Online Orientation
Quick guides and tutorials for using university systems and finding helpful resources.
Online introduction to New Mexico Highlands University
Using NMHU Systems
Using Brightspace (formerly D2L)
Student Services
You will be assigned a faculty advisor in your major and this should show up in My NMHU and your Degree Audit. If you have any questions or problems, contact the administrative assistant in the department of your major. You may also contact Academic Support for any general questions and other student services.
Library services and databases
Getting help with your writing – Writing Center: Live tutoring is available to all students using Zoom.
Student Life
Academic policies and honor code:
All information about academic integrity, policies, and campuses resources can be found in the Student Handbook
FERPA is the law that protects your student records and privacy. Visit the Family Educational Rights Act page for more information to safeguard your privacy.
HU Cares
Confidential counseling services for students regarding suicide prevention, sexual harassment, domestic abuse, and other support needs.
Student activities and discounts
At Highlands, students can enjoy a variety of clubs and social activities such as business clubs, sports events, dancing, intramurals, faith-based programs, and performance events. You will also receive email notifications about upcoming events and student discounts.
University mission and values
New Mexico Highlands Vision is to be a premier comprehensive university transforming lives and communities now and for generations to come. NMHU promotes the core values of excellence, diversity, accessibility, and responsiveness. For more information on the strategic goals of the university, visit our About NMHU page.