NMHU Counseling Program: Site Supervisor Orientation

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Welcome and Overview

The faculty and students of the Counselor Education program at New Mexico Highlands University (NMHU) wish to thank you for your interest and time in serving as an on-site supervisor for one of our interns. Site supervisors are essential in the training process of our students by directly impacting the professional development of the intern at your site. Your time and commitment promotes excellence in the field of Counseling.

NMHU is actively pursuing Counsel for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) accreditation for three of our programs (Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Clinical Rehab Counseling and School Counseling) and our Rehab Counseling program is already accredited by CACREP. As we pursue accreditation for all of our programs, we strive to ensure all standards are being met. CACREP standards state that all on-site supervisors must receive orientation, assistance, and consultation regarding clinical supervision of interns and our program. A supervisor or faculty member from the university will be in contact with you periodically thought the student’s clinical experience to offer assistance as needed. Additionally, this information site has been developed as a resource to you with information about site supervisor expectation, faculty contact information, and forms students need during the clinical experience.

The following information includes an overall orientation and training for all site supervisors. All of the information on this web site is relevant for clinical mental health counseling, clinical rehabilitation counseling, rehabilitation counseling, and school counseling supervisors.

Mission and Objectives


The mission of the Highlands’ Counselor Education Program is to train entry-level counselors who are prepared for positions in community service agencies as mental health counselors, in school systems as school counselors, and in rehabilitation settings as rehabilitation counselors. We are committed to continuous improvement of quality and excellence that fosters critical reflection, integrates theory and practice, and promotes advocacy through a culturally responsive and inclusive approach.


The Highlands’ Counselor Education Program is designed to prepare students to be effective, proactive professionals who can develop, organize, and implement outstanding and comprehensive counseling services and programs.  The program prepares students who:

  1. demonstrate the ethical practice of counseling aligned with a professional counseling orientation in accordance with the standards and credentials of the counseling profession;
  2. understand multicultural and pluralistic characteristics within and among diverse groups nationally and internationally while developing strategies for identifying and eliminating barriers, prejudices, and processes of intentional and unintentional oppression and discrimination;
  3. demonstrate knowledge of factors associated with human growth and development across the lifespan;
  4. understand career development theories and strategies for personal growth and vocational opportunities in a global economy;
  5. utilize theoretical foundations of individual counseling, and skills in essential interviewing, counseling, and case conceptualization to promote client understanding of and access to a variety of community-based resources;
  6. utilize theoretical foundations of group counseling and group work to plan ethical and culturally relevant strategies for designing and facilitating groups;
  7. utilize methods of effective assessment relevant to academic, educational, career, personal, and social development;
  8. understand the importance of research in advancing the counseling profession, including how to critique research to inform counseling practice; and,
  9. exhibit a capacity for self-reflection and an openness to feedback to evaluate and improve personal and organizational practices.


Geri Glover
Geri Glover, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor, Department Chair, School CounselingPhone: 505-454-3396
Email: gjglover@nmhu.edu
Dr Kevin Ensor


Kevin Ensor, Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor, School Counseling
Phone: 505-891-6903
Email: kensor@nmhu.edu

Anna M. Koch, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Rehabilitation Counseling

Phone: 505-891-6941
Email: amkoch@nmhu.edu

Douglas Main, Ph.D.,
Professor, Rehabilitation Counseling
Phone: 505-454-3519
Email: dmmain@nmhu.edu
Lori Rudolph
Lori Rudolph, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor, Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Phone: 505-891-6920
Email: lhrudolph@nmhu.edu
Kathryn Dziekan06
Kathryn Dziekan, Ph.D.,
Term Professor, Rehabilitation Counseling
Email: kdziekan@nmhu.edu
Chris Graham, Rh.D. Education,
Term Professor of Rehabilitation Counseling
Email: csgraham@nmhu.edu
Michael Morad-McCoy (1 of 1)

Michael Morad-McCoy, Ph.D., FT Term Professor, Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Phone: 505-891-6928
Email: mmoradmccoy@nmhu.edu



Expectations for Practicum Students and Interns

Expectations for Practicum Students

In compliance with CACREP standards, we require our students to complete a supervised counseling practicum experience. This experience must meet a minimum of 100 clock hours, over a full academic term of 10 weeks minimum. The student must participate in at least 40 hours of direct service with actual clients that contribute to the development of counseling skills.

The student will have weekly interaction with supervisors that averages one hour per week of individual and/or triadic supervision throughout the practicum by 1) a counselor education program faculty member, 20 a student supervisor who is under the supervision of a counselor education program faculty member, or 3) a site supervisor who is working in consultation on a regular schedule with a counselor education program faculty member in accordance with the supervision agreement.

The student will participate in a regular schedule of group supervision of average of 1 ½ hours weekly, throughout practicum. The group supervision must be provided by a counselor education program faculty member.

Expectations for Interns

In compliance with CACREP standards, we require our interns to complete 600 hours at internship sites. Interns attend a university group supervision seminar each week in which they are required to show videotapes of counseling sessions. All interns participate in individual supervision and many in triadic supervision (two supervisees meeting with one supervisor) at their internship sites. Interns are required to receive weekly on-site supervision for one hour. This supervision takes place continuously throughout the duration of the internship. On site supervision allows for the most effective feedback to enhance the learning experience of the developing intern. Additionally, interns must maintain logs of their time spent at the site, keep track of all of their clinical experiences including supervision and trainings. A learning contract must be approved by both the on-site and university supervisors. A link to the learning contract can be accessed on this page under forms.

Policies and Procedures for Placement


For Professional practice according to the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP, 2016), counseling students must complete approved and supervised field placement experience. Typically, this experience takes place during you final 3-4 semesters after you have successfully completed most of core requirements, but in particular, your Essential Interviewing and Group Counseling courses.


All Students registering for Counseling Practicum or Counseling Internship are required to acquire adequate liability insurance. Professional Liability Insurance for counseling students is available through the American Counseling Association (800-347-6647), as well as other mental health organizations. There is a list of websites at the end of this manual. Proof of insurance must accompany the completed and signed copy of the Learning Agreement.


The first consideration in arranging placement is the particular interests of the individual student. Each potential internship student is asked to indicate the type of school or client population with which he or she would like to be involved. Lists of recommended and/or approved internship sites are then surveyed in an attempt to match the student’s interests with the available school or agency. Placement procedures are arranged by the student with guidance from the University internship supervisor.


Practicum and Internships are graded pass or fail which does not affect GPA. Practicum must be passed to enroll in the first internship, and the first internship must be passed to enroll in a subsequent internship.

Internship grading is based on:

  • Class Attendance
  • Completion of Required Internship Hours
  • Site Supervisor Verified
  • Record of Internship Hours
  • On-Site Supervisor’s Formal Evaluations
  • Professionalism
  • Positive Assessment of Counseling Dispositions


“S” means Satisfactory:

  • Course requirements completed timely and professionally.
  • Strong Counseling Skills
  • High Personal & Professional Standards
  • Willingness to Learn
  • Co-operative and Resourceful in Work environment
  • Commitment to Counseling Profession

“U” means Unsatisfactory:

  • Unprofessional and Incomplete Course Requirements
  • Lack of Developmentally Appropriate Counseling Skills
  • Lack of Professional Standards
  • Unwillingness to Learn
  • Inadequate Commitment to the Program

“PR” means Progress:

  • A PR typically results from failure to meet required internship clock hours within the specified time. Unless under specific arrangement with faculty supervisor, failure to meet the specified requirements by the following semester a “PR” can become a “U” with associated consequences.

Expectations and Requirements of Site Supervisors

Site supervisors have

(1) a minimum of a master’s degree, preferably in counseling, or a related profession;

(2) relevant certifications and/or licenses;

(3) a minimum of two years of pertinent professional experience in the specialty area in which the student is enrolled;

(4) knowledge of the program’s expectations, requirements, and evaluation procedures for students; and

(5) relevant training in counseling supervision.

Please review the clinical manual to learn more about specific experiences needed by interns, a copy of the learning contract form, and the supervisor evaluation of intern form (due at midterm and once the experience has concluded for the semester).

What is Clinical Supervision?

  • Clinical supervision is “an intervention that is provided by a senior member of a profession to a junior member or members of that same profession. This relationship is evaluative, extends over time, and has the simultaneous purpose of enhancing the professional functioning of the junior member(s), monitoring the quality of professional services offered to the clients, and serving as a gatekeeper for those who are to enter the particular profession”(Bernard & Goodyear, 2013).

How does Clinical Supervision differ from Administrative Supervision?

  • While overlap does exist, Clinical Supervision and Administrative Supervision differ in distinct ways. This difference is relevant because many on-site supervisors are more familiar with administrative supervisory roles, and have little or no formal training in Clinical Supervision. As a Clinical Supervisor, you are responsible for the development of the supervisee, as well as the safety and quality of services delivered to the client(s) by the supervisee. Much of the focus in this domain will be given to individual cases. Administrative supervision, on the other hand, places more of an emphasis on issues related to larger matters of organizational functioning (which also subsumes service delivery).
  • However, Administrative skills such as maintaining open communication with the university supervisors as well as keeping a written record of each meeting with the supervisee (perhaps in the form of a process or progress note) are also needed by Clinical Supervisors. This written documentation will not only protect you in litigation but will also provide you with an overall view of the intern’s progress over the course of the semester, which will inform and support your evaluation of the intern.