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Below are the Gateway Requirements for admissions into the School of Education and Admission to Field Experiences, and related program completion.

ChalkandWire – The School of Education online system used to apply for admission to the SOE and then later for admission to Student Teaching (Field-based 3). www.chalkandwire.com/nmhu

New Mexico Teacher Assessments– Students are required to take and pass (minimum score 240) the NMTA Basic Skills Exam prior to being admitted to the SoE. Students are also required to take and pass (minimum score 240) the NMTA Content Area Exam prior to completion of Field-based 2, and lastly students are required to take and pass (minimum score 240) the NMTA Competency Exam at program completion.  www.nmta.nesinc.com

Special Notice for Elementary Education (K–8) Candidates
Effective July 1, 2013, all new teachers seeking to be licensed in Elementary Education will be required to pass the NES® Essential Components of Elementary Reading Instruction test. To register or learn more, visit www.nestest.com/newmexico.

Field-based 3 Orientation

School of Education
Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Field Experiences

For more information please call Rita Sanchez at 505.454.3382 or Dr. Stella Helvie at 505.454.3108.