Requirements for Bachelors of Business Administration/ Marketing

The left side of the table below are the course requirements from Santa fe Community College that will transfer and meet the corresponding requirements of New Mexico Highlands University when completing your Associate of Arts in Business Administration at SFCC.  The lower section of the table are the remaining requirements that are needed to be taken in order to complete your BBA in Marketing Degree at Highlands University.  This table reflects the Articulation Agreement between the two schools.

Requirements for Bachelors of Business Administration Marketing
Santa Fe Community College New Mexico Highlands University
Communications 9
ENGL 111 Composition and Rhetoric 3 ENG 111 Fresh Comp I 3
ENGL 216 Technical Writing 3 ENG 216 Technical Writing 3
SPCH 111 Public Speaking 3 MART 124 Beginning Speech 3
SPCH 225 Small Group Com 3
Math 3
MATH 121 College Algebra 3 Math 140 College Algebra 3
Social/Behavioral Sciences 6 or 9
ECON 200 Principles of Economics – Macro 3 ECON 216 Principles of Economics – Macro 3
ECON 201 Principles of Economics – Micro 3 ECON 217 Principles of Economics – Micro 3
or Humanities Requirement 3
Humanities 6 or 9
PHIl 245 Business Ethics 3 Humanities Requirements 3
Humanities Requirements 3 Humanities Requirements 3
Science 8
Science w/Lab 4 Science Requirements 4
Science w/Lab 4 Science Requirements 4
Computers/Technology 3
OFTC 111 Business Software Essential 3 MIS 145 Intro to Info Systems 3
Health, Physical Education and Recreation or Dance 2 credits
HPER or Dance 2 Gen Ed Elective 2
ACCT 121 Principles of Accounting I 4 ACCT 287 Principles of Financial
Accounting I
ACCT 122 Principles of Accounting II 4 ACCT 288 Principles of Financial
Accounting II
BSAD 211 Principles of Management 3 MGT 303 Principles of Management 3
BSAD 232 Business Law I 3 BLAW 360 Business Law 1 3
BSAD 240 Principles of Marketing 3 MGT 302 Principals of Marketing 3
BSAD 245 Principles of Finance 3 FIN 341 Financial Management 3
BSAD 260 Business Statistical Analysis and Lab 4 BUS 210 Statistical Analysis for Business 3
Credits from ACCT 221,122,and 121: BSAD 260 4
Additional courses to be taken at SFCC
ENGL 112 Composition and Literature 3 ENG112 Fresh Comp 2 3
BASD 112 Business Math 3 BUS 11 Business Analysis Math 3
Total 70 Remaining 4 year requirements at Highlands
FIN 340
Fin 342

Personal Finance

Financial Management 2

MGMT 325 Ops Research 1 3
MGMT 489 Strategic Management
MKTG 411 Marketing Research 3
MKTG 320 Professional Sales
MKTG 373 Advertising
MKTG 415 Consumer Behavior
MKTG 475 International Marketing
MKTG 484 Marketing Management
Marketing Concentration Electives 15
Upper Level Electives 13
Total 128