Santa Fe Community College Transfer Requirements For Bachelors of Social Work

The left side of the table below are the course requirements from Santa fe Community College that will transfer and meet the corresponding requirements of New Mexico Highlands University when completing your Associate of Arts In Human Services .  The lower section of the table are the remaining requirements that are needed to be taken in order to complete your Bachelor of Social Work at Highlands University.  This table reflects the Articulation Agreement between the two schools.

Bachelor of Social Work
Santa Fe Community College New Mexico Highlands University
Credits Credits
GENERAL EDUCATION – Lower Level 40 credits
Communications 9
ENGL 111 Composition and Rhetoric 3 ENG 111 Fresh Comp I 3
ENGL 112 Composition and LIterature 3 ENG 112 Fresh Comp II 3
SPCH 111 Public Speaking 3 MART 124 Beginning Speech 3
SPCH 220 Interpersonal Comm 3
SPCH 225 Small Group Comm
SPCH 235 Intercultural Comm 3
Math 3
MATH 119 or Higher 3 Math Requirement 3
Social/Behavioral Sciences 6 or 9
PSCY 111 Psychology I 3 Area IV Requirement 3
SOCI 111 Intro to Sociology 3 Area IV Requirement 3
Humanities 6 or 9
One must be an art class 3 Area V Requirement 3
One must be an art class 3 Area V Requirement 3
One must be an art class 3 Area V Requirement 3
Science 8
Science w/Lab 4 Area III Requirement 4
Science w/Lab 4 Area III Requirement 4
Computers/Technology 3 credits
CITC 111 Computers and Technology 3
OFTC 111 Business software Essentials 3 Computer Proficiency Requirement 3
Health, Physical Education and Recreation or Dance 2 credits
HHH HPER or Dance 2 2
HUSV 111 Human Service Professions 3
HUSV 130 Group Process and Counsel 3
HUSV 270 Case Management 3
HUSV 298 Human Services Internship 3
HUSV 298 Must be taken twice 3
Approved Concentration 9
Additional courses to be taken at SFCC
Electives 12 Elelctives 12
Total 76 Remaining 4 year requirements at Highlands
SW 330 Research Methods I 3
SW 333 Aspects of Aging 3
SW 341 Social Policy and Service I 3
SW 345 Children’s Services 3
SW 365 Generalist SW Practice 1 3
SW 366 Generalist SW Practice 2 3
SW 385 HSBE 1 3
SW 386 HSBE 2 3
SW 430 Research Methods 2 3
SW 432 Field Practicum 1 4
SW 433 Law and Ethics in SW 3
SW 434 Field Practicum 2 4
SW 451 Field Practicum Seminar 1 1
SW 452 Field Practicum Seminar 2 1
SW 465 Generalist SW Practice3 3
SW 466 Generalis SW Practice 4 3
SW 468 Theories of SW Practice 3
SW 485 HBSE 3 3
Total 128