Photo of recruiter and student speaking

Nazeki Greene, left, a Robertson High School senior, talks with Jane Clark,  Highlands University campus visits specialist about financial aid options. Photo by Rick Loffredo

Photo of recruiter and student

Jane Clark helps West Las Vegas High senior Sammy Vigil fill out an online application to Highlands Feb. 27. Photo by Rick Loffredo





Las Vegas, N.M. – New Mexico Highlands visited West Las Vegas High and Robertson High students Feb. 27 at their schools for a college application blitz.

Local high school seniors had the chance to register for free to Highlands for fall semester 2019 with the help of Highlands admissions staff.

“This was a major step to working to facilitate stronger relationships with high schools in our community,” said Jane Clark, campus visits specialist at Highlands. “We had excellent interaction with the students. With the number of applications we received, we’re confident we’re moving in the right direction.”

Clark said a space at both West Las Vegas High and Robertson High is designated for Highlands to host different workshops throughout the school year that are meaningful to high school students wanting to go to college.

“We look forward to welcoming these high school members of the Las Vegas community into our Highlands family,” Clark said.

The Highlands Office of Recruitment and Undergraduate Admissions presented the Feb. 27 college application blitz. Interested high school seniors may apply online to Highlands by visiting www.newmexicohighlands.com/apply  Or call 505-454-3394.