Interstate Passport

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Developed through the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), the Interstate Passport® is a national program facilitating block transfer of completed lower-division general education based on student learning outcomes, rather than on specific courses and credits. Students who transfer with an Interstate Passport to another member institution are recognized as having completed all lower-division general education requirements prior to transfer, regardless of course titles and credits. New Mexico Highlands University is a  proud members of the Interstate Passport network!

Are you interested in transferring into or out of NMHU with fewer obstacles while saving time and money, and most importantly – your credits? Ask your advisor about how you can earn an Interstate Passport, which offers:

  • An early milestone of completion on the way to a degree
  • Advance knowledge that lower-division general education learning will be recognized upon transfer to another Interstate Passport network-member institution
  • The potential for faster time to degree, lower cost, less debt, and lower foregone earnings from unduplicated learning
  • A streamlined transfer process and a greater likelihood of successful transfer and completion

NMHU participates in the Interstate Passport Network, a network of regionally-accredited institutions that agree to transfer completed general education requirements as a block in a seamless and efficient process among its members. Students who transfer into NMHU with a Passport from another network-member institution will not have to repeat or take additional courses to satisfy lower-division general education requirements. Earning an Interstate Passport recognizes that a student has achieved learning outcomes in the following nine knowledge and skill areas, which all Network member institutions agree are consistent with their own general education learning outcomes:

Foundational Skills: oral communication, written communication, quantitative literacy
Knowledge of Concepts: natural sciences, human cultures, creative expression, human society and the individual
Cross-cutting Skills: critical thinking and teamwork/value systems.

If you are interested in learning more, contact our transfer credit analyst and system administrator Cheryl Trujillo by email at cheryltrujillo@nmhu.edu or by calling 505-454-3454.