Santa Fe Community College Transfer Requirements for Early Childhood Multicultural Education

The left side of the table below are the course requirements from Santa Fe Community College that will transfer and meet the corresponding requirements of New Mexico Highlands University when completing your Associate of Arts in Early Chilhood Education at SFCC. The lower section of the table are the remaining requirements that are needed to be taken in order to complete your Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Multicultural Education at New Mexico Highlands University.  This table reflects the Articulation Agreement between the two schools.

Bachelor of Education -Early Childhood Multicultural Education
Santa Fe Community College New Mexico Highlands University
Credits Credits
GENERAL EDUCATION – Lower Level 40 credits
Communications 9
ENGL 111 Composition and Rhetoric 3 ENG 111 Fresh Comp I 3
ENGL 216 Technical Writing 3 ENG 216 Technical Writing 3
SPCH 111 Public Speaking 3 MART 124 Beginning Speech 3
SPCH 225 Small Group Com 3
Math 3 credits
MATH 111 3 Math 140 College Algebra 3
or Math 140 College Algebra 3
MATH 121 Math for Elementary School Teachers Math 140 College Algebra 3
Social/Behavioral Sciences 6 or 9
PSYC 111 Pschology I 3 PSYC 101 PSYCH and SOC 3
ANTH 207 3 Social/Behavioral Science Requirement 3
PSYC 211
PSYC 290
Humanities 6 or 9 credits
See catalog list must be US History 3 Humanities/Fine Arts Requirements( One must be Fine Arts) 3
See catalog list must be Western Civ 3 Humanities/Fine Arts Requirement( One must be Fine Arts) 3
See catalog list must be Arts 3 Requirement Arts class
Science 8 credits
Science w/Lab Must be in two disciplines 4 Science Requirement 4
Science w/Lab Must be in two disciplines 4 Science Requirement 4
Computers/Technology 3 credits
CISC 111 Computers and Technology
EDUC 228 Technology for the classroom 3 Computer Requirement 3
MART 119 Digital Skills
OFTC 111 Bus. Software Fundamental’s
Health, Physical Education and Recreation or Dance 2 credits
HPEr or Dance 2 Gen Ed Elective 2
ECED 111 Child Growth Development and Learning 3 ECME 302 Child Growth, Development and Learning
ECED 112 Health Safety and Nutrition 2 ECME 301 Health, Safety, and Nutrition
ECED 113 Family and Community 3 ECME 303 Family and Community Collaboration
ECED 114 Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs I 3 ECME 328 Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs I
ECED 211 Intro to Reading and Literary Development 3 ECME 315 Intro to Reading and Literacy Development
ECED 215 Professionalism 2 ECME 300 Professionalism
ECED 216A Curriculum Development and Implementation I 3 ECME 304 Curriculum development and Implementation I
ECED 216B Curriculum Development and Implementation I 2 ECME 332 Curriculum development and Implementation I
ECED 217A Curriculum Development and Implementation II 3 ECME 306 Curriculum development and Implementation II
ECED 217B Curriculum Development and Implementation II 2 ECME 334 Curriculum development and Implementation II
ECED 218 Guiding Young Children 3 ECME 305 Guiding Young Children
Additional courses to be taken at SFCC
Math Electives Required 6 Math Electives Required 6
Science w/lab elective 4 Science requirements 4
Must pass NMTA Basic skills before transferring to NMHU
Total 79 Remaining 4 year requirements at Highlands
ECME 403 Family and Community Collaboration 2
ECME 411 Teaching Reading & Writing 3
ECME 420 Research in Child Growth and Development 3
ECME 424 Integrated Early Childhood Curriculum Lab 3
GNED 426 Methods & Materials fro the Early Primary Grades 3
ECME 428 Assessment & Evaluation 2 3
ECME 455 Knowledge of the Profession 3
ECME 412 Teaching Reading & Writing Practicum 1
ECME 425 Integrated Early Childhood Curriculum Lab 2
ECME 427 Methods and Materials for the primary Care Practicum 2
ECME 452 Early childhood Education student Teaching 12
Upper Level Literature 6
Upper Level History 6
Upper Level Arts 3
Total 128