School of Social Work at Farmington, New Mexico

Faculty | Field Education

The social work program at Farmington, New Mexico has been offering both the M.S.W. and B.S.W. degree programs for the past 10 years. Located 30 miles from the Navajo Nation, Highlands University, in partnership with San Juan Community College, houses the program and classes are offered at the SJC campus. Both full- and part-time/adjunct faculty teach all of courses.  Most of our adjunct faculty has been teaching for the school since the inception of the program in 1996. Their expertise provides students with the opportunity to work with highly qualified, experienced social work practitioners who can mentor and guide into the social work profession.

Both B.S.W. and M.S.W. programs are offered on a part-time basis. Classes are offered evenings and weekends and can be completed in two-three academic years. The M.S.W. program only offers the clinical practice concentration.