Photo: Margaret McKinney/University Relations
NMHU media arts graduating senior Michael Jackson listens to Roland Salas, director of Student Support Services, tell why Jackson was selected for the Super Student Award at the Student Support Services Annual Awards Banquet April 22.

Michael Jackson Named Super Student at Student Support Services Annual Banquet

The New Mexico Highlands University Office of Student Support Services recognized numerous outstanding students from the university at its annual awards banquet April 22.
Michael Jackson received the Super Student Award, the highest honor Student Support Services confers.  Jackson will graduate in May with a bachelor’s degree in media arts and a minor in marketing. He is a familiar face on campus as a student ambassador, homecoming king, and member of the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity.      
Jackson also played for the university’s football team, and held a work study position as a graphic designer in the Office of University Relations.
“Michael’s combination of leadership, character and personality make him a very positive role model for other students at Highlands,” said Roland Salas, director of Student Support Services. “Michael has been very active in our programs during his time at Highlands, and is so well liked and respected. He has a dynamic personality and has been a terrific student ambassador.
“All this combined with his steady academic improvement made him stand out as a truly super student,” Salas said.
“I’m a huge people person, so this made it easy for me to connect with potential students and their parents as a student ambassador,” Jackson said. “I supported Highlands and Highlands supported me back.
“I’m the first in my family to graduate from college, and my mom is very proud of me. Graduating is an early Mother’s Day present for her. I’m really glad I got my education at Highlands,” Jackson said.
Outstanding Academic Achievement Award:  Tiffany Abeyta, Anna Clark, Brandy Benton, Kimberly Regensberg, Steven Lovato, Katherine Whitney, Joshua Garcia, and Sebastian Medina.
Outstanding Academic Achievement as a Freshman Award: Christopher Apodaca, Charles Herrera, Clarissa  Garcia, Whitley Coca, Kennis Lewis, Joshua Lindsey, Andrew Shepard, Jeremy Romero, Desiree Romero, Matthew Brito, and Iman Brown.
Outstanding Academic Achievement In Advanced Enrollment Success Cohort: Savanah Borquez and Jimmy Sanchez
Super Achiever Award: Samantha Sena
Super Initiative Award: Patricia Yara
Personal Initiative:   Andrew C. Garcia, Jonathan Martinez, Fabian Pescador, Leah Peters Valdez, Jake Deutchman, Michelle Stevens, Carlos Correra, Bernadine Cordova, and Denisha Brown.
Most Diligent Award: Crystalrae Romero
Tutor of the Year Award: Joseph Torres
Outstanding Tutor Award: Mingma Sherpa
Student Support Services is a federally-funded program designed to help students overcome class, social, academic, and cultural barriers to higher education. The program is funded under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965.
Staff from Student Support Services provide a variety of services to help students succeed, including academic assistance; career and major development; personal counseling; tutoring; peer mentoring; social, educational and cultural enrichment opportunities; financial aid assistance; supplemental grant aid; and assistance for students with disabilities.