Faculty/Staff Information

The Center for Professional Development and Career Readiness supports the mission and goals of the university by assisting students and graduates with integrating their academic and career goals. We foster partnerships with employers and the entire campus community.

The services we provide to your students include:
Job search strategies
Résumé writing assistance
Interviewing strategies
Job postings
Career fairs

Would you like to make a presentation to classes or student groups on career-related topics customized to a course, subject area and student audience? Sample topics include: What can I do with a major in…? Industry specific résumés, job interviewing and job search strategies. Complete a presentation request form.

You can also do the following:

  1. Arrange employer information sessions and guest speakers in your classes.
  2. Schedule meetings with employers to promote your academic programs.
  3. Provide current labor market trends/resources to support your academic programs.
  4. Present classroom videos on job search topics.
  5. Serve as a resource on ethics and legal standards on student hiring.
  6. Provide FERPA guidelines on writing recommendation/reference letters

Class presentation request form
A faculty guide to ethical and legal standards in student hiring
Suggested guidelines for writing references
Sample faculty reference letter
Writing a reference letter – discussion of the issues surrounding letters of reference
NACE Salary Calculator

Email us and tell us how we can help you.