Curriculum & Instruction MA and Teacher Education Graduate Certificates
Faculty and Student News| Program requirements
Master of Arts Program in Curriculum & Instruction (MA)
Teacher Education Graduate Certificates
- Bilingual Education Certificate
- Reading Certificate
- Secondary Education Certificate
- TESOL Certificate
Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction (MA)
This program is structured around three components: required core, emphasis area, and research methodology.
Required courses: 12 credit hours
EDLD 625 Educational Leadership (3)
GNED 645 Sociocultural Factors Affecting Education (3)
GNED 615 Instructional Strategy & Mentoring (3)
GNED 641 Advanced Educational Psychology (3)
GNED 663 Principles of Curriculum Construction (3)
Research Methodology: 6 credit hours
GNED 605 Statistics for Educators (3)
GNED 610 Educational Research Interpretation (3)
Emphasis Area: 12 credit hours
Students select an emphasis area in consultation with their education adviser and advisers for the field(s) of study selected. Emphasis area options are available in many of the university’s content fields. Specifically, emphasis-area options may be formulated from programs which offer 500- and/or 600- level courses in many disciplines including Advanced Placement and outside the school of Education, including art, music, Spanish, English, philosophy, history, political science, business, human performance and sport, anthropology, sociology, psychology, computer science, mathematics, life science (in biology and environmental science), chemistry, geology, physics, and also in technology teacher education, reading, early childhood multicultural education, gifted education, TESOL, and bilingual education. The adviser for the area of interest should be consulted.
In formulating plans for the emphasis area, students and advisers must consider various limitations: the frequency of offering of the necessary 500- and 600- level courses, both during the fall and spring semesters and in the summer session (the selection may be especially limited for students who rely totally or principally on classes scheduled in evenings and/or summers); any requirement from the New Mexico Public Education Department; having the preparation to undertake advanced studies in the field; and for students whose undergraduate degrees are from NMHU, the availability of appropriate 500-level courses that were not taken already at the 400-level.
Field Project/Thesis/Comprehensive Exam: 6 credit hours
Choose one of the following options:
GNED 697 Field Project (6)
GNED 699 Thesis (6)*
*Students must register for thesis until complete which may exceed the six credit-hour requirement.
Comprehensive Exam (6)*
*Comprehensive exam option: Students must complete six additional credits of approved electives instead of the six hours required for the field project/thesis. In addition, the students must pass a comprehensive examination over the graduate program. This examination may not be taken until after midterms in the last semester of coursework.
Program Total: 36 credit hours
Additional stipulations for admission to the Master of Arts in curriculum and instruction: Students have received licensure for teaching in the State of New Mexico or the equivalent. Applications should indicate a desired emphasis area at the time of application.
AP-New Mexico was developed at NMHU in 1993 to encourage and support teachers and schools in New Mexico to expand Advanced Placement (AP) course offerings for New Mexico secondary students. AP-New Mexico coordinates Advanced Placement Summer Institutes (APSI), which are professional development events of no less than four days with no fewer than 30 instructional hours. The institutes bring together teachers to discuss course-specific content, instructional strategies, course organization and methods for increasing student participation in courses that help them acquire the skills and habits they will need to be successful in college. Advanced Placement Teaching is for teachers who wish to increase or develop their knowledge of the total AP Program and enhance or implement an AP or pre-AP program in their school.
Required courses: 12 credit hours
GNED 630 Advanced Placement Institute (3)
GNED 640 Curriculum Design & Management for Advanced Placement (3)
GNED 650 Foundations of the Advanced Placement Program, Leadership Approaches, & Vertical Teaming (3)
GNED 652 Advanced Placement (3)
Certificate total credit hours required: 12 Credit hours
Teacher Education Graduate Certificates
Bilingual Education Certificate
Post baccalaureate students seeking a certificate leading to a bilingual education endorsement must complete a minimum of 12 credits hours of coursework at the graduate level. All endorsements are awarded by the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) and are subject to NMPED guidelines and requirements. These include completion of a bachelor’s degree in education and a New Mexico teaching license. It is important to note that the bilingual endorsement further requires passing the Preuba de Español papr la Certificacion Bilingue exam or the language proficiency exam in Navajo. Those interested in other New Mexico pueblo languages must consult with their specific tribe. It is critical to consult carefully with the Licensure Unite at NMPED regarding these language matters.
Required courses: 12 credit hours
GNED 512 Theories and Principles of Bilingual Education (3)
GNED 537 Instructional Methods for the Bilingual Classroom (3) (SPAN 300 prerequisite)
RDED 516 Reading in the Bilingual Classroom/La Esenanza de lectura en el Salon Bilingue
RDED 545 Literatura infantile y juvenile (3)
RDED 527 Reading in the Content Area (3)
Certificate total credit hours required: 12 credit hours
Reading Certificate
Post baccalaureate students seeking a certificate leading to reading endorsement must complete a minimum of 12 credits hours of reading courses at the graduate level. Additional credits in reading may be required depending on the student’s prior coursework in reading, and prior licensure and endorsement history. All endorsements are awarded by the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) and are subject to NMPED guideline and requirements.
Required courses: 12 credit hours
RDED 511 Teaching Reading and Diagnosis (3)
RDED 526 Reading & Literature for Children & Young Adults (3)
RDED 545 Literatura infantile y juvenile (3)
RDED 527 Reading in the Content Area (3)
RDED 540 Integrating Technology into Language Arts Curriculum (3)
RDED 542 Literacy and Technology (3)
Certificate Total: 12 credit hours
Secondary Education Certificate
Prospective teachers holding a bachelor’s degree may complete the secondary certificate program in order to obtain a secondary license in New Mexico. In addition to completing coursework listed on the framework, candidates must have 24 credits, including 12 upper division, in a content area taught in the public schools.
Required Courses: 28 credit hours
GNED 251 Field-Based 1 Teacher Preparation Experience (1)
GNED 351 Field-Based 2 Teacher Preparation Experience (2)
GNED 302 Educational Psychology (3)
RDED 527 Reading in the Content Area (3)
GNED 510 The Art and Science of Teaching (3)
GNED 544 Computer Application in Education (3)
GNED 451 Field-Based 3 Teacher Prep Experience (6)
GNED 555 Classroom Management
Certificate total credit hours required: 28 credit hours
TESOL Certificate
Post-baccalaureate students seeking a certificate leading to an endorsement in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) must complete a minimum of 12 hours of coursework at the graduate level. All endorsements are awarded by the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED)_and are subject to NMPED guidelines and requirements. These include completion of a bachelor’s degree in education and an NM teaching license. It is important to note that the TESOL endorsement further requires a minimum of six credits in another language or passing the Prueba de Español para la Certificacion Bilingue exam. In addition to coursework, the NMPED requires passing the NMTA’s Tesol content examination.
Required Courses: 12 credit hours
ELEM 517 English as a Second Language (3)
GNED 520 Sheltered English (3)
RDED 527 Reading in the Content Area (3)
RDED 520 Literacy for English Language Learners (3)
This degree is under the Graduate School of Education