About HU VISION 2020
As the NMHU community prepares to engage in strategic planning, it is imperative that we consider this as an opportunity to answer some of the more recent questions we have been raising about identity, priorities, and direction.
While institutional leadership may propose direction, the true power of a comprehensive strategic planning process lies in the active engagement of its key constituencies. To that end, we must ask ourselves what Highlands is, could be, and will be within the next five years.
We chart our pathway and build consensus on our mission, vision, core values, and major goals. Building on current resources and expertise and setting targets reflecting our aspirations, we can determine the support needed to move us toward our new goals and priorities.
Once the university community has agreed to the major goals and targeted priorities, each unit on campus will be asked to create a more local strategic plan with initiatives and targets that are clearly linked to the University Plan 2020. These action plans are what give life to the Strategic Plan, and it must be a living document. These action plans will need to be presented, approved, implemented, and evaluated.
We want to engage the campus community in this process by participating in open forums, reviewing draft language, proposing initiatives and actions, and actively sharing in the vision. Our external constituencies are also critical (from alumni to local communities at each of our sites, to civic and political leadership, businesses, schools, funding agencies, social services, media, etc.), and will be invited to participate in “NM Highlands 2020.”