bethlehem University
Mario Gonzales Travel $1,200 Anthropology The Bread Loaf writers’ conference in Ripton, Vermont
Michael Petronis Travel
Geology American Geophysical Union’s 49th Annual Fall meeting
Lori Rudolph Research
Education Gender Dimensions and Political Violence Among Palestinian Women: Trauma Coping and Resilience
Chris Stead Research
Chemistry Elucidation of the Coxiella burnetii glycolysis pathway
Steven Williams Travel
History Present: “Physiognomy & the Development of a scientific Mentality in the Thirteenth Century, With Two Test Cases (Roger Bacon & Albertus Magnus)”
Donna Woodford-Gormley Travel
English Attend the World Shakespeare Congress, Stratford upon Avon and London


Spring 2016

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Chen Chien-Chung Research $943.83 Business Media & Technology The Effects of Motives and Brand Likability on Electronic Word of Mouth
Lauren Fath Research $1,200 Gender Dimensions of Conflict and Political Violence among Palestinian Refugee Women: Trauma. Coping and Resilience
Robert Karaba Travel $282 Education 2016 Democracy and Education Centennial Conference
Taik kim Travel $1,200 Education Present at the 3rd International Conference on Education and Social Services Singapore
Title: Improving Student Learning in Mathematics by Using New and Existing Stem Assets
Peter Linder Research $3,606.56 History “’With great impiety and nudity’: failures of Indian Pacification in Maracaibo Province, Venezuela, 1700-1821”
Kerry Loewen Travel $ $1,040.19 Media Arts Presenting : Program in interactive Cultural Technology (PICT): a partnership between New Mexico Highlands University and the New Mexico State Department of cultural Affairs
Michael Petronis Research $3,427 Geology The Tascotal Mesa Transfer zone- crustal Deformation associated with Rio Grande rifting in West Texas and adjacent Mexico
Jesus Rivas 25% Release Time Biology and Chemistry  Explore the synergistic interactions between two invasive species, climate change and the community of aquatic organism in a semi-arid habitat.


Summer/Fall 2015

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Jio Chen Research Extended $5,000 Chemistry Rudimentary Study of Plasmons, Nanoparticles, Metamaterials and Photonic Devices
Lori Rudolph Research Education Gender Dimensions of conflict and Political Violence among Palestinian Refugee Women: Trauma, coping and Resilience


Spring 2015

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Jiao Chen Research $5,000 Chemistry Rudimentary Study of Plasmons, Nanoparticles, Metamaterials and Photonic Devices
Patricia Cruz Travel $500 Educational Leadership Presenting – 2015 Professional Development Schools National Conference: Improving Literacy thru Collaborative Research: A Bridge between K-5 and Higher Education
Steven Williams Research $1,490 History The Pope and the Philosopher: Gregory IX and the Study of Aristotle at the University of Paris in the Thirteenth Century
Joe Zebrowski Research $5,000 Natural Resource Management Development and Application of Simulation Modelling for STEM Research


Summer/Fall 2014

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Craig Conley Research $5,000 Natural Resources Evaluation of Ecohydrological Conditions in Deep Arroyos
Sarah Corey-Rivas Travel $800 Biology Present paper – A Genetic Assessment and Hybrid Status of the Northern Leopard Frog (Lithobates pipiens) Along the Mora River in Northern New Mexico
Carol Linder 25% Release Time Biology Finding a role for GOLGA3 in the germ cell
Jesus Rivas Travel $800 Biology Present paper – Population dynamics of green iguana (Iguana iguana): Does it pay for little boys to save their sister?
Jesus Rivas Research $4,000 Biology Phylogeography of the Anaconda species complex (Eunectes)


Spring 2014

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Peter Linder Research $4,967 History & Political Sciences “Perverse or Wild”: Motilones, Missions, and the State in Maracaibo Province, 1713-1840”
David Sammeth Research $2,858 Biology & Chemistry Optical Stimulated Luminescence Short Course & Lab Equipment


Summer/Fall 2013

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Sarah Corey-Rivas Travel $1,200 Biology Presenting at SWPARC – Using Phylogenetic Signal in Assessments of Amphibian Extinction Risk
Michael Petronis Research $3,605 Geology Timing of Intercontinental Deformation across the Eastern Mono Basin, California and Nevada
Jesus Rivas Travel $1,200 Biology Attending the SWPARC


Spring 2013

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Karen Hager Research $2,744 Education Promoting Mathematical Reasoning (PMR)project
Taik Kim Travel $1,101 Education Presenting at CSI – Closing the Achievement Gap: Strategies to Improve Mathematics Achievement of Academically Deficient Students in an Urban School.
Warren Lail Travel/Research $1,200 Anthropology Presenting at SAA – Mycotoxins, Maize and Site Abandonment in the American Southwest.
Seonsook Part Travel $952 Education Presenting at the 64th Annual Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication in Las Vegas, NV
Donna Woodford-Gormley Travel/Research $4,600 English Caliban’s Books: Shakespeare in Cuba


Summer/Fall 2012

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Craig Conley 25% Release Time Natural Resources Prepare a grant to be submitted to the AFRI Foundation Program
Jesus Rivas 25% Release Time Biology Distribution and species ranges of the genus Eunectes
Kerry Loewen Travel $700 Media Arts 3D Editing in The Real World
David Sammeth Travel $700 Chemistry Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) data and ages from the Colfax Skull
Peter Linder Research $2,000 History & Political Sciences Clergy, Plebeians, & Social Conflict in 19th Century Maracaibo Province
Jennifer Lindline Research $4,500 Natural Resources Investigating the Timing and Nature of Paleoproterozoic-Mesoproterozoic Sedimentation, Deformation, and Regional Metamorphism in North-Central New Mexico
Edward Martinez Research $2,500 Natural Resources Chironomid Larvae as a Model Invertebrate for Detecting Copper Toxicity
Michael Petronis Research $2,500 Natural Resources Neoproterozoic Glaciations: The East Greenland Exemplar


Spring 2012

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Sara Brown 25% Release Time Natural Resources Sim Table Acquisition
Jim Burns 25% Release Time Education Impacts in Middle Grades Schools of Action Research-Based Professional Development on School Success, Relational Work, and School Climate
Sara Brown Research $3,000 Natural Resources Investigation of pinyon-juniper age structure, and encroachment patterns in northern New Mexico
Craig Conley Research $1,195 Natural Resources Enhancing Drought Resilience Through Biochar Soil Amendments
Carol Linder Research $4,425 Biology Transcriptomic Analysis of Golga3(repro27)mice
Joe Schmalfeldt & Pete LeRoy Research $3,655 ESS Determining Childhood Obesity in San Miguel County, New Mexico
Steven Williams Research $1,576 History & Political Sciences The Pope and the Philosopher: Gregory IX and the Study of Aristotle at the University of Paris in the Thirteenth Century
Tatiana Dutoit Travel $1,200 Visual & Performing Arts Composer’s Workshop by Dr. Tatiana Grecic Dutoit (90 minutes long)


Summer/Fall 2011

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Jesus Rivas 25% Release Time Biology Distribution and species ranges of the genus Eunectes
Arcaduis Krivoshein Retained Term Chemistry Mechanism of action of antiepileptic drugs containing an α- substituted amide group
Michael Petronis Research $2,263 Geology Serpentinisation magnetite production, precious metal concentration and the origin of life
David Sammeth Research $3,000 Chemistry Luminescence Dating: Theory and Practice
Donna Woodford-Gormley Travel $600 English and Philosophy Paper presented at the “International Shakespeare Association’s World Shakespeare Congress


Fall 2010

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Craig Conley 25% Grant Release Time Natural Resources Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) grant to the USDA
Jesus Rivas Research $4,500 Biology Microsatellite Markers for the Green anaconda (Eunectes murinus)
Lori Rudolph Research $4,500 Counseling and Guidance Gender Dimensions of Conflict and Political Violence Among Palestinian Refugee Women: Trauma, Coping and Resilience
Holly Middleton Travel $1,000 Arts and Sciences The Work of Healthy Boys”: Performing Individuality in the Harvard Entrance Examinations
Veronica Saunero-Ward Travel $1,000 Arts and Sciences The 42nd Annual Northeastern Modern Language Association Convention New Brunswick (Rutgers University), New Jersey
Orit Tamir Travel $730 Social & Behavioral Sciences “Living as a Liminal Entity and Cancer Metaphors”: Presenting at the Society for Applied Anthropology 71st Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington
Ian Williamson Travel $748.00 Social & Behavioral Sciences

“The Development of Scales of Personality and Psychopathology from Chinese Medicine” Presenting at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual meeting.



Spring 2010

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Michael Petronis 25% Release Time Environmental Geology Assessing Magnitude of Heterogeneous Extensional Strain in the Southern Great Basin – Constraints from AMS Fabrics in Ash-Flow Tuffs of the Caliente Caldera
Orit Tamir 25% Release Time Social & Behavioral Sciences National Endowment for the Humanities Awards for Faculty at Institutions with High Hispanic Enrollment
Erika Derkas Research $5,000 Social & Behavioral Sciences Health and the International Context of Organizing among Sex Worker Advocacy Groups
Jennifer Lindline Research $5,000 Natural Resources Timing of Granite magmatism in Northern New Mexico’s Hermit’s Peak Batholith
Richard Plunkett Research $3,032 Biology Construction of a research pyrolysis chamber for the production and analysis of biochar and secondary products
Kristie Ross Research $2,000 History and Political Sciences Reconstructing Women: The Woolsey Sisters After the War
Arlie Tagayuna Research $1,000 Social & Behavioral Sciences Virtual Parenting: Case study of Filipino transmigrant teachers in New Mexico
David Sammeth Travel $1,200 Chemistry 7th New World Luminescence Dating Workshop (NWLDW) in Montreal (Quebec).
Djuaro Zrilic Travel $1,200 Engineering An Approach for Bandwidth Reduction of Delta Modulated Pulse Stream in Control Applications (presenting in Kobe, Japan)


Fall/Spring 2009-2010

Principal Investigator Award Amount Department Project Title
Craig Conley Research $5000 Natural Resources Ecohydrological Characterization of Traditional Navajo Floodwater Garden Sites
Yongseek Kim Travel $1200 Sports Administra-tion Price Perception in the Selection of Golf Courses: a Case Study of Municipal Golf Courses in the City of Albuquerque
Peter Linder Research $2200 History Suscitándose Quejas Recíprocas: Labor, Social Conflict, and Politics in Cantón Zulia, Maracaibo, 1830-1858
Jennifer Lindline Travel $1200 Natural Sciences 2 papers at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Abbas Manafy Research $2000 Political Science The United States Foreign Policy in Egypt: Theory vs. Practice
Michael Petronis Travel $1200 Natural Sciences 2 papers at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Michael Petronis 25% GrantRelease Time Natural Sciences CAREER: The Origin of Magnetic Fabrics and Their Relation to Rock Fabrics