Q: What procedures are taking place to ensure all piping, ventilation systems, and other architectural builds have been sanitized?
A: Highlands staff and contractors are trained according to OSHA and CDC procedures, and will observe all procedures for sanitizing and maintaining buildings.

Q: What is your overall strategic plan? 
A: There is not a strategic plan in place for COVID-19. NMHU has developed and implemented a COVID-19 Exposure Safety Plan (OSHA requirement) that will be disseminated by the end of the week. This plan will be the ultimate guidance for overall prevention, response and protection for COVID related activities. In addition, NMHU has also implemented a residential hall and student safety plan that will be provided (along with training) to each resident and student.

Q: Is there a contingency plan, if this strategic plan fails? 
A: Yes, there is a resurgence plan in place if the governor orders a stay at home order or NMHU’s COVID-19 resurgence matrix deems closure of our facilities.  More information will be placed here as plans are updated.

Q: At what point will you call it too risky to  have students on campus?  What is the determining factor?  How will this be accomplished in sending students home?
A: The COVID-19 resurgence matrix has 16 factors that are considered on a daily basis. If the matrix system dictates, we will move into another phase of the response to COVID-19.

There are three phases:  normal operations, elevated risk and closure. If we move into the elevated risk phase, the Incident Management Team will make a recommendation to the president on implementation of the resurgence plan. If students can go home, we will advise them to do so. Some students cannot go home. If this occurs, we will provide food, care and security as we did during the spring and summer semester.

Q: Are Covid-19 test mandatory prior to arriving on campus? It would seem to be a logical avenue in safeguarding the spread of the virus on campus.
A: It is recommended that students receive testing prior to arrival on campus, or upon arrival. Due to legal reasons, we cannot make a student participate in a COVID-19 test, unless they are athletes who fall under RMAC and NCAA directives