Dear Members of New Mexico Highlands University,

During this time of isolation and a great deal of bad news, we would like to share with you community moments and self-care thoughts for the week.

Random acts of kindness, also known as “RAKs,” are popping up everywhere, too.

We’d like to hear your stories! Send them in the form at the bottom of this page.

RAKs for this week: April 9, 2020
One of our faculty members hosted a drive by birthday party for his twins!
Self-care tip
Get outside!  Go for a walk and enjoy this beautiful Spring!

RAKs for this week: March 30, 2020
A student at NMHU emailed her professor to see how the professor was doing and to see if there was anything the student could do for the professor.  In these challenging times, the compassion and caring of our students is inspiring!

Self-care tip
Finding and creating beauty can be inspiring!  Engaging in art can be part of taking care of ourselves. How about checking out the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art?

For even more relaxation, try listening to these Italian violinists, or even coloring.

RAKs for this week: March 24, 2020

Community moment
A social worker in Santa Fe who graduated from NMHU was at the garage for an oil change. She was talking with the manager and they shared some stories of kindness they had heard about in their community. The office manager thanked the social worker for her work in the community. When she was leaving, he handed her a card and told her he is an artist and makes retablos. He told her he wanted to gift her with the patron saint of helpers, and if she would call him, he would paint one for her.

Connecting while distancing
Right now we are all committed to participating in social distancing to keep ourselves, and most importantly others in our communities, healthy! The term social distancing might be a little misleading for those of us wanting to stay connected, while still encouraging and supporting one another. For some of us, our self-care previously included spending time with friends, going out for dinner or to a movie. These things are temporarily on hold as we stay physically separate to avoid transmitting the Coronavirus to and from our friends and family, but it is important that we stay emotionally connected to each other.

Texting messages or photos to friends, quick phone calls to loved ones, and short (or long!) emails are just a few ways to stay connected and take care of ourselves.

What ways are you staying connected to your support system?

Send us your Random Acts of Kindness stories here:

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