Identification Information

ID Number or Code

COLA Rate 1.5% per year (2009)
Congressional District NM003
DUNS # 047134101
Employer Identification (EIN) or (TIN) 85-6000-406
Federal Status Tax exempt under Section 170 as a political subdivision
Fringe Benefit Rate 38.25%
F & A (Federal IDC) or Indirect Cost Rate (Percent is modified total direst cost base) On Campus: 48.5% (Organized Research & Instruction)
On Campus: 38% (Other Sponsored Activities) Off-Campus: 24% (All Programs)
Human Subjects Assurance # S-007230-04
IDC (F&A) DHHS Agreement Date May 1, 2019
Laboratory Animal Welfare Assurance # A3907-01
NMHU’s Legal Entity NMHU University Board of Regents
NM State Gross Receipts Tax# CRS (Combined Reporting System) 01-508267-009
North American Industry Classification System (NAIS) Code 611310

Contact Authorities

Primary person authorized to sign contracts:
Ian Williamson, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Grants, and Contracts
Interim Graduate Dean
Email: iwilliamson@nmhu.eduPhone: 505-454-3342
University Mailing Address:
New Mexico Highlands University Box 9000
Las Vegas, NM 87701-9000
San Miguel County
Financial or Contracting Official:
Max Baca
Vice President for Finance, Administration, and Government Relations
Room: RAB-103
Las Vegas, NM 87701-9000
Email: mbaca@nmhu.edu
Phone: 505-454-3117
Cognizant Federal Auditor:
DHA Narendra V. Gandhi
Phone: 214.767.2320
Submit Proposal Applications and Awards to:
Ian Williamson, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Grants, and Contracts
Interim Graduate Dean
Email: iwilliamson@nmhu.eduPhone: 505-454-3342
Payments made payable to:
New Mexico Highlands University
NMH Business Office
Las Vegas, NM 87701-9000
Phone: 505.454.3328
Provider: NMHU’s Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Originated: September, 2007 (Sec03); Updated: 8/9/16


NMHU’s Office of Research and Sponsored Projects


September, 2007 (Sec03); Updated: 10/04/22