Distance Education Library Services


Library Tutorials

Tutorials are available on NMHU specific services, as well as tutorials from database vendors and other libraries on topics such as plagiarism, boolean searching, and others.


Remote Access

If you are encountering pages prompting for login when accessing articles, please visit the library’s Databases page to be authenticated first. You will be prompted for your Highlands login and password, which is the same login that you use for your My NMHU banner login for class registration.  Use only your user name, not the entire e-mail address.

Students: Use your Highlands student email username (not the entire e-mail address) and password. (for student email information click here)
Faculty: Use your Highlands email username and password.
Staff: Use your Highlands email username and password.
If you do not have an email account, please contact ITS at 505.454.3496.

Interlibrary Loans

Distance Education faculty, students and staff may also use our Interlibrary Loan service, which works well for requesting journal articles. We will also request books, but it is your responsibility to return the material on or before its due date to allow time for the item to be processed and returned to the loaning library and to avoid being charged the $10 overdue fee, particularly if the item is being returned to the library at one of the centers.  Your local public library may also provide quicker Interlibrary Loan Service for books.

Passport Certificates

We suggest obtaining a Library Passport to check-out material from your local academic library. Contact any of our libraries to obtain one. Click on a link below to learn about the program.

NMCAL – Library Passports

Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement
NM Consortium of Academic Libraries

Requesting Items from Main Campus

Distance Education faculty, students and staff may request items from the main campus library by contacting center library staff or placing a hold through the online library catalog system. Instructions on how to place holds are accessible on the Library Tutorials page.

Writing Assistance

Library staff at distance centers provide guidance and direct students to writing resources. For more in-depth writing assistance visit the main campus Writing Center’s page.

Note that writing tutors will not do the work for you, edit or correct your paper, or act as a proofreader or style-checker. Rather the tutor will help you learn how to revise, edit, and develop your own skills to correct patterns of error.

Remote writing assistance is also available via the Net Tutor link on the Brightspace homepage.

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