Requirements for Bachelors of Fine Arts and Media Arts

The left side of the table below are the course requirements from San Juan Community College with a AAS in Digital Media Arts Design that will transfer and meet the corresponding requirements of New Mexico Highlands University when completing your Associates of Arts in Digital Media Arts Design at SJC.  The lower section of the table are the remaining requirements that are needed to be taken in order to complete your Bachelor of Fine Arts in Media Arts at Highlands University.  This table reflects the Articulation Agreement between the two schools and is an advisement guide.  The BFA in Media Arts degree must be completed at the Highlands University Main Campus, since there are no Media Arts classes offered at the Farmington Center.

Transfer Advisement Guide between San Juan Community College and New Mexico Highlands University
San Juan College New Mexico Highlands University
AAS in Digital Media Arts Design Bachelor of Fine Arts Media Arts
Credits Credits
General Education 38 Core Curriculum 35
Communications -9 credits Area I. Communications-9 credits
ENGL 111 Composition and Rhetoric 3 ENGL 111 Fresh Comp I 3
ENGL 211 Advanced Composition 3 ENGL 211 Fresh Comp I I 3
Comm 110
Comm 111
Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communication
3 SPCH 124 Beginning Speech 3
Area II. Mathematics-(3 credits minimum) Area II. Mathematics-3 credits
MATH 130 Conceptual Mathematics 3 Math 140 College Algebra 3
MATH 160 College Algebra 3 Math 150 Intro to Statistics 3
MATH 180 Trigonometry 3
MATH 188 Calculus 3
Area III. Lab Sciences-8 credits Area III. Lab Sciences-8 credits
Science w/Lab 4 Science Requirement 4
Science w/Lab 4 Science Requirement 4
Area IV Social/Behavioral Sciences 6 credit minimum Social/Behavioral Sciences 6
SOC 110
SOC 210
Intro to Sociology
Social Problems
3 Into to Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, or MACRO
One more from the following ECON 251/252, POLS 110/250, PSY 120 or ANTH 110 3
Area V. Humanities and Fine Arts 9 credits Area V. Humanities and Fine Arts 9 credits
One from Humanities HIST121, 233,211,212,
PHIL 110,115
Humanities Intro to Survey Courses, History or Philosophy 3
Two from Fin Arts ARTS 110,MUSI 110,111,112,114,115,130,131, THEA 110/120 Fine Art Intro to Art, Music, Sciences or Theater 3
Total General Education Credits 35 Total Core Curriculum Credits 35
Associate Degree Program Requirements Highlands University Program Requirements
ARTS 151 Two Dimensional Design 3 MART 121 3
DMAD 210 Intro to Non Linear Video 2 MART 221 3
DMAD 212 Digital Video Production 3
DMAD 170 Intro to Digital Image Editing I 2 MART 233 3
DMAD 172 Dig Image Editing Inter Tech 2
DMAD 110 Intro to Multimedia 3 MART 318 3
PHOTO 150 Basic Photography 3 MART 443 3
PHOTO 160 Digital Photography 3
Associate Degree Program Electives Highlands University courses waived
DMAD 200 Intro to Web Design Using Dreamweaver 2
DMAD 202 Creative Web Design 3 MART 327 Web Production Workshop
DMAD 241 3D Design & Animation 4 MART 363 Video Animation
Total DMAD Credits 30
Total AAS Credits s 65
Electives at any level at either institution 12 Electives at any level at either institution 12
Remaining HU – BA Program Requirements
Electives Highlands Electives any Level 9
MART 320 Color Theory 3
MART 373 Typography 3
MART 350 Media Arts Seminar 3
MART 366 Audio for Video 3
300/400 Electives at 300 or 400 level 30
Highlands University UD Credits 51
SJC AA Credit Hours 65
Highlands University Credit Hours 51
Open Electives 12
Total BFA Credits 128

The BFA in Media Arts is not offered at the Highlands Farmington Campus and therefore must be completed at the Highlands University Main Campus.