Grant Writing Tools and University Data

Highlands University ORSP is available to assist you with the technical aspects of grant writing, but is unable to write your grant proposal. Grant writing services we provide include:

  • grant search, writing and editing assistance
  • grant writing workshops
  • concise, up-to-date descriptive text of NMHU and regional demographics
  • budgeting and budget policy help, including:
  • indirect costs
  • salaries and fringe benefits
  • cost sharing

Crucial Steps for Submitting Your Grant Application

Step1:  Before you begin to write a grant application, you must submit a Proposal Routing Form (PRF) to ORSP. The PRF contains three important elements for proposal approval:

  1. Signature from the appropriate Dean;
  2. statement of work; and
  3. budget with a justification.

Step 2: Before you submit proposal to ORSP. All proposals are required to be reviewed and approved by the unit head and dean.

Step 3: What and When to submit ORSP.  A complete copy of the proposal and required application documents must be submitted to the ORSP at least 5 business days before the proposal is due. The ORSP operates with a limited staff and needs time to schedule an electronic submission (if needed) as well as, review and approve the complete application

Additional Information for Grant Writers

Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research (OIER). OIER provides members of the university community with on-line access to essential resources and data such as:

  • Enrollment Data (Includes graduate and undergraduate data by class)
  • University Publications (Includes NMHU Factbooks, Performance Effectiveness Reports, and Student Satisfaction Survey)
  • Degrees Conferred  (Includes student degree and graduation rates)

OIER also responds to requests for information from administrators, faculty, staff, and research students. Allow up to two weeks for the completion of your request.  For more information see Guidelines for Requesting Information.