photo of Vatos rugby club players

Campus Clubs Handbook

The Campus Clubs Handbook provides all the guidance you will need to organize your own club at Highlands — from sports to the sciences.

The Center for Professional Development and Career Readiness (CPDCR) provides administrative direction and support to campus clubs/organizations as well as providing services, opportunities, and experiences that allow for personal and professional development. Engaged students tend to have a more satisfying college experience in addition to getting better grades and developing more skills that employers want to see in their applicants. We are here to help NM Highlands students assume their roles as civic and business leaders. 

The CPDCR is here for you Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

Felix Martinez Building, Suite 230


Services provided by the Center for Professional Development & Career Readiness 

Consultation to clubs and organizations
Chartered student clubs and organizations will have the opportunity to take advantage of advising and consultation sessions provided by the Center for Professional Development and Career Readiness. These sessions will encompass information to enable clubs and organizations to be the best that they can be and to serve students in the most effective ways possible. Topics may include event planning, fundraising ideas, how to recruit new members, and many others. The CPDCR will also be available to provide assistance to clubs and organizations should they need it, such as with organizing and publicizing events or recruiting and retaining new members.  

Leadership workshops
Leadership and professional development workshops are held during the academic year. The purpose of these workshops is to provide updates on happenings around campus that may pertain to student clubs and organizations in addition to providing students with an opportunity to explore their interests, build their knowledge, find and develop their passions, and improve their leadership and professional skills. A full schedule will be released at the beginning of each academic year. 

Club Expo
Club Expo is an annual event that takes place during Welcome Back Week. This event is a fantastic opportunity for clubs and organizations to acquire extra publicity, advertise their club and events, and recruit new members prior to chartering. All clubs and organizations are required to attend this event and set up a table to showcase their organization. Be sure to bring an interest sheet form so that you can obtain interested students’ contact information and invite them to your first meeting. 

Student leadership recognition banquet
A student leadership recognition banquet is held annually. The purpose of the banquet is to recognize outstanding student leaders and to show appreciation for their efforts to make the student experience at NMHU more positive and engaging. Faculty and staff members will be able to nominate students for the following awards on Engage: 

  1. Advisor of the Year 
  2. Supervisor of the Year 
  3. Outstanding Community Service Award 
  4. Emerging Leader of the Year 
  5. Student Employee of the Year 
  6. Student Leader of the Year 
  7. Student Organization of the Year 

Privileges of chartered campus clubs
To form a club on campus, you must first charter the organization in order to be officially recognized by Highlands. A student organization must be chartered in order to: 

  1. Use most NMHU facilities free of charge 
  2. Conduct on-campus fundraising activities 
  3. Be recognized in Highlands publications 
  4. Use the Highlands name in publicity 
  5. Apply for monies from the Associated Students of New Mexico Highlands University (ASNMHU)* 

*Funding is not guaranteed and is based on the availability of funds. To learn more, visit the ASNMHU webpage 

 **Chartering does not constitute an endorsement of a club’s program or purposes by Highlands. If examples of misuse, non-use, or misconduct of a charter become evident, university recognition will be withdrawn and the charter may be revoked. 

Chartering requirements 

  1. All chartered student club/organization officers must be registered students at Highlands 
  2. All clubs/organizations must have at least four members to charter 
  3. A club/organization’s membership must consist of at least 85% current NMHU students 
  4. A club/organization’s adviser must be a faculty/staff member with at least part-time status 
  5. Neither membership in, nor services provided by the club, shall be denied to anyone on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ability, age, gender, sex, sexual preference, ancestry, or medical condition 
  6. The club/organization must adhere to the constitution/bylaws of the club 
  7. The club must also adhere to all applicable local, state, federal, and university regulations, including those outlined in the NMHU Student Code of Conduct  

Chartering application process
As a condition of being recognized by the university, student clubs/organizations must apply or reapply for chartering each academic year. Clubs who are re-chartering must do so no later than September 15. New clubs/organization may charter at any time. Submit your application for charter on Engage 

Each club/organization must submit a constitution or by-laws. If the club/organization does not have a specified set of bylaws, a set of operational guidelines are required. The following information should be included in the document which must be uploaded on the application form: 

  1. Name and purpose of the organization 
  2. Eligibility criteria for membership 
  3. Provisions for officers to include their titles, terms of office and their duties 
  4. Provisions for meetings, including frequency and how they are called 
  5. Provisions for covering rules of procedure and voting 
  6. Definition of a quorum  

 Maintaining your charter 

  1. Maintain the profile for your respective club or organization on Engage, including your officer and membership lists 
  2. Accept responsibility for the supervision of events sponsored by your respective club/organization 
  3. Accept responsibility for assuring that facilities are used for the purpose(s) for which they were requested 
  4. Accept responsibility for reimbursing the university for any damage to said property 
  5. Clubs/organizations are required to have an account with the Foundation office. Under no circumstances are clubs or organizations allowed to have an external, off-campus bank account. Any groups or organizations not abiding by this stipulation may face revocation of their charter.  
  6. Clubs/organizations are to represent the university in an appropriate manner and must adhere to all policies and procedures as outlined in the NMHU Student Code of Conduct, as well as all applicable local, state and federal laws 
  7. All members of a chartered club/organization are required to attend at least two leadership workshops per semester 
  8. All members of a chartered club/organization are required to complete at least 4 hours of community service each semester 
  9. The CPDCR is responsible for monitoring the actions of student clubs and organizations. Members representing clubs or organizations are accountable for their actions and may be charged with violations to the Student Code of Conduct as individuals and/or as an organization. Further action may be taken by the Vice President of Student Affairs as necessary.

Advisor responsibilities
Duties of the advisor include the following: 

  1. Confirming that all chartering requirements are met 
  2. Ensuring clubs or organizations meet all requirements to maintain their charter, including attending Foundation trainings and professional development workshops, completing the stipulated number of service hours, and maintaining the organization’s page on Engage 
  3. Encouraging the maintenance of good record-keeping and financial data to support the sustainability of the club or organization 
  4. Discussing and sensitizing students to issues of cultural diversity and equity 
  5. Ensuring that the activities of the club or organization constitute no legal liability to the university or the organization 
  6. Assisting with the assessment and improvement of club meetings and programming 
  7. Providing expert knowledge support the success and sustainability of the organization. 
  8. Suggesting and encouraging new programming ideas 
  9. Helping members to make connections between in-class and out-of-class learning 
  10. Developing and maintaining a knowledge of university policies and procedures 
  11. Maintaining open lines of communication with club officers, members, and the Center for Professional Development and Career Readiness. 

Campus resources available to chartered clubs 

Associated Students of New Mexico Highlands University
Each semester, ASNMHU budgets money for chartered clubs and organizations. To apply for funding, groups and organizations must complete the appropriate documentation. Requests are reviewed by ASNMHU. For more information, contact a member of ASNMHU for bill sponsorship. Contact information for ASNMHU Senators can be found here.  

NMHU Foundation Office
All chartered clubs and organizations are required to have an account with the Foundation Office. Under no circumstances is a club or organization allowed to open an external, off-campus bank account. Any groups or organizations not abiding by this stipulation may face revocation of their charter. Any monies received by your club or organization, including funding from ASNMHU, fundraising, or donations, must be deposited into your Foundation account. Monies approved by ASNMHU will be directly routed to your account at the Foundation. Each academic year, club advisors and officers are required to attend an orientation to learn about the rules and requirements for accessing and using Foundation funds. 

Disbursements of funds from any Foundation account can be made by submitting a fully completed Foundation Request Check Form 

Digital advertising
NMHU is a marketplace for students, faculty, and staff to showcase their departments and events. There are a variety of activities and services that can be advertised through Engage, the Portal, and digital signage. Digital signage is a great way to advertise your events on-campus to a broad audience. To request a post on the Portal, complete a Portal Announcements Request form. To request a post on digital signage, complete the online form 

Campus facilities
Chartered clubs and organizations are allowed to reserve virtually any space on campus at no charge. Facilities requests are automated through Engage. Additional costs may be incurred by the club or organization for the following reasons that include but are not limited to whether the following are involved: 

  1. The need for security personnel 
  2. Food is provided by Sodexo Dining Services 
  3. Event requires a setup or teardown after hours or on weekends 
  4. Technician fees are associated with the use of Ilfeld Auditorium  

Facilities requests must be made at least two weeks prior to the date of the event. All requests are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.  

Facilities Request Form 

Campus Police
Clubs/organizations that are sponsoring events on campus must obtain the approval of Campus Police. If necessary, they will determine whether or not security is needed to help monitor and secure facilities and parking lots associated with the event. Should additional security be needed, it is the financial responsibility of the sponsoring club or organization. For further information, please call Campus Police at 505-454-3278. 

Dining services
Clubs and organizations are allowed to serve food at their events. Students may bring their own food or order from Dining Services. To arrange for food to be provided at an event, please contact Sodexo Dining Services at 505-426-2153.