Requirements for Bachelors of Social Work Transfer from SJC

The left side of the table below are the course requirements from San Juan Community College with a AA in Human Services that will transfer and meet the corresponding requirements of New Mexico Highlands University when completing your Associates of Arts in Human Services at SJC.  The lower section of the table are the remaining requirements that are needed to be taken in order to complete your Bachelor of Social Work at Highlands University.  This table reflects the Articulation Agreement between the two schools and is an advisement guide.

Transfer Advisement Guide between San Juan Community College and New Mexico Highlands University
San Juan College New Mexico Highlands University
General Education Bachelor of Social Work
General Education 35 Core Curriculum 35
Communications -9 credits Area I. Communications-9 credits
ENGL 111 Composition and Rhetoric 3 ENG 111 Fresh Comp I 3
ENGL 211 Advanced Composition 3 ENG 211 Fresh Comp I I 3
Comm 110
Comm 111
Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communication
3 MART 124 Beginning Speech 3
Area II. Mathematics-(3 credits minimum) Area II. Mathematics-3 credits
MATH 130 Conceptual Mathematics 3 Math 140 College Algebra 3
Or a higher level MATH course 3
Area III. Lab Sciences-8 credits Area III. Lab Sciences-8 credits
First choice from approved laboratory sciences courses 4 Science Requirement 4
Second choice from approved laboratory sciences courses 4 Science Requirement 4
Area IV Social/Behavioral Sciences 6- 9 credit minimum Social/Behavioral Sciences 6- 9
SOC 110 Intro to Sociology 3 Into to Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, or MACRO 6-9
Choice from approved Social/Behavioral Science courses 3-6
Area V. Humanities and Fine Arts 6-9 credits Area V. Humanities and Fine Arts 6-9 credits
Choose from approved Humanities and fine Arts Courses 6-9 Fine Art Intro to Art, Music, Sciences or Theater 3
Humanities Intro to Survey Courses, History or Philosophy 3
Other SJC General Education Requirements Other HU Core Curriculum Requirements
Additional science
Applied Computer Science
Choose from Approved courses 3 Students who have earned an Associate Degree from SJC and satisfied the SJC General Education requirements are exempt from the additional Highlands University Core Curriculum Requirements.
Associate Degree Program Requirements Highlands University Courses Waived
HMSV 111 Intro to Human Services 3
HMSV 112 Principles of Interviewing 3
HMSV 115 Group Dynamics 3
HMSV 220 Intro to Substance Abuse 3
HMSV 250
HMSV 255
Practicum in Human Services
Practicum in Alcohol/Drug Counseling
HMSV 270 Human Services Profession and Practices 3
SOC 215 Sociology of Marriage and Family 3
Associate Degree Program Electives Highlands University courses waived
Any course listed 110 or higher 3
Total AA Degree Credits 62
Electives at any level at either institution 14 Electives at any level at either institution 14
Remaining HU – BA Program Requirements
SW 330 Research Methods I 3
SW 333 Aspects of Aging 3
SW 341 Social Policy & Services 3
SW 345 Children’s Services 3
SW 365 Generalist SW Practice I 3
SW 366 Generalist SW Practice II 3
SW 385 HBSE I 3
SW 386 HBSE II 3
SW 430 Research Methods II 3
SW 432 Field Practicum I 4
SW 433 Law & Ethics in SW 3
SW 434 Field Practicum II 4
SW 451 Field Practicum Seminar I 1
SW 452 Field Practicum Seminar II 1
SW 465 Generalist SW Practice III 3
SW 466 Generalist SW Practice IV 3
SW 468 ST; Theories of SW Practice 3
Total Highlands University SW Credits 52