Margaret McKinney/Highlands University
Highlands psychology graduate student Jennifer Treacy talks about her master’s thesis study, The Effect of Altitude on Concussions in College Football Players, with psychology professor David Pan April 21 at Student Research and Creative Day 2017. Treacy graduates in May, and her thesis adviser is Lara Heflin. ARMAS scholars in chemistry professor Brooks Maki’s cross-disciplinary seminar organized the event. ARMAS stands for the university’s Achieving in Research, Mathematics and Science center.

Margaret McKinney/Highlands University
Graduate student Keva Evans, left, reads her original poem, The Emperor of French Vanilla, during Student Research and Creative Day 2017 while graduate student Daudi Mlengela prepares to read his poetry. Evans graduates in May. Both students are earning degrees in English and in professor Tyler Mills’ Creative Writing Poetry Workshop class