Facility Services

Facilities services during COVID-19

Facilities Services will continue to be available to support students, faculty, and staff on a daily basis. Office personnel will be available by phone and email. Face-to-face support may not be available.

Facilities Services does not expect a reduction in services, with the exception of face-to-face support, which is relegated to emergency situations. Facilities staff will continue to assist with the following services, and will practice social distancing and other safety procedures:


Work Orders

Facilities Services work order


Important Documents

Capital Outlay

Contact Information

Sylvia Baca, MBA

Associate Vice President for Facilities, Planning, Maintenance & Management
Phone: 505-426-2048
Room: FS
Email: sbaca@nmhu.edu

Greg Martinez

Facilities Services
Project Manager
Phone: 505-454-3160
Room: FS
Email: martinezg@nmhu.edu

Darlene Lucero-Sandoval

Facilities Services
Office Coordinator
Phone: 505-454-3499
Room: FS
Email: lucerod@nmhu.edu

Dennis Rivera

General Maintenance Manager
Phone: 505-946-8992
Room: FS
Email: dmrivera@nmhu.edu

Daniel Montoya

Recycling Coordinator
Phone: 505-426-7788
Room: FS
Email: danz@nmhu.edu

Freddie Martinez

Custodial/Setups/Recycling Manager
Phone: 505-426-2242
Room: FS
Email: fomartinez@nmhu.edu

Tonda Dale

Accountant II
Phone: 505-454-3486
Room: FS
Email: tkdale@nmhu.edu

Bridget Sanchez

Facilities Services Clerk/Space Management Specialist
Phone: 505-426-2050
Room: FS
Email: basanchez@nmhu.edu

NMHU Mission

New Mexico Highlands University is a public comprehensive university serving our local and global communities. Our mission is to provide opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to attain an exceptional education by fostering creativity, critical thinking and research in the liberal arts, sciences, and professions within a diverse community. For more information about our mission, click here.