Santa Fe Community College Transfer Requirements For Bachelors of Education in Elementary Education

The left side of the table below are the course requirements from Santa fe Community College that will transfer and meet the corresponding requirements of New Mexico Highlands University when completing your Associate of Arts in Teacher Education.  The lower section of the table are the remaining requirements that are needed to be taken in order to complete your Bachelor of Education in Elementary Education at Highlands University.  This table reflects the Articulation Agreement between the two schools.

Bachelor of Education-Elementary Education
Santa Fe Community College New Mexico Highlands University
Credits Credits
GENERAL EDUCATION – Lower Level 40 credits
Communications 9
ENGL 111 Composition and Rhetoric 3 ENG 111 Fresh Comp I 3
ENGL 112 Composition and LIterature 3 ENG 216 Technical Writing 3
SPCH 111 Public Speaking 3 MART 124 Beginning Speech 3
SPCH 220 Interpersonal Comm 3
SPCH 225 Small Group Comm
SPCH 235 Intercultural Comm 3
Math 3 credits
MATH 111 3 Math Requirement 3
Social/Behavioral Sciences 6 or 9
ANTH 112 Nature of Culture 3 Social/Behavioral Science Requirement 3
ECON 201 Princ of Econ- Macro
ECON 202 Princ of Econ-Micro
GEOG 112 World Regional Geography
POLI 200 American Gov and Politics
SOCI 111 Intro to Sociology
Humanities 6 or 9 credits
AHST 201 Art History I 3 Humanities/Fine Arts Requirements( One must be Fine Arts) 3
AHST202 Art History II
DRAM111 Intro to Theater and Drama 3 Humanities/Fine Arts Requirement( One must be Fine Arts) 3
or or
MUSC 140 Music Appreciation
HIST 111 Western Civilization I 3 Humanites 3
HIST 112 Western Civilization II
Science 8 credits
Science w/Lab Must be in two disciplines 4 Science Requirement 4
Science w/Lab Must be in two disciplines 4 Science Requirement 4
Computers/Technology 3 credits
CISC 111 Intro to Comp Science
EDUC 228 Tech for the classroom 3 GNED 444 Comp App in Education 3
CITC 111 Computers and Technology
Health, Physical Education and Recreation or Dance 2 credits
HHH HPER or Dance 2 PE 100 Activity Course 2
MATH 121 College Algebra 4 Math Requirement 4
MATH 151 Pre-Calculus
HIST 161 US History to 1877 3 HIST 201 US History to 1865 3
HIST 162 US History from 1877 3 HIST 202 US History from 1865 3
HIST 260 Histroy of New Mexico 3 HIST 215 History of New Mexico 3
EDUC 111 Introduction to Education 3 GNED 201 Introduction to Teaching 3
EDUC 112L Field Based Teaching Obs 1 GNED 251 Field based Teacher Preperation Experience 1
EDUC 208 Exceptionalities and Placement 3 GNED 214 Introduction to Special Education 3
PSYC 111 Psychology I 3 Requirement 3
PSYC 211 Educational Psychology 3
Approved Literature Elect 3 Literature Elect 3
Additional courses to be taken at SFCC
Math electives required 3 Math electives required 3
Literature course 4 Required literature course 3
Science w/lab elective 4 Must be in third discipline 4
Electives 5 Electives 5
Must pass NMTA Basic skills before transferring to NMHU
Total 81 Remaining 4 year requirements at Highlands
RDED 315 Reading & Children’s Lit 3
RDED 411 Teaching & Diagnosis of Reading 3
ELEM 312 Teaching Elementary School Math 3
ELEM 317 Multicultural Education 3
ELEM 361 Assessment & Evaluation of Students 3
ELEM 417 Teaching English as a Second Language 3
ELEM 442 Teaching Elementary School Science & Social Studies 3
ELEM 451 Field -Base III Teacher preparation Experience: Elementary 6
GNED 351 Field-Base II Teacher Preparation Experience 2
GNED 445 Knowledge of the Profess (must take concurrently with ELEM 451) 3
Upper level electives 19
Total 129