Please note: Updates to fees and scholarships will be published as they become available.

Q: Will I lose my scholarship if all my classes are online?
A: No, your scholarship will continue as long as you meet all the requirements stipulated by the scholarship.

Q: If I take a semester off because I would rather have an in-person class that an online one, can I put a hold on my lottery scholarship?
A: No, the Legislative Lottery Scholarship must be utilized in consecutive semesters. However, a leave of absence may be requested if there are mitigating circumstances, such as for cooperative education, military obligations, participation in a study abroad program through the home institution, or other exceptional mitigating circumstances.  Sufficient documentation to justify the leave of absence will be required by the Financial Aid and Scholarships office.

Q: Will I lose my scholarship if my classes go online-only?
A: Institutional financial aid is not affected by whether you attend classes online/zoom or in person, but rules about minimum credit hours, etc. still apply. Susan Chavez ( in our Financial Aid office can assist with questions.

Q: What other scholarship help can I get?
A: Additional financial assistance is also available through the Dean Ray Farmer Fund at the NMHU Foundation. The Farmer Fund supports up to $500 toward living expenses during the pandemic, subject to certain rules and criteria. If you are interested in the Farmer Fund, please email Dr. Terri Law at for more information.

Please also be aware that you can apply for Foundation scholarships through awardspring at

In addition to the Farmer Fund, emergency financial assistance is also available through the Student Emergency Fund. Please contact Michelle Bencomo at