Requirements for Bachelors of Arts Chemistry Transfer from SJC

The left side of the table below are the course requirements from San Juan Community College with a AS in Chemistry that will transfer and meet the corresponding requirements of New Mexico Highlands University when completing your Associates of Arts in Chemistry at SJC.  The lower section of the table are the remaining requirements that are needed to be taken in order to complete your Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry at Highlands University.  This table reflects the Articulation Agreement between the two schools and is an advisement guide.  The BA in Chemistry degree must be completed at the Highlands University Main Campus, since there are no chemistry classes taught at the Farmington Center.


Transfer Advisement Guide between San Juan Community College and New Mexico Highlands University
San Juan College New Mexico Highlands University
General Education Bachelor of Arts Cheistry
Credits Credits
General Education 38 Core Curriculum 35
Communications -9 credits Area I. Communications-9 credits
ENGL 111 Composition and Rhetoric 3 ENG 111 Fresh Comp I 3
ENGL 211 Advanced Composition 3 ENG 112 Fresh Comp I I 3
SPCH 110 Public Speaking 3 SPCH 124 Beginning Speech 3
Area II. Mathematics-3 credits Area II. Mathematics-3 credits
MATH 188 Calculus 1 3 Math 211 Calculus 1 3
Area III. Lab Sciences-8 credits Area III. Lab Sciences-8 credits
CHEM 111 General Chemistry I 3 Chem 211 General Chemistry I with Lab 3
CHEM 112 General Chemistry I 3 Chem 212 General Chemistry I with Lab 3
Area IV. Social/Behavioral Sciences 6- 9 Area IV. Social/Behavioral Sciences 6- 9
ECON 251,252 Economics 3
GEDG 145 Human Geography 3
POLS 110, 250 Political Science 3
PSYC 120 Introduction to Psychology 3
SOCI, 220,210, 215 Sociology 3
ANTH 110, 210, 211, 255 Anthropology 3
Area V. Humanities and Fine Arts 6-9 credits Area V. Humanities and Fine Arts 6-9 credits
HIST 121, 122, 211, or 212 3
Philosophy 110 or 115 3
Literature ENGL, 251, 252, 261, 262, 245, 230 or 235 3
ARTS 110 Orientation in Art 3
MUSI 110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 130,131 Music 3
THEA 110,120 Theatre 3
NAVA 111,112 Navajo 4
SPAN 111, 112 Spanish 4
General Education Credit Requirements 35-36
Associate Degree Program Requirements Highlands University Courses Waived
Math 189 Calculs II 4 Math 212 Calculs II
CHEM 251 Organic Chemistry I 4 Chem 341 Organic Chem 1
CHEM 252 Organic Chemistry II 4 Chem 342 Organic Chem 2
CHEM 281 Analytical Chemistry 5
PHYS 215+215L Engineering Physics I+Lab 4 Phys 291 Calculus Physics 1
PHYS 216+216L Engineering Physics II+Lab 4 Phys 291 Calculus Physics 2
Elective COSC 116 Spreadsheeting or COSC 118 Computer Programing fundamentals I with C++ 4
Elective PHYS 217 Engineering
Physics III or Math 268
Calculus III or CHEM 299
Chemistry special topics
Total Program Requirements 33
Total AS Degree Credits 67
Electives at any level at either institution 10 Electives at any level at either institution 10
Remaining HU – BA Program Requirements
Chem 321 Quantitative Analysis 4
Chem 371 Physical Chem. 1 3
Chem 481 Biochemistry 1 3
Chem 495 Senior Chem. App.. 3
Electives: 6 credit hours chosen from below
Chem 317, 322, 372, 419, 441, 461, 442, 462, 473, 482, 499
Additional Requirements
Eng 367 Technical Writing 3
Total 22
BA Chemistry Total Credits 128
AS Degree 67
Open Electives 10
Upper Division Elective 29
Highlands Chemistry Requirements 22
Total 128

The BA in Chemistry is not offered at the Highlands Farmington Campus and therefore the degree must be completed at the Highlands University Main Campus.