Las Vegas, N.M. , June 6 2017– Highlands University begins offering New Mexico HISET, a high school equivalency exam, June 21 – 22 at the university’s main campus in Las Vegas.

The Highlands Office of Academic Support will offer the test, which is also scheduled at Highlands for July 5 – 6 and August 9 – 10. Tentative fall testing dates include Sept. 6 – 7, Oct. 11 – 12, Nov. 8 – 9, and Dec. 7 – 8.

“This HiSET test is an excellent opportunity for those who wish to continue their education, employment requirements, or military acceptance,” said David Esquibel, testing coordinator in Highlands’ Office of Academic Support. “HiSET is a high school equivalency exam that hasn’t been available in northern New Mexico for a number of years. We’re glad we can offer this service.”

Esquibel said that the New Mexico HiSET exam is accepted at Highlands and many other higher education institutions in the state. It is an alternative to the GED test.

Information about the HiSET exam requirements are online on the Academic Support webpage at www.nmhu.edu/office-of-academic-support/ Scroll down to testing and click on the HiSET link.

Registration for the test is online at the HiSET link, with test takers choosing Highlands as the test center.

The total cost for the New Mexico HiSET test is $50, which includes subtests of reading, writing, math, science and social studies. Test takers pay online. HiSET also offers practice tests online.

“It’s highly recommended that individuals register for all five subjects at once and complete the exam within the two days,” Esquibel said.

The test will be offered at the Highlands Felix Martinez Building, Suite 130, 800 University Ave. The test takers will use computers to complete their tests.

For more information, contact Esquibel at 505-454-3252 or desquibel@nmhu.edu Or contact the Office of Academic Support at 505-454-3188.

Esquibel said those who need help with the online registration for New Mexico HiSET may visit the Office of Academic Support Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.