Career Services Center
The Center for Professional Development and Career Readiness
The Center for Professional Development and Career Readiness is currently closed to walk-in traffic, but we’re still here for you in a virtual setting!
Virtual office hours:
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Appointments are highly recommended. Online services are accessible 24/7.
Here’s how we can help:
You can still schedule an appointment and ask questions by emailing You can also build your network through Handshake and by accessing our resume tool.
Contact information:
Reynaldo Maestas, Director
Felix Martinez Building, Suite 230
The Center for Professional Development and Career Readiness — who we are:
We assist students and alumni with career planning. We can help you find internships related to your major and learn effective job search skills that showcase your classroom knowledge and skills, extra-curricular activities, work and volunteer experiences. We can even help you make connections with regional and global employers!
The Center for Professional Development and Career Readiness is dedicated to helping you succeed while you are at Highlands and after you graduate into the professional world.
You’ve invested in us — we’re investing in you, too.
Services we offer:
For students:
Career guidance and exploration.
Creating a professional LinkedIn profile.
Job search strategies and CareerSpots job search videos.
Online job postings for on-campus student jobs, summer paid internships, and career opportunities.
Résumé writing assistance through our OptimalRésumé system.
Interviewing strategies and practice sessions.
Career fairs/events: employer information sessions, workshops, and on-campus recruitment.
For faculty and staff
Would you like to make a presentation to classes or student groups on career-related topics customized to a course, subject area and student audience? Sample topics include: What can I do with a major in…? along with industry-specific résumés, job interviewing, and job search strategies. Complete a presentation request form here.
You can also do the following:
Arrange employer information sessions and guest speakers in your classes.
Schedule meetings with employers to promote your academic programs.
Provide current labor market trends/resources to support your academic programs.
Present classroom videos on job search topics.
Serve as a resource on ethics and legal standards on student hiring.
Provide FERPA guidelines on writing recommendation/reference letters.
Find more details here.