Highlands University’s Performing Arts Club will present “An Afternoon With the Romantics” July 27 at 3 p.m. in Kennedy Hall at 905 University Ave. The music of Romantic period composers Brahms and Chopin will be featured, including a highlight of 18 Brahms waltzes. Arias from the same time period, about 1812 to the early 1900s, are also on the program. Beethoven, a Classical-era composer who helped usher in the Romantic period, is also included in the repertoire.  The Highlands Performing Arts Club quintet is composed of advanced voice students: baritone Devin Barad, tenor Joseph Chavez, soprano Karliz De Marco, alto Stephanie Salas, and student pianist Emerald Lucero.   Highlands University Music Department Coordinator André Garcia-Nuthmann is the club’s adviser and a guest vocalist for the July 27 performance.  Another music faculty member, Linda King is a guest pianist.  The students worked hard on their Italian, French and German to prepare for this performance, which is student produced.”It’s challenging to learn difficult new music and different languages,” Chavez said. “It’s also fun to do this performance in the summer rather than take a hiatus.”Barad added:  “It gives us an additional outlet to perform. To prepare, we also worked with world-famous mezzo soprano Regina Rickless in Santa Fe.”All four vocalists in the Highlands Performing Arts Club are also members of the Highlands Madrigal Choir, which performed last August at the Haydn Music Festival in Eisenstadt, Austria. The madrigal choir was invited back for the 2009 festival. Proceeds from this July 28 event and upcoming club performances will help pay for the madrigal choir to return to the Haydn Music Festival. Tickets for July 27 are $10 for one and $18 for two. Desserts and coffee are included in the ticket price. Tickets are available at the door and also in advance at Tome on the Range.  Or call Chavez at 505-948-1579 or Jane Quintana at 505-454-3359.