Las Vegas, N.M. – Prospective college students will get information and insight about future career opportunities related to fields of study as well as learn how to navigate all aspects of college enrollment at College Night 2015 on Oct. 20 from 5–8 p.m. in Las Vegas.

Highlands University and Luna Community College are sponsoring the 16th Annual College Night. It will be in the Highlands Student Union Ballroom, 800 National Ave. It is free and open to the public.

“We want College Night to help students transition successfully into higher education,” said Gil Gonzalez, director of recruitment for Highlands. “This event is for prospective students of all ages. We also encourage parents of high school students to attend.”

Gonzalez said an important goal of College Night is to help prepare first-generation college students to pursue higher education.

“College Night is a chance for our faculty and staff to meet with these prospective students to answer questions, and get a feel for what young people are curious about,” Gonzalez said.

He said financial aid staff from both Highlands and Luna is always on hand for College Night.

“It’s crucial that students get up-to-date information from financial aid professionals about the full spectrum of financial aid that’s available to help fund their education, like student grants, scholarships, loans and work study,” Gonzalez said.

Highlands University will have about 30 information tables for academic departments and campus offices at College Night. The university will also have information tables for student organizations like the Student Ambassadors.

Luna Community College will also have about 30 information tables at College Night.

With Halloween around the corner, the theme again this year for College Night is Monster Ball. There will be free finger foods in a light buffet.

The owners of the local Day’s Inn, Best Western, and Knights Inn are donating a smart watch for the College Night drawing. There will also be free giveaways.

Registration is not required for College Night. For more information, call Highlands at 505-454-3323 or Luna at 505-454-2550.