- Department of Natural Sciences
- Conservation Management (BA)
- Conservation Management Course Descriptions
Conservation Management (BA)
Required Courses: 34 credit hours
FOR 105 Humans and Ecosystems (4)
FOR 231 Terrestrial Ecology (4)
FOR 305 Natural Resources Economics (3)
FOR 330 Natural Resources Law and Policy (3)
GEOL 412 Geology Resources, Laws & Environmental Policies (3)
FOR 340 Quantitative Methods (3)
FOR 412 Surveying and Geographic Information Systems (4)
FOR 426 Professional Ethics (1)
FOR 237 Water Resources (3)
BIOL 212 General Biology 2 (4)
CHEM 211 General Chemistry 1 (3)
CHEM 215 Chemistry Lab 1 (2)
Electives: 9-12 credits hours
Upper-division electives from forestry, geology, biology or anthropology chosen in consultation with your adviser.
Major Total: 43 – 46 credit hours
Core Total: 35 credit hours
Extended core: 5 credit hours
Minor Total: 18 credit hours minimum
Proficiency/Elective to 120: 16-19 credit hours
Total for degree: 120 credit hours*
*A minor is required. Additional credit hours may be required to meet the total degree credit requirement if proficiency or other required courses are waived for content only. English and math proficiency credit do not count toward the total degree credit requirement. The university requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.
This major is under the College of Arts and Sciences