Strategic Planning Kick-off Event

Wednesday, January 28


President Fries, Provost Aguilar and members of the NMHU Strategic Planning Steering Committee hosted a Kick-off event to learn more about the process to develop our next five-year plan. “Vision 2020.” Campus and community engagement was recognized as essential to building a bold and ambitious plan for Highlands University.

Two sessions were held at the SUB Ballroom on Wednesday, January 28. Session A began at 11:00 a.m., and concludes at 11:50. Session B began at 12:00 p.m., and concluded at 12:50. A light lunch was served and attendees were asked to bring ideas and thoughts about HU’s future, direction, strengths and possibilities. Faculty were encouraged to bring students to the event, and several did so. As a follow-up to the Kick-off, the Steering Committee will be hosting other smaller forums, discussion groups, debates and dialogues during this semester on campus, at our centers, and in the local community. This Kick-off event provided an opportunity to learn more about the strategic planning process and how everyone can contribute to our future direction.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR IDEAS, SUGGESTIONS AND FEEDBACK! We received over 650 comments from you. Here is what we heard from you about…..