School of Education-Education Department
About the Gateways and Progressing through your program
Apply to the SOE or Student Teaching
Programs of Study
- BA in Early Childhood Multicultural Education- Age 3 to Grade 3
- BA in Early Childhood Multicultural Education- Birth to Age 4
- BA or BS in General Science for Secondary School Teachers (Grades 7-12)
- BA in Elementary Education
- BA in Math and Computer Science for Secondary School Teachers (Grades 7-12)
- Minor in Secondary Education
- Minor in Early Childhood Multicultural Education
- Minor in English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Minor in Math and Computer Science for Elementary School Teachers (Grades K-8)
- Minor in Bilingual Education/TESOL(Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages)
- Major in Special Education (BA)
- Minor in Special Education
- Minor in Gifted and Talented Education
Teacher Education Faculty
Michael Immerman, PhD., Associate Professor (General and Secondary Education)
Teaching – Michael is involved in the undergraduate teacher preparation program ranging from the Introduction to Teaching offerings to Evaluation & Assessment, and Theories of Secondary Education.
Research – Michael is involved in creating a model of pre service teaching apprehensions and potential areas of concern pre and post the student teaching experience.
Service – Michael currently is a Board Member for the Las Vegas Rio Gallinas Charter School. He is active on several university committees including: (a) The Center for Teaching Excellence Board, and (b) The Faculty Senate Budget Committee.
Phone: 505-454-3548
Curriculum Vitae
Taik Kim, PhD., Associate Professor
Phone: 505-454-3538
Shirley A. Meckes, PhD., Assistant Professor
Dr. Meckes owned and operated a pre-school (including a certified Kindergarten) for over 2 decades in the state of RI. She also conducted extensive research on the effect of using the computer as a learning tool in a Kindergarten classroom and is currently in the progress of writing a paper on the “Collapse of Cursive Writing”.
Phone: 505-891-6923/3514
Curriculum Vitae