2024 Homecoming
Schedule of Events
Monday, October 7
9:00 am
HU Talk with Highlands President Neil Woolf
Baseball: My First Love
10:00 am
HU Talk with Dr. Thomas Brooks
The Science and Art of Tarot Cards
11:00 am
HU Talk with Ruth Mariampolski
How to Read a Supreme Court Case
1:00 pm
HU Talk with Amanda Evans
Asking for Help Will Change Your Life
2:00 pm
HU Talk with Dr. Siri Khalsa
Gratitude, Generosity, Grit and Hope: A Concept of Lived Disability
3:00 pm
HU Talk with Dr. Peter Linder
Reimagining Conquest: A Centennial Observance of the American Takeover of Las Vegas
4:00 pm
HU Talk with Shereen Lobdell
Meret Oppenheim: self actualization in the 20th century
Tuesday, October 8
9:00 am
HU Talk with Dr. Daniel Chadborn
Moved by the Masses: A Social Identity Perspective on Inspiration
10:00 am
HU Talk with Dr. Rebecca Schneider
What do Jamaican plantation logbooks have to do with Methodist spiritual journals ?
11:00 am
HU Talk with Dt. Marr y Ortega
Using Community Cultural Wealth to Enhance our True Potential
12:00 pm
HU Talk with Lyla Maestas & Carmelita Sanchez
The New Generation of Working Professionals: Introducing Opportunities for Mentorship and Support
2:00 pm
HU Talk with Tina Cordova
The Tularosa Basin Downwinders Have Made Important Progress
3:00 pm
HU Talk with Dr. Roxanne Gonzales & Alexis Duran
BRATS: A Different Kind of Veteran
4:00 pm
HU Talk with Dr. Edward Martinez
Wildland Fire and Culture: A positive consequence of the 2022 Hermits Peak/Calf-Canyon Fire
Wednesday, October 9
9:00 am
HU Talk with Dr. Jennifer Lindline
Water After Wildfires – Two Years Post-2022 Hermits Peak/Calf Canyon Fire
10:00 am
HU Talk with Dr. Maria Rita Jaramillo
On the Road again …planes, trains and automobiles
11:00 am
HU Talk with Dr. Veena Parboteeah
Georgia O’Keefe’s Influence on Northern New Mexico
1:00 pm
HU Talk with Dr. Jacob Avery
7 Things I Learned from Highlands Students
2:00 pm
HU Talk with Dr. Dawn Berry & Dr. Angela Redondo
Empowering Conversations: Unlocking the Potential of Meaningful Interactions with Young Children
3:00 pm
HU Talk with Dr. Jess Goldberg
Turtle Island to Palestine: Solidarity in Indigenous Literatures
4:00 pm
HU Talk with Dr. Joseph A. Milczewski
Supply Chain and its Effects on Small Business
Thursday, October 10
9:00 am
Athletic H Club Advisory Board Meeting, Student Union Building, 3rd floor
10:00 am
Athletic H Club General Membership Meeting, Student Union Building, 3rd floor
5:00 – 8:00 pm
Athletic H Club Happy Hour and Hall of Fame Induction Banquet, Student Union Ballroom
Friday, October 11
Athletic H Club Golf Tournament, NMHU Gene Torres Golf Course
9:30 – 10:30 am
President’s Breakfast, Recognition and Naming Ceremony of the Joseph E. & Nancy L. Montoya Highlands Student Center, Student Union Ballroom
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Alumni Check-in, Kennedy Alumni Hall
12:00 – 3:00 pm
Alumni Association Board Meeting, Rodgers Hall, Board of Regents room
5:30 – 7:30 pm
Cowboy Lounge & Silent Auction, Student Union Ballroom
Saturday, October 12
8:00 am
Cowboy 5K Gallop & Trot, Kid’s K, NMHU Recycling Center, registration 7-7:45. Run or walk.
9:00 am
Homecoming Parade Reception & Breakfast Burrito Bar, Kennedy Alumni Gallery
9:00 am
Homecoming Parade, Kennedy Alumni Gallery
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Alumni Tailgate Celebration, Champ Tyrone Music Building parking lot
11:30 am – 1:30 pm
President’s V.I.P. Tailgate Celebration (by invitation), Sanchez Family Stadium
12:00 pm
Cowboy Football vs. Chadron State University, Sanchez Family Stadium