
The Board of Regents
Michelle Lujan-Grisham, Governor of New Mexico, Ex Officio, Santa Fe
Frank Marchi, Chairman, Albuquerque
William E. “Bill” Garcia, Vice-Chairman, Santa Fe
Danelle J. Smith, Secretary, Treasurer, Las Vegas
Dr. Frank Sanchez, Regent, Rociada
Christopher Ulibarri, Student Regent

Sam Minner, Ph.D.

Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Roxanne M. Gonzales, Ed.D.

Vice Presidents
Max Baca, M.B.A., Finance and Administration and Government Relations
Theresa Law, J.D., Foundation Vice President of Student & Donor Engagement
David Lepre, Marketing and Communications/University Relations

Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Grants, and Contracts
Ian Williamson, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs: Forestry and Reforestation Center
Joshua Sloan, Ph.D., C.F.

Academic Deans
Brandon Kempner, Ph.D., College of Art and Sciences
Judith Barnstone, Ph.D., M.S.W., Facundo Valdez School of Social Work, Interim
Mary E. Earick, Ph.D., School of Education
Veena Parboteeah, Ph.D., School of Business, Media and Technology
Ian Williamson, Ph.D., Graduate Studies

Student Affairs
Kimberly J. Blea, Ed.D., Dean of Students

University Registrar
Henrietta Romero, Ph.D.

Director of Online and Extended Learning
Patrick Wilson, Ph.D.

Campus Managers
Robert A. Anaya, M.A., Santa Fe/ Farmington
Joseph Moreno, Ph.D., Albuquerque/Rio Rancho

New Mexico Highlands University
Box 9000, Las Vegas, New Mexico 87701
505-425-7511 www.nmhu.edu

New Mexico Highlands University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1411, Phone: 800.621.7440 / 312.263.0456 | Fax: 312.263.7462 | info@hlcommission.org. New Mexico Highlands University is fully accredited and in good standing with the HLC; please see the accreditation section in this document for more information. To review or receive a copy of the New Mexico Highlands University’s HLC Affiliation Status Report, please see the NMHU website or contact the Provost’s office.

New Mexico Highlands University reserves the right to change its instructional programs at any time. The provisions of this catalog are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the student and New Mexico Highlands University. Course descriptions in this catalog are correct at the time of publication. See the Summary Class Schedule on the website https://www.nmhu.edu/ for updates to courses.

New Mexico Highlands University does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, or sexual orientation in employment, admission, programs or services. Any student who feels he or she has been discriminated against is encouraged to file an incident report form with the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs. For more information, please refer to the New Mexico Highlands University Student Handbook or the NMHU website at www.nmhu.edu/handbook.

All New Mexico Highlands University educational programs and activities will be made accessible to students with disabilities upon request in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you believe that you have a physical, learning, or psychological disability that requires an academic accommodation, contact the Coordinator of Accessibility Services by phone at (505) 454-3250 or via email at ACCESS@nmhu.edu, or visit the Lora Shields Building, Room 250 on the Las Vegas campus. If you need this catalog upon in an alternative format, you may also contact the Coordinator of Accessibility Service at ACCESS@nmhu.edu.

Retention and graduation rate information can be obtained from the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research at http://www.nmhu.edu/institutional-research/enrollment-and-retention/

Undergraduate Catalog Fall 2022—Summer 2023
Published by New Mexico Highlands University,
Box 9000, Las Vegas, New Mexico 87701
© 2022 New Mexico Highlands University. All rights reserved.

Catalog Changes
Undergraduate students may graduate under the catalog requirements for the year in which they were enrolled for the first time in a degree-seeking program. Students are responsible for knowing the rules and regulations concerning graduation requirements and for registering in the courses necessary to meet them. However, this catalog is neither a contract nor an offer to contract between New Mexico Highlands University, and any person or party. New Mexico Highlands University reserves the right to make additions, deletions and modifications to curricula, course descriptions, degree requirements, academic policies, schedules, academic calendars, financial aid policies, and tuition/fees without notice. All changes take precedence over catalog statements. While reasonable effort will be made to publicize changes, students are advised to seek current information from appropriate offices. It is the student’s responsibility to know and observe all applicable regulations and procedures. No regulation will be waived, or exception granted because students plead ignorance of, or contend they were not informed of, the regulations or procedures. Questions on regulations and their interpretation should be addressed to the office or college/school in which the student’s major department is located.

New Mexico Highlands University reserves the right to effect changes without notice or obligation including the right to discontinue or modify a course or group of courses or a degree program. Although New Mexico Highlands University attempts to accommodate the course requests of students, course offerings may be limited by financial, space and staffing considerations, or might be otherwise unavailable. Likewise, there may be changes to a student’s original course of study. Every effort is made by New Mexico Highlands University to inform students of changes to their matriculated degree and to provide appropriate courses to fulfill degree requirements. Students should regularly consult with their department adviser to register for courses necessary to meet graduation requirements.

New Mexico Highlands University
New Mexico Highlands University was first established as New Mexico Normal School in 1893, primarily offering teacher education. Today, New Mexico Highlands University is a nationally recognized Hispanic Serving Institution and a regional comprehensive University offering a wide array of graduate and undergraduate programs in arts and sciences, business, education, media arts, technology, and social work. Through distance education, online courses, and on-site instruction, New Mexico Highlands University has extended some degree-completion undergraduate and graduate programs to centers located in Albuquerque, Farmington, Rio Rancho, and Santa Fe, as well as some programs offered 100% online.

New Mexico Highlands University serves a diverse population of students with an enrollment of approximately 3,000 students who attend the main campus in Las Vegas including centers across New Mexico and online. New Mexico Highlands University programs focus on its multiethnic student body, especially the Hispanic and Native American cultures of New Mexico. New Mexico Highlands University is committed to excellence in the transmission, discovery, preservation, and application of knowledge itself to maintain a progressive, forward-looking posture responsive to the changing social environment, as to shape the direction the institution will take with respect to anticipated demands and approaching opportunities.

As part of its mission to provide opportunities to the individual student through personal attention, New Mexico Highlands University maintains open enrollment, small classes, and low tuition. It is known nationwide for its research activities, student and faculty achievement, and opportunities for students to combine study with real-world experience. New Mexico Highlands University students’ and faculty consistently receive national and international recognition for many of their achievements and have opportunities to network with other researchers and professionals in their areas of interest.

The Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 is a description of New Mexico Highlands University’s academic programs and courses of instruction. Although much effort has been made to ensure accuracy, error or omissions may be present. All official corrections to this catalog are on file with the Office of the Registrar.

The administration and faculty of New Mexico Highlands University believe that the educational programs of the University are effective and valuable. However, the ultimate results of the programs offered, in terms of such matters as achievement, employment, and professional licensing, are also dependent on factors beyond the control of New Mexico Highlands University, such as individual student initiative, governmental or institutional regulations, and market conditions. Therefore, New Mexico Highlands University makes no representation or guarantee that following a particular course or curriculum will result in specific achievement, employment admission to other programs, or professional licensing.

New Mexico Highlands University is a public comprehensive university serving our local and global communities. Our mission is to provide opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to attain an exceptional education by fostering creativity, critical thinking and research in the liberal arts, sciences, and professions within a diverse community.

Vision Statement
Our vision is to be a premier comprehensive university transforming lives and communities now and for generations to come.

Core Values

Strategic Goals 2025 

Goal 1: Teach and mentor students to integrate a broad range of academic skills, a breadth and depth of curricular knowledge, and an interdisciplinary understanding.

1.1 Maintain and build upon a core curriculum to develop a broad liberal arts education and transferable skills.

1.2 Teach students to master competencies in their undergraduate and graduate programs of study with theoretical and applied knowledge in their areas of specialization.

1.3 Provide educational experiences that promote interdisciplinary understanding.

1.4 Recognize and acknowledge efforts of faculty, staff, and students highlighting strong demonstrations of pedagogy, skill development, active learning, advising, mentorship, or content knowledge.

Goal 2: Inspire students to action through environments that foster scholarship and produce graduates equipped to address regional and global issues.

2.1 Link course content, curriculum, and co-curricular activities to understanding and addressing significant local, regional, and global issues (i.e., infuse big issues and big ideas into discussion in all areas of campus life).

2.2 Develop students into confident graduates with effective communication skills, professionalism, and determination that prepares them to make informed decisions in pursuit of lifelong learning and professional success.

2.3 Encourage and support fieldwork, internships, externships, practica, multi-institutional research projects, grant-related engagements, and other related activities that broaden students’ horizons outside of the classroom.

Goal 3: Engage with and serve our communities for mutually beneficial exchanges of knowledge, services, and resources.

3.1 Establish and sustain a service learning, civic engagement, co-curricular, social justice, and community network in collaboration for, by, and with faculty, staff, students, and local, regional, and global partners.

3.2 Identify and prioritize strategic opportunities and partnerships for aligning university and community needs and resources for mutual benefit.

3.3 Protect and promote rights to higher education for all students in need.

Goal 4: Advance excellence in diversity, equity and inclusion policies and practices.

4.1 Embrace our mission as a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) and emerging Native American-Serving Nontribal Institution (NASNTI) to increase the diversity of NMHU’s faculty, staff, and administrators to better reflect the demographics of New Mexico and our students.

4.2 Develop an active, intentional, and ongoing engagement with intellectual, social, cultural and geographical diversity that leads to personal growth through community engagement and curricular and co-curricular programming.

4.3 Advance and promote a welcoming and inclusive university environment that recruits broadly, supports equity, and improves diverse student, faculty, and staff retention and success.

4.4 Employ student engagement and success strategies for students from diverse backgrounds to ensure persistence and completion through active and collaborative learning.

4.5 Cultivate, promote, sustain, assess, and improve multiculturalism and diversity initiatives throughout the campus community in curricular and co-curricular activities, student support services, civic engagement, and professional development.

Goal 5: Be a comprehensive educational provider for all students including traditional, non-traditional, online, distance, community, and lifelong learners.

5.1 Develop guiding principles for becoming a more comprehensive educational provider that promotes equitable student outcomes for all students across NMHU.

5.2 Enhance professional development for faculty and staff in effective use of technology to more effectively reach, educate, and support all students across NMHU.

5.3 Develop, adopt, and implement a process to research and address the need for new or modified academic degree, professional certificate, and community interest programs.

More information online at Strategic Planning: HU VISION 2025 – New Mexico Highlands University (nmhu.edu)

New Mexico Highlands University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), an independent corporation that was founded in 1895 as one of six regional institutional accreditors in the United States. HLC accredits degree-granting post-secondary educational institutions in the North Central region, encompassing 19 states. Accreditation is the recognition that an institution maintains standards requisite for its graduates to gain admission to other reputable institutions of higher learning or to achieve credentials for professional practice. The goal of accreditation is to ensure that education provided by institutions of higher education meets acceptable levels of quality. Their Mission is serving the common good by assuring and advancing the quality of higher learning.

About the Higher Learning Commission
The Higher Learning Commission accredits approximately 1,000 colleges and universities that have a home base in one of 19 states that stretch from West Virginia to Arizona. HLC is a private, nonprofit regional accrediting agency.

Faculty, staff, students, parents, and others from the general public with questions regarding HLC’s work should contact the Higher Learning Commission by email at info@hlcommission.org or by phone at 312-263-0456. For New Mexico Highlands University specific questions, please contact us at hlcinfo@nmhu.edu or visit our accreditation website at www.nmhu.edu/hlc.

Undergraduate Academic Programs and Courses

Symbols and Abbreviations in Course Listings
Courses are listed by course number followed by course title. The number in parentheses following the title indicates the number of credits for that course. When a range of credits is offered, the specific number of credits within that range is determined either when the course is scheduled or, for variable-credit courses (identified as “VC”), when each student selects an individually approved number of credits. When there are numerals following the number of credits, it indicates a number of contact hours per week different from the number of credit hours. In this example, BIOL 2110 (4); 3, 2, the first number indicates lecture contact hours, and the second number indicates lab or studio contact hours. Their sum equals the total contact time. The total contact time may exceed the course credit hours. When no numerals follow the number of credits, the course’s contact hours per week match the number of course credit hours (with one hour comprising 50 minutes of meeting time). Any specific prerequisites or Corequisites are stated at the end of the course description. These are enforced by academic program advisers and by the faculty member teaching the course in question. In cases where specific course prerequisites are not stated, assumption of ability to perform at the appropriate level in that discipline is still made.

Effective June 12, 2018, the New Mexico Higher Education Department created statutory authority of 5.55.6 NMAC that requires all public higher education institutions operating within and receiving financial support from the state of New Mexico to note on the academic transcript all general education curriculum.

Academic Programs and Courses
The undergraduate academic programs at New Mexico Highlands University is administered through the one college and three schools. Students and any others who need assistance or information about academic programs should contact the office of the dean of the appropriate academic unit. In this section of the catalog, the academic program is presented by discipline within each college/school. Program descriptions and instructional requirements are given for each discipline, and courses are listed alphabetically by discipline unit.

Academic Majors/Minors/Concentrations/Certificates
AA= Associate of Arts, AS= Associate of Science, BA = Bachelor of Arts, BBA= Bachelor of Business Administration, BAS = Bachelor of Applied Science, BFA = Bachelor of Fine Arts, BS = Bachelor of Science, BSN = Bachelor of Science Nursing, BSSD = Bachelor of Science Software Development, BSW=Bachelor of Social Work

College of Arts & Sciences

Associate Degree Options
General Engineering (AS)
Early Childhood Multicultural Education (AA)
Music (AA)
Social Behavioral Sciences (AA)

Bachelors and Minor Degree Options

College of Arts and Sciences

Department of Biology
Biology (BA, BS, or Minor)
Concentration: Teaching
Wildlife Biology and Conservation (BS)

Department of Chemistry
Chemistry (BA, BS, or Minor)
Concentration: Biochemistry (BA)

Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Computer Science (BA, BS, or Minor)

Individualized Program (BA, BS)
Information Systems (BA)
Software/Hardware Systems (BS)
Mathematics (BA, BS, or Minor)

MATH/Computer Science for Secondary School Teachers (BA)

MATH/Computer Science for Elementary School Teachers (Minor)

Physics (Minor) 

Department of English and Philosophy
English (BA or Minor)
English Writing (Minor)

Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences
Health (BA or Minor)

Health Education
Health Promotion and Wellness
Pre-professional Allied Health
Human Performance and Sport (BA, or Minor)

Exercise Science
Physical Education
Recreation and Sport Management

Coaching (Minor)

Recreation (Minor)

Department of Forestry
Forestry (BS)

Wildland Fire (Concentration and Minor)
Forestry Management (Concentration and Minor)
Conservation Management (BA)

Wildland Fire
Wildlife Management
Forestry Management

Certificate Only:
Forest Watershed Management (Certificate)

Department of History and Political Science
History (BA or Minor)

Political Science (BA or Minor)

Law Emphasis
Liberal Arts

Organizational Leadership in Public Safety (BA)

Public Safety

Public Safety (Minor)

Department of Languages and Culture
Spanish (BA or Minor)
Native American/Hispanic Cultural Studies (Minor)

Department of Natural Resources Management
Environmental Geology (BS)

Water Resources
Environmental Science

Environmental Science
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (Minor, or Certificate)

Department of Nursing
Nursing (BSN) (Licensed RNs only)

Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice
Sociology/Anthropology (BA)

American Indian Studies
Social Justice
Criminal Justice Studies (BA, or Minor)
Sociology (Minor)
Anthropology (Minor)

Department of Psychology
Psychology (BA, BS, or Minor)

Department of Visual and Performing Arts
Fine Arts (BA, BFA, or Minor)

Pre-Professional (BFA)
Interdisciplinary (BFA)
Liberal Arts (BA)
Music (BA, BFA, or Minor)

Music Technology and Composition (BA)
Music Education (BA)
Music Vocal Performance (BFA)
Music Production (BFA)
Universal Music (BA)
Art (Minor)
Art History (Minor)

University Studies (BA)

General Science for Secondary Teachers (BA)
Cognitive Science (Minor)
Combined Science (Minor)
General Science for Elementary Teachers (Minor)
Gender and Women’s Studies (Minor) 

School of Business, Media and Technology

Business Administration
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

General Business
Media Marketing

General Business

Emerging Business Markets Entrepreneurship
Human Resource Management
Organizational Leadership

Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Organizational Leadership and Public Safety

Bachelor of Applied Science
Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in General Business
Online Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) General Business

Department of Media Arts and Technology
Software Systems Design (BSSD, or Minor)
Media Arts (BA, or Minor)
Media Arts (BFA)

Multimedia and Interactivity
Photographic Imaging
Visual Communication
Video and Audio

School of Education

Department of Teacher Education
Elementary Education (BA)
Dual Major-Elementary/Special Education
Early Childhood Multicultural Education (BA, or Minor)

Age 3 to Grade 3
Birth to Age 4 (Non-Licensure Option/NLIC)
Birth to Age 4 (Licensure Option)
English as a Second Language (Minor)
Bilingual/TESOL Education (Minor)
Secondary Education (Minor, or Certificate)

Department of Special and Gifted Education
Special Education (BA, Minor, or Certificate)

Facundo Valdez School of Social Work

Bachelor of Social Work
Social Work (BSW)

Undergraduate Program Listing 2022-2023
Campus Legend: M=Las Vegas, B=Santa Fe, L=Rio Rancho, W=Farmington, ALB=Albuquerque (Social Work only)
Program Major Concentration Campus Online
Non-Degree UG Undeclared Non-Degree All
Non-Degree Graduate Undeclared Non-Degree All
AA in Early Chldhd Multic Ed M
AA-Elementary Education Elementary Education M
AA-Music Music Music Production M
Music General Music M
Music Musical Theater M
AA-Social & Behavioral Science Social & Behavioral Sciences M
AS in General Engineering General Engineering M
BA in Art-K-12 Education Fine Art Education K-12 M
BA in Fine Art-Liberal Arts Fine Art Liberal Arts M
BA-Biology Biology M
BA in Chemistry Chemistry M
BA in Chemistry-Biochemistry Chemistry Biochemistry M
BA in Criminal Justice Studies Criminal Justice Studies M, W, B, L
BA in Conservation Management Conservation Management M
BA in CS-Con in Info Systems Computer Science Information Systems M
BA in CS-Con in Individualized Computer Science Individualized Program M
BA in Early Chldhd Multicult Educ Early Chldhd Multicultural Edu Age 3 through Grade 3 M, W, B, L
Early Chldhd Multicultural Edu Birth through Age 4 M, W, B, L
BA in Elementary Education Elementary Education M, W, B, L
BA in English English M
BA-Gen Science General Science Education M
BA in History History M
BA in Health-Pre-Prof Health Tra Health Pre-Professional M
BA in Health-Pre-Prof Ath Trng Health Pre-Prof Athletic Trng M
BA in Health-Hlth Prom & Wellness Health Health Promotion & Wellness M
BA in HPS Con-Exercise Science Human Performance & Sport Exercise Science M
BA in HPS Con-Physical Educ Human Performance & Sport Physical Education M
BA in HPS Con-Rec & Sport Mgmt Human Performance & Sport Recreation & Sport Mgmt M
BA in Media Arts Media Arts M
BA in Mathematics Mathematics M
BA in Math/CS Secondary Tchrs Math & Comp Sci for Sec Educ M
BA in Universal Music Music Universal Music M
BA in Music Education Music Music Education M
BA in Music Tech & Composition Music Music Technology & Composition M
BA in Pol Sci-Liberal Arts Emp Political Science Liberal Arts M
BA in Pol Sci-Law Emphasis Political Science Law Emphasis M
BA in Psychology Psychology M,W, B, L
BA in Soc/Anth-Soc Emphasis Sociology/Anthropology Sociology M
BA in Soc/Anth-Anth Emphasis Sociology/Anthropology Anthropology M
BA in Soc/Anth-Am Ind Emphasis Sociology/Anthropology Indian American Studies M
BA in Soc/Anth-Social Justice Sociology/Anthropology Social Justice M
BA in Spanish Spanish M
BA in Special Education Special Education M, W, B, L
BA-Undecided (Prof/Core Req) Undeclared Major M
BA-University Studies University Studies M,W
BAS in General Business General Business M,W, B, L
BBA in Bus Admin Business Administration Accounting M,W, B, L X
Business Administration Finance M,W, B, L X
Business Administration Marketing M,W, B, L x
Business Administration Media Marketing M,W, B, L X
Business Administration Management M,W, B, L X
Business Administration General Business M,W, B, L X
Business Administration Entrepreneurship M,W, B, L X
BA in Org Leadership-Public Safety Organizational Leadership in Public Safety M,W, B, L X
BFA in Fine Art-Pre-Professnl Fine Art Pre-Professional M
BFA-Fine Art-Interdisciplinary Fine Art Interdisciplinary M
BFA Media Arts Media Arts Interactivity & Multimedia M
Media Arts Photographic Imaging M
Media Arts Visual Communication M
Media Arts Video & Audio M
BFA Music-Vocal Performance Music Vocal Performance M
BFA Music-Music Production Music Music Production M
BS Biology Biology M
BS Biol-Con in Teaching Biology Teaching M
BS in Chemistry Chemistry M
BS in CS-Con in Soft/Hardware Computer Science Software Hardware Systems M
BS in CS-Con in Individualized Computer Science Individualized M
BS Environ Geol-Geology Con Environmental Geology Geology M
BS Environ Geol-Environ Sci Environmental Geology Environmental Science M
BS Environ Geol-Water Resource Environmental Geology Water Resource M
BS in Forestry-Con Forestry Mgmt Forestry Forestry Management M
BS in Forestry-Con Wildland Fire Forestry Wildland Fire M
BS in Mathematics Mathematics M
BS in Psychology Psychology M
BS-Sociology/Anthropology Sociology/Anthropology Sociology/Anthropology M
BSN in Nursing Nursing X
Bachelor of Software Sys Desig Software Systems Design M, L
BSW in Social Work Social Work M, W, B, L, ALB
BS-Wildlife Biology & Conservatn Wildlife Biology & Conservatn M
Cert – Interactive Cult Techn Cert – Interactive Cult Techn M
Cert-GIS Geograph Info Sys-UG Cert – GIS Geographic Info Sys M
Cert-Forest & Watershed Restor Cert-Forest & Watershed Restor M
Cert – Accounting Cert – Accounting X
Cert – Finance Cert – Finance X
Cert – Human Resources Mgmt Cert – Human Resources Mgmt X
Cert – Secondary Education Cert – Secondary Education X
Cert – Marketing Cert – Marketing X
Cert-Emerg Bus Mkts Entrepren Cert-Emerg Bus Mkts Entrepren Bus Mgmt & Entrepreneurship M
Cert-Emerg Bus Mkts Entrepren Cert-Emerg Bus Mkts Entrepren Hemp Entrepreneurship & Prod M
Cert-Organizational Leadership Cert-Organizational Leadership M,W, B, L X
Cert-Public Safety Cert-Public Safety M,W, B, L X

About this Catalog
The Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 is a description of New Mexico Highlands University’s policies, undergraduate academic programs, and courses of instruction. Although much effort has been made to ensure accuracy, errors or omissions may be present. All official corrections to this catalog are on file with the Office of the Registrar. The General Information and Policy section of this catalog are continuously updated on the New Mexico Highlands University website, www.nmhu.edu. Course descriptions in this catalog are correct at the time of publication. See the Summary Class Schedule for updates to courses. The administration and faculty of New Mexico Highlands University believe the educational programs of New Mexico Highlands University are of high quality and New Mexico Highlands University graduates have excelled in a variety of careers. However, the ultimate results of the programs offered – in terms of achievement, future employment, and professional licensure – are also dependent on factors beyond the control of New Mexico Highlands University, such as individual student initiative and responsibility, governmental or institutional regulations, and market conditions. Therefore, New Mexico Highlands University makes no representation or guarantee that following a particular course or curriculum will result in specific achievement, employment, admission to other programs, or professional licensure.

New Mexico Highlands University reserves the right to change its instructional programs at any time. The provisions of this catalog are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the student and New Mexico Highlands University. Course descriptions in this catalog are correct at the time of publication. See the Summary Class Schedule for updates to courses.

Code of Conduct
The New Mexico Highlands University Student Handbook, that is published each year, describes student services, the Student Code of Conduct, and related policies and procedures. Administered by the Dean of Students, the code sets the standards and expected behavior of students. Procedures for hearings, appeals, grievances, and complaints of discrimination/harassment are outlined in the Handbook. The Handbook is available for all students; it may be downloaded at www.nmhu.edu/student-handbook/, or a copy may be obtained from the Office of Dean of Students, Box 9000, Las Vegas, NM 87701.

New Mexico Highlands University prohibits the use, distribution, manufacture, or possession of controlled substances on university property or as any part of any University activity.

Students with Disabilities/Academic Accommodations
Students with a documented disability are eligible to receive appropriate and reasonable academic accommodations or auxiliary aids in accordance with the legal requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Acts (ADA), the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1974 (as amended), and other laws governing the disabled. Accessibility Services also adheres to the professional code of conduct promulgated by the Association of Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD).

The Academic Challenges and Cultivating Excellence in Student Success (ACCESS) is the program name for student accommodation services. ACCESS is located in Room 250 of the Lora Shields Bldg. and may be reached at (505) 454-3250 or via e-mail at ACCESS@nmhu.edu.

Application Process
Students wishing to receive academic accommodations must complete an online application, upload documentation of disability and the recommended accommodations from a qualified professional identifying the disability, and meet with the Coordinator of Disability Services to discuss accommodations. It is requested that the student complete this process before the drop/add deadline of the initial semester at NMHU. The application process and documentation of disability is not required each semester. Returning students may need to re-apply. For directions on how to apply for ACCESS services, go to https://www.nmhu.edu/campus-services/accessibility-services/. Students may request hard copy forms, or alternate formats of the application forms by emailing ACCESS@nmhu.edu, or calling (505) 454-3250.

Following the eligibility determination process, the student must submit course information ACCESS@nmhu.edu prior to the drop/add deadline of each semester, to request accommodations. Accommodations will be in effect from the date of the notification of accommodations letter that is emailed to the faculty members.

Service animals
Service are welcome on campus provided they meet all legal requirements. Service animals that present a health or safety threat to the campus community (including cleanliness issues) will be banned from campus unless significant preventive actions are taken by the owner to ensure future compliance. More information about the policy and procedures relating to services to students with disabilities can be found here: https://www.nmhu.edu/campus-services/accessibility-services/.

Students are strongly encouraged to apply for ACCESS services, provide documentation of disability and meet with Coordinator of Disability Services as early as possible to ensure that the appropriate accommodations are in place before classes begin, and no later than the drop/add deadline of the semester. If a situation arises during the semester, accommodations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

In order to coordinate sign language interpreting services, students who are deaf must complete the ACCESS application process at least one month before the beginning of the initial semester and provide course/class schedule information one month prior to the start date of each semester. NMHU is not obligated to provide accommodations to students who fail to document a disability and request interpreting services in a timely manner.

Conduct Notice
New Mexico Highlands University prohibits the use, distribution, manufacture, or possession of controlled substances on university property or as any part of any university activity.

Students with disabilities are held responsible for the same university standards of conduct as students without disabilities. The NMHU “Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure” is included in the NMHU Student Handbook and can be obtained through this link: https://www.nmhu.edu/student-handbook/.

Disability-related records, including medical records, are confidential material and will be protected in accordance with FERPA regulations. Records are only used to assist in providing appropriate academic accommodations to the student.

ACCESS is located in Room 250 of the Lora Shields Bldg. and may be reached at (505) 454-3250 or via e-mail at ACCESS@nmhu.edu. Staff, faculty and other employees who need accessibility help, including EEO related matters, will find assistance through Human Resources located at https://www.nmhu.edu/human-resources/, phone number, 505-454-3308.

New Mexico Highlands University is a member of the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference, NCAA Division II, and fields eleven teams: five men’s and six women’s. They include baseball, women and men’s basketball, women and men’s cross-country, football, women’s soccer, softball, women’s track and field, women’s volleyball, and men’s wrestling. NMHU also sponsors Vato’s men’s rugby and women’s wrestling as club sports.

Undergraduate Admissions
Office of Admissions
Felix Martinez Building Room 110
Box 9000
Las Vegas, New Mexico 87701

Admissions 505-454-3394 admissions@nmhu.edu
Recruitment 505-454-3394 recruitment@nmhu.edu
Fax 505-454-3511

Application for Admission https://apply.nmhu.edu/apply/

Campus Tours
Felix Martinez Building Room 150
Box 9000
Las Vegas, New Mexico 87701
Campus Tours 505-454-3472 campustours@nmhu.edu
Fax 505-454-3511

Academic Calendar
For semester course dates and other important term dates please refer to the university’s academic calendar at: https://www.nmhu.edu/academic-calendar/.

Application for Admission
A formal application is required of all prospective students who seek admission to New Mexico Highlands University (NMHU). The online application for admission can be completed online https://apply.nmhu.edu/apply/. The paper application for admission may be obtained by calling (505) 454-3394 or requesting in writing: Office of Admissions at admissions@nmhu.edu or Box 9000 Las Vegas, New Mexico 87701. Application priority deadlines, fees, and requirements per student type are available at: https://www.nmhu.edu/office-of-student-recruitment-undergraduate-admissions/

Official high school and official college transcripts must be received by the Office of Admissions by mail, email or in person. If provided in person, official transcript must be sealed otherwise the transcript is not official and is not acceptable. Documents submitted to New Mexico Highlands University as a requirement for admission, become University property and will not be returned to the applicant. New Mexico Highlands University does not return, reissue, or certify copies of transcripts from other institutions.

Standardized Tests
While test scores are not required at NMHU, we encourage submission of the American College Test (ACT) or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores at the time of application. Scores are used by the Office of Student Success when advising and enrolling students in the appropriate coursework as well as the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships for scholarship award consideration. Submission of score reports after admission are acceptable.

Students who do not submit ACT or SAT scores will be required to take the Accuplacer placement exam with the Office of Student Success prior to enrollment at NMHU. The Accuplacer placement exam scores will not be used for scholarship award consideration.

NMHU’s ACT test code 2640 NMHU’s SAT test code 4532

Returning NMHU Students
Returning students of the NMHU system, who have been out of school for more than three consecutive terms, are required to submit an application for re-admission. An application fee will not be required again. Applications should be submitted online https://apply.nmhu.edu/apply/ by the priority deadline. Files will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis subject to enrollment capacity. Students who have attended another college or university during this absence from NMHU must submit official transcript(s) to the Office of the Registrar to ensure credit transferability.

Crime Disclosure
A special committee review will be required for applicants who indicate “yes” to the crime question on the application, “Have you ever been convicted of a felony offense?” If an applicant indicates yes to the crime question on the application, the student must attach a detailed explanation by specifying the crime, case number, date(s) of crime and include state and location of court jurisdiction. If applicable, the student must also provide the name and phone number of their parole or probation officer.

The applicant can access an “Authorization for Release of Information” form within the admissions application. This authorization of release of information form needs to be signed in the presence of a notary and submitted to the New Mexico Department of Public Safety along with a check or money order for $15 made out to the New Mexico Department of Public Safety. This process gives NMHU the authority to obtain the students criminal record for review by special committee made up of the Dean of Students, Chief of Police, Director of Admissions, and Dean of the College in which the applicant is applying.

Note: Please submit documents prior to priority deadlines to ensure timely review of application.

NMHU Priority Application Deadline & Application Fee

Semester Priority Deadlines
Domestic Undergraduate
Fall 7/1
Spring 12/1
Summer 5/1
Application Fee $25.00
International Undergraduate
Fall (Freshman & Transfer) 3/1
Spring (Freshman & Transfer 10/1
Application Fee $25.00

Admissions Requirements
Students are admissible based on the requirements in the below tables.

First-Time Freshman Student Admissions

Type of First-Time Freshman Description Admission Requirements Document Submission
First-Time Freshman A student who has never taken college classes Final high school grade point average (GPA) 2.0 or higher

-Admission Application

-$25 Application Fee

-Official (sealed) sixth or seventh semester high school transcript

-Official (sealed) final high school transcript upon graduation receiving a high school diploma

Conditional Admission Conditional Admission status allows students to be admitted using unofficial transcripts from previously attended institutions. Official transcripts from High School or all college/university transcripts. Overall GPA 2.0 or higher. This status provides students 45 calendar days from the first day of the semester to submit official transcripts. Once official transcripts are received by the Office of Admissions, the student’s status will be updated to Regular Admission. Failure to submit required official transcripts in the 45-calendar day window will result in the student’s status being updated to Non-Degree Admission.
Probationary First-Time Freshman A student who has never taken college classes and has graduated from an accredited high school Final high school grade point average (GPA) below 2.0 on a 4.0 scale

-Admission Application

-$25 Application Fee

-Official (sealed) transcripts from all colleges attended


First-Time Freshman with transferable credit hours

A student who has taken college classes while in high school

Note: Official college transcripts are not required for admission, but will need to be provided for proper advising

Final high school grade point average (GPA) 2.0 or higher

-Admission Application

-$25 Application Fee

-Official (sealed) sixth or seventh semester high school transcript

-Official (sealed) final high school transcript upon graduation receiving a high school diploma

First-Time Freshman from a non-accredited home school or high school

A student who has been home schooled (non-accredited)


a student who has graduated from a non-accredited high school

Completion of the General Educational Development (GED) test or HiSET exam

-Admission Application

-$25 Application Fee

-Official (sealed) sixth or seventh semester high school transcript

-Official (sealed) final high school transcript upon graduation receiving a high school diploma

-GED/HiSET certificate

First-Time Freshman/GED A student who has taken and passed the General Educational Development (GED) test or HiSET exam Completion of the General Educational Development (GED) test or HiSET exam

-Admission Application

-$25 Application Fee

-GED/HiSET certificate

First-Time Freshman undocumented student (New Mexico residents only)

A student who is a citizen of another country who lives in New Mexico but is unable to work or receive federal funding for their studies because of their legal status in this country.


Able to apply for in-state tuition per SB-582

Final high school grade point average (GPA) 2.0 or higher


Completion of General Educational Development (GED) test or HiSET exam

-Admission Application

– $25 Application Fee

-Official (sealed) sixth or seventh semester high school transcript

-Official (sealed) final high school transcript upon graduation

First-Time Freshman undocumented students A student who is a citizen of another country who lives in another state, but is unable to work or receive federal funding for their studies because of their legal status in this country

Final high school grade point average (GPA) 2.0 or higher


Completion of General Educational Development (GED) test or HiSET exam

-Admission Application

-$25 Application fee

-Official (sealed) sixth or seventh semester high school transcript

-Official (sealed) final high school transcript upon graduation receiving a high school diploma or GED/HiSET certificate

First-Time Freshman Renewal (admitted) Student who applied, was admitted, but never enrolled and is planning to enroll Within 3 consecutive semesters of initial application, student is eligible to register for the next available term by contacting the Office of Student Recruitment & Undergraduate Admissions Official (sealed) transcript from recent college attended if not previously provided during initial application process
First-Time Freshman Returning Student who applied, was admitted, enrolled, took an enrollment break and is planning to return After 3 consecutive terms of non-enrollment, student must reapply for admission Official (sealed) transcript from recent college attended
Senior Citizens Community Members 65 years of age and older

New Mexico resident

Registered for 10 hours or less per semester

-Admission Application


$25 Application Fee

NOTE: Only transcripts from accredited high schools or colleges will be used to determine admissions eligibility.

Second Degree Students

Type of Second Degree Description Admission Requirements Document Submission
Second Associate’s A student who has already received an accredited associate degree and is pursuing a second associate degree

2.0 or higher cumulative college grade point average (GPA)


official transcript indicating receipt of degree

-Admission application

-$25 Application Fee

-Official (sealed) transcripts from all colleges attended

Note: If the student is an NMHU graduate, transcript(s) currently on file will be processed accordingly

-If the student has taken coursework from another institution not on file, an official transcript will need to be submitted

Second Bachelor’s A student who has already received an accredited bachelor’s degree and is pursuing a second bachelor’s degree 2.0 or higher cumulative college grade point average (GPA) and official transcript indicating receipt of degree

-Admission Application

-$25 Application Fee

-Official (sealed) transcripts from all colleges attended

Note: If the student is an NMHU graduate, transcript(s) currently on file will be processed accordingly

-If the student has taken coursework from another institution not on file, an official transcript will need to be submitted

Note: Official transcripts from all colleges attended are needed for proper advising and course placement.

Non-Degree Students

Types of Non-Degree Description Admission Requirements Document Submission
Non-degree seeking A student who has never taken college classes and wants to explore college coursework

-Admission Application

-$25 Application Fee


Community Members

-Admission Application


-$25 Application Fee


Senior Citizen Community Members

65 years of age and older

New Mexico resident


Registered for 10 hours or less per semester

-Admission Application


-$25 Application Fee


Dual Credit Enrollment High school students wanting to enroll in college-level courses offered by a college and used simultaneously to earn credit toward high school graduation and a postsecondary degree or certificate

High school Junior or Senior


2.5 cumulative high school grade point average (GPA)

-Dual Credit Request Form


-Admission Application


-Official (sealed) high school transcript


-ACT/SAT scores,

Students who do not submit ACT/SAT scores will be required to take the Accuplacer placement exam prior to enrollment

Concurrent Enrollment High school students wanting to enroll in college-level courses offered by a college and used simultaneously to earn credit toward high school graduation and a postsecondary degree or certificate 2.5 cumulative high school grade point average (GPA)

-Admission Application


-Official (sealed) high school transcript


-ACT/SAT scores,

Students who do not submit ACT/SAT scores will be required to take the Accuplacer placement exam prior to enrollment


A student interested in being competitive in the professional marketplace by learning a particular field in a comprehensive way.


-Admission Application


-$25 Application Fee

Non-degree students who intend to graduate from New Mexico Highlands University must convert to degree seeking within the term admitted, prior to enrollment for an upcoming term.

NOTE: A student classified as non-degree is not eligible to receive financial assistance (financial aid, student loans, grants, or scholarships), student employment, or institutional tuition waivers; nor is the student eligible to participate in student government or intercollegiate athletics.

Transfer Student Admissions

Type of Second Degree Description Admission Requirements Document Submission
Freshman Transfer (29 hours or less) A student who has completed 29 college credit hours or less

2.0 or higher cumulative college grade point average (GPA)


final high school grade point average (GPA) 2.0 or higher

-Admission Application

-$25 Application Fee

-Official (sealed) transcripts from all colleges attended

-Official (sealed) transcript receiving a high school diploma

Conditional Admission Conditional Admission status allows students to be admitted using unofficial transcripts from previously attended institutions. Official transcripts from High School or all college/university transcripts. Overall GPA 2.0 or higher. This status provides students 45 calendar days from the first day of the semester to submit official transcripts. Once official transcripts are received by the Office of Admissions, the student’s status will be updated to Regular Admission. Failure to submit required official transcripts in the 45-calendar day window will result in the student’s status being updated to Non-Degree Admission.
Freshman/GED Transfer (29 hours or less) A student who has taken and passed the General Education Development (GED) or equivalent and has completed 29 college credit hours or less 2.0 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA)

-Admission Application

-$25 Application Fee

-Official (sealed) transcripts from all colleges attended

-GED/HiSET certificate

Transfer with 30 hours or more A student who has completed 30 college credits or more 2.0 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA)

-Admission Application

-$25 Application Fee

-Official (sealed) transcripts from all colleges attended

Probationary Transfer A student who has completed college coursework Below a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale
Transfer Renewal (admitted) A student who applied, was admitted, but never enrolled and is planning to enroll After 3 consecutive terms of non-enrollment, student must reapply for admission. Official (sealed) transcript from recent college attended
Transfer Returning Student who applied, was admitted, enrolled, took an enrollment break and is planning to return Contact Admissions staff to activate application Official (sealed) transcript from recent college attended

Note: Only transcripts from accredited high schools or colleges will be used to determine admissions eligibility. Quarter system institutions will be recalculated to semester hours (one quarter hour equals .666 semester hours).

Center Students

Types of Center Transfer Students Description Admission Requirements Document Submission
Center Transfer with over 30 hours A student who has completed 30 college credits or more 2.0 (or 2.5 depending on academic program) cumulative college GPA

Admission Application


$25 Application Fee


Official (sealed) transcripts from all colleges attended


Center Transfer Renewal (admitted) A student who applied, was admitted but never enrolled and is planning to enroll Within 3 consecutive terms of initial application, student is eligible to register for the next available term

Official (sealed) transcript from recent college attended if not previously provided during initial application process


Center Transfer Returning A student who applied, was admitted, enrolled, took an enrollment break and is planning to re-enroll After 3 consecutive terms of non-enrollment, student must reapply for admission

Official (sealed) transcript from recent college attended if not previously provided during initial application process


Education Transfer Please refer to http://www.n mhu.edu/curre ntstudents/unde rgraduate/edu cation/ 2.75 cumulative college grade point average (GPA) Please refer to link in Description

Social Work Transfer with Associate of Arts


Met NMHU general education core requirements (within 9 credit hours)

A student who has completed 30 college credit hours or more 2.5 cumulative college grade point average (GPA)

-Admission application

-$25 Application Fee

-Official (sealed) transcripts from all colleges attended

Note: Official transcripts from all colleges attended are needed for proper advising and course placement.

Students under academic suspension or dismissal from another college or university may not be admitted until they have served the required suspension at that institution.

Applications will not be processed until all the required items are in file with the Office of Admissions.

Admission Status

Regular Admission Status is for students whose cumulative grade point average is above 2.0 on a 4.0 scale at the time of admissions review.

Conditional Admission Status allows students to be admitted using unofficial transcripts from previously attended institutions. This status provides students 45 calendar days from the first day of the semester to submit official transcripts. Once official transcripts are received by the Office of Admissions, the student’s status will be updated to Regular Admission. Failure to submit required official transcripts in the 45-calendar day window will result in the student’s status being updated to Non-Degree Admission.

Non-Degree Admission Status allows students to earn academic credit without admission into a degree-seeking program. This status is recommended for non-traditional students who wish to begin taking academic courses at NMHU without having to take college entrance exams; and those who wish to take academic courses to prepare for graduate studies, career changes, or for professional and/or professional development. Non-degree admission is also recommended for visiting students from other institutions. In certain circumstances, non-degree admission may be granted to enable a student to enroll while a regular admissions application is pending. Students admitted in non-degree status are not eligible for financial assistance (financial aid, student loans, or scholarships).

Non-Degree Senior Citizen Community Member Status, as mandated by Chapter 21, Article 21D of the New Mexico State Statutes, a student may be eligible for a reduced tuition. The purpose of this statute is to provide educational opportunities for senior citizens who have reached the sixty-fifth birthday by the third Friday of classes (census date) in New Mexico. Each public post-secondary degree-granting institution in New Mexico must grant a reduction in tuition to senior citizens upon request by the student. The charge will be $5 per credit hour for up to ten credit hours; thereafter, students will be charged accordingly. Eligibility for Reduced Tuition Rates can be located at www.nmhu.edu/tuition

Dual Credit at New Mexico Highlands University gives high school students an opportunity to enroll at NMHU prior to high school graduation. A student must be either a junior or senior in high school and enrolled in one-half or more of the minimum course requirements approved by the student’s recognized secondary institution in the state of New Mexico. Admission to Dual Credit/Concurrent Enrollment is non-Degree status and not considered “Early Admission” to New Mexico Highlands University. Students desiring to continue in degree status after high school graduation must apply for admission and fulfill freshman admission requirements.

Military Status at New Mexico Highlands University is for veterans, active duty, reserves, and dependents who are eligible for automatic application fee waivers.

International Student Admission
Detailed procedures for admission of international students is available from the NMHU website at https://www.nmhu.edu/international/
For detailed information, contact the International Education Center,

Electronic means: International_ed@nmhu.edu.

Written communication:
New Mexico Highlands University
International Education Center
NMHU Box 9000
Las Vegas, NM 87701 USA

From outside the United States: 001.505-454-3372
From within the United States: 1-505-454-3372

International students apply through New Mexico Highlands University website at https://www.nmhu.edu/international-admissions/

Requirements for international students who seek admission to Highlands University:

  1. A complete application
  2. A $25.00 application fee
  3. International Undergraduate applicants (Students seeking a bachelor’s degree)
  4. Submit a completed and signed application through New Mexico Highlands University website at https://www.nmhu.edu/international-admissions/.

Upload a copy of a verifiable High School Diploma or Certificate of Completions that is equivalent to a U.S. High School Diploma.

In some cases, official transcripts from the institution where secondary education was completed may be required and must be mailed or electronically emailed directly from the issuing school.

 Electronic meansInternational_ed@nmhu.edu.

Written communication:
New Mexico Highlands University
International Education Center
NMHU Box 9000
Las Vegas, NM 87701 USA

Certificates or transcripts in a foreign language must be officially translated into English.

  1. Undergraduate or Graduate students seeking a second bachelor’s degree or seeking to transfer credits from a university or college outside of the United States must submit:A transcript evaluation by a credential evaluation service that is a current member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) https://myiee.org/create-account.php or a current member of the Association of International Credential Evaluators (AICE). http://aice-eval.org/    Evaluations must include the educational degree equivalency, grade point average and course-by-course analysis.

Certificates or transcripts in a foreign language must be officially translated into English.
All submitted documents to NMHU, whether official or unofficial, become property of NMHU.

  1. Provide evidence of the Command of the English Language

Applicants from countries in which English is an official language, but not the language of the majority or the language of instruction will be required to submit test scores to give evidence of an adequate command of the English language by earning a satisfactory score on any of the following English tests:

TEST       Written Computer Internet
TOEFL www.toefl.org 500 173 61
TOEFL for Business Applicants 540 207 76
IELTS www.ielts.org 5.5
IELTS for Business Applicants 6
GTEC (Global Test of English Communication) 1051
GTECT for Business Applicants 1151
STEP Eiken Grade 2A or 2150

Exceptions for providing evidence of adequate command of the English language are:

  • Persons holding citizenship in English-speaking countries.
  • Applicants holding citizenship in a country where the English language is an official  language and the means of instruction.

Information regarding testing may be obtained from:
TOEFL Services
Educational Testing Service
P.O. Box 6151
Princeton, NJ 08541-6151, USA
609.771.7100 or 877.863.3546

(Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 7:45 p.m. Eastern Time (New York), except for U.S.  holidays)
609.771.7714 – TTY (24 hours a day, seven days a week for test takers who are deaf or hearing impaired)

Courier or Delivery Service (UPS, FED-EX, DHL)

TOEFL Services (25Q-310)
Distribution and Receiving Center
225 Phillips Boulevard
Ewing, NJ 08618-1426, USA

IELTS Services

Step Eiken


  1. A completed Financial Certificate form and official bank statements for the purpose of issuing U.S. visa documents (I-20 or DS-2019).

International students must be formally admitted to New Mexico Highlands University before the process to issue student visa documents (I-20 or DS-2019) can begin. Receipt of an I-20 or DS-2019 document is required for the purpose of seeking a student visa in F-1 or J-1 student visa classification to study in the United States. 

Academic Policies and Procedures

The Office of the Registrar is responsible for the maintenance of the education records at New Mexico Highlands University. This includes, but is not limited to, student transcripts, academic folders, and faculty grade reports. The following information refers to some of the policies and procedures for education records. Note: Proper photo identification (driver’s license, NMHU Student ID card, passport or other state or federally issued identification) is required for all in-person transactions at any office within New Mexico Highlands University. Students calling in to any office within New Mexico Highlands University, for assistance will be required to provide their Student ID number and possibly other identifiable information such as date of birth, mailing address, email address, and perhaps other information (social security numbers is not an option).

Privacy Rights
The following information has been designated as directory information and is subject to release to the public under the Buckley Amendment (PL 98-380), “The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974:” student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, student ID number, honors and awards and dates of attendance. Other information regarding disclosure of student data is posted at the Registrar’s Office in compliance with the Act. Requests for withholding directory information must be filed in writing with the Office of the Registrar.

MyNMHU Portal
New students receive a welcome email from the university, which contains a link and instructions for first-time login to the portal. The portal provides access to software applications such as Brightspace, Office 365, Zoom, Self-Service Banner, Libraries and more.

Student Email
All NMHU students are assigned a New Mexico Highlands University email account. This account must be used for “Official” University communication between students, faculty, and staff members. Students may also use this account to communicate with family and friends. Access student email through MyNMHU Portal https://my.nmhu.edu.

NMHU Student ID (Banner ID)
New Mexico Highlands University does not use your Social Security Number to identify your account. When you do business with NMHU, you will be asked for your New Mexico Highlands University Student ID number (@99999999). You are assigned a Student ID when you are admitted to New Mexico Highlands University. You can find your Student ID in the top right corner of the screen when you log in to My NMHU Portal, click on name at the top right corner, and select profile.

Social Security Numbers in Student Records
As required by law, social security numbers are collected from prospective and current students who are either applying for admission to the University or plan to seek employment on campus. The social security number is a confidential record and is maintained as such by New Mexico Highlands University in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

In addition, New Mexico Highlands University is mandated by federal tax regulations to provide tuition and fee payment information to the student and the Internal Revenue Service so that applicable educational tax credits may be computed. The social security number will be necessary to submit this tax reporting.

Purging of Student Files
All academic files for students who attend NMHU are kept for five years following the student’s final enrollment. Only archival documentation will be retained. The files of students who do not enroll for one year after being admitted are destroyed.

Deceased Student Policy
The passing of any New Mexico Highlands University student has a significant impact on the student’s family and those in the institution that engaged with the student. The Dean of Students Office will serve as the liaison between the student’s family and the university. The Dean of Students will coordinate communication between all impacted university departments including the faculty upon notification.

All records pertaining to the student will be officially closed with the necessary university departments. All records will remain sealed by the university in accordance with the state and university retention policies. Request for records may be honored for executors of the student’s estate in certain circumstances deemed necessary by the university and its intended use.

Any person needing to inform the university Dean of Students Office of a student death may contact the University Dean of Students Office.

Posthumous Degree Policy
When circumstances merit, upon the death of a student, an academic department may nominate a student for a posthumous award of an Honorary Degree from New Mexico Highlands University.

The nominated student must have completed at least 85% of the credit hours required by the student’s academic program or have demonstrated compelling effort(s) to complete their degree as determined by the University.


  1. The Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost may submit a recommendation to the university President to nominate a student for posthumous degree.
  2. Upon nomination of a student for posthumous degree the Office of the Registrar will determine the progress the student has made towards completion of the Degree. If the Office of the Registrar can confirm that the student has completed at least 85% of the program requirements, the confirmed eligibility will be sent to the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost.
  3. If the recommendation for nomination is verified for completion by the Office of the Registrar, the approval is sent to the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost, the nomination will be submitted to the university President for final approval.
  4. If approved by the university President, the award will be posted to the student record with the Diploma being mailed to the student’s next of kin documented with the University.

Degree Audit
Degree Audit is a Web-based tool for students to monitor their academic progress toward degree completion. Degree Audit allows students and their advisors to plan future academic coursework. Access to Degree Audit is www.nmhu.edu by accessing MyNMHU Portal, click on Self-Service Banner application, click on Student, Student Records, Degree Audit. Final assessment of all completed degree requirements are issued by the Office of the Registrar and are not official on the Degree Audit.

Registration Periods
Registration periods are announced for the fall and spring semesters and the summer session each year. The specific dates, locations, and procedures are stated online on the schedule of classes for each semester or session. The schedule of classes may be viewed online at https://banss.nmhu.edu/StudentRegistrationSsb/ssb/term/termSelection?mode=search.

The NMHU registration process includes (1) Academic advising with a faculty or Student Success Coach, (2) registering for classes online or in person in the Office of the Registrar, or at the Center(s); and (3) paying the tuition and fee bill in full or making payment arrangements through the Business Office two weeks prior to the start of the full semester. Online registration is available through MyNMHU Portal on our website at www.nmhu.edu. For additional information or assistance regarding registering for classes, call 505-454-3438. For specific semester registration, drop and withdrawal dates, refer to the appropriate schedule of classes available online at: https://www.nmhu.edu/academic-calendar/.

Approved Schedules
Each student’s selection of courses is subject to approval by the assigned academic adviser. (See Undergraduate Degree Requirements regarding academic advising at New Mexico Highlands University.) Requests for any exceptions to university academic regulations are reviewed by the Office of Academic Affairs for compliance with general University requirements. Students’ course selections are subject to review, and a student may be withdrawn from a class if enrollment in the class violates an academic regulation of New Mexico Highlands University (such as those regulating course levels and maximum loads).

Auditing a Class or Classes
Audited classes do not count toward any graduation requirements of New Mexico Highlands University and are recorded with an AU on the student’s transcript. Students intending to audit a course must fill out the relevant form and submit it to the Registrar’s office. The form requires the permission of the instructor. Students registered for audited courses must attend a minimum of 70 percent of the scheduled class sessions.

Students who wish to audit must request this status during the official registration/drop period as indicated on the Academic Calendar. Changes from audit to credit, or credit to audit, must be made by filing the relevant form from the Registrar’s office, with the instructor’s approval, during the official registration/drop period. Any changes after the official registration/drop period will require approval from the academic dean. The exact deadline for changing the credit/audit status of courses is stated in the Academic Calendar for each term.

Changes to the Approved Schedule of Classes
Changes to a student’s approved schedule of classes may be made online through self-service Banner at www.nmhu.edu, in the Office of the Registrar, or at the Center(s). See the schedule of classes, important information for additional information. Log in to MyNMHU Portal at https://www.nmhu.edu/ and select Course Lookup by Semester.

Instructors do not drop or withdraw students from classes for any reason. It is the student’s responsibility to do so. Students who wish to drop or withdraw from all their classes must complete the formal procedure for withdrawing from school. Students who remain enrolled in a class after the deadline to withdraw will receive a grade (other than a “W”) in the class and remain responsible for assessed tuition and fees.

Add, Drop, and Withdrawal Policies
The policy and deadlines for adding, dropping, and withdrawing from courses comply with state and federal policies, and are designed to help students understand their financial and academic obligations to a course or courses. Additionally, courses may be cancelled if under-enrolled and faculty’s planning for instruction may be affected by the number of enrolled students. Students who add or drop late may have a disruptive impact on faculty and other students in the course. Add, drop, and withdrawal deadlines, therefore, help New Mexico Highlands University provide appropriate resources to faculty and courses. Students who add courses after they have begun are responsible for making up all missed work in consultation with their instructors. The registration process, to include adding and dropping classes, can be completed using New Mexico Highlands University automated process.

Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing from Courses (for Full Term courses)
The first six days of the semester constitutes the late registration period. The six days begin on the first day of semester to include weekends. The total number of credits allowed is subject to limits stated elsewhere in this section. Students may drop courses through the first nine days of the semester. The nine days begin on the first day of the semester to include weekends. Tuition charges will be adjusted when adding and dropping courses. Dropped courses will not appear on the student’s transcript. After the drop period, students may withdraw from courses.

Withdrawals from individual courses are allowed through the Friday of the 10th week of the semester. Payment is required for tuition and fees as described elsewhere in this catalog for all withdrawn courses. The course(s) will remain on the student’s transcript, recorded with a grade of “W”. In addition, students will be required to pay tuition charges and fees for any courses in which they are enrolled after the end of the late registration period, even though they subsequently withdrew from them (The late registration period is defined above). Any courses added to student’s original schedule throughout the semester might result in overload tuition charges.

For a complete list of dates please click on the Important Information link at the following website: https://banweb.nmhu.edu/prod/wwckschd.p_disp_dyn_sched

Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing Courses (for 8-week sessions)
The first three days of the eight-week session constitutes the late registration period. The three days begin on the first day of the course to include weekends. Students may drop courses through the first four days of the course. The four days begin on the first day of the course to include weekends. Tuition charges will be adjusted when adding and dropping courses. A dropped course will not appear on the student’s transcript. After the drop period, students may withdraw from individual courses. Students withdrawing from courses after the drop period are required to pay tuition and fees as described elsewhere in this catalog. The course(s) will remain on the student’s transcript, recorded with a grade of “W”. For the last day to request a complete session withdraw from an 8-week session, refer to the online schedule of courses. Summer courses shorter than 8 weeks will be defined as “Short Term” courses.

Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing (from Short-Term Courses)
Short Term Courses are defined as courses that meet less than the regular full semester (16 weeks during Fall, Spring, and less than 8-weeks during Summer session). Short Term Courses may include intercession courses that meet in-between regular semesters, courses that meet during the regular semester but for fewer than 16 weeks, courses that meet during the summer semester but fewer than 8 weeks, and courses meeting over the weekends. The last day to add a short-term course is the first day of the course. The last day to drop is the first day of the course. For courses meeting more than one week, the last day to withdraw from a short-term course is the last business day of the course session, but at least seven days (to include weekends) before the last day of that term. For courses meeting less than one week, the last day to withdraw from a short-term course is the second day the course is scheduled to meet.

Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing for Independent Study or Directed Study Courses
Students who wish to add an independent study or directed study course must do so following the policy for full-term courses as described above. All other term policies (add, drop, withdraw, tuition payment and fees) apply.

Complete School Withdrawals
Complete school withdrawals are allowed through the Friday before the scheduled finals week for that part of term. Payment is required for tuition and fees as described elsewhere in this catalog for all withdrawn courses. The course(s) will remain on the student’s transcript, recorded with a grade of “W”.

Retroactive Adding, Dropping or Withdrawing
Students may petition for retroactive add, drop, or withdrawal from classes if they can substantiate hardship with the above scheduling policies. Petitions may be obtained through online documents http://its.nmhu.edu/www/onlinedocs/index.html. The student routes the retroactive add, drop, or withdrawal petition through the department; then routes the form for recommendation to the faculty of record, Department Chair, Student Accounts Receivable (SAR), Financial Aid, and once the petition has been signed by all parties, the administrative assistant then forwards to the academic dean of the student’s major for final decision.

Based on the information gathered, the dean makes the final determination to grant or deny the petition. The dean’s office then notifies the student by official letter via the NMHU student email system, and the Registrar. The completed petition packet with approval letter is sent to the Office of the Registrar for processing. Student who are petitioning may check their student record for the proof the petition has been processed.

For complicated or disputed petitions, the dean may forward the petitions to the Graduate Appeals Subcommittee of Academic Affairs for review and recommendation.

There is a one-year statute of limitations on retroactive add, drop, or withdraw petitions; in extreme circumstances, retroactive add/drop/withdraw petitions may still be forwarded directly to the graduate dean for consideration after the one-year statute has expired.

Recommended timeline for action is as follows should be no more than 30-45 working days from the date of decision.

Retroactive Adding and Dropping Independent Study, Research, or Directed Study classes
Independent study, independent research, and directed stud forms can be found at http://its.nmhu.edu/www/onlinedocs/index.html. Adding or dropping independent studies, research, or directed studies requires approval from the relevant faculty members(s), chair, and dean of the student’s major. If approval is granted, the student is still responsible for course registration.

Withdrawing from the University
If a student wishes to withdraw from New Mexico Highlands University, he or she must do so officially through the Office of the Registrar. Students who are unable to personally appear must contact the Registrar by phone, letter, email (Registrar@nmhu.edu), or fax (505-454-3552) to request assistance in completing the process of withdrawing. The last day to withdraw from classes is subject to change and is reflected in yearly academic calendars http://www.nmhu.edu/current-students/academic-calendar/ as well as published in the Important Information document with the Summary Class Schedule on My NMHU.

Please refer to the Tuition, Fees, and Financial Policies section of this catalog for a schedule of deadlines for full or partial refunds of tuition and fees.

Regarding Tuition and Fees
If a formal withdrawal from school occurs within the drop period, no courses will appear on the transcript for that term. If a formal withdrawal occurs after the drop period, grades of W are entered for the classes. Students who leave school without completing an official withdrawal from school will receive grades of F for that term. The last day to withdraw from school may coincide with the last day to withdraw from class. For specific dates and deadlines, please refer to the Tuition, Fees, and Financial Policies section of this catalog.

Credit Hours Defined
All classes must conform to the Federal Credit Hour Definition below. By policy, assignment of credit hours is overseen and approved by the Academic Affairs Committee, the department chair, the dean, and the provost, via the Academic Affairs Committee and the Office of Academic Affairs.

Federal Credit Hour Definition
A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than:

(I) One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately 15 weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or 10 to 12 weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or

(II) At least an equivalent amount of work as required in Paragraph I of this definition for other activities as established by an institution, including laboratory work, online/distance/hybrid courses, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading toward to the award of credit hours.

34CFR 600.2 Federal Credit hour requirements
Regular lecture courses must meet 750 minutes per credit hour and must include time for breaks. Labs require twice as much time (see the New Mexico Highlands University Catalog course description for definition of specific labs). Courses that have unrestricted time, such as thesis, field project, etc., will be listed as TBA (to be announced).

Distance Education
The distance learning modalities (online course types) offered at NMHU fall under one of the six following categories. The face-to-face delivery modality is the traditional instructional method in which students and faculty meet at the same physical location at the same time. The face-to-face modality is not a distance learning modality but is integral to some of the distance learning modalities. Therefore, there are seven course types at NMHU: face-to-face, enhanced, interactive video conferencing, hybrid, blended, synchronous, and asynchronous.

  1. Enhanced

Enhanced delivery is a traditional, face-to-face class that meets at regularly scheduled times in a physical classroom. Then, faculty use an online learning management system (LMS) to communicate with students and provide access to course content and resources. For example, Enhanced Delivery uses the LMS as a supplement to a face-to-face class, which is the primary mode of learning.

  1. Interactive Video Conferencing (IVC)

Faculty and students are based at a university facility, and instruction is delivered synchronously by video conferencing to classrooms at remote sites. (Formerly known as Interactive Television, or ITV.) For example, face-to-face instruction occurs in a campus classroom while being broadcast live, in real time, to classrooms at sites.

  1. Hybrid
    Hybrid courses use multiple synchronous delivery modalities (face-to face, web conferencing, teleconferencing, and/or IVC). For example, a course will have a fixed lecture time to facilitate discussion of class topics or to present assigned projects online. Although the class will be taught at a physical location, some students will be participating at remote locations live, in real-time, through the use of various instructional technologies.
  2. Blended
    Blended courses combine synchronous and asynchronous (non-simultaneous) delivery modalities. A portion of the face-to-face and/or IVC instruction (contact-time) is replaced by web-based learning activities. The asynchronous portion of class dialogue does not occur live, in real-time, but happens through web-based learning activities (course emails, discussion forums, blogs, etc.). For example, a Blended class may meet face-to-face every other week, but require asynchronous web-based instruction for the alternating weeks.
  3. Synchronous
    Synchronous delivery is online learning in which instruction and learning occur at the same time, but not necessarily in the same physical location. Students and instructors meet in regularly scheduled weekly sessions. For example, faculty will present content live, and allow the students to discuss the content and raise questions within a virtual classroom. Students and faculty communicate live, in real-time.
  4. Asynchronous  Asynchronous delivery is online learning in which all content is delivered online with no requirement for synchronous (simultaneous) activities. Delivery of asynchronous teaching and learning enables faculty and students to address course content without being online at the same time. For example, students participate in web-based learning activities; asynchronous class dialogue does not occur live, in real-time, but happens through web-based learning activities (course emails, discussion forums, blogs, etc.).

Undergraduate Student Loads During a Semester
An average of 15 semester credits must be completed each semester, excluding summer, if a student is to graduate in four years. Students on the lottery and/or other scholarships must be enrolled in a minimum of 15 credit hours each semester. Some students take more than the minimum credits required for graduation, either for personal interest or because the major or minor programs of choice are lengthy. Students should plan their load carefully, considering desired speed of progress and minimum loads required for continuation of financial assistance and scholarships, and in consultation with their academic adviser.

Credit Overload
The regular maximum load for undergraduate students is 18 semester credits. The academic dean may approve a student’s schedule for an overload of more than 18 credits, provided the adviser recommends the overload, the student has a grade point average above 2.5 for the preceding semester, the student is neither engaged in formal extracurricular activities nor employed more than 20 hours per week, and the student is not on academic probation. No undergraduate student may take more than 22 semester credits hours. Tuition and fee information is located in the Tuition and Fee section of the catalog.

Undergraduate Student Loads During a Summer Session
The regular maximum load for undergraduate students in a summer session is nine credits.

Credit Overload
The academic dean may approve a schedule for more than nine credits subject to the conditions stated above for overloads in a regular semester. No undergraduate student may take more than 12 credits in a summer session.

Undergraduate Full-Time Loads
For financial assistance purposes, a full-time undergraduate student is defined as one who is taking at least 12 semester credits in a regular semester and six semester credits in a summer session. Requirements for full-time status vary for scholarship recipients, but frequently exceed the 12-credit minimum.

Classification of Undergraduate Students
Classification of students is based on completion of semester credits and other criteria:

Lower Division:
Freshman: Fewer than 30 credits
Sophomore: 30 through 59 credits

Upper Division:
Junior: 60 through 89 credits
Senior: 90 credits and above

Reclassification of students occurs automatically upon completion of the prescribed number of credits. However, the Provost may invoke the following additional regulations in assessing a student’s preparation to take 3000 or 4000 level classes: sophomore students must have completed English 1110; junior and senior students must have completed English 1110 and 1120, satisfied the mathematics proficiency requirements, and filed approved major and minor forms.

Course Numbers and Levels
Proficiency: English 1060 is a proficiency course and the credits do not count toward the minimum 120 credits required for a degree but do count in a student’s course load. MATH 1215 is a proficiency course that counts as electives toward the minimum 120 credits required for a degree.

Lower Division Courses are numbered from 1000 through 2990.

Upper Division Courses are numbered from 3000 through 4990.

1000-1999 – Freshman courses

2000-2999 – Sophomore courses

3000-3999 – Junior courses

4000-4999 – Senior courses

5000-5999 – First-year graduate courses

6000-6999 – Advanced graduate courses

The following regulations apply to allowable course levels:
Freshman students may not enroll in 3000- or 4000-level courses without written consent.

Sophomore students may enroll in 3000-level courses but not in 4000-level courses.

Junior and senior students may take 4000-level courses.

Only undergraduates with advanced standing and graduate students may enroll in 5000-level courses. The 5000-level course taken by an undergraduate with advanced standing will only apply to the graduate degree and not to the undergraduate degree, no exceptions are made to this rule. Only highly qualified undergraduate students who participate in the Advanced Credit program can enroll for 5/6000 level courses. The courses taken while participating in the Advanced Credit program apply to the undergraduate and graduate degree.

Grades and Grading Policies
This section states policies regarding grades given at New Mexico Highlands University, computation of grade averages, academic warnings, and honors for academic excellence. Effective Fall 2015, a fractional grading system was adopted. Faculty have discretion is using fractional grading.

Grade Appeal
The appeal for a grade change is a very serious matter with regard to the academic rights of both the professor and the student. All grade appeals must be initiated within one year of the assignment of the original grade. No grade appeal will be considered unless the student has made a bona fide effort to resolve the matter with the professor. The student must submit the completed form to the School/College Dean for review and discussion with the student. The School/College Dean will request that the professor respond to the appeal. If the school dean is unable to resolve the situation, the School/College Dean will submit both forms to the Office of Academic Affairs for resolution by the Academic Affairs Committee.

Further policy information is available on the Grade Appeal Form that is accessible through online documents at www.nmhu.edu.

Undergraduate Grades
The following grades are reported for undergraduate students at New Mexico Highlands University. As appropriate, they appear on midterm reports, semester or summer term grade reports, and transcripts.

A+ = Excellent (4 points)

A = Excellent (4 points)

A-= Excellent (3.7 points)

B+ = Above Average (3.3 points)

B =Above Average (3 points)

B- = Above Average (2.7 points)

C+ = Average (2.3 points)

C = Average (2 points)

D = Below Average, but passing (1 point)

F = Failure (0 points)

Some programs may have stricter scholastic requirements; students must check with their academic adviser.

The following marks are reported for undergraduate and graduate students at New Mexico Highlands University. As appropriate, they appear on midterm reports, semester or summer term grade reports, and transcripts.

W – Withdrawal from the Class. Regulations for the W grade are stated in this catalog.

AU – Audit. No credit is given for the course, but attendance is required in at least 70 percent of the scheduled class sessions. Instructor permission is required to be allowed to audit a course.

S – Satisfactory. Used for proficiency courses and some developmental courses, some practicum courses, institutes, workshops, field project, and the completed thesis. Indicates satisfactory completion of course requirements.

R – Repeat. Used exclusively for developmental and proficiency courses. Indicates that course requirements have not been satisfied and that the course must be repeated to satisfy the proficiency requirement.

U – Unsatisfactory. Used for proficiency courses and some developmental courses. Indicates unsatisfactory in course requirements.

PR – Progress. Used only for thesis, field project, senior readings, and some practicum courses (and as a midterm grade for graduate seminar courses). Indicates that acceptable progress has been made. To receive a permanent grade of S, the student re-reregisters for the course until the course requirements are completed.

NP – No Progress. Used for thesis, field project, senior readings, some practicum courses, and as a midterm grade for graduate seminar courses to indicate that acceptable progress has not been made.

I – Incomplete. Given at the discretion of the course instructor only when circumstances beyond the student’s control prevent completion of course requirements within the established time. The student requests an incomplete in lieu of a final course grade from the instructor, whose approval is required. The instructor reports the “I” and files the Incomplete form with the Office of the Registrar documenting the work requiring completion and other conditions. An incomplete not completed within one calendar year automatically becomes an F for both undergraduate and graduate students. (The instructor has the option of setting a terminal date of less than one year.) Students should not re-reregister for a course in which they have an “I”; if they do so, the “I” will become an F at the time when a grade is awarded in the registered course. Students are responsible for tuition for any repeated course.

CR – Credit. Used only for transfer credits.

CRD – Credit used only for transfer credits with a D grade.

Undergraduate Grade Point Average
Following are the allowable grades and associated grade points for undergraduate students:

A+ = 4.00 A = 4.00 A- = 3.7 B+ = 3.3 B = 3.00 B- = 2.7 C+ = 2.3 C = 2.00 D = 1.00 F = 0.0

The sum of the earned quality points is divided by the number of credits to calculate the grade point average (GPA). The following is a sample calculation:

A student earns the following grades in five classes during a certain semester:

4 hrs. A = 16.0 pts.

6 hrs. B = 18.0 pts.

3 hrs. C = 6.0 pts.

2 hrs. D = 2.0 pts.

15 hrs. = 42.0 pts.

GPA calculation is: 42.0 ÷ 15 = 2.80 grade point average.

GPA requirements are stated in subsequent sections.

Satisfactory Academic Progress
Students who maintain the minimum academic standards shown in the scale below will be considered in good academic standing and will be considered to have demonstrated satisfactory academic progress. Students must show evidence of satisfactory progress toward a college degree to avoid academic probation and dismissal, and to continue to be eligible for financial aid through most financial aid programs.

Cumulative Credit Hours Graded/Required GPA

1 to 30 Undergraduate Credits Graded and 1.75 Cumulative GPA

31 or More Undergraduate Credits Graded and 2.0 Cumulative GPA

Repetition of a Course
A student may repeat any course but will receive credit only once toward degree requirements and graduation unless otherwise noted in this catalog. The most recent grade received will be used in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average. Course Repeat Forms are available in the Office of the Registrar and must be completed by the student who is repeating a course. The student’s transcript will be coded to reflect that the course was repeated, and the cumulative grade point average will be adjusted. Repeat coursework may not be eligible for financial aid and students are advised to consult with the Financial Aid Office prior to repeating any course.

Midterm Grades
The faculty submits midterm grades for each student in each class to the Office of the Registrar in the fall and spring semesters according to the schedule announced in the online schedule of classes. (No midterm grades are submitted for summer or short-term courses.) These grades are displayed for viewing by the student on the New Mexico Highlands University secure website, www.nmhu.edu and HU Mobile. These reports serve to inform students and advisers of a student’s progress so any problems in class performance can be addressed. If discrepancies occur at this time in the student’s schedule of classes, the student should proceed immediately to the Office of the Registrar to correct the schedule. Midterm grades do not appear on transcripts and are not kept as a permanent record.

Honors List
Undergraduate students earning a grade point average of at least 3.5 within a semester with no incomplete grades, and 12 graded hours, are recognized by the Provost. Honors are awarded in summer terms for the same levels of performance except students must complete at least six credits.

Academic Probation
Students whose academic performance in a given semester is not satisfactory, as noted below, will be placed on academic probation:

Freshmen must earn at least a 1.75 GPA.

Other undergraduates must earn at least a 2.0 GPA.

The probationary period is for one semester. To be removed from probationary status, students must earn a satisfactory GPA as noted. A student on academic probation at another University may be admitted to New Mexico Highlands University but retains probationary status.

Academic Dismissal
Degree-seeking students whose academic progress is unsatisfactory and who are placed on probation for two consecutive semesters are subject to academic dismissal and will be notified by the Office of Academic Affairs. The dismissal period may be for one semester or one calendar year. Students may appeal their dismissal to the Office of Academic Affairs. If the appeal is approved, the dismissal may be waived or shortened.

During the period of dismissal, a student may not attend classes, live in student housing, or be a student employee.

Academic Integrity
New Mexico Highlands University is an academic community and, as such, is dedicated to the principles of truth and academic honesty. When a student commits academic dishonesty, the integrity and reputation of New Mexico Highlands University is undermined.

Academic dishonesty occurs when a student engages in any of the following activities on any graded exercise or examination:

Academic Dishonesty: Any behavior by a student that misrepresents or falsifies the student’s knowledge, skills, or ability.

Plagiarism: The process of using the ideas, data, written work or language of another person, and claiming it as original or without specific or proper acknowledgement, including, but not limited to, copying another person’s paper, article, computer or other work and submitting it for an assignment; or copying someone else’s ideas without attribution; or failing to use quotation marks where appropriate; or copying another person’s idea or written work and claiming it as original without acknowledgment of the original author or creator.

Cheating: A student’s use of, or attempt to use, unauthorized notes, texts, visual aids, electronic devices, assistance, copies of tests, material or study aids in examinations or other academic work to misrepresent his or her knowledge, skills, or abilities. 

Collusion: Secret cooperation between students in order to cheat or plagiarize. 

Facilitation: One student knowingly helps or attempts to help another student to violate any provision of this policy. 

Fabrication: A student submits contrived, altered, or false information in any academic work product, exercise, or examination. 

Multiple Submissions: A student submits, without prior permission, any work submitted to fulfill another academic requirement. 

Falsification of Records: A student alters a transcript or academic record, without authorization, or misrepresents information on a resume, either before or after enrolling as a student at New Mexico Highlands University, to unfairly improve his or her grades or rank or those of another student.

At New Mexico Highlands University, academically dishonest students are subject to a number of punitive measures by instructors or New Mexico Highlands University. These punitive measures must be supported by documentation and evidence. A student who has had an academic dishonesty penalty imposed as a result of an alleged violation of this policy and who disagrees with the allegation of academic dishonesty or with such penalty may appeal following the Academic Petition Procedure of the Academic Affairs Committee. Students found to practice academic dishonesty are subject to expulsion from New Mexico Highlands University. Further guidance on academic dishonesty is available in the student and faculty handbooks.

Class Attendance
Persons whose names do not appear on the class list or roster are not registered for the course. Fundamentally, a person who is not registered has no relationship with New Mexico Highlands University and is not entitled to any services including instruction, testing, evaluation, disability services, or submission of a grade. Instructors may not permit students to attend classes without being registered. Students whose names do not appear on class rosters are to contact the Office of the Registrar to resolve the matter. Students can check online for the status of their class registration or enrollment. Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Those who are absent because of circumstances beyond their control may be required to make up work missed during the period of absence. Excessive absences can adversely affect a student’s grade or result in an F. Instructors should make the policies on attendance in each class available in writing to students. If a student’s conduct in class interferes with others, is disruptive of teaching, or is contrary to the established class practices, the instructor may ask the student to leave the class.

Scheduled Class Meetings
No change in the scheduled class days and hours may be made without the approval of the Provost and the Registrar, even though all students in the class concur in the change. Any temporary departure from the schedule is to be prearranged through the Provost. Room changes may be made by instructors only through the Registrar and school/college dean. Instructors are not to change rooms without this approval. Classes are not to be transferred to private facilities. Students are not to register for classes that are scheduled to meet in overlapping times or days.

Final Examinations
The schedule of final examinations is listed in the online schedule of classes for each term. The exam schedule is also noted on the New Mexico Highlands University’s website: https://banweb.nmhu.edu/prod/wwckschd.p_disp_dyn_sched. The final examination period for each class is a part of the semester’s instructional time and is to be so used by the instructor of the course.

Any departures from the scheduled time or day for a final examination must be approved in advance by the Provost. Faculty members are not to adjust the schedule on their own initiative, even though all of the students in the class concur in the change. If a student would experience a great personal hardship through attendance at a regularly scheduled final examination, the instructor of the course may agree to give an “Incomplete” or to give an individual early examination. If a student fails to take a final examination, the instructor will decide whether the grade for the course will be an F or an incomplete. Each case should be decided on its merit. Circumstances beyond the student’s control should result in the “I” grade.

Independent Study or Independent Research
Independent study and independent research courses are for individual work by a student under supervision of a faculty member on a topic agreed upon between them. A form describing each independent study course is approved by the academic dean in which the course is offered and the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and submitted to the Office of the Registrar at the time of registration. New Mexico Highlands University offers undergraduate independent study and research courses under the numbers 3900, 3920, 3990, 4900, 4920, 4990, and, in some cases, 2900 and 2990. These are variable-credit courses offering students and faculty supervisors a choice in the extent of the project and the corresponding amount of time to be spent and academic credit to be earned.

The following regulations apply to undergraduate independent study and research courses:
To be eligible to take an independent study class in a given subject, a student must have a sufficient grade point average in courses in the field and have completed basic work in the field (as determined by the college/school) to demonstrate the ability to conduct an independent investigation. Permission of the instructor is required to register for an independent study course. Online enrollment is not allowed for these special permission courses as an approved proposal form is required for enrollment.

For each semester credit in the independent study course, the student should expect to spend at least four hours of work per week. Faculty supervisors must schedule at least a weekly appointment with each student doing independent study under their supervision.

A written report of the work completed in independent study must be one requirement of the course.

No more than four credits of undergraduate independent study may be taken in one discipline in one term, and no more than six credits may be applied toward any major or minor program.

Independent study courses may not be used to avoid an instructor of a regular course or to substitute for a regular course because of inconvenience or careless scheduling, to extend the number of credits in a regular course, to replace payments for a work assignment, or to permit a student to add credits solely to gain financial assistance or other scholarship eligibility. Independent study courses may not be credited toward any core curriculum or proficiency requirement.

Directed Study Classes
Directed study courses are designed for an individual or a small group of students who need a particular course to complete their program of study and are under the direction of a faculty member. The faculty member’s permission is required at the time of registration for the course. The directed study form is to be approved by the dean and submitted to the Office of the Registrar at the time of registration.

The content of the course and credits awarded may be that of a regularly offered course with the exception of core curriculum courses. Special circumstances under which these courses may be offered are:

The student(s) needs the class to graduate before the next time the regular course is to be scheduled.

A course substitution is not feasible.

Directed study courses are offered under the numbers 3930, 4930, 4950. The title of the directed study must be identified on the form consistent with the course number and title that it will substitute for such as: SPED 4930 DS: Classroom Management in Special Education. The course syllabus must be attached to the directed study proposal form. Online enrollment is not allowed for these special permission courses as an approved proposal form is required for enrollment.

Practicum, Internship, and Field Project Courses
These titles are used for courses that students undertake with the joint supervision of a work-supervisor and a university faculty member, either at an on- or off-campus site. Often’ they are offered with a variable-credit option allowing students a choice in the extent of the work and thus in the amount of academic credit to be earned. Registration in these courses requires permission of the faculty member who will serve as faculty course supervisor.

Testing Out of Classes by Special Examination
The following regulations apply to the testing-out procedure at New Mexico Highlands University. Permission to undertake the special examination is requested on a form available in online documents at www.nmhu.edu and is submitted directly to the academic department of the course being requested to test out. The request must be approved, credits are paid for in advance of exam, and the form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar before the special examination can be administered. Any student who sits for the special exam prior to payment and approval of the Office of the Registrar will forfeit their funds and grade will not be posted to the record. Applicants for special examination must meet the conditions stated in A and B below: 

  1. A student is eligible to apply for special examination to test out of a class offered at New Mexico Highlands University if the student meets one of the following conditions:
  • A course has been taken with similar content, but credit has not been received for reasons other than failure.
  • There has been private tutoring, e.g., private instruction in music.
  • The student has had successful work experience involving extensive preparation in the field.
  • The student has produced a work of recognized merit or presents other evidence of mastery in the field.

2. A student eligible under A above must also:

  • Have been a resident student at this University for at least one semester.
  • Have at least a 3.0 grade point average in the field and at least a 2.0 grade point average in all previous University work.

Limit the total number of requests for special examination to 12 credits. (Exceptions to this limit must be approved by the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs.) Obtain approval of the course instructor, the dean of the college/school in which the course is offered, and the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs. Pay a fee of $40 per credit hour for each special examination. Payment must be made prior to administration of the test. Examination questions and the completed examination paper are to be filed in the Office of the Registrar.

Student Records (Access to and Confidentiality)
Under the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), New Mexico Highlands University students have the following rights in regard to their educational records. The right to inspect and review their education records within a reasonable time, not to exceed 45 days, upon making an official request and obtaining an appointment to do so. The student may challenge inaccuracies or misleading statements contained in his or her educational records. Challenges must be made in writing and forwarded to the Registrar. The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes exceptions without consent. Exceptions are a school official with a legitimate educational interest, compliance with judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena, officials for audit or evaluation purposes, in an emergency involving the health or safety of a student or other person and directory information.

The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by New Mexico Highlands University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. Complaints may be forwarded to:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20202-5920
800.USA.LEARN (800.872.5327)

Directory Information
Directory information at New Mexico Highlands is student’s name, address, email address, telephone listing, field of study, photograph, date and place of birth, major field of study, grade level, enrollment status, dates of attendance, participation in officially recognized activities, and sports; weight and height of members of athletic teams; degrees, honors, and awards received; and the most recent educational agency or institution attended. Written requests from student to have directory information withheld must be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar by the last day of registration per semester and will be maintained for the remainder of the academic year or until revoked by the student in writing. In accordance with 14-3-15.1NMSA, New Mexico Highlands University does not release directory information for commercial or solicitation purposes. For more information, please contact the Office of the Registrar at 505-454-3455 or Registrar@nmhu.edu.

Change of Name or Address
Students who need to process a change of name for their academic records must bring appropriate documentation (at least two types of identification showing the new name) to the Office of the Registrar. Examples of such documentation include marriage certificate, birth certificate, and court order for legal name change, with a copy of state-issued ID card or driver’s license and or Social Security card with change. Name changes must accompany a written request for the change and will be processed only for currently enrolled students. Change of address forms are available in the Office of the Registrar. For more information, contact the Office of the Registrar at 505-454-3455 or Registrar@nmhu.edu.

Chosen First Name Policy (effective Spring 2023)
New Mexico Highlands University (NMHU) recognizes that some members of the campus community use names other than their legal/birth names to identify themselves. NMHU supports members of the campus community in this choice and any member may designate a preferred first name regardless of whether they have legally changed their name. In line with NMHU’s mission, to support an inclusive educational and work environment, NMHU adopts the following to permit members of the university to use a first name different from their legal name on certain university records. Campus community members may designate a preferred first name so long as the chosen name is not for the purpose of misrepresentation, used as an attempt to avoid legal obligations, and/or uses highly offensive language. If this occurs, NMHU reserves the right to refuse to recognize a campus community member’s preferred chosen name and refer to the legal name of record. NMHU recognizes that a chosen name should be used whenever possible in the course of university business and education.

Please note that changing your chosen first name for certain records does not change your legal name with New Mexico Highlands University. Below is a listing of all the areas in which your chosen name will appear (once changed) and areas in which your legal name will still appear.

Chosen First Name Will Appear Legal First Name Will Appear

Admissions Decision Letter

Alumni Office Records

Athletic Team Lists

NMHU user account display name (i.e., email, Brightspace)

Class Rosters

Commencement Programs


Faculty Advisee Lists

Library Records

Major/Minor Lists

ID card (Provided you obtain a new one from the Housing)

Class Schedule List

Financial Aid and Billing Record and Communication

Official and Unofficial Transcripts

Tax Documents

Registrar’s Office Records (i.e., permanent student file records)

Some official forms or correspondence from the University such as financial aid awards, residence life contracts, departmental or program notices, etc.

Time Entry System (Banner)

Employment related documents (i.e., new hire forms, benefits forms, paychecks, paystubs, etc.)

New Mexico Highlands University has appointed Parchment Inc. as our agent for printing and mailing academic transcripts. Students can order Official Transcripts online at the MyNMHU Portal using your university credentials. To request transcripts if attendance was prior to 1990, please click on the following link and follow the instructions: https://www.parchment.com/u/registration/34544/institution.

Students may check the online order of transcripts by clicking on the following link: https://www.parchment.com/u/auth/login?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.parchment.com%2Fu%2Forder%2Ftrack.

Transcript Holds
Transcripts (official or unofficial) will not be released to the student or to any other person or institution until all the student’s outstanding financial/other obligations to New Mexico Highlands University have been paid or until satisfactory payment arrangements have been made. These obligations include, but are not limited to, outstanding default student loans, institutional tuition, and fees, and/or other charges. All financial arrangements are conducted in the Business Office, not the Office of the Registrar.

Right to Petition for Hardship
Students are entitled to petition for relief of an unfair academic hardship brought about by any University policy or regulation.

Definition of Hardship
Student hardship – a rare and unforeseeable situation, outside of a student’s control, that imposes such difficulty on a student that a reasonable person would agree that it prevents a student from complying with a policy in a timely manner. Examples include (but are not limited to): a mental health, or immediate family emergency; acute episode of a prolonged illness; or other traumatic event. Documentation must be provided to justify the hardship.

Academic petitions can be found under online documents from the New Mexico Highlands University webpage, http://its.nmhu.edu/www/onlinedocs/index.html. Please consult the Office of the Registrar for more information. There is a two-year statute of limitations on academic petitions. In exceptional circumstances, academic petitions filed after a two-year period shall be submitted directly to the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs for consideration. All academic hardship petitions are obtained through online http://its.nmhu.edu/www/onlinedocs/index.html and must be typed. Petition procedures are as follows:

  1. Students must submit academic petitions to their advisor and the program coordinator/department Chair along with any supporting documentation for consideration. The student must include a copy of their degree audit.
  2. The student is responsible for obtaining the signature indicating approval or disapproval from the academic advisor in their major. The advisor or student then routes the form through the program coordinator/department chair and the academic dean, who indicate their approvals or disapprovals, and then forward to the Office of Academic Affairs. If the hardship petition involves financial issues, input from the comptroller or designee in the business office and the Director of Financial Aid or designee will be obtained.
  3. After the Office of Academic Affairs receives the petition, the AVPAA/Provost should send complicated or disputed petitions to the Academic Affairs Undergraduate Appeals Subcommittee. The subcommittee will further review and provide a recommendation to the AVPAA/Provost before the final University decision is made.
  4. At the discretion of the Academic Affairs Undergraduate Appeals Subcommittee, the subcommittee may hold a hearing before making a recommendation to the Academic Affairs Office. The subcommittee will establish any rules regarding fair procedure for the hearing, and let the student know at least one week in advance of the hearing through university email.
  5. After the hearing, members of the subcommittee shall vote to support or not support the petition. Their recommendation, along with the individual members’ votes, will be sent to the AVPAA or Provost.
  6. The AVPAA or Provost makes the final decision to approve or deny the petition. The AVPAA or Provost then notifies the student, the registrar, the dean, and the chair of the AAC subcommittee of the decision. If financial changes result from an approval, the financial aid and business office are also notified.
  7. The suggested timeline for action under normal circumstances after receipt by each office is: a) Eleven (11) working days for the complete set of recommendations from the advisor, chair/program coordinator, and dean. b) Six (6) working days for a final decision by the AVPAA/Provost after a petition is received either from the dean or the subcommittee. c) Eleven (11) working days for the recommendation by the subcommittee or sixteen (16) working days if a hearing is required.

Academic Amnesty
Academic amnesty will benefit undergraduate students who once attended New Mexico Highlands University but did not continue due to poor grades, which resulted in academic probation or dismissal. A student may return to New Mexico Highlands University; and, once granted amnesty, his or her earlier academic record will not be used for computation of the grade point average (GPA). Academic amnesty makes it possible for a student to attain an acceptable GPA for graduation from college. Academic amnesty is not available to students who were expelled from New Mexico Highlands University because of violation of the Student Code of Conduct, University regulations, or federal, state, or local laws. Students should consult with the Office of Financial Aid to determine if they will qualify for financial assistance during the academic amnesty period.

A student must meet all of the following conditions to be granted academic amnesty:

  1. Took courses from New Mexico Highlands University and then stopped matriculation for five years or more because of poor grades (GPA less than 2.0), academic probation or dismissal.
  2. Applies for academic amnesty through the Office of the Registrar. A student can apply for academic amnesty only once. A student is readmitted to New Mexico Highlands University on academic probation after application for amnesty is approved.
  3. Completes the first 24 credit hours at New Mexico Highlands University with a GPA of 2.0 or better.

Once the first 24 credit hours are successfully completed, the academic amnesty is granted, and,

  • All courses taken during the earlier matriculation at New Mexico Highlands University, even courses with a C or better grade, will be excluded from GPA calculation;
  • Courses with a grade of C or better from the initial matriculation period can be carried forward as earned credit and used to meet degree requirements;
  • Courses from the earlier matriculation period remain on the student’s New Mexico Highlands University transcript, but the transcript will bear the statement “Academic Amnesty Granted.”

A student will be academically dismissed from New Mexico Highlands University for failure to attain a GPA of 2.0 in the first 24 credit hours after application for academic amnesty.

Academic Information for Undergraduate Degrees

Undergraduate Degree Requirements
All students seeking to earn a degree must decide upon a degree objective and one or more academic specializations. At Highlands University, the academic specializations are called academic majors and minors.

Major/Minor: All degree-seeking students declare their specific academic field(s) through an official form, the major or minor form, which is to be filed with the Office of the Registrar after all required signatures are obtained. For the bachelor’s degree, this procedure should be completed by the time students enter upper-division status. Students should know that timely filing of the required major and minor forms may be made a condition of registering for classes or receiving scholarships or financial assistance. All students declaring the major in Elementary Education (BA) must declare a minor in consultation with your adviser.

Degree Check
Required at one or two points during each student’s time at New Mexico Highlands University. Bachelor’s degree candidates are required to have a degree check at the beginning of their third year of studies. In addition, all degree candidates should have a final degree check prior to the start of the semester in which they plan to graduate. The degree check is an official procedure carried out in collaboration between the student’s faculty academic advisor and by the Office of the Registrar. Students may schedule an appointment to meet with their academic advisor who will work with the student and the student’s degree audit to ensure all program requirements have been met. When the academic advisor has confirmed requirements have been met the student may complete the application for degree and have the academic advisor sign the form. The form may then be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar who will review and correspond via email to the student and academic advisor of whether or not the student has been cleared for graduation and what may be needed. Degree checks are used to identify remaining requirements for graduation and are an essential step in responsible academic planning. Students who neglect the degree-check process too often learn of unexpected requirements near the end of their studies, resulting in a delay in completing their degrees. Students should maintain constant contact with the adviser of their major to ensure completed of the program of study.

Overview of Course and Program Requirements
This section conveys specific requirements for completing an academic program and qualifying for graduation. Students are responsible for knowing and following the correct procedures and for meeting the conditions established for their academic programs and progress at New Mexico Highlands University. The following summary is intended to supply a convenient overview.

For the Associate degree: all course and program requirements are stated in the Academic Programs and Courses section of this catalog.

Bachelor’s degree: students must look in a number of different places to know the requirements for graduation. The requirements include the following:

  1. Proficiency requirements: Many students will discover they have one or more proficiency course requirements. Students and their advisers will plan how they may best meet these needs, which should be taken care of as soon as possible. Proficiency requirements are stated along with the core curriculum requirements.
  2. Core curriculum requirements: During the first two years, bachelor’s degree candidates typically concentrate on completing many of the courses for New Mexico Highlands University’s core curriculum. The core consists of courses that give a breadth of exposure to the many important academic subjects essential to a university’s education. These requirements are listed later in this section.
  3. Academic major and minor requirements: Bachelor’s degree candidates typically concentrate on their major and minor fields between the sophomore and senior years at New Mexico Highlands University. Each bachelor’s degree candidate selects an academic major and a minor or, in place of a minor, a second major. Some professional programs do not require a minor. Courses used in satisfaction of core curriculum requirements may be used also toward an academic major or minor if so approved.
  4. General graduation requirements: Bachelor’s degree candidates must complete at least 120 credits with a GPA of at least 2.00 or better to earn their degrees. In addition, New Mexico Highlands University requires that at least 45 of these credits must be at the 300- or 400-level (upper-division courses). Students and their advisers should carefully monitor these requirements to avoid unintended delays in graduating.
  5. Progress and performance requirements: Students must carefully monitor their grades and overall academic planning, including standards for academic performance and progress that must be met for continuation of financial assistance and athletic or academic scholarships. (These requirements are given to each student along with the financial assistance or scholarship award and are summarized elsewhere in this catalog.) The student also must be aware of academic requirements for minimum grade averages and the declaring of major and minor fields.

Advanced Credit for Undergraduate Students
New Mexico Highlands University provides an opportunity for highly qualified undergraduate students to use graduate level course work to complete both the undergraduate and graduate degree program. This policy is approved in accordance with the institutions Faculty, Board of Regents, and the Higher Learning Commission CRRT.B.10.020. B.1.c an institution may allow well-prepared advanced students to substitute its graduate courses for required or elective courses in an undergraduate degree program and then subsequently count those same courses as fulfilling graduate requirements in a related graduate program that the institution offers. Academic departments will determine the criteria allowing students to qualify for Advanced Credit.

Highly qualified undergraduate students can request such substitution at the discretion of the program. Students must complete at least 50% of their program at the appropriate level before applying for Advanced Credit. Submission of the approved Advanced Credit form to the Office of the Registrar will be required on or before the established census date for the term. Additional program requirements can be found with the departments.

Academic Advising at NMHU
Every student seeking to complete a degree at New Mexico Highlands University is assigned both an academic and faculty adviser. Specifically, the adviser helps with the selection of courses that each student proposes each semester and also works on the student’s plans for an academic specialization.

When students decide upon or change their academic fields of study, they may be reassigned to a new adviser. Once students have declared their major, their advisers will be faculty members in the field of the major. The academic dean’s office of the college/school supervises the assignment of advisers. Students needing help in identifying an appropriate adviser should go to the office of the appropriate academic dean.

Highlands Undergraduate Enrichment (HUE) Programs
The New Mexico Highlands Undergraduate Enrichment (HUE) programs office, which provides academic enrichment programming intending to increase student success, houses the First-Year Experience Learning Communities (FYE LC; FYE) and the Second-Year Experience (SYE). Undergraduate Peer Mentors, who are embedded in select 1000/2000-level courses, serve as mentor-tutors who help students navigate college. The HUE office and Study Lounge are located in the Engineering Building, room 100. While HUE programs are currently aimed at supporting first-year and second-year students, any student is welcome to use the Study Lounge and utilize Peer Mentor support.

Vision: A culture of excellence and connection that boosts students into successful college careers.

Mission: To serve students by providing an exceptional experience focused on supporting student success through community building, experiential learning, and cross-disciplinary connections, as well as supporting personal and academic growth.

Values: Student and faculty community, personal growth, and academic integration, with an emphasis on accessibility and excellence through support.

New Mexico Highlands University understands the role of community in success. We have adapted our programs based on research conducted at institutions across the nation, and our program data demonstrate increased student success. Our Learning Communities (LCs) support students in building supportive relationships, applying academic content to real-world situations, and having an enjoyable college experience. LCs provide students with a cohort of peers with similar interests, supportive faculty trained in best teaching practices, a Peer Mentor dedicated to helping ease the transition to college, and connections to university services.

New Mexico Highlands University LCs are a High Impact Practice (HIP) that also incorporate the HIPs of first-year seminars and common intellectual experiences. LCs are linked courses with the same students in each course, which typically involve two courses from different disciplines that are paired together thematically. The First-Year Experience Seminar (FYEX 1110) course is linked in each FYE LC (see Interdepartmental and Orphan courses for course description), and Peer Mentors embedded in the FYEX seminar sections facilitate study sessions and offer mentoring services. The professors teaching LC courses separately yet collaboratively develop a curriculum that encourages students to make connections between the linked courses. LC faculty collaborate to offer a themed, integrative, and experiential learning environment that incorporates active learning and other HIPs, such as service-learning, undergraduate research, collaborative projects, writing-intensive courses, or global learning.

Learning Communities are provided as a requirement of the first semester and may be available as options in future semesters. After the first semester, students are supported by continued access to the HUE Study Lounge located in the Engineering Building room 100 and Peer Mentors who are present in select core courses, facilitate study sessions, and offer mentoring services.

Each FYE LC presents their integrative project at the annual Celebration of Learning the first-year symposium in November, providing first-year students experience with public, academic presentation and providing the campus community the opportunity to celebrate the excellent work of first-year students.

Each FYE LC student is placed into a “Highlands Hacienda,” which will provide students a larger social group with which they can make connections. “Hacienda” means “large estate/home” and is intended to reflect the home that a student finds both at New Mexico Highlands University in general and in this social environment of multiple LCs.

Placement and Scheduling

  • LCs linking FYEX 1110 is for freshmen, and freshman transfers ONLY, and no continuing students are to be enrolled. Students must be registered for all courses linked in the LC and cannot take any of these sections separately.
  • All first-year students who are admitted as first-time freshmen or transfer freshmen (transferring 29 or fewer credits), including students who have previously participated in dual credit (and may be classified as a sophomore or higher), are required to participate in the FYE LC program. The options within the program are designed to accommodate the diversity of our students’ academic situations and needs while providing a common experience for all first-year students.
  • FYE LCs are scheduled during the LC priority time block, 10 am-12:45 pm M-F, and other 100-200 level courses that a freshman might take in the first semester are scheduled before and after the time block in order to eliminate as many scheduling conflicts as possible (see “Class Scheduling Blocks” in the Registrar’s “Class Schedule Timeline” document).
  • First-Year Experience Seminar (FYEX Seminar) is a one-credit course focused on supporting new students as they transition to New Mexico Highlands University’s academic and social environment. First-Year Experience Seminar is graded A-F, counts towards the 120 for graduation as elective credit, and is required of all first-time freshmen and new freshman transfers. Peer Mentors are assigned to each FYE LC and attend the Integrative Seminar course as well as provide study sessions and social events outside of class time.
  • A list of LCs available for the semester can be obtained from the Director of the New Mexico Highlands University Undergraduate Enrichment Program. Each LC is given a Registrar’s Code, which is indicated in parentheses next to the title of the LC on the LC list. The code must be written at the top of the Registration/Drop/Withdrawal Form and all courses linked in the LC should also be listed on the provided rows on the form with the appropriate class codes, dept., course #, course title, and units. Courses linked in an LC are considered Co-requisite and all the courses listed as part of the LC MUST be taken as Co-requisites. In the online Summary Class Schedule, clicking on the course offering will show the other courses to which the section is connected, along with the LC name and Registrar’s Code.

Example: “Communities, Resilience and Ecosystems Learning Community (ECO1 or ECO1)-Open to LC students ONLY-Students in ECO1 must also register for 2645/2646 FORS 1010, 2264 ENGL 1060, 2270 ENGL 1110. Students in ECO2 must also register for 2645 FORS 1010 and 2271 ENGL 1110 and log into Desire2Learn.”

  • First Year Experience Seminar, FYEX 1110, can be found under First Year Experience in the online Summary Class Schedule.
  • As stated above, all first-year students who are admitted as first-time freshmen or transfer freshmen (transferring 29 or fewer credits), including students who have previously participated in dual credit (and may be classified as sophomore or higher), are required to participate in the FYE LC program. Additional advisement suggestions for students starting at NMHU with credits already earned:
    • First-time freshmen who are former dual credit students with 30 or more credits from one or more colleges can often take a modified FYE LC (one that offers less connected credits but additional experiences). If no Learning Community works within their course needs, the student should take a “stand-alone” section of Integrative Seminar (waiver of FYE LC requirement; not a waiver of Integrative Seminar requirement). Students are identified as former dual credit students by their “Student Type” code in Native Banner. While their “Student Class” in Banner may be “sophomore” or “junior,” if their “Student Type” is “first-time freshman,” they fall under this policy.
    • Freshmen who are former dual credit students with 29 or fewer credits are required to enroll in an FYE LC, which includes the First Year Experience Seminar course. They can transfer in a freshman transition course as additional elective credit, but they are still required to enroll in an FYE LC, including the First Year Experience Seminar course. If no Learning Community works within student scheduling needs, the student should take a “stand-alone” section of Integrative Seminar. The “stand-alone” sections of Integrative Seminar are listed alongside the other LS’s as part of a Hacienda.
  • Participation in the FYE LC program is required of all first-time freshmen and freshman transfers as stated above; however, waivers can be made in the case of extreme schedule conflicts. Waivers will be reviewed, and determinations will be made on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Director of HUE for information about appeals.

Degree Completion (effective summer 2016)
Students who are transferring with an earned Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education will have New Mexico Highlands University proficiency, extended core, and outstanding state core, and minor requirements waived. Education and other majors have special requirements that may preclude waiver of some University requirements. Please consult the appropriate section of the catalog.

An Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree waives University proficiency and extended core requirements but does not waive the state-mandated core or University minor requirements.

All other University requirements, including New Mexico Highlands University’s state-mandated 31-hour common core, program, residency, and the 45 upper-division credit requirements must be met before granting of the baccalaureate degree.

An individual transfer analysis will be given to the student by the Admissions and/or Office of the Registrar to determine courses required for completing New Mexico Highlands University’s general education requirements. Major and minor program requirements will be reviewed by officials in the appropriate academic department. Students must complete all courses required by New Mexico Highlands University and meet New Mexico Highlands University’s requirements for academic performance to receive the indicated degree.

Transfer Among New Mexico Higher Education Institutions
To facilitate transfer of students and course credits among New Mexico’s colleges and universities, the state’s public institutions of higher education are required to accept transfer courses taken within approved modules of lower-division coursework and apply them toward degree requirements. Several transfer guides have been developed through collaboration of New Mexico’s public postsecondary institutions, consistent with requirements of state law (21-1B, NMSA 1978). Students enrolling for first-year or second-year study at a New Mexico institution and wishing to prepare for possible transfer into a degree program at another institution are advised to take these courses during their freshman and sophomore years. The following link provides more information regarding the NM Common Course Numbering System: https://ccns.hed.state.nm.us/.

Transfer of Credits
New Mexico Highlands University only accepts academic credits for transfer from institutions of higher education that are regionally accredited or are candidates for regional accreditation. Transfer students will receive full credit for coursework completed with an appropriate grade, provided the classes are appropriate to a degree at New Mexico Highlands University. Transfer course grades will not be calculated as part of New Mexico Highlands University grade point average and are listed on the academic transcripts with a grade of CR or CRD. New Mexico Highlands University does not award transfer credit for remedial courses and credits awarded for work or life experience. Students transferring from an accredited institution of higher education may transfer under one of the following plans:

Transferring Courses to Fulfill the New Mexico General Education Common Core
In accordance with policies established by the New Mexico Higher Education Department, designated general education core courses successfully completed at any regionally accredited public institution of higher education in New Mexico are guaranteed to transfer to any New Mexico public institution. Students who have decided on a major and/or an institution to complete their studies should consult with an academic adviser at that particular institution to determine the most appropriate course selections. Students enrolling for the first year of study at a New Mexico college or University and considering possible transfer into a certificate and/or degree program at another institution are encouraged to take the courses approved for transfer during their freshman and sophomore years of study.

The core matrix of approved courses guaranteed to transfer and meet general education requirements at any New Mexico college or University can be found on the New Mexico Higher Education Department website at https://ccns.hed.state.nm.us/. Courses in the state core matrix are listed by institution under each of the five general education areas.

Lower-Division 64-Hour Transfer Modules
Students who have selected a field of study but have not yet selected the college or University where they wish to earn their baccalaureate degree are advised to take courses during their freshman and sophomore years outlined in one of the lower-division 64-hour transfer modules. For students enrolled at any public institution in New Mexico, these courses are guaranteed to transfer to any New Mexico University and apply toward bachelor’s degree program requirements. Students should consult advisers at their current institutions regarding which specific classes fit these categories. Lower-division transfer modules presently exist for:

  • Business
  • Teacher education
  • Early Childhood Multicultural Education

Modules for additional areas of study are being developed.

Inter-institutional Transfer Guides and Catalogs
Students who have selected a field of study and/or the institution where they wish to graduate are advised to consult the transfer guide or catalog for that institution for current and detailed advice to guide their course selection. Transfer guides between most New Mexico Community Colleges and New Mexico Highlands University are available through the Office of the Registrar. Students may also visit and the Transfer Evaluation System (TES) in BETA at: https://www.nmhu.edu/office-of-the-registrar/transfer-evaluation/ to begin their transfer journey. New Mexico Highlands University makes every attempt to update course equivalencies for transfer in this system as they become available. Students may contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@nmhu.edu for specific transfer questions outside of the options provided.

BSN Students
Student’s transferring into the Nursing program will be allowed to transfer in NMNC 1235 Assessment and Health Promotion, NMNC 2320 Professional Nursing Concepts I and NMNC 1220 Health Care Participant which will be applied toward the student’s residency requirements for the BSN degree.

Complaint Procedure for Transfer Students
New Mexico Highlands University students may address questions or concerns on transfer credit concerns with the Office of the Registrar prior to submission of a complaint if they wish. All New Mexico public postsecondary institutions are required to establish policies and practices for receiving and resolving complaints from students or other complainants regarding the transfer of coursework from other public institutions in the state. A copy of New Mexico Highlands University’s complaint policy may be obtained from the Admission Office or from the New Mexico Higher Education Department at 2044 Galisteo St. #4, Santa Fe, NM 87505, 505-476-8400 or https://hed.state.nm.us/students-parents/student-complaints.

Articulation Agreements
In an ongoing effort to support our transfer students, New Mexico Highlands University has established Articulation agreements and memoranda of understanding with a number of in and out-of-state universities and community colleges. The agreements list the acceptable courses that will transfer and fulfill specific program requirements. http://www.nmhu.edu/office-of-the-Registrar/articulationandtransferagreements/

Military Credit
New Mexico Highlands University grants credit for military education or service schools on the recommendation of the American Council on Education’s Publication Guide to Evaluation of Educational Experience in the Armed Services. A DD214, DD295, or official military transcript form is required to consider credit for military service. Veterans must request their transcripts online by registering for a Joint Services Transcript (JST) account at https://jst.doded.mil/smart/registration.do Air Force veterans are required to provide an academic transcript from the Community College of the Air Force.

Training Credit
Credit for non-collegiate training programs is granted based on recommendation of the American Council of Education’s National Guide to Educational Credit for Training Programs and institutional policies. Official records must be provided to New Mexico Highlands University.

Advanced Credit Programs
New Mexico Highlands University offers a number of advanced credit options to earn course credit prior to becoming a student at NMHU.

College Board Advanced Placement
Credit for College Board Advanced Placement (AP) is a program that offers year-long college-level curricula and examinations to high school students. New Mexico Highlands University recognizes student academic accomplishments gives equivalent NMHU credits based on scores achieved on AP exams. Please refer to the following link for complete details on AP exams in different content areas and the awarded NMHU credit equivalents: www.nmhu.edu/academicplacement.

CLEP Examinations
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a group of standardized tests that assess college-level knowledge in thirty-six subject areas and provide a mechanism for earning college credits without taking college courses. CLEP programs are administered through the College Board. New Mexico Highlands University recognizes student academic accomplishments gives equivalent NMHU credits based on scores achieved on CLEP exams. Please refer to the following link for complete details on CLEP exams in different content areas and the awarded NMHU credit equivalents: www.nmhu.edu/academicplacement.

ACT/SAT Test Score Placement
Submission of American College Test (ACT) or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) test scores at the time of application is highly recommended, but not required for admission to New Mexico Highlands University. Students who do not submit ACT or SAT scores will be required to take the Accuplacer placement exam prior to enrollment. Students are placed in the appropriate New Mexico Highlands University English and Math courses based on ACT, SAT, or Accuplacer score.

Exceptional scores on the American College Test (ACT) or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) will earn advanced credit according to the following table:


ACT/SAT Topic Score Credit Hours & Course
English 29-36 / 660-800

(6) ENGL 1120-Composition 2

ENGL 1350-Elective

  17-28 / 640-680 (3) ENGL 1110-Composition 1
Math 31-36 / 710-800

(6) MATH 1215-Intermediate Algebra

MATH Elective

  29-30 / 680-800 (3) MATH 1215-Intermediate Algebra

NOTE: Credits automatically apply toward elective credits for graduation. Whether they may be applied toward general education requirements or in degree programs is subject to limitations established by the appropriate disciplines.

University Core Curriculum, Flex, Extended, and Proficiency Requirements

Core Curriculum
Required courses: 21 credit hours

Communications (6 hours):
ENGL 1110 Freshman Composition 1 (3)

OR ACT of 29

ENGL 1120 Freshman Composition 2 (3)

Mathematics (3 hours):
MATH 1116 MATH for Elementary Teachers 2 (3); Approved for Education Majors only
MATH 1130 Survey of Mathematics (3)
MATH 1350 Introduction to Statistics (3)
MATH 1220 College Algebra (3)

OR ACT of 29

MATH 1510 Calculus 1 (4)

Science (4 hours):
Choose two 100-level lab science courses, selecting not more than one from each discipline:

BIOL 1110 General Biology (4)
BIOL 1140 Biology for Health Sciences (4)
BIOL 1170 Conservation Biology in a Changing World (4)
BIOL 2620 Ecology & Evolution (4)
BIOL 2110 Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology (4)

CHEM 1110C Chemistry for the Non-Science (4)
CHEM 1215/1215L General Chemistry 1(3)/Lab (2)
CHEM 1225/1225L General Chemistry 2(3)/Lab (2)

FORS 1010 Ecosystems and Humans (4)

GEOL 1110 Survey of Earth Science (4)
GEOL 1050 The Planets (4)

PHYS 1050 Elementary Physics (4)
PHYS 1230 Algebra Physics 1 (4)
PHYS 1240 Algebra Physics 2 (4)
PHYS 1310 Calculus Physics 1 (5)
PHYS 1320 Calculus Physics 2 (5)

ASTR 1125 Survey of Astronomy (4)

Social Sciences (3 hours):
ANTH 1140 Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology (3)
ANTH 1215 Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology (3)

ECON 2110 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ECON 2120 Principles of Microeconomics (3)

POLS 1120 American National Government (3)

PSYC 1110 Psychology and Society (3)

SOCI 1110 Introduction to Sociology (3)

Humanities (3 hours):
Select three to six hours from humanities.

HIST 1165 The Western World (3)
HIST 1110 U.S. History to 1865 (3)
HIST 1120 U.S. History from 1865 (3)

PHIL 1115 Introduction to Philosophy (3)

Fine Arts (3 hours):
ARTS 1120 Introduction to Art (3)
ARTS 1240 Design I (3)
ARTS 1320 Ceramics I (3)
ARTS 1610 Drawing I (3)
ARTS 1630 Painting I (3)
ARTS 1710 Introduction to Printmaking (3)
ARTS 1810 Jewelry & Small Metal Construction I (3)
ARTS 1840 Sculpture I (3)
ARTH 2110 History of Art I (3)
ARTH 2120 History of Art II (3)

FDMA 1110 Film History (3)

MUSC 1130 Music Appreciation: Western Music (3)
MUSC 1210 Fundamentals of Music for Non-majors (3)

THEA 1110 Introduction to Theater (3)

Flex Requirements
Required courses: 10 credit hours

Science (4 credit hours – must choose from above approved course list and must be from different discipline)

Social Science (3 credit hours – must choose from above approved course list and must be from different discipline)

3 credit hours from Humanities OR Fine Arts

Extended Requirements
Required courses: 8 credit hours

PHED 1610 Fit for Life (2) OR Physical Education (2)
(This requirement is waived for eligible athletes. Athletes must still meet the 120-unit minimum degree requirement for graduation.)

Literature – Choose three credits in literature offered by English or languages.

COMM 1130 Beginning Speech (3)

Proficiency Requirements
Required courses: 11-17 credit hours

English proficiency is demonstrated by (3 credits):
Visit Placement Scores link: www.nmhu.edu/academicplacement

ENGL 1060 English Reading and Writing (3) (if required)

Language Proficiency Requirement – All NMHU students completing an undergraduate degree must demonstrate proficiency in a language other than English. Students may accomplish this by completing specific Spanish or ASL courses with a “C” or higher, or by demonstrating proficiency in another language or that English is their second language.

Spanish Language proficiency is demonstrated by completion of any of the following:

  • Spanish I (SPAN 1210 or SPAN 1110) and Spanish II (SPAN 1220 or SPAN 1120) 8 credit hours
  • Spanish II (SPAN 1120 or SPAN 1220) 4 credit hours
  • Any 3 – credit hour Spanish course taught in Spanish above 2000 level
  • Proof of any of the following:
    • Passing a proficiency assessment administered by Language Learning Center Director
    • Earned NM High School Bilingual Seal
    • Advanced Placement Credits (AP) – official score report required
Advanced Placement Exam Score NMHU Course Equivalent NMHU Credit Hours
Spanish Language & Culture 3, 4, 5 SPAN 1110, 1120, 1210, 1220 8 credit hours (4 each)
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP) – official score report required
CLEP – Subject Exam Minimum Score NMHU Course Equivalent NMHU Credit Hours
Spanish Language 57 SPAN 1110, 1120, 1210, 1220 14 credit hours
50 SPAN 1110, 1210 or 1120, 1220 8 credit hours (4 each)
45 SPAN 1110, 1210 4 credit hours
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) – official score report required
Higher Level Exam Score NMHU Course Equivalent NMHU Credit Hours
Spanish A 4 SPAN 3330 and 3370 6 credit hours (3 each)
Spanish B 4 SPAN 1110, 1120 or 1210, 1220 8 credit hours (4 each)

American Sign Language proficiency is demonstrated by completion of any of the following

  • ASL I (SIGN 1110) and ASL II (SIGN 1120) 8 credit hours
  • ASL II (SIGN 1120) 4 credit hours
  • Completion of any 3-credit hour SIGN course taught in ASL above 2000 level
  • Passing a proficiency assessment conducted by ASL instructor

Proof of any of the following:

American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI) Level NMHU Course Equivalent NMHU Credit Hours
1, 2 SIGN 1110, 1120 8 credit hours (4 each)
3, 4 SIGN 2110, 2120 6 credit hours (3 each)

Advanced Placement language exams for language not taught at NMHU: Scores of 3, 4, 5 fulfills foreign language requirement (8 credit hours) per above NMHED Matrix on AP credit.

International students can comply with proficiency requirement with documentation demonstration non-English language capacity. Language capacity is demonstrated with NMHU’s TOEFL score per the Office of International Education as follows:

Submit evidence of adequate command of the English language, by earning an acceptable score on any of the accepted tests listed below:

TOEFL Written: 500 Computer: 173 Internet: 61
TOEFL for Business Written: 540 Computer: 207 Internet: 76
IELTS 5.5    
IELTS for Business 6    
GTEC Scores Undergraduate: 1051    
GTEC Scores Undergraduate Business: 1151    
STEP EIKEN 2A or 2150    

Applicants from countries in which English is an official language, but not the language of the majority or the language of instruction will be required to submit of the test scores indicated in the above table.

Exceptions for providing evidence of adequate command of the English language are:

  • Persons holding citizenship in English-speaking countries
  • Applicants holding citizenship in a country where the English language is an official language and the means of instruction.

Spanish Proficiency and Second Language Learners/Heritage Language Learners
Students can combine courses for Second Language Learners (SPAN 1110/1120/2110/2120) or for Heritage Language Learners (SPAN 1210/1220/2210/2220) because they are still meeting the Spanish proficiency. If a student shows proficiency via a successful assessment or at a Spanish or ASL 2000 and above level course, the language proficiency requirement is waived. A successful assessment does not earn credit hours towards graduation. It only waives the classes necessary to fulfill the language proficiency requirement. If students want up to 8-credit hours of credit toward graduation, they are responsible for completing the request for special exam and pay for the credits prior to examination.

Other Language Proficiency
The Language Learning Center Director will work with students requesting a language assessment in a language other than Spanish or ASL on a case-by-case basis. Acceptable proof of proficiency in a language other than Spanish or ASL may include but is not limited to assessment, transcripts, or appropriate documentation.

Computer proficiency is demonstrated by (3 credits):
Proficiency assessment OR one of the following:

BCIS 1110 Fund of Info Literacy & System (3)

CS 1440 Intro to Computer Science (3) (CS, MATH, and Science majors)

CS 1450 Object-Oriented Programming (3) (CS, MATH, and Science majors)

Mathematics proficiency is demonstrated by (3 credits):
Visit Placement Scores link: www.nmhu.edu/academicplacement

MATH 1215 Intermediate Algebra (4)

A student with an ACT score of 29 in English or Mathematics will be awarded four credits respectively.

Minimum associate degree requirements
Fulfillment of the general requirements for graduation; total credits required: at least 64 degree credit hours; minimum cumulative grade point average: 2.0; fulfillment of the discipline requirements for graduation; specific requirements for admission, proficiency, and courses as stated in subsequent sections of this catalog, listed under the school and discipline that offers the specific associate degree sought. C or better grades are required in all courses listed as major requirements for the degree.

Minimum bachelor’s degree requirements
Fulfillment of common degree requirements (both curricula); completion of New Mexico Highlands University’s general education requirement (includes proficiency-course requirements, if required, and core-curriculum course requirements). See the core curriculum; a total of at least 45 credits in courses numbered 3000 or 4000 level; a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0. No credits below “C” may be counted toward a major or minor; C or better grades may be required for support courses in some majors and minors; at least 120 total degree credit hours required for graduation. Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts curriculum one major of at least 30 credits; one minor of at least 20 credits, or a second major, or a two-year degree.

Minimum degree requirements for the Bachelor of Science curriculum
One major of at least 30 credits selected from the list of approved Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree major programs; one minor of at least 20 credits in one of the fields of science other than the field of the major, or a combined science minor, or a second major in a B.S.-degree field other than the field of the first major, or a two-year degree in a science field; at least six to eight credits in mathematics, including MATH 1430, Applied Calculus I or MATH 1510, Calculus I (unless otherwise noted by academic department).

Requirements for a second bachelor’s degree
A student who has a bachelor’s degree is encouraged to consider pursuing a graduate-level degree. However, changes in a student’s academic objectives or other circumstances may make a second bachelor’s degree desirable. A student who has completed an undergraduate degree and seeks a second bachelor’s degree must meet all requirements for that degree. To obtain a second undergraduate degree, a student must: must complete a minimum of 32 additional semester hours of credit in residence at New Mexico Highlands University following the completion of the first degree; meet all requirements of the major for the second degree; upper division coursework from the first degree may not be used for completion of the second degree or to satisfy any requirement of the second degree. Students are advised that pursuing a second bachelor’s degree may have financial aid implications. Please consult with the Financial Aid Office before pursuing a second degree at the baccalaureate level.

Pre-Professional Programs
Students can attend New Mexico Highlands University to prepare for further studies at medical, dental, engineering, law, and other professional schools. New Mexico Highlands University offers pre-professional training in accordance with standards and requirements established by national professional associations for entrance into each profession.

The competition for entrance into professional schools is intense. Students are accepted who show promise of success in the profession (as indicated by aptitude and standard admission tests), who have demonstrated high achievement in academic performance, and who have completed the appropriate pre-professional work in colleges or universities.

Many pre-professional opportunities are offered at New Mexico Highlands University. Programs, such as the pre-law program, entail the satisfactory completion of an undergraduate degree, because the professional schools in these fields require a four-year degree as one condition for admission. For other programs such as pharmacy, students often begin professional studies after only one or two years of undergraduate pre-professional studies. Professional schools, including medical and dental, will admit students with exceptional qualifications before completion of a bachelor’s degree. However, they are more likely to consider an applicant who has already earned a four-year degree.

In developing the appropriate pre-professional course of study, it is advisable for students to become familiar with the specific entrance requirements of the professional school or schools to which they are interested in applying. Pre-professional advisers at New Mexico Highlands University are available to assist students in developing their professional plans. Interested students may contact the appropriate pre-professional adviser as soon as possible. Students interested in pre-professional opportunities may consult the information available in other sections of this catalog. The pre-law option is described in the political science discipline in the history and political science department.

Pre-professional options in health and science professions are described among the program descriptions of the Department of Biology and the Department of Chemistry in the College of Arts and Sciences.

All the degree programs offered at New Mexico Highlands University prepare students to enter their chosen fields or to pursue studies toward an advanced degree and are designed to meet professional standards for their fields.

In addition, a number of degree programs are aimed specifically at preparing students for entrance into professions that require candidates to obtain a license or certificate after completing their required University studies, such as in education and social work. The program descriptions in other sections of the catalog give more detailed information about these options.

Second Majors
Students who complete a second major in a different degree will have that degree posted on the transcript (e.g., B.S.in Forestry and B.A. in Spanish). Note that the second major, in order for a degree to be posted separately on the transcript, must be in a field and degree other than the field/degree of the first major, or a two-year degree in that major (as in the example above). Students must complete all the requirements of the second major; courses may not be counted twice between the majors. Please be advised that pursuing a second major does not increase the financial aid maximum time frame. Please consult the Financial Aid Office for questions regarding financial eligibility and a second major.

General Graduation Policies

Students must apply for and submit their application for graduation through the Office of the Registrar a semester prior to the anticipation graduation date (example, if planning on graduating in Spring, apply in Fall). A one-time, nonrefundable graduation fee is charged for each degree. Graduation is subject to completion of all requirements, and students are reminded of the importance of working with their academic advisor to ensure all program and graduation requirements have been met prior to submitting a final degree check. For more information, contact the Office of the Registrar at 505-454-3436 or Registrar@nmhu.edu.

Graduation Residency Requirement
To be eligible for graduation under any curriculum or with any degree, students must take 30 semester credits with NMHU, in residence. “In residence” means enrolled in courses by any delivery method through New Mexico Highlands University.

BSN Students
Student’s transferring into the Nursing program will be allowed to transfer in NMNC 1235 Assessment and Health Promotion, NMNC 2320 Professional Nursing Concepts I and NMNC 1220 Health Care Participant which will be applied toward the student’s residency requirements for the BSN degree.

New Mexico Highlands University holds commencement ceremonies each May. Students completing their program at the Las Vegas campus will participate with the commencement at main campus. Student completing their program at the Albuquerque or Rio Rancho Centers will participate with the commencement through the Rio Rancho Center. Students completing their program at the Farmington Center will participate in a joint commencement with San Juan Community College. Students completing their program at the Santa Fe Center have the choice of participating in either the Las Vegas campus or Rio Rancho Center commencement. Social Work students taking classes in Roswell may take part in the Rio Rancho/ABQ commencement or in a joint commencement with Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell. To participate in the commencement ceremony, a student must be eligible to complete all degree requirements at the end of the spring semester or within 9 credits for the summer term. To be included in the Commencement program, students need to have completed their final degree check and applied for graduation during the fall semester prior to their final semester. For more information, see www.nmhu.edu/commencement.

Baccalaureate Graduation Honors
Graduation honors for undergraduate students are based on the quality of a student’s work during their residency at New Mexico Highlands University. Coursework from any accredited University previously attended will not be included in the computation of graduation honors. To be eligible for graduation honors, a student must have been enrolled at New Mexico Highlands University for at least 30 semester hours. The grade point average determines the honors award for summa cum laude a GPA of 3.86 or above, magna cum laude a GPA of 3.70 through 3.85, and cum laude a GPA of 3.50 through 3.69. Appropriate recognition is given at the commencement exercises and on the transcript and diploma.

Posting of the Degree
The degree earned will be recorded on the student’s transcript at the end of the semester when all degree requirements have been completed. Diplomas are mailed to the address listed on the degree application as degrees are awarded only when all financial obligations have been addressed.

Financial Aid and Scholarships
Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
Felix Martinez Building, Suite 240
505-454-3318 or toll free 800-379-4038
Email: financialaid@nmhu.edu

As part of our mission, New Mexico Highlands University is committed to ensuring that no student will be denied the opportunity for a postsecondary education because of limited resources. To meet this goal, the New Mexico Highlands University, Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships offers a broad spectrum of academic merit scholarships, grants, work-study jobs, and loans to supplement the resources of eligible students who attend NMHU. We provide students with the timely delivery of financial assistance while maintaining accountability and proper stewardship of the public, institutional, and private funds with which it is entrusted. We are committed to providing courteous service to support the academic mission and goals of New Mexico Highlands University and its students. We will respond to student inquiries within a 24-hour period.

Financial aid at New Mexico Highlands University is divided into three categories:

  • Grant aid (applicable towards first degree only)
  • Self-help aid (employment and loans)
  • Scholarships (merit and need based)

The Financial Aid Package
The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships awards financial aid according to individual need and eligibility criteria. If a student is a dependent, parents are expected to contribute toward educational costs according to their financial ability. In addition, students are expected to contribute from their own assets and earnings, including borrowing against future income. Financial need is the difference between the cost of attendance at New Mexico Highlands University (including living expenses) and the expected family contribution (EFC). The aid package cannot exceed financial need or cost of attendance.

To apply for financial aid:
Complete all sections of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at https://studentaid.gov.

For priority consideration, applications should be received by March 1. The New Mexico Highlands University school code is 002653. If transferring into New Mexico Highlands University during the current academic year, the applicant will also need to access the FAFSA online at https://studentaid.gov and add NMHU (002653) to the list of schools. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the financial aid file is complete. The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships cannot make a financial aid award if a file is incomplete or if a student is not admitted into a degree seeking program or eligible Title IV program. Student financial aid information access is available to students 24 hours a day seven days a week at www.nmhu.edu; click on “MY NMHU portal” and enter Self-Service Banner to obtain financial aid status. As a student’s processed FAFSA is received, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will determine if and for how much financial aid an applicant is eligible. The aid awarded is based on the cost of attending NMHU, including tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, transportation, and personal expenses. See a financial aid adviser for more information. To qualify for financial aid at NMHU, an applicant must:

  • Demonstrate financial need as determined through a processed FAFSA.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or an eligible noncitizen.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress (see standards below).
  • Be enrolled in a regular degree program (Title IV eligible) at New Mexico Highlands University.
  • Be enrolled at least half time (six credit hours) for all aid programs (with the exception of federal Pell Grant, in certain situations).
  • Not be in default on a federal student loan or owe a repayment on a federal grant.
  • Students may use their financial aid awards to defer tuition at the New Mexico Highlands University Business Office/ Student Accounts once classes are charged to their account and before the awards are disbursed. A student’s award is subject to change if the student becomes ineligible as a result of over-award or failure to maintain academic progress. Students are required to notify the financial aid office if they are receiving aid from ANY other source.

Verification Policy
A student may be required to verify the accuracy of his or her FAFSA. All students who are selected by the Department of Education’s central processing servicer for verification must submit the appropriate documents requested by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships before the application for aid can be processed.

Satisfactory Academic Progress
Federal Title IV program regulations require participating institutions to develop procedures to monitor a student’s progress toward completion of their program of study. The following is a summary of the criteria used by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships to monitor progress:

GPA Requirement for Undergraduate Students
A minimum 2.0 GPA per semester is required to remain eligible for financial aid. However, students are allowed a one-time Warning semester and will remain eligible for that one term. To remain eligible following the warning semester, they must maintain a cumulative GPA of a 2.0 per semester.

Pace of Progression (Formerly Completion Rate) for Undergraduate and Graduate Students
To determine the pace of progression, divide the hours completed by hours attempted. Less than the percentage indicated below results in financial aid ineligibility.

All undergraduate and graduate students must complete 67% of the attempted credit hours for their particular program. Note: Hours attempted includes all credit hours attempted and completed as well as unsatisfactory grades for example: F, W, U, I, NG, NP, and R. 

Maximum Time Frame for Undergraduate and Graduate Students.
Once the maximum hours of 150% of a program have been reached, the result is financial aid ineligibility or suspension. Students who have reached 125 percent of their degree requirement will be placed on a review status. They will receive an email informing them they are within 30 credit hours of reaching MTF. Students who reach 150 percent of their degree requirement will no longer be eligible and be suspended. Students may appeal if they feel they have extenuating circumstances that warrant review.

Notification and Appeal Process
Students who fall below the required 2.0 GPA or the 67% pace of progression, and exceed maximum time frame, will be notified by email at the end of the semester. When notified of financial aid suspension, the student may file a written appeal with the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. A link to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal form is provided in the email and is available on our website: https://its.nmhu.edu/IntranetUploads/006209-SAPAppealR-572019124245.pdf.

An appeal committee will review the appeal documents and a decision will be made to either allow the student to be placed on an academic plan or deny the request. The student may be put on an academic plan for up to five semesters which will allow the student to demonstrate progress and meet the minimum standards. If denied, a student who continues coursework at NMHU is personally responsible for tuition and fee charges with no assistance from federal aid programs and must meet the minimum standards as established in the Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards.

Enrollment Requirements for Financial Aid
Undergraduate students must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 credits each semester to be eligible for full financial aid: 9-11 hours is considered 3/4 time and 6-8 hours is considered 1/2 time.

The summer course load requirements for financial aid is a minimum of six credits hours. Note: Audit and some repeat courses are not eligible for financial aid.

To avoid loss of financial aid, please refer to the section on Tuition, Fees, and Financial Policies in this catalog before dropping or withdrawing from classes or contact the Office of Financial Aid at 505-454-3318 or via email at financialaid@nmhu.edu for additional questions.

Financial Aid Return of Title IV Funds for Official/Unofficial Withdrawals
The federal return of Title IV policy will be used to calculate the portion of federal financial aid a student is ineligible for and must repay/return to the Department of Education should the student withdraw completely from school (officially or unofficially). This applies to students receiving Federal Direct Stafford Unsubsidized Loan; Federal Direct Stafford Subsidized Loan; Graduate PLUS loan; Federal Pell Grant; Federal SEOG; Federal TEACH Grant and/or other Title IV program assistance. For more information, contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships at 505- 454-3318 or 800-379-4038.

New Mexico Highlands University Undergraduate Scholarship Programs
The New Mexico Highlands University scholarship program was established to recognize and reward outstanding achievements by entering freshmen, transfer and continuing undergraduate and graduate students. A grade point average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale is required to compete for a number of our academic-based scholarships. Some scholarships are renewable from one to four years, depending on the academic level at which the student enters New Mexico Highlands University and the conditions applicable to the individual scholarship. Requirements for full-time status vary for scholarship recipients, but most require a 12-15-credit minimum. (No application required; freshman scholarships are awarded based on admission status). To obtain information, contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships or log on to http://www.nmhu.edu/financial-aid/scholarships/. If the applicant is transferring from another college to attend New Mexico Highlands University and is a New Mexico Legislative Lottery recipient, a New Mexico Scholarship Transfer Transcript form from all former college(s) should be sent to the New Mexico Highlands University, Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, Box 9000, Las Vegas, NM 87701. To be considered for New Mexico Highlands University freshman scholarships, the student must be admitted, and the offers will be emailed and sent by letter. The student must accept the offer by following the acceptance link on the email and letter.

In-State Residents

  • Presidential Gold
  • Presidential Silver
  • Regents’ NM Scholars
  • Dean’s Scholarship
  • Freshman Success Scholarship
  • College Incentive Grant

Out-of-State Residents

  • New Mexico Purple and White
  • Competitive Scholarship

Continuing and Transfer Scholarships
Continuing students may apply for scholarships at https://nmhuscholarships.awardspring.com/ Transfer students must be admitted in degree status and have a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average. (No application required; transfer scholarships are awarded based on admission status). Requirements for full-time status vary for scholarship recipients, but frequently exceed the 12-credit minimum.

  • Presidential Transfer Scholarship
  • Dean’s Transfer Scholarship
  • NM Success Transfer Scholarship

Summer Sessions
Scholarship awards are for the regular academic year fall/spring only and may not be used for the summer session.

Scholarship Cancellation and Reinstatement
The time period for which a scholarship is in effect is fixed. If the scholarship is cancelled due to academic ineligibility, the original specified time period is not extended. Students who are placed on suspension may appeal for consideration for renewal of the scholarship, with the exception of the qualifying semester for the New Mexico Legislative Lottery Scholarship. A scholarship appeal form must be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships after receiving the suspension letter or email. New Mexico Highlands University scholarship restriction: If a student inadvertently receives an offer/award of a second tuition scholarship, the student may only accept and receive one. The student must notify the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships indicating which scholarship he/she wishes to receive (for student receiving the NM Legislative Lottery scholarship, this will always be the default unless otherwise specified). If notification is not received, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will determine which scholarship is beneficial to the student and cancel the second scholarship. Scholarship recipients who receive a dependent tuition waiver are ineligible for the tuition portion of any scholarship award.

Assistance Programs and Benefits Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) www.bia.gov/

Each year, the BIA provides grants to assist eligible Native American students in meeting their education costs. The amounts of the grants vary according to the student’s financial need. The funds are available through the student’s BIA area office or tribal scholarship office. Check with the tribal agency to ascertain program requirements and deadlines for application.

Enrollment Certifications for Loan Deferments

Students are usually required to process an enrollment certification to defer payments on an outstanding student loan. The Office of the Registrar certifies enrollment verification forms after classes begin. For more information, contact the Office of the Registrar, 505-454-3233.

American Indian Residency
All enrolled out-of-state members of an American Indian nation, tribe and/or pueblo shall be eligible for in-state tuition rates. Please submit a copy of your Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) to Admissions via email at admissions@nmhu.edu. For specific questions, please contact the Admissions Office at 505-454-3394 or admissions@nmhu.edu.

Native American students from all 22 New Mexico tribes have access to 69 full-tuition scholarships per year are part of a Memorandum of Understanding between New Mexico Highlands University and New Mexico’s tribal leaders that was celebrated Sept. 27. The MOU continues through 2020.

Nonresident Tuition Waiver for Colorado Students

A reciprocity agreement between Colorado and New Mexico allows New Mexico Highlands University to grant a waiver of the nonresident portion of tuition charges to a limited number of students from Colorado. Each student requesting such a waiver must complete an application each semester. The application must be submitted no later than the second Friday of the semester and can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar. The Office of the Registrar’s reviews the applications and submits them to the Financial Aid Office for processing.

Nonresident Tuition Waiver for Student Athletes

Senate Bill 81 authorizes resident tuition status for athletic scholarship recipients. To be eligible, the student must be a recruited athlete. The student must also receive an athletic scholarship through the Athletic Department. For more information, contact the New Mexico Highlands University Department of Athletics, 505-454-3368.

Online National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements NC-SARA

The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement is a voluntary agreement among its member states and U.S. territories that establishes comparable national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance-education courses and programs. It is intended to make it easier for students to take online courses offered by postsecondary institutions based in another state.

The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) establishes a state-level reciprocity process that will support the nation in its efforts to increase the educational attainment of its people by making state authorization:

  • more efficient, effective, and uniform in regard to necessary and reasonable standards of practice that could span states;
  • more effective in dealing with quality and integrity issues that have arisen in some online/ distance education offerings; and
  • less costly for states and institutions and, thereby, the students they serve.

Veterans Administration Educational Benefits

Several programs are available for veterans pursuing a postsecondary education. Academic programs are approved by the State Approving Agency and are approved for educational benefits by the Department of Veteran Affairs. Contact the Office of the Registrar for details, 505-454-3424.

In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679(e), this educational institution adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from VA. This educational institution will not:

  • Prevent the student’s enrollment
  • Assess a late penalty fee to the student
  • Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding
  • Deny the student access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution. However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:
  • Produce the VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) by the first day of class
  • Provide a written request to be certified
  • Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies

Student veterans can compare benefits or apply for the GI Bill® at www.gibill.va.gov. University staff are not allowed to advise students on their benefits. Please note the following conditions:

  • VA only pays for classes that are part of your core, major or minor. Courses previously completed with a passing grade, audit or optional course cannot be certified;
  • VA will pay for a course from the day the course begins to the day the course ends. Courses taken with different beginning and ending dates will be adjusted for payment by the VA;
  • Students must notify the VA Certifying Official if a course is dropped or withdrawn and provide a last day of attendance. This date is reported to the VA and may cause an overpayment.
  • Students receiving benefits under Chapter 30 or 1606 must verify their enrollment with the VA on the first day of each month by either calling 1-877-823-2378 or online at https://www.gibill.va.gov/wave/index.do.

Students receiving benefits under Chapter 33 will have their Monthly Housing Allowance/kicker payments withheld if they fail to verify or report that they are no longer enrolled in their courses or training. To streamline the process, VA is providing the option to verify enrollment easily and securely via text message. More information is available at www.gibill.va.gov.

 Veterans Upward Bound (VUB) at The University of New Mexico—Taos offers services for eligible Veterans in New Mexico including:

  • Intense Academic Skills Development for GED Completion and Admission to College
  • Short-Term Refresher Courses in English, Mathematics, Science, Study Skills and Computer Literacy
  • Special Services in Mathematics and Science Preparation to Enable Veterans to Make the Transition to Postsecondary Education
  • Support Services for Veterans from Local Veterans Services Agencies
  • Academic Support Services to Enhance Curriculum Mastery
  • Activities to Enhance Learning Outcomes and Motivation for Success in College

More information and eligibility requirements are available at http://taos.unm.edu/veteransupwardbound/

Western Undergraduate Exchange Program (WUE) www.wiche.edu/wue New Mexico Highlands University participates in the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program, which allows students from participating states to attend New Mexico Highlands University at 150 percent of in-state tuition. The application for the WUE program must be submitted no later than the third Friday of the semester to the Office of the Registrar. The Registrar’s Office reviews the applications and submits them to the Financial Aid Office for processing. For a list of participating schools in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming see http://wue.wiche.edu

Study Abroad
www.nmhu.edu/international-students/ The International Education Center assists students in applying for study-abroad programs sponsored by New Mexico Highlands University, the New Mexico Public Universities Consortium, and other cooperating institutions. Tuition, Fees, and Financial Policies University students must pay tuition and other fees or make appropriate payment arrangements.

Tuition, Fees, and Financial Policies
Tuition and Fee rates may increase upon approval by the Board of Regents. These figures are provided to help students plan. Tuition and fee rates are effective beginning in the summer semester and proceed to fall and spring. All rates are subject to change. The following rates are the 2022-2023 tuition and fee rates, tuition and fee information may be viewed under the Tuition and Fee section on the NMHU website at: http://www.nmhu.edu/office-of-the-registrar/tuition-and-fees/

Students who enroll in classes at NMHU must make a financial commitment to pay the tuition and fees associated with enrollment. University students can make satisfactory financial arrangements with the Student Accounts Receivable (SAR) department in the Business Office on or before the payment deadline, see Payment Plans section below. Payment deadlines are established by the SAR department and published with the schedule of classes.

Payments, Accounts, and Disbursements
Account balances must be paid according to the plans listed in the Payment Plans section. Students with financial assistance should verify their award prior to the payment deadlines. Tuition and Fees and other University charges such as Housing and Meal Plans can be paid in person at the Cashier’s Office, by mail, or through TouchNet; New Mexico Highlands University’s student online payment system. Please click on the following link to be directed to the MyNMHU Portal to access the TouchNet app: New Mexico Highlands University (quicklaunchsso.com)

Payments accepted in person include cash, checks, money orders, and cashier’s checks. Payments accepted by mail include checks, money orders, and cashier’s checks. Payments accepted online through TouchNet include debit and credit cards, checking and savings accounts, and wire transfers. Payments on accounts will be processed immediately when a payment is made at the Cashier’s Office. The student account is credited, and the payment amount is deducted from the balance at the time the transaction takes place. The same applies for payments made online through TouchNet. If a payment arrives by mail it is posted to the student account as quickly as possible unless the check requires research for proper receipting.

Your financial aid disbursements may be sent to your financial institution via direct deposit. If you would like to enroll in this service, please complete and submit the enrollment form. Any The form and required documents may be submitted as follows:

  • In-person, delivered to the Business Office (Mass Communications Building).
  • Sent via US Mail to: NMHU Business Office, Box 9000, Las Vegas, NM 87701

E-statements are sent monthly to your NMHU Live student email. Logon to the MyNMHU Portal at www.nmhu.edu, MyNMHU Portal, to view the statements.

Payment Plans
Students must pay their account in full or make adequate financial arrangements if the student does not have financial aid or a third-party authorization.

The SAR department offers students the following payment options:

Fall & Spring Semester:
Two-payment plan option
Three-payment plan option
Four-payment plan option

Summer Semester:
Two-payment plan option
Three-payment plan option

A $25 non-refundable billing fee and account hold will be assessed to the student’s account if the balance is not paid in full by the last due date of the semester. 

For more information on payment options, contact the Student Accounts Receivable Help Team at 505-454-3444 or email sar@nmhu.edu

Third Party and Tuition Waivers
Students who qualify for deferred payment or whose tuition is paid by a third party outside agency, must submit authorizations to the SAR staff before the start of the semester. Please submit authorization to thirdpartybilling@nmhu.edu. Students who register late must provide this information as soon as possible and no later than the closing period of registration.

Students utilizing employee tuition waivers or dependent tuition waivers must submit completed waivers to the Human Resource Department before the semesters Census date per university policy.

The SAR department will process all third party and tuition waiver payments after the last date to withdrawal with a refund.

Vocational Rehabilitation www.dvr.state.nm.us/
Through the New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, the state and federal governments offer tuition assistance to students with disabilities. Other assistance also may be given to those students with disabilities who are financially unable to provide services themselves. Students wishing to apply for this assistance should contact the New Mexico Vocational Rehabilitation Office, 505-425-9365.

Workforce Investment Act www.dws.state.nm.us/Portals/0/DM/Partners/WIA_Annual_Report_2012_Revised.pdf
The New Mexico Department of Labor (NM Workforce Connection), the state and federal governments offer assistance with tuition, books, supplies, transportation, and childcare for those who qualify. For more information and application process, contact the New Mexico Department of Labor, 505-425-6451.

Withdrawal Policies
Students who officially withdraw from New Mexico Highlands University may be entitled to a tuition refund according to specific dates announced in the schedule of classes for the term. Upon completion of the formal withdrawal process, funds will be reimbursed to the student within one month following the complete withdrawal from school if a refund is appropriate.

Tuition Refund Schedule for Fall/Spring
First day: 100%
2nd through 10th day: 90%
11th through 20th day: 50%
21st through 30th day: 25%
After 30th day: no refunds

Tuition Refund Schedule for Summer
First day: 100%
2nd through 5th day: 90%
6th through 10th day: 50%
11th through 15th day: 25%
After 15th day: no refunds

Short-Term and 2nd 8 Week Courses-Refund dates may differ from regular term courses, please contact the Business Office for specific information.

For more information on withdrawal policies, payment options or tuition rates, contact the Student Accounts Receivable Help Team at 505-454-3444 or email sar@nmhu.edu

Summary of Regulations for New Mexico Residency for Tuition Purposes
The Office of the Registrar does not determine the laws and rulings for determining Residency, these are state laws that the Office of the Registrar simply administers. An individual must establish legal residency in New Mexico before he or she is entitled to pay in-state tuition rates.

A student’s initial residency status is determined at the time of admission, any changes to this status must be initiated by the student through the Office of the Registrar. A continuing student, classified as a non-resident, who has satisfied the requirements to establish residency may submit a Petition for In-State Residency Tuition Classification along with the required supporting documentation to the Office of the Registrar. Petitions must be filed on or before the census date of the effective semester.

To become a legal resident of New Mexico, four requirements must be met by the student. Each person must meet the requirements individually:

  • The 12-month consecutive presence requirement;
  • The financial independence requirement;
  • The written declaration of intent requirement;
  • The overt acts requirements.

Permanent residents must present their valid 10-year I-551 form and establish 12 consecutive months of being a New Mexico resident before applying for in-state residency. The person, his or her spouse and dependent children of a person who has moved to New Mexico and has obtained permanent full-time employment (sufficient documentation is required) shall not be required to complete the 12-month duration requirement. A person, his or her spouse, and dependents who move to New Mexico for retirement purposes and who provide appropriate evidence of formal retirement shall not be required to complete the 12-month duration requirement.

Other relevant factors may be considered along with those listed above.

  • A reciprocity agreement between Colorado and New Mexico allows New Mexico Highlands University to grant a waiver of the non-resident portion of tuition charges to a limited number of students from Colorado. Each student requesting such a waiver must complete the proper application and return it to the Office of the Registrar on or before census date of the effective semester. The Office of the Registrar reviews the applications and submits them to the Financial Aid Office for processing.
  • All enrolled out-of-state members of an American Indian nation, tribe and pueblo shall be eligible for in-state tuition rates.
  • A brochure explaining all requirements for establishing New Mexico residency and residency petitions is available from the Office of the Registrar. For more information, call 505-454-3233.

Housing Services
Housing Rates for the 2022-2023 academic year may be viewed at: http://www.nmhu.edu/highlands-University-housing/student-housing-rates/

Meal Plans
Meal plans are required for students in residence halls. Information regarding the rates of the 2022-2023 meals can be viewed at www.nmhu.edu/highlands-University-housing/student-housing-rates/

All students residing in residence halls are required to purchase one of the above meal plans. Plan descriptions are available here. Meals are not available over the break periods.

Housing over semester breaks is limited and there is an additional charge.

Residence Hall Association fee of $40 is assessed each semester.

College of Arts and Sciences

Dr. Brandon Kempner, Dean
Douglas Hall, Room 136
E-mail: bkempner@nmhu.edu
505-454-3080 FAX: 505-454-3389

Mission of the College of Arts and Sciences
The College of Arts and Sciences provides a challenging, quality undergraduate educational experience that prepares students for personal and professional success in an increasingly complex and rapidly changing world. We educate future professional and social leaders, expand knowledge, and create solutions to environmental and social problems, stimulate creativity in the s, and prepare literate and responsible citizens.

NMHU’s College of Arts and Sciences provides education in the arts, humanities, social and natural sciences. Departments and faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences deliver the majority of New Mexico Highlands University’s core courses and 21 Bachelor of Arts and 10 Bachelor of Sciences curricula. The faculty are dedicated to the improvement of society through the education of future artists, political and social leaders, and scientists from diversity of social, economic, and cultural backgrounds, and through the creation of new creative works and knowledge. Our faculty are accomplished scholars and artists who actively engage undergraduate students in research, scholarship, and creative works. Some faculty are investigating solutions to the numerous challenges posed by increasing social and political complexity in rapidly changing natural and developed environments. Other faculty are creating new techniques and concepts in the arts and humanities. Faculty members extensively utilize Southwestern and New Mexican cultures, arts, and natural systems for education, research, and service. College faculty serves New Mexico Highlands University and its student body. They serve professional, governmental, and charitable organizations, and they provide service to communities in the local Southwestern region as well as to nations overseas.


  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer and Mathematical Sciences
  • English and Philosophy
  • Exercise and Sport Sciences
  • Forestry
  • History and Political Science
  • Languages and Culture
  • Natural Resources Management
  • Nursing
  • Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice
  • Psychology
  • Visual and Performing Arts

Department of Biology

Dr. Jesús Rivas, Department Chair
Ivan Hilton Science Building, Room 327
Phone: 505-454-3292 FAX: 505-454-3103
E-mail: rivas@nmhu.edu

The Department of Biology values teaching and research as equal and essential components of the education of our students and seeks to integrate research with teaching at every possible opportunity in the curriculum. Housed in the Ivan Hilton Science Center, students enjoy modern laboratories and instrumentation.

The department offers both BA and BS programs in Biology, as well as BS in Wildlife Biology and Conservation. A recommended curriculum /or plan of study, is available for all degrees. Students interested in teaching are encouraged to obtain a Bachelors, which qualifies them to start working, and pursue the Alternative Teacher Certification in the School or Education, while they work in the school system.

Sarah Corey-Rivas, Ph.D.
Justine Garcia, Ph.D.
Will Jaremko-Wright, M. Sc
Sebastian Medina, Ph.D.
Ben Nelson, DVM
Jesus Rivas, Ph.D., CWB
Maureen Romine, Ph.D.
Jessica Snow, Ph.D.

Mission of the Biology Program
The mission of the Biology Program is to provide students with a high-quality education that includes experience with research and field projects. The program provides a scientific and technical background that empowers students to successfully pursue science and technology careers or proceed to advanced graduate studies. Faculty strives to make each student’s educational experience challenging and rewarding.

The Biology Program prides itself on its ability to place students into bioscience careers. Data suggest that our graduates are highly successful in being admitted to and completing medical, dental, and veterinary schools and graduate programs nationwide. The department attributes this success to intensive biology laboratory and field experiences with cutting-edge technology and instructors committed to individual student progress. Facilities include laboratories in physiology, microbiology, molecular biology, plant biology, and a greenhouse, as well as nearby field sites for ecological research. A computer laboratory with bioinformatics software is available for classes and student use. Students majoring in biology are taught the practical use of common scientific instrumentation they will encounter in their careers. All biology students seeking a BS are required to complete an undergraduate research project that provides students with a realistic perspective of biology and how scientific investigations are conducted. Graduates from the BS in Wildlife Biology and Conservation, with proper advising, will meet the course requirement to become Certified Wildlife Biologist by The Wildlife Society.

Students interested in teaching in K-12 school system are encouraged to obtain a bachelor’s in biology (BA or BS) which will allow them to start working in the school system. They will have a grace period to obtain their teaching credentials while they are working as teachers. We recommend they pursue the Alternative Teacher Certification from the School of Education.

Pre-Professional and Pre-Med Curriculum
A “pre-professional” student is one who follows an undergraduate academic pathway and enters a post-graduate school to obtain a license to practice medicine. Medical doctoral degrees include allopathic (MD), osteopathy (DO), veterinary medicine (DVM), dentistry (DDS or DMD), podiatry (DPM), pharmacy (PharmD), ophthalmology or optometry (MD or OD), and physical therapy (DPT).

Medical schools usually require completion of an undergraduate degree. While they do not require a specific major for admittance, a biology major is among the most common majors that students complete prior to acceptance to medical school. A biology major with the recommended core of undergraduate courses will have all the requirements for medical school and other pre-professional doctorates and provide the basis for much of the material covered on the MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test) or other related entrance exams. Currently, these core courses are:

    • 2 Introductory Biology Courses
    • 2 General Chemistry Courses
    • 2 Organic Chemistry Courses
    • 1 Biochemistry course
    • 2 Introductory Physics courses
  • 2 Math courses (some schools recommend Calculus)
  • 2 Behavioral Science courses (Psychology and/or Sociology)
  • 2 courses in English/writing

Anatomy and physiology courses are also useful as is a research experience or relevant internship.

All these core courses can be included in the BS or BA in Biology and completed in four years without the need of any minor. In addition, the biology department offers a non-thesis master’s degree with biomedical focus that seamlessly integrates with the undergraduate biology major providing our graduates superior preparation for the biomedical field. In addition, our students have the opportunity to be trained in taking standardized exams and participate in internships in the biomedical field.

Some careers where a biology degree is appropriate are:

Medicine                     Optometry/Ophthalmology

Dentistry                     Occupational therapy

Pharmacy                    Veterinary medicine

Physical therapy          Medical technology

Bioengineering           Wildlife Conservation

Ecologist                       Game warden

Botanist                         K-12 teacher

Zookeeper                   Wildlife Biologist

Zoologist                     Conservation Officer

Park Ranger                Refuge Manager

Major in Biology (BA)
Required courses: 54-59 credit hours

BIOL 2620 Ecology and Evolution (4)
BIOL 2110 Principles of Biology Cellular and Molecular Biology (4)
BIOL 3000 Genetics (4)
BIOL 3130 Diversity and Systematics (3)

CHEM 1215 General Chemistry 1 (3)
CHEM 1215L Chemistry Lab 1 (2)
CHEM 1225 General Chemistry 2 (3)
CHEM 1225L Chemistry Lab 2 (2)

FOR 3400 Quantitative Methods (3)

Choose one of the following:

CHEM 3410 Organic Chemistry 1 (4) or

BIOL 2130 Introduction to Biochemistry (4) or
BIOL 4400 Conservation Biology (3)

Choose one of the following:

BIOL 3010 General Microbiology (4) or
BIOL 3020 Animal Structure and Function (4) or
BIOL 3030 Plant Structure and Function (4)

Choose one of the following:

BIOL 3890 Ecology (4)
BIOL 4760 Evolution (3)

Choose one of the following:

BIOL 4050 Bacterial Physiology (4)
BIOL 4230 Molecular and Cell Biology (4)

Choose one of the following:

MATH 1430 Applied Calculus (3)
MATH 1250 Trigonometry & Pre-Calculus (5)

Choose one of the following (select one sequence):

PHYS 1510 Algebra Physics 1 (4)


PHYS 1240 Algebra Physics 2 (4)


PHYS 1310 Calculus Physics 1 (5)


PHYS 1320 Calculus Physics 2 (5)

Electives: 8 credit hours
In consultation with your biology adviser, choose any combination of elective to receive a minimum of eight upper-division credit hours (>3000). It may include all Biology upper-level courses not used as part of the required courses as well as CHEM 3410 Organic Chemistry I, for students that have already taken BIOL 2130, and CHEM 3420 Organic Chemistry II.

Major Total: 62-67 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120: 3 – 8 credit hours

Total for degree: 120-128 credit hours*
*A minor is not required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Major in Biology (BS)
Biology majors must take the following required courses and electives.
Required courses: 65-71 credit hours

BIOL 2620 Ecology & Evolution (4)
BIOL 2110 Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology (4)
BIOL 3000 Genetics (4)
BIOL 3130 Diversity and Systematics (3)

CHEM 1215 General Chemistry 1 for STEM Majors (3)
CHEM 1215L Chemistry Lab 1 for STEM Majors (2)
CHEM 1225 General Chemistry 2 for STEM Majors (3)
CHEM 1225L Chemistry Lab 2 for STEM Majors (2)

MATH 1250 Trigonometry & Pre-Calculus (5)
MATH 1510 Calculus I (4)

FOR 3400 Quantitative Methods (3)

BIOL 4910 Senior Project (2)
BIOL 4980 Applied Biological Research (1-4)

Choose one of the following:

CHEM 3410 Organic Chemistry 1 (4) or

BIOL 2130 Introduction to Biochemistry (4) or
BIOL 4400 Conservation Biology (3)

Choose one of the following:

BIOL 3010 General Microbiology (4)
BIOL 3020 Animal Structure and Function (4)
BIOL 3030 Plant Structure and Function (4)

Choose one of the following:

BIOL 3890 Ecology (4)
BIOL 4760 Evolution (3)

Choose one of the following:

BIOL 4050 Bacterial Physiology (4)
BIOL 4230 Molecular and Cell Biology (4)

Choose one of the following:

PHYS 1230 Algebra-based Physics 1 (4)


PHYS 1240 Algebra-based Physics 2 (4)


PHYS 1310 Calculus-based Physics 1 (5)


PHYS 1320Calculus-based Physics 2 (5)

Electives: 12 credit hours
In consultation with your biology adviser, choose any combination of electives to receive a minimum of 12 upper-division credit hours (>3000) with at least eight hours from biology. The remainder can be from any other science including biology. If BIOL 3310, 3320, and 4320 are three of the chosen electives for the BS degree in biology, they will be counted as only a total of 8 credits toward the 12 credits required, thus requiring an additional class be taken. All Biology upper-level courses not used as part of the required courses. CHEM 3410 Organic Chemistry I, for students that have already taken BIOL 2130. CHEM 3420 Organic Chemistry II.

Major Total: 77-83 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 127-139 credit hours*
*A minor is not required. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Major in Wildlife Biology and Conservation

BIOL 2620 Ecology and Evolution (4)
BIOL 2110 Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology (4)
BIOL 2130 Introduction to Biochemistry (4)
BIOL 3000 Genetics (4)
BIOL 3020 Animal Structure and Function (4)
BIOL 3130 Diversity and Systematics (3)

FORS 3170 Principles of Wildlife Management (3)
FORS 3300 Natural Resources Management Law and Policy (3)

BIOL 3890 Ecology (4)
BIOL 4400 Conservation Biology (3)
BIOL 4760 Evolution (3)
BIOL 4980 Applied Biological Research (1-4)

Select 18 elective credits from the following Clusters (at least 6 credits must be from Wildlife)

Wildlife Cluster
BIOL 4110 Herpetology (4)
BIOL 4120 Ornithology (4)
BIOL 4130 Mammalogy (4)
BIOL 4450 Vertebrate Biology (4)
BIOL 4550 Wildlife Diseases (3)
BIOL 4700 Comparative Animal Behavior (4)
BIOL 4940 Field Zoology (3)

Botany Cluster
BIOL 3030 Plant Structure and Function (4)
FORS 3130 Dendrology (3)
FORS 4020 Silviculture (3)
BIOL 4220 Plant Physiology (4)
BIOL 4740 Tropical Ecology (3)
BIOL 4750 Field Tropical Ecology (1-4)
BIOL 4880 Soil Ecology (3)
BIOL 4930 Field Botany (3)

Habitat Management Cluster
FORS 3070 Wildland Fire Management (3)
FORS 4120 Introduction to GIS (4)
FORS 4160 Soil Science (4)
FORS 4200 Wildlife Habitat Management (3)

BIOL 4300 Livestock Management (3)

FORS 4120 Surveying GIS (4)

GEOL 4150 Remote Sensing and Analysis (4)
GEOL 4180 Advanced GIS (4)
GEOL 4940 GIS Capstone Seminar (2)

Fisheries Cluster
FORS 4000 Surface Hydrology (3)
FORS 4080 Limnology (4)
FORS 4180 Aquatic Ecology (4)

BIOL 4250 Marine Biology (4)

General STEM Requirements
CHEM 1215 General Chemistry 1 for STEM Majors (3)
CHEM 1215L General Chemistry Lab 1 for STEM Majors (2) OR
CHEM 1225 General Chemistry 2 for STEM Majors (3)
CHEM 1225L General Chemistry Lab 2 for STEM Majors (2)

PHYS 1230 Algebra Physics I (4)

MATH 1430 Applied Calculus (3)

FORS 3400 Quantitative Methods (3)

Major in Biology with a Concentration in Teaching
Biology degree requirement, including the following four credits of electives:

BIOL 3590 Fundamentals of Lab Safety (1)
BIOL 4200 Teaching Science and MATH in Middle and Secondary Schools (3)

And must minor in secondary education

Concentration Total: 69-71 credit hours

Minor in Biology
Required Courses: 16 credit hours

BIOL 2620 Ecology & Evolution (4)
BIOL 2110 Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology (4)

Take at least 2 courses of the following list:

BIOL 3000 Genetics (4)
BIOL 3010 General Microbiology (4)
BIOL 3020 Animal Structure and Function (4)
BIOL 3030 Plant Structure and Function (4)
BIOL 3130 Diversity and Systematics (3)
BIOL 3890 Ecology (4)

Electives: 8 hours

Choose at least two 3000-to 4000-level courses in biology.

Minor Total: 24 credit hours

Department of Chemistry

Dr. David Sammeth, Department Chair
Ivan Hilton Science Building,
Room HSCI 232
E-mail: d7sammeth@nmhu.edu
505-454-3100 FAX: 505-454-3244

The Chemistry Department offers both Bachelor of Science (BS) and Bachelor of ARTs (BA) degree programs. The BS degree, approved by the American Chemical Society, offers rigorous training in chemistry and Mathematics and is designed specifically for students who wish to pursue graduate studies or employment as chemists. The BA degree, a more versatile program, combines a solid foundation in chemistry with opportunity for breadth of study. It is offered with a biochemistry option, which provides study in the chemistry of life processes and offers the best preparation for medical school and other post-graduate health profession related programs. A recommended curriculum that includes a four-year plan of study is available for all degrees. For those interested in teaching science, there is a BA degree in general science for secondary school teachers (Grades 7 – 12) as well as a minor in general science for elementary school teachers (Grades K – 5), or even a combined science minor. Within any degree program, students gain a practical perspective on chemistry thorough involvement with research projects. The Chemistry Program is highly successful in placing its graduates in careers in industry and government or in continuing their studies in either a master’s or Doctoral program.

Raul Castaneda, Ph.D. (organic)
Nabanita Sakia, Ph.D. (physical chemistry)
David Sammeth, Ph.D. (physical chemistry, spectroscopy)
Naveen Singh, Ph.D. (biochemistry)

Mission and Goal of the Chemistry Program
The mission of the chemistry program is to offer a quality education to students whether they are fulfilling general education requirements, taking background courses for other science, pre-professional, or engineering programs, or following a course of study for a chemistry major or minor while incorporating carefully mentored, hands-on laboratory and research experiences.

The goal of the chemistry program is to effectively prepare chemistry graduates to enter the workforce with a B.S/B.A. degree or to handle the rigors of a more advanced M.S. or Ph.D. program of study. Also, course preparation and advisement are available for students who choose to enter a postgraduate, licensed professional program of study for a career in medicine, veterinary science, dentistry, optometry, physical therapy, or pharmacy.

Resources and Laboratory Facilities
The Ivan Hilton Science Center provides students with modern chemical laboratories and research facilities. Available for both student and faculty use is a wide assortment of state-of-the-art instrumentation: high-field nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr), X-ray diffraction equipment, liquid chromatography, gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (gc/ms), IR/UV-visible spectrophotometer, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Students who major in chemistry are expected to become fully proficient in the use of the instruments by the time they graduate.

Pre-Professional and Pre-Med Curriculum
A “pre-professional” student is one who follows an undergraduate academic pathway and enters a post-graduate school to obtain a license to practice medicine. Medical doctoral degrees include allopathic (MD), osteopathy (DO), veterinary medicine (DVM), dentistry (DDS or DMD), podiatry (DPM), pharmacy (PharmD), ophthalmology or optometry (MD or OD), and physical therapy (DPT).

Medical schools usually require completion of an undergraduate degree but do not require a specific major for admittance. There is, however, a recommended core of undergraduate courses that will provide the basis for much of the material present on the MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test) or other related entrance exams. Currently, these core courses are:

  • 2 Introductory Biology Courses
  • 2 General Chemistry Courses
  • 2 Organic Chemistry Courses
  • 1 Biochemistry course
  • 2 Introductory Physics courses
  • 2 Math courses (some schools recommend Calculus)
  • 2 Behavioral Science courses (Psychology and/or Sociology)
  • 2 courses in English/writing

A physiology course is also useful as is a research experience or relevant internship.

All of these core courses can be included in the BA degree in Biochemistry and completed in four years within the normal academic course load.

Majors and Minors in Chemistry
No minor is required for a BS degree, but one is required for a BA degree. A minor, for example, in biology, Mathematics, combined science, or geology can be earned by thoughtful choices of electives. Consult your adviser early in your academic career to establish a degree plan.

Major in Chemistry (BA)
Required Courses: 31 credit hours

CHEM 1215 General Chemistry 1 for STEM Majors (3)
CHEM 1215L General Chemistry Lab 1 for STEM Majors (2)
CHEM 1225 General Chemistry 2 for STEM Majors (3)
CHEM 1225L General Chemistry Lab 2 for STEM Majors (2)
CHEM 3210 Quantitative Analysis (4)
CHEM 3410 Organic Chemistry 1 (4)
CHEM 3420 Organic Chemistry 2 (4)
CHEM 3710 Physical Chemistry 1 (3)
CHEM 4810 Biochemistry 1 (3)
CHEM 4950 Senior Chemistry Applications (3)

Electives: 6 credit hours

BA chemistry majors must choose a minimum of six elective credits of upper division courses (>3000) with the approval of the chemistry curriculum adviser:

Additional Requirements: 12-14 credits

MATH 1510 Calculus I (4)

Choose one set from the following:

PHYS 1230 Algebra-based Physics 1 (4)
PHYS 1240 Algebra-based Physics 2 (4)


PHYS 1310 Calculus-based Physics 1 (5)
PHYS 1320 Calculus-based Physics 2 (5)

Major Total: 49-51 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

General Electives to 120 (if needed): 1 credit hours

Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Total for degree: 120-127 credit hours*
* A minor is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Concentration in Biochemistry (BA)
Required Courses: 33 credit hours

CHEM 1215 General Chemistry 1 for STEM Majors (3)
CHEM 1215L General Chemistry Lab 1 for STEM Majors (2)
CHEM 1225 General Chemistry 2 for STEM Majors (3)
CHEM 1225L General Chemistry Lab 2 for STEM Majors (2)
CHEM 3210 Quantitative Analysis (4)
CHEM 3410 Organic Chemistry 1 (4)
CHEM 3420 Organic Chemistry 2 (4)
CHEM 3710 Physical Chemistry 1 (3)
CHEM 4810 Biochemistry 1 (3)
CHEM 4820 Biochemistry 2 (3)
CHEM 4830 Biochemistry Lab (2)

Electives: 6 credit hours

Biochemistry majors must choose a minimum of six elective credits of upper division courses (>3000) from either biology or chemistry with the approval of the chemistry curriculum adviser:

BIO/CHEM >3000 Electives (3)
BIO/CHEM >3000 Electives (3)

Additional requirements: 20-22 credit hours

BIOL 2110 Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular (4)
BIOL 3000 Genetics (4)
MATH 1510 Calculus 1 (4)

Choose one set from the following:

PHYS 1230 Algebra-based Physics 1 (4)
PHYS 1240 Algebra-based Physics 2 (4)


PHYS 1310 Calculus-based Physics 1 (5)
PHYS 1320 Calculus-based Physics 2 (5)

Major total: 57-59 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
Minor: 20 credit hours minimum*

Total for degree: 127-135 credit hours*
* A minor is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Major in Chemistry (ACS Approved BS)
Required courses: 46 credit hours

CHEM 1215 General Chemistry 1 for STEM Majors (3)
CHEM 1215L General Chemistry Lab 1 for STEM Majors (2)
CHEM 1225 General Chemistry 2 for STEM Majors (3)
CHEM 1225L General Chemistry Lab 2 for STEM Majors (2)
CHEM 3170 Physical Chemistry Lab (3)
CHEM 3210 Quantitative Analysis (4)
CHEM 3220 Instrumental Analysis (4)
CHEM 3410 Organic Chemistry1 (4)
CHEM 3420 Organic Chemistry 2 (4)
CHEM 3710 Physical Chemistry 1 (3)
CHEM 3720 Physical Chemistry 2 (3)
CHEM 4610 Inorganic Chemistry 1 (3)
CHEM 4810 Biochemistry 1 (3)
CHEM 4830 Biochemistry Lab (2)
CHEM 4950 Senior Chemistry Applications (3)

Electives: 3 credit hours

BS chemistry majors must choose a minimum of six elective credits of upper division courses (>3000) with the approval of the chemistry curriculum adviser.

Additional requirements: 25 credits

MATH 1510 Calculus 1 (4)
MATH 1520 Calculus 2 (4)
MATH 2530 Calculus 3 (4)
MATH 3200 Linear Algebra (3) or MATH 3250 Applied Ordinary Differential Equations (3) or MATH 3450 Mathematical Statistics 1 (3)

PHYS 1310 Calculus-based Physics 1 (5)
PHYS 1320 Calculus-based Physics 2 (5)

Major Total: 74 credit hours
Chemistry students may choose Mathematics, physics, or biology as an optional minor. The combined science minor is sometimes used as an alternative.

The student may also choose a non-ACS approved Bachelor of Science program. This program deletes CHEM 4610, MATH 2530, and MATH 3200 from the above list of required courses. If students choose this option, they must add nine more upper division credits in consultation with a chemistry adviser.

Minor in Chemistry
Required courses: 18 credit hours

CHEM 1215 General Chemistry 1 for STEM Majors (3)
CHEM 1215L General Chemistry Lab 1 for STEM Majors (2)
CHEM 1225 General Chemistry 2 for STEM Majors (3)
CHEM 1225L General Chemistry Lab 2 for STEM Majors (2)
CHEM 3210 Quantitative Analysis (4)
CHEM 3410 Organic Chemistry 1 (4)

Electives: 3-4 credit hours

Choose a minimum of one course from the following list:

CHEM 3220 Instrumental Analysis (4)
CHEM 3420 Organic Chemistry 2 (4)
CHEM 3710 Physical Chemistry 1 (3)

Minor Total: 21-22 credit hours

Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences

Dr. Gil Gallegos, Department Chair
Ivan Hilton Science Building, Room HSCI 292
E-mail: grgallegos@nmhu.edu

Ali Bhutta, M.S., (Computer Science)
Gil Gallegos, Ph.D. (Computer science)
John S. Jeffries, Ph.D. (Mathematics)
Miwako Jeffries, M.Acct., (Mathematics)
Jessica A. Johnsen, M.S. (Computer Science)
Carlos Martinez, M.S. (Physics)
Joe Sabutis, Ph.D. (Physics)
Donald Woodlee, B.S. (Mathematics)

General Engineering (ASGE)
The Associate of Science in General Engineering degree provides the opportunity for students to develop a solid, general proficiency in engineering, mathematics, physics, and computer science by providing their beginning two-to-three years of General Engineering. Students who complete the two-to-three-year ASGE degree program will be prepared for transfer to an ABET-accredited four-year engineering school in order to obtain their Bachelor of Science degree in an engineering discipline. Engineering as a major is a diverse and rewarding field that can open up a vast array of engineering career options including, but not limited to aerospace, biological, biomedical, chemical, environmental, electrical, mechanical and control systems.

Major in General Engineering (AS)
Required courses: 47 credit hours*

ENGR 2150 Intro Mathematics for Engineering Applications (4)
ENGR 2200 Circuit Theory (3)
ENGR 2370 Vector Mechanics/Statics (3)
ENGR 2450 Programming for Engineering and Scientists (3)
ENGR 2510 Digital systems Modeling Analysis, Simulation and Design (3)
ENGR 2880 Vector Mechanics/Dynamics (3)
ENGR 2980 Thermodynamics (3)

MATH 1510 Calculus 1 (4) * (also applies to core requirements)
MATH 1520 Calculus 2 (4)
MATH 2530 Calculus 3 (4)
MATH 3250 Applied Ordinary Differential Equations (3)

PHYS 1310 Calculus-based Physics 1 (5) * (also applies to core requirements)
PHYS 1320 Calculus-based Physics 2 (5) * (also applies to core requirements)

Major Total: 36 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 76*
*Total units for the degree may exceed 76 credit hours if proficiency courses are required. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 76 credit hours for this degree. MATH 1510, PHYS 1310, and PHYS 1320 are required for both the core and major, and count in both areas.

Major in Computer Science (BS/BA)
Required core: 22 credit hours for the BS and BA

CS 1440 Introduction to Computer Science (3)
CS 1450 Introduction to Object-oriented Programming (3)
CS 2450 Advanced Computer Programming (3)
CS 3500 Programming Seminar 1 (3)
CS 4310 Database Management (3)
CS 4510 Software Engineering (3)
CS 4810 Senior Project Design (1)
CS 4820 Senior Project Implementation (3)

Core Total: 22 credit hours

Required concentration:
Choose from the software and hardware systems, information systems, or individualized software/hardware systems concentration (BS).

Concentration in Software/Hardware Systems (BS)
Students of computer science concentrating in software/hardware systems follow a program of study designed within the framework of the guidelines established by the Association for Computing Machinery. Students study computer programming systems for a wide variety of applications in professional, scientific, engineering, and technical settings. Thorough exposure, with plenty of hands-on laboratory work, is given in computer science basics, one or more computer languages, and such topics as data and file structures, database management, algorithms, machine organization, assembly language, and operating systems. A solid foundation is acquired in mathematics: computer science students complete mathematics courses through introductory calculus, applied linear algebra, and introductory statistics.

The program at New Mexico Highlands University stresses not only solid technical and theoretical knowledge, but also the real-world skills of written and oral communication, planning, and organization of tasks. Students completing the major should be prepared to work in industry or go on to graduate school. Minor students may readily convert to major status.

Required courses: 19 credit hours

CS 3410 Machine Architecture and Assembler Language Programming (3)
CS 3450 Data and File Structure (4)
CS 4210 Advanced Data Structure and Algorithm Development (3)
CS 4430 Operating Systems (3)
CS 4500 Programming Seminar 2 (3)
CS 4610 Programming Language (3)

Electives: 9 credit hours
Choose one course from the following list:

CS 3140 The C++ Programming Language (3)
CS 3160 Programming in LISP and PROLOG (3)
CS 3280 C and UNIX (3)
CS 4180 Multimedia Program (3)
CS 4630 Web Programming (3)
CS 4710 Artificial Intelligence (3)

Also, choose at least 6 credits in courses at the 3000 or 4000 level in computer science, mathematics, or an appropriate science, selected with the approval of the major adviser.

Additional required courses: 24 credits

ENGL 3670 Technical Writing (3)

ENGR 3840 Microprocessor Design (3)

MATH 1510 Calculus 1 (4)
MATH 1520 Calculus 2 (4)
MATH 3170 Discrete Mathematics (4)
MATH 3200 Linear Algebra (3)
MATH 3450 Mathematical Statistics 1 (3)

Concentration Total: 52 credit hours

Required cores: 22 credit hours

Major Total: 74 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 124-130 credit hours*
*A minor is not required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Concentration in Information Systems (BA)
Students within this concentration learn to apply skills and knowledge in programming and systems design to the world of business. A special selection of courses from the School of Business Media and Technology is offered in conjunction with intensive courses in contemporary computer science and information systems. Minor students may readily convert to major status. Computer science students with a concentration in information systems find work in diverse business settings, either managing or designing computer systems.

The New Mexico Highlands University program stresses a solid foundation in programming involving data and files structures, and gives students practical experience in hardware, operating systems, and networks. In addition, specific application to the world of business systems is provided by courses in business data processing, software design, and systems analysis.

Required core: 22 credit hours

Required courses: 14 credit hours

CS 2110 Intro to Object-Oriented COBOL for Business Data Processing (3)


CS 3180 Business Apps Programming (3)
CS 3310 Decision Support Systems (3)
CS 3510 Systems Design and Analysis (3)
CS 4570 Computer Networks (3)
CS 4830 Senior Project Presentation (2)

Electives: 9 credit hours

Choose three credits from the following list:

CS 1310 A Gentle Introduction to Internet (1)
CS 3250 Computer Hardware Install and Maintenance (1)
CS 3260 Computer Software Installation (1)
CS 3270 Hands-on UNIX (1)
CS 3350 Select Topics (1)

Also, choose at least six credits in courses at the 3000 or 4000 level in computer science, mathematics, business, or an appropriate discipline, selected with the approval of the major adviser.

Additional required courses: 15 – 16 credits

ACCT 2110 Principles of Accounting I (3)

MATH 3170 Discrete Mathematics (4)


MATH 3450 Mathematical Statistics 1 (3)

ENGL 3670 Technical Writing (3)

MGMT 2110 Principles of Management (3)

BUSA 2220 Human Resource Management (3)

Concentration Total: 38 – 39 credit hours

Required cores: 22 credit hours

Major Total: 60 – 61 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Total for degree: 130-137 credit hours*
*A minor is required. The number of electives to reach the degree total of 120 credit hours will vary by the number of credit hours required by the major and minor. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Concentration in Individualized Concentration (BA/BS)
Computer Science offers a major leading to a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree that permits students to develop their own computer science-related course of study. Programs under this option must consist of a coherent sequence of courses and must be approved by a faculty member from the related field. Possible programs of study include scientific computing, communication technology, networking, computer engineering, artificial intelligence, graphics, or advanced multimedia and web programming studies to prepare students for graduate work. Students are strongly encouraged to seek approval prior to completing courses to fulfill this requirement.

Required courses: 3 credit hours

CS 4430 Operating Systems (3)

Electives: 12 credit hours

Choose at least 12 credits in computer science selected with the approval of the major adviser.

Additional required courses: 30 credit hours

ENGL 3670 Technical Writing (3)

Choose at least 12 credits in one or more related fields with the approval of the major adviser.

Choose at least nine credits in courses at the 3000 or 4000 level in computer science or in one or more related fields with the approval of the major adviser.

Choose at least six credits in Mathematics starting with MATH 1220 or above.

Concentration Total: 45 credit hours

Required core: 22 credit hours

Major Total: 67 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Total for degree: 137-143 credit hours*
*A minor is required. The number of electives to reach the degree total of 127 credit hours will vary by the number of credit hours required by the major and minor. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Major in Math and Computer Science for Secondary School Teachers (BA)
This major requires a core of courses from mathematics and computer science. Graduates of the program will be equipped to teach both mathematics and computer science in secondary schools. The purpose of the major is to provide secondary school teachers in training with a fundamentally strong background in mathematics and computer science. This will create a greater pool of talent in math and computer science education, from which middle and high school teachers can be drawn. The program has been designed to emphasize the fundamental understanding of both mathematics and computer science.

The objectives of the math and computer science major are to:

Provide secondary teachers in training a program that will adequately prepare and encourage them to teach the expected mathematics and computing courses to students in middle and high school math and computer science programs.

Train math teachers to develop each of the competencies required by the State Board of Education for licensure in math education.

Broaden the scope of mathematics and computing to secondary school teachers in training, allowing them to develop methods in which to relay the content material to their students so that the students can fully understand what is being taught.

Provide secondary teachers in training with the background so they can assume responsibility for managing the computing facilities at their school.

Prerequisite courses: 8 credit hours

MATH 1220 College Algebra (3*)
MATH 1250 Trigonometry & Pre-Calculus (5)

*Applies to University proficiency requirement.

 Required courses: 40 credit hours

CS 1440 Introduction to Computer Science (3)
CS 1450 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (3)
CS 2450 Advanced Computer Programming (3)
CS 4300 Computer Tech in the Classroom (3)

MATH 1510 Calculus 1 (4)
MATH 1520 Calculus 2 (4)
MATH 2530 Calculus 3 (4)
MATH 3200 Linear Algebra (3)
MATH 3450 MATH Stats (3)
MATH 4060 College Geometry (3)
MATH 4210 Applied Abstract Algebra (3)
MATH 4300 Mathematical Problem Solving (4)

Electives: 11 credit hours

Choose one course from the following:

MATH 3170 Discrete MATH (3)

Any 4000-level math course approved by adviser

Choose two courses from the following:

CS 3250 Comp Hardware Install and Maintenance (1)
CS 3260 Comp Software Installation (1)
CS 3270 Hands on UNIX (1)
CS 3320 Advanced Internet (1)

Choose two courses from the following:

CS 3500 Programming Seminar 1 (3)
CS 3510 System Design and Analysis 1 (3)
CS 4560 Internet Services (3)
CS 4570 Computer Networks (3)
CS 4630 Web Programming (3)

Other approved three-credit senior level courses in computer science.

Major Total: 51 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Total for degree: 121- 127 credit hours*
*A minor is required. The number of electives to reach the degree total of 120 credit hours will vary by the number of credit hours required by the major and minor. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Minor in Computer Science with Concentration in Information Systems
Required courses: 19 credit hours

CS 1440 Introduction to Computer Science (3)
CS 1450 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (3)
CS 2450 Advanced Computer Programming (3)
CS 3510 System Design and Analysis (3)

MATH 3170 Discrete Mathematics (4)

CS 2110 Introduction to Object Oriented COBOL for Business Data Processes (3)


CS 3180 Business Applications Programming (3)

Electives: 5 credit hours

Choose one course from the following:

CS 3310 Decision Support System (3)
CS 4310 Database Management (3)
CS 4510 Software Engineering (3)

Choose two courses from the following:

CS 3250 Computer Hardware Installation and Maintenance (1)
CS 3260 Computer Software Installation (1)
CS 3270 Hands on UNIX (1)

OR CS 1/3350 Selected Topics in Computer Science (1—4)

Minor total: 24 minimum credit hours

Minor in Computer Science with Concentration in Software/Hardware Systems
Required courses: 10 credit hours

CS 1440 Introduction to Computer Science (3)
CS 1450 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (3)
CS 2450 Advanced Computer Programming (3)
CS 3270 Hands-on UNIX (1)

Electives: 9 credit hours

Choose one programming course from the following list:

CS 3140 The C++ Programming Language (3)
CS 3160 Programming in LISP and PROLOG (3)
CS 3280 C and UNIX (3)
CS 4180 Multimedia Programming (3)
CS 4630 Web Programming (3)
CS 4710 Artificial Intel (3)

Choose at least six credits in courses at the 3000 or 4000 level in computer science.

Additional required courses: 4

MATH 3170 Discrete MATH (4)

Minor Total: 23 credit hours

Major in Mathematics (BS)
A major in Mathematics leading to a Bachelor of Science degree requires at least 47 hours consisting of 35 hours of required mathematics courses, at least six hours of mathematics electives, and six hours of computer science courses. In addition, the student is required to obtain a minor in one of the sciences, with a minor in physics being highly desirable.

Required courses: 35 credit hours

MATH 1510 Calculus 1 (4)
MATH 1520 Calculus 2 (4)
MATH 2530 Calculus 3 (4)
MATH 3170 Discrete Mathematics (4)
MATH 3250 Applied Ordinary Differential Equations (3)
MATH 3200 Linear Algebra (3)
MATH 3450 Math Statistics 1 (3)
MATH 4210 Applied Abstract Algebra (3)
MATH 4250 Introduction to Real Analysis (3)
MATH 4300 Mathematical Problem Solving (4)

Electives: 6 credit hours

Choose two 4000-level math electives

Additional required courses: 6 hours

CS 1440 Introduction to Computer Science (3)
CS 1450 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (3)

Major Total: 47 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 3 credit hours

Minor: 20 credit hours, minimum

Total for degree: 120123 credit hours*
*A science minor is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Major in Mathematics (BA)
The Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics comprises the same curriculum of Mathematics courses as for the Bachelor of Science degree. However, Bachelor of Arts candidates will select an academic minor in a field other than science.

Minor in Mathematics
Students desiring a minor in mathematics are required to complete at least 29 hours in mathematics courses consisting of 23 hours of required courses and at least six hours of mathematics electives.

Required courses: 23 credit hours

MATH 1510 Calculus 1 (4)
MATH 1520 Calculus 2 (4)
MATH 2530 Calculus 3 (4)
MATH 3170 Discrete Mathematics (4)
MATH 3200 Linear Algebra (3)
MATH 4300 Math Problem Solving (4)

Electives: 6 credit hours

Choose two 3000- or 4000-level math electives.

Minor Total: 29 credit hours

Major in MATH and Computer Science for Secondary School Teachers
This major requires a core of courses from mathematics and computer science. Graduates of the program will be equipped to teach both mathematics and computer science in secondary schools. The purpose of the major is to provide secondary school teachers in training with a fundamentally strong background in mathematics and computer science. This will create a greater pool of talent in math and computer science education from which middle and high school teachers can be drawn. The program has been designed to emphasize the fundamental understanding of both mathematics and computer science.

The objectives of the math and computer science major are to:

  • Provide secondary teachers in training a program that will adequately prepare and encourage them to teach the expected mathematics and computing courses to students in middle and high school math and computer science programs.
  • Train math teachers to develop each of the competencies required by the State Board of Education for licensure in math education.
  • Broaden the scope of mathematics and computing to secondary school teachers in training, allowing them to develop methods in which to relay the content material to their students so that the students can fully understand what is being taught.
  • Provide secondary teachers in training with the background so they can assume responsibility for managing the computing facilities at their school.

Prerequisite courses: 8 credit hours

MATH 1220 College Algebra (3*)
MATH 1250 Trigonometry & Pre-Calculus (5)

*Applies to University proficiency requirement.

Minor in MATH and Computer Science for Elementary School Teachers
The purpose of this minor is to provide elementary school teachers in training with a fundamentally strong background in mathematics and computer science. The objectives of the math and computer science minor are to:

  • Provide elementary teachers in training a program that will adequately prepare and encourage them to teach the fundamental concepts of mathematics and computing to students at the elementary level.
  • Broaden the scope of mathematics and computing to elementary school teachers in training, allowing them to develop methods in which to relay the content material to their students so that the students can fully understand what is being taught.
  • Provide elementary teachers in training with the background so they can assume responsibility for managing the computing facilities at their school.

Prerequisites: 9 credit hours

MATH 1009 Math for the Elementary Teacher (3)
MATH 1116 Math for the Elementary Teacher II (3)

BCIS 1110 Living with Computers (3)

Required courses: 17 credit hours

MATH 1220 College Algebra (3)
MATH 1250 Trigonometry & Pre-Calculus (5)

CS 1440 Introduction to Computer Science (3)
CS 1450 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (3)
CS 2450 Advanced Computer Programming (3)

Electives: 12 credit hours

Choose two courses from the following:

MATH 3170 Discrete Mathematics (3)
MATH 3450 Mathematical Statistics 1 (3)
MATH 4060 College Geometry (3)

Any 3000- or 4000-level math course approved by adviser

Choose three courses from the following:

CS 3250 Computer Hardware Install and Maintenance (1)
CS 3260 Computer Software Installation (1)
CS 3270 Hands-on UNIX (1)
CS 3320 Advanced Internet (1)

Any 3000- or 4000-level computer science course approved by adviser

Choose one course from the following:

CS 4560 Internet Services (3)
CS 4570 Computer Networks (3)
CS 4630 Web Programming (3)

Minor Total: 27 credit hours

Minor in Physics
The program of studies for a minor in physics consists of at least 22 hours of physics courses (16 hours of required physics courses and at least six hours of elective physics courses) and three hours of required mathematics (MATH 3250). Prior to enrolling in this minor, students are required to complete Calculus 1, 2 and 3 (MATH 1510, MATH 1520, and MATH 2530 respectively).

Required courses: 16 credit hours

PHYS 1310 Calculus-based Physics 1 (5)
PHYS 1320 Calculus-based Physics 2 (5)
PHYS 3610 Modern Physics and Relativity (3)

MATH 3250 Applied Ordinary Differential Equations (3)

Electives: 6-8 credit hours

Choose two courses from the following list:

PHYS 3000 Astrophysics (4)
PHYS 3110 Mechanics (3)
PHYS 4020 Statistical Mechanics (3)
PHYS 4210 Electricity and Magnetism 1 (4)

Minor Total: 16 credit hours

Department of English

Dr. Lauren Fath, Department Chair
Douglas Hall, Room DH 142
505-454-3415 FAX: 505-454-3389
E-mail: lfath@nmhu.edu

Mission of the Department of English
The mission of the Department of English and Philosophy is to provide quality education leading to intellectual growth and professional success. Majors and minors are offered in English and professional writing. The program is committed to preserving, interpreting, and promoting the unique multicultural heritage of the region.

The undergraduate program in the Department of English and Philosophy endeavors to develop fluency in the use of English through critical, creative, and technical writing. The departmental curriculum is designed to meet a variety of interests: literature, creative writing, linguistics, rhetoric, cultural studies, mythology, and professional writing. Study of English prepares students for careers in teaching, publishing, arts, journalism, technical writing, business, law, and government.

Peter Buchanan, Ph.D.
Lauren Fath, Ph.D.
Juan Gallegos, Ph.D.
Jesse Goldberg, Ph.D.
Amanda May, Ph.D.
Eddie Tafoya, Ph.D.
Rebecca Schneider, Ph.D.
Benjamin Villarreal, Ed.D.
Donna Woodford-Gormley, Ph.D.

Resources and Facilities
The Department of English is located in Douglas Hall, a renovated building that houses classrooms, the Writing Center, the Language Learning Center, and offices for faculty and graduate assistants in the humanities.

The Department of English provides the services of the Writing Center to students in the English composition sequence and in other undergraduate University courses. The facility offers individual tutoring and small group work. The Writing Center offers one-on-one instruction in all stages of the writing process, including developing ideas, writing with appropriate organization and style, and accurately citing sources.

The English Department houses a literary journal, The New Mexico Review, which publishes poetry, fiction, and essays. The department also sponsors a chapter of the international English honor society, Sigma Tau Delta, as well as Bindings, the English club.

The Department of English offers intensive study of literature, writing, linguistics, mythology, and cultural studies. The program core for the major introduces students to a variety of the subdisciplines of English, including literature, creative writing, linguistics, literacy, composition, and criticism, all of which provide foundational knowledge of English studies while allowing students to discover the aspect of English they want to explore in their elective courses. The English major, in conjunction with the School of Education, prepares students for careers as secondary school English teachers. The department also offers a pre-professional major for those interested in preparing for graduate studies in law and other fields, or for careers in professional writing, advertising, or publishing.

Since the English major requires only 39 credit hours for completion, students are encouraged to double-major, selecting another major appropriate to their interests. Many English majors have found professional success by combining their study of English with majors in media arts, education, business, history, criminal justice, psychology, etc.

English minors have two options: a general minor with a literary emphasis or a minor in writing.

All English majors must consult with their adviser in English prior to registration each term. During the first meeting, the adviser and student will develop a long-term plan for completing the program.

English Education Track
Students preparing for careers as high school English teachers must major in English (in the English education track), minor in secondary education, and complete course work required for state licensure. They must consult with two faculty advisers, one in the English department and one from the School of Education. Furthermore, students in this track must take the New Mexico Teacher Assessment exam between their sophomore and junior year and must plan to have all coursework in English completed before the start of their final semester, which will be devoted to field preparation.

Pre-Professional Track
Students interested in majoring in English as preparation for professional careers in such areas as business, government, law, or administration should concentrate on courses in writing, and linguistics. Those specifically interested in law school should also take courses in philosophy and logic. This track is not intended for students pursuing teaching careers. The pre-professional track is recommended for students double-majoring in English and a field with heavy course requirements.


Major in English (BA)
Traditional, English Education, and Pre-Professional Tracks

In order to earn a BA in English, students are required to complete at least 13, three-credit courses in English beyond the composition sequence (ENGL 1060, 1110, 1120): a total of 39 credit hours. Students must also satisfy the following general distribution requirements:

Required core: 12 credit hours

ENGL 2610 American Literature I (3)


ENGL 2620 American Literature II (3)

(However, both courses are recommended)

ENGL 2630 British Literature I (3)
ENGL 2640 British Literature II (3)
ENGL 3020* Literary Theory (3)

*To be taken in the junior year. Students in the pre-professional track may substitute any course in rhetoric, linguistics, or writing

Additional requirements: 9 credit hours
At least one course in grammar or linguistics: 3 credit hours
At least one course in advanced composition, rhetoric, or literacy: 3 credit hours
At least one course in creative writing: 3 credit hours
At least one course from the following: 3 credit hours

ENGL 4210 Chaucer (3)
ENGL 4220 Shakespeare (3)
ENGL 4230 Milton (3)

Other requirements: 6 credit hours

ENGL 4110 Major American Writers (3)
ENGL 4120 Major British Writers (3)

Choose 3 courses for 9 credit hours.

Students majoring in English and minoring in secondary education must take:

ENGL 3170 Introduction to Modern Grammar (3)
ENGL 3500 Methods of Teaching Reading and Writing (3)

The remaining courses (for a total of 39 credit hours) are program electives.

Major Total: 39 credit hours

Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 5-11 credit hours
Minor: 20 credit hours minimum*

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*

* A minor is required. The number of electives to reach the degree total of 120 credit hours will vary by the number of credit hours required by the minor. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Minor in English
Required courses: 9 credit hours

ENGL 3170 Introduction to Modern Grammar (3)

Choose two courses from the following:

ENGL 2630 British Literature I (3)
ENGL 2640 British Literature II (3)
ENGL 2610 American Literature I (3)
ENGL 2620 American Literature II (3)

Electives: 12 credit hours

Minor Total: 21 credit hours

Minor in English Writing
Required courses: 12 credit hours

ENGL 3170 Introduction to Modern Grammar (3)
ENGL 3650 Nonfiction Prose (3)
ENGL 3670 Technical Writing (3)
ENGL 4430 Sociolinguistics (3)


ENGL 4850 Stylistics (3)

Electives: 9 credit hours

Choose three courses from the following:

ENGL 1160 Introduction to Digital Storytelling (3)
ENGL 2261 Digital Storytelling Creation II (3)
ENGL 2410 Autobiography (3)
ENGL 2310 Introduction to Creative Writing (3)
ENGL 3050 Advanced Composition (3)
ENGL 3070 Writing as Advocacy (3)
ENGL 3090 A History of Writing (3)
ENGL 3100 Creative Nonfiction (3)
ENGL 3500 Methods of Teaching Reading and Writing (3)
ENGL 3620 Creative Writing: Poetry (3)
ENGL 3640 Creative Writing: Fiction (3)
ENGL 4000 Creative Writing: Experimental Fiction (3)
ENGL 4010 Creative Writing: Advanced Poetry (3)
ENGL 4200 Online Literary Publishing (3)
ENGL 4410 History of the English Language (3)
ENGL 2/4340 Practicum (1-4)
ENGL 4630 Rhetoric and Reality (3)
ENGL 4640 Women and Rhetoric (3)

Minor Total: 21 credit hours

Note: Any 1000-, 2000- or 3000-level literature course will satisfy the core requirement in Area V: Humanities and Fine Arts. Courses marked with an asterisk (*) satisfy the extended core literature requirement.

Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences

Dr. Katherine Jenkins, Department Chair
Wilson Physical Education Complex, Room 227
505-454-3479 Fax: 505-454-3001
E-mail: kjenkins@nmhu.edu

Mission of the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences
The mission of the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences is to improve the quality of life related to the many aspects of human movement. We concentrate on a full spectrum of human potential, from young to old, fit to unfit, recreational to higher athletic, healthy to diseased, and able-bodied to disabled. Our programs are related to the study of exercise physiology, health, teaching, athletic injuries, recreation, sports administration, and coaching.

Kristin Bogda, Ph.D. (Health Promotion)
William Hayward, Ph.D. (Exercise Science)
Katherine Jenkins, Ph.D. (Exercise Physiology)
Yongseek Kim, Ph.D. (Sports Administration)
Jay Lee, Ph.D. (Exercise Science, Kinesiology, and Motor Behavior)
Matthew Staples, Ph.D. (Physical Education)

Resources and Facilities
Two undergraduate majors are available in the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences: human performance and sport (HPS) and health. The HPS major offers a choice of three concentration areas: exercise science, physical education and recreation and sport management. Additionally, three minors are available: HPS, health, and coaching. There are also two concentrations in health: health promotion and wellness, and pre-professional allied health. Additionally, four minors are available: HPS, health, coaching and recreation.

The department offers courses for the community as well as for university personnel. The New Mexico Highlands University Wellness Program (HU-Wellness) provides a variety of health promotion activities including classes, consultations, seminars, and workshops. Fitness and health assessments with consultation and exercise prescriptions are available to employees, students, and community members. The Cardiovascular Health Enhancement and Exercise Rehabilitation (CHEER) Program provides supervised exercise classes for patients with heart disease. In addition, the ESS department cooperates with other academic areas within New Mexico Highlands University by providing opportunities for students to take a variety of academic classes. There are numerous activity classes for students, faculty, and community members to take, such as skiing, swimming, golf, fitness activity, racquetball, and weightlifting. As part of their core requirements, students have an opportunity to take at least two physical education courses or the Fit for Life class (wellness course). The Fit for Life course is a prerequisite for all ESS majors.

The career choices for students receiving a major in the ESS are numerous: activity director/instructor, aquatic manager, adapted physical education instructor, athletic director, athletic trainer, personal fitness trainer, cardiac rehabilitation specialist, community health consultant, corporate wellness director, employee wellness consultant, health promotion and wellness leader/director, exercise laboratory technician, physical education teacher, health education teacher, recreation director, senior citizen recreation director, therapeutic recreation specialist, travel and tourism director, and many more.

The John A. Wilson Physical Education Complex is the pride of the program. The building offers modern facilities for physical and health education instruction and student and faculty research, as well as complete facilities for athletic training. The HU Wellness Program and Exercise Science Laboratory enable students to obtain practical experience in fitness testing and exercise programming.

Exercise and Sport Sciences

Major in Human Performance and Sport (BA)
The HPS physical education concentration and HPS minor prepare elementary and secondary physical education teachers. This area offers a broad technical foundation in scientific principles and relevant technology, including kinesiology, exercise physiology, sports techniques, and pedagogical methodology. Students in the HPS physical education concentration should minor in secondary education in order to obtain the K-12 teaching licensure in New Mexico.

The HPS exercise science concentration is designed to prepare students who wish to become personal trainers and/or work in the area of corporate fitness. This concentration offers a more scientifically focused curriculum, including kinesiology, exercise physiology, fitness program design, and fitness and wellness program leadership. Students in this concentration are encouraged to minor in either health or business.

The HPS recreational sport management concentration is designed to prepare students in sport industry including amateur sports (youth and high school sports, collegiate sports, and international sports) and professional sports, sport facility management, management, sporting goods and licensed products, health and fitness, and recreational sport, but the other industries which are marketing their products/services through sport. Students receive training in marketing their products or services through sport, for possible employment in other industries. No minor is required for students completing this concentration.


PHED 1610 Fit for Life (2) *

*Satisfies two credit hours of university extended core requirement.

Required Courses: 9 credit hours

EXSC 3700 Kinesiology (3)
EXSC 3760 Exercise Physiology (3)
EXSC 4100 Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Ed (3)

Students must also choose an area of concentration and complete all courses in the concentration area.

A. Concentration in Exercise Science
Required courses: 27 credit hours

HLED 2160 Nutrition for Exercise and Sport (3)
HLED 1115 American Heart Association CPR (3)

EXSC 4050 Body Composition (3)
EXSC 4210 Designs for Fitness (3)
EXSC 4280 Nutrition and Support in Sport (3)
EXSC 4720 Biomechanics of Sport (3)
EXSC 4760 Stress Testing (3)
EXSC 4890 Fitness/Wellness Program Leadership (3)
EXSC 4300 ACSM Health Fitness Instructor Review (3)


EXSC 4320 NSCA Strength Coach Review (3)

Major Total: 36 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 8-14 credit hours
Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*

*A minor is required. The number of electives to reach the degree total of 120 credit hours will vary by the number of credit hours required by the minor. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

B. Concentration in Physical Education
Required courses: 21 credit hours

SPED 2110 Introduction to Students with Exceptionalities (3)

HLED 1115 American Heart Association CPR (3)

EXSC 3500 Methods of Teaching HPE (3)
EXSC 3870 PE for Elementary Teachers (3)
EXSC 4020 Motor Learning (3)
EXSC 4680 PE for Special Populations (3)
EXSC 4950 Capstone/Senior Seminar (3)

Electives: 6 credit hours (choose three)

HLED 1140 Water Safety Instruction (2)

EXSC 2061 Techniques of Team Sports (2)
EXSC 2063 Techniques of Individual Sports (2)
EXSC 2065 Techniques of Innovative Sports (2)

Major Total: 36 credit hours

Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 8-14 credit hours

Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*

*A minor is required. The number of electives to reach the degree total of 120 credit hours will vary by the number of credit hours required by the minor. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

C. Concentration in Recreation and Sport Management
Required courses: 36 credit hours

EXSC 2300 Introduction to Sport Management (3)
EXSC 3150 Introduction to Golf Course Management (3)
EXSC 4090 Economics and Finance in Sport (3)
EXSC 4120 Public Relations in Sport (3)
EXSC 4610 Sport Market and Promotion (3)
EXSC 4650 Plan Areas and Facilities (3)

ECON 2120 Microeconomics Principles (3)

ACCT 2110 Principles of Accounting I (3)

MKTG 2110 Principles of Marketing (3)
MGMT 2110 Principles of Management (3)

BFIN 3410 Principles of Financial Management (3)

BLAW 2110 Business Law I (3)

Electives: 15 credit hours

In exercise and sport science, choose six credits from the following:

HLED 1115 American Heart Association CPR (3)

EXSC 4160 Aquatic Management (3)
EXSC 4210 Designs for Fitness (3)

In the School of Business, Media and Technology, choose nine credits of electives in consultation with a business adviser.

Major Total: 60 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*

*No minor is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Major in Health (BA)
The health major has two tracks. The health promotion and wellness track is designed to prepare the secondary school health teacher as well as students interested in the health careers with commercial, corporate, community, or government health/fitness/wellness programs. The pre-professional allied health track is designed to prepare students for professional school in allopathic, osteopathic, chiropractic, podiatric, naturopathic, veterinary medicine, dentistry, optometry, pharmacy, nursing, physical therapy, or similar health related areas. Both tracks prepare the student for advanced training in graduate school.

Student must take:

MATH 1215, MATH 1220, MATH 1250, or the equivalent of algebra and trigonometry in high school and PHED 1610 (Fit for Life) to qualify for the major in health.

Concentration in Health Promotion and Wellness
General Biology (BIOL 1110) should be taken as part of the student’s science requirement.

Students who intend to teach health in the public schools must consult with an adviser in the School of Education for licensure requirements.

Anatomy & Physiology-core science course: OPTIONAL for health educator certification

PHED 1610 Fitness for Life (2) (Applies to Extended Core)

Concentration Core 24 hours:

HLED 1130 Concepts of Health and Wellness (3)
HLED 2160 Nutrition for Exercise and Sport (3)
HLED 3210 Foundations of Community Health (3)
HLED 3520 Health and Sex Education (3)

Or PSYC 4220 Human Sexuality (3)

HLED 3530 Health & Drug Education (3)

Or PSYC 4080 Drugs and Behavior (3)

HLED 3800 Human Diseases (3)
HLED 3820 Health Problems in Schools (3)
EXSC 4100 Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Ed (3)

Content Electives: 6-9 hours

HLED 4020 US-Mexico Border Health Issues (3)
HLED 4150 Health, Culture, and Diversity (3)
HLED 4720 Health Promotion (3)
HLED 4740 Stress Management (3)

Professional Practice Electives: 6-9 hours

HLED 1115 American Heart Association CPR (3)

SOCI 3300 Research Methods in Social Relationships (3)

EXSC 3500 Methods of Teaching HPE (3)

HLED 4210 Epidemiology (3)

EXSC 4890 Fitness/Wellness Progressive Leadership (3)

Courses with a # symbol count as accepted health coursework for health educator certification:

(Minimum 24 hours required for certification)

Major Total: 39 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

General Electives to 120 (if needed; can include Content Electives & Professional Practice Electives in this degree plan not already used to satisfy major requirements): 6-12+ credit hours

Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*

*A minor is required. The number of electives to reach the degree total of 120 credit hours will vary by the number of credit hours required by the minor. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Concentration in Pre-Professional Allied Health
Required courses: 57 credit hours

PHED 1610 Fitness for Life (2) (Applies to Extended Core)

BIOL 2620 Ecology and Evolution (4)
BIOL 2110 Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology (4)
BIOL 3310 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 (4)
BIOL 3320 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 (4)

CHEM 1215 General Chemistry 1 (3) *
CHEM 1225 General Chemistry 2 (3) *
CHEM 1215L Chemistry Lab 1 (2) *
CHEM 1225 Chemistry Lab 2 (2) *

HLED 1051 Personal Health and Wellness (3)
HLED 2160 Nutrition for Exercise and Sport (3)
HLED 4020 US-Mexico Border Health Issues (3)

EXSC 3700 Kinesiology (3)
EXSC 3760 Exercise Physiology (3)

HLED 3810 Injury Assessment and Management (3)

PHYS 1230 Algebra-based Physics 1 (4) *
PHYS 1240 Algebra-based Physics 2 (4) *

PSYC 3240 Abnormal Psychology (3)


PSYC 3400 Developmental Psychology (3)

*This block of coursework is required for most pre-professional applicants to physical therapy schools. Other professional schools may require less laboratory preparation, in which case electives may be taken instead to structure a program according to individual needs and goals. This curriculum is not designed to prepare students for medical school. Students interested in the Pre-Med Program should contact the Biology or Chemistry Department.

Major Total: 57 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Total for degree: 127-133 credit hours*

*A minor is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Minor in Human Performance and Sport

This minor is available to all students.

Prerequisite: PHED 1610 Fitness for Life (2)

*Satisfies two credit hours of extended core requirement.

Required courses: 21 credit hours

HLED 1115 American Heart Association CPR (3)

EXSC3500 Methods of Technology Health and Physical Ed (3)
EXSC3760 Exercise Physiology (3)
EXSC 4100 Measurement and Evaluation (3)
EXSC 4680 Physical Ed for Special Populations (3)
EXSC 4720 Biomechanics of Sport (3)
EXSC 4950 Capstone/Senior Seminar (3)

Electives: 4 credit hours

Choose two courses from the following:

HLED 1150 Lifeguarding (2)
HLED 1140 Water Safety Instruction (2)

EXSC 2061 Techniques of Team Sports (2)
EXSC 2063 Techniques of Individual Sports (2)
EXSC 2065 Techniques on Innovative Games (2)

Minor Total: 25 credit hours

Minor in Coaching
This minor is available to students with any major.

Prerequisite: PHED 1610 Fitness for Life (2)

*Satisfies two credit hours of extended core requirement.

Required courses: 24 credit hours

HLED 2160 Nutrition for Exercise and Sport (3)
HLED 1115 American Heart Association CPR (3)

EXSC 3760 Exercise Physiology (3)
EXSC 3810 Injury Assessment and Management (3)
EXSC 4080 Principles, Ethics, and Problems of Athletic Coaching (3)
EXSC 4210 Designs for Fitness (3)
EXSC 4280 Nutrition and Supplements for Sports (3)
EXSC 4780 Psychology of Coaching (3)

Electives: 4 credit hours

Choose two courses from the following:

EXSC 3650 Coaching/Officiating Baseball/Softball (2)
EXSC 3660 Coaching/Officiating Basketball (2)
EXSC 3670 Coaching/Officiating Football (2)
EXSC 3680 Coaching/Officiating Volleyball (2)
EXSC 3690 Coaching/Officiating Track and Field (2)

Minor Total: 28 credit hours

Minor in Recreation

PHED 1610 Fitness for Life (2)

*Satisfies two credit hours of extended core requirement.

Required courses: 24 credit hours

HLED 1115 American Heart Association CPR (3)
EXSC 2300 Introduction to Sport Management (3)
EXSC 3150Introduction to Golf Course Management (3)
EXSC 4090 Economics and Finance in Sport (3)
EXSC4120 Public Relations in Sport (3)
EXSC 4160 Aquatics Management (3)
EXSC 4610 Sport Marketing and Promotion (3)
EXSC 4650 Planning Areas and Facilities (3)

Minor Total: 24 credit hours

Minor in Health
The health minor is designed for students wishing to study information related to the various aspects of health.

Prerequisite: PHED 1610 Fitness for Life (2)

*Satisfies two credit hours of extended core requirement.

Required courses: 24 credit hours

HLED 1051 Personal and Community Health (3)
HLED 2160 Nutrition for Exercise and Sport (3)
HLED 3800 Human Diseases (3)
HLED 3210 Foundations of Community Health (3)
HLED 4740 Stress Management (3)
HLED 4720 Health Promotion (3)
HLED 3520 Health and Sex Education (3)


PSYC 4220 Human Sexuality (3)


HLED 3530 Health and Drug Education (3)


PSYC 4080 Drugs and Behavior (3)

Minor Total: 24 credit hours

Department of Forestry

Dr. Blanca Céspedes, Department Chair and Associate Professor
Ivan Hilton Science Center, Room 336
Phone: 505-454-3501 FAX: 505-454-3103
Email: bcespedes@nmhu.edu

The Department of Forestry houses the Forestry and Conservation Management programs. Areas of study focus on the management of forest and rangeland ecosystems, the natural resources and biodiversity they contain, and the ecosystem services they provide. Programs emphasize the sustainable adaptive management of forests and rangeland through the application of ecological principles and knowledge, in conjunction with an understanding of economics, human dimensions, and law and policy. The Department of Forestry offers instructional programs leading to a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Forestry, a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Conservation Management, and minors in Wildland Fire and Wildlife Management. The NMHU Forestry program is accredited by the Society of American Foresters and is the only accredited Forestry program in the State of New Mexico.

Mission of the Department of Forestry
The mission of the Department of Forestry is to engage in teaching, research, and service in forestry to promote the sustainable management of forest resources. The Forestry teaching program seeks to enhance the competency and excellence of the forestry profession. The undergraduate Forestry degree program is designed to educate well-rounded, technologically proficient, and ecologically aware forest managers, providing them with a background sufficient to enable them to support the continued health, integrity, and use of forests for the benefit of society. Being part of a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), the Forestry program seeks to address the needs of underrepresented students in the forestry profession.

Resources and Facilities
The Department of Forestry is housed in the Ivan Hilton Science and Technology Building. Modern classrooms and spacious laboratories showcase state-of-the-art analytical equipment and modern safety features and provide students with hands-on, student-centered learning environments.

James Biggs, Ph.D. (Wildlife and Wildfire Ecology)
Blanca Céspedes, Ph.D. (Fire Ecologist and Prescribed Fires)
Aalap Dixit, Ph.D. (Ecophysiology and Reforestation)
Tomasz Falkowski, Ph.D. (Socioecological Restoration, Agroforestry)
Joshua L. Sloan, Ph.D. (Reforestation and Silviculture)
Julie Tsatsaros, Ph.D. (Aquatic Biology and Watershed Management)

Forestry (BS)
Forestry is the application of scientific principles to the sustainable management of forest resources, including a wide range of ecosystem services (e.g., non-timber forest products, wildlife, medicinal herbs, and craft materials), fresh water, and biodiversity. The primary goal of the forestry program is to train technically competent forest and natural resources managers who understand the ecological notions that underpin human use of forest resources. Graduates of the Forestry Program meet all federal requirements for employment as a professional forester. Students receive training in the various techniques used to determine resource quantities and qualities, economic values, and social constraints in the management of natural resources. Students who major in forestry are not required to take a minor. A summer field course is required of all students prior to their graduation. Students who wish to pursue graduate degrees should talk to an
adviser about recommended coursework.

The BS in Forestry offers two concentrations of study – Forestry Management and Wildland Fire. The Forestry Management concentration focuses on the management of timber as well as a wide range of ecosystem services produced by private and public lands. The Wildland Fire program, one of the few in the country, offers state of the art instruction in the use and management of fire on the broad landscapes of the west. In this era of rapid environmental change, these forestry fields are in increasing demand. After graduation, New Mexico Highlands University forestry students are prepared to meet that demand and embark on exciting and rewarding careers. The NMHU Forestry Program is provisionally accredited by the Society of American Foresters.

Conservation Management (BA)
Conservation Management provides students with skills to integrate the diverse array of social, political, legal, institutional, cultural, economic, ecological, and biophysical considerations inherent in attaining environmental and resource management goals. This degree prepares students for a variety of careers in research, industry, education, government, or public service. Students must complete a total of 43 to 46 hours in anthropology, biology, chemistry, forestry, and geology. New Mexico Highlands University requires at least 45 credit hours in upper (3000-4000 level) courses. The BA in Conservation Management requires completion of a minor.

Major in Forestry (BS)

Concentration in Forestry Management

Required Courses: 54 credit hours
FORS 1010 Ecosystems and Humans (4)
FORS 2010 Forestry Field Practices (4)
FORS 2020 Terrestrial Ecology (4)
FORS 2030 Water Resources (3)
FORS 3050 Natural Resources Economics (3)
FORS 3070 Wildland Fire Management (3)
FORS 3100 Mensuration and Biometrics (3)
FORS 3130 Dendrology (3)
FORS 3300 Natural Resources Law and Policy (3)
GEOL 4120 Geologic Resources, Law and Environmental Policy
FORS 3400 Quantitative Methods (3)
FORS 4020 Silviculture (3)
FORS 4100 Forest Management (3)
FORS 4120 Surveying and Geographic Information Systems (4)
FORS 4160 Soil Science (4)
FORS 4240 Wildland Pest Management (3)
FORS 4260 Professional Ethics (1)
FORS 4920 Applied Forestry Research (3)

Additional Requirements: 16-17 credits
BIOL 3030 Plant Structure and Function (4)

CHEM 1215 General Chemistry 1 for STEM Majors (3)
CHEM 1215L Chemistry Lab 1 for STEM Majors (2)

GEOL 1110 Physical Geology (4)

MATH 1430 Applications of Calculus 1 (3)
MATH 1510 Calculus 1 (4)

Electives: 6-8 credits hours (In consultation with academic advisor,
students may choose from FORS 3120, 4000, 4080, 4170, 4180, 4200,
4330, 4510, 4520, 4530, 4560, or 4610.)

Major Total: 76 – 79 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 126-135 credit hours*
*A minor is not required. Additional credit hours may be required to meet the total degree credit requirement if proficiency or other required courses are waived for content only. English and math proficiency credit do not count toward the total degree credit requirement. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Concentration in Wildland Fire
Required Courses: 64 credit hours
FORS 1010 Ecosystems and Humans (4)
FORS 2010 Forestry Field Practices (4)
FORS 2020 Terrestrial Ecology (4)
FORS 2030 Water Resources (3)
FORS 3050 Natural Resources Economics (3)
FORS 3070 Wildland Fire Management (3)
FORS 3100 Mensuration and Biometrics (3)
FORS 3130 Dendrology (3)
FORS 3300 Natural Resources Law and Policy (3) OR GEOL
4120 Geologic Resources, Law and Environmental Policy (3)
FORS 3400 Quantitative Methods (3)
FORS 4020 Silviculture (3)
FORS 4100 Forest Management (3)
FORS 4120 Surveying and Geographic Information Systems (4)
FORS 4160 Soil Science (4)
FORS 4240 Wildland Pest Management (3)
FORS 4260 Professional Ethics (1)
FORS 4520 Prescribed Fire Practices (4)

FORS 4550 Wildfire Fuels & Modeling
FORS 4560 Fire and Landscape Ecology (3)
FORS 4920 Applied Forestry Research (3)

Additional Requirements: 16 – 17 credits
BIOL 3030 Plant Structure and Function (4)

CHEM 1215 General Chemistry 1 for STEM Majors (3)
CHEM 1215L Chemistry Lab 1 for STEM Majors (2)

GEOL 1110 Physical Geology (4)

MATH 1430 Applications of Calculus 1 (3)
MATH 1510 Calculus 1 (4)

Electives: 3-6 credits hours
(In consultation with academic advisor, students may choose from
FORS 4000, 4080, 4170, 4180, 4200, 4330, 4510, 4520, 4530,
4560, or 4610.)

Major Total: 83-87 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 133-143 credit hours*
*A minor is not required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Major in Conservation Management (BA)
CORE: 34 credit hours
FORS 1010 Ecosystems and Humans (4)
FORS 2020 Terrestrial Ecology (4)
FORS 2030 Water Resources (3)
FORS 3050 Natural Resources Economics (3)
FORS 3300 Natural Resources Law and Policy (3) OR

GEOL 4120 Geologic Resources, Law and Environmental Policy (3)

FORS 3400 Quantitative Methods (3)
FORS 4120 Survey and GIS (4)
FORS 4260 Professional Ethics (1)

BIOL 2110 Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular (4)

CHEM 1215 General Chemistry (3)
CHEM 1215L General Chemistry Lab (2)

Electives: 9-12 credit hours

Upper-division electives from forestry, geology, biology or anthropology chosen in consultation with your adviser.

Major Total: 43 – 46 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 4-7 credit hours
Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*
*A minor is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements
will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Minor in Wildland Fire
Required Courses: 18 credit hours

FORS 1010 Ecosystems and Humans (4) *
FORS 2020 Terrestrial Ecology (4) *
FORS 3070 Wildland Fire Management (3)
FORS 4560 Fire and Landscape Ecology (3)
*Select an additional elective for each if course is used for the major.

Choose one:
FORS 4510 Project Fires and Post-Fire Rehabilitation (3)
FORS 4520 Prescribed Fire Practices (4)

Electives: 1 – 9 depending on major*
*Choose electives in consultation with minor adviser.

Minor Total: 18 credits hours

Minor in Wildlife Management
Required Courses: 18 credit hours
FORS 1010 Ecosystems and Humans (4) *
FORS 2020 Terrestrial Ecology (4) *
FORS 3170 Principles of Wildlife Management (3)
FORS 4200 Wildlife Habitat Management (3)
BIOL 4940 Field Zoology (3)
*Select an additional elective for each if course is used for the major.

Electives: 1 – 9 depending on major*
*Choose electives in consultation with minor adviser.

Minor Total: 18 credits hour

Minor in Forestry Management
Required Courses: 20 credit hours

FORS 1010 Ecosystems and Humans (4) *
FORS 2020 Terrestrial Ecology (4) *
FORS 3100 Mensuration & Biometrics (3)
FORS 3130 Dendrology (3)
FORS 4020 Silviculture (3)
FORS 4100 Forest Management (3)

*Select an additional elective for each if course is used for the major.

Minor Total: 20 credits hour

Department of History and Political Science

Dr. Elaine Rodriquez, Department Chair
Douglas Hall, Room 248
PHONE: 505-454-3214 FAX: 505-454-3389
E-mail: erodriquez@nmhu.edu

Mission of the Department of History and Political Science
History and Political Science forms an academic unit serving the undergraduate and graduate student body with a wide range of courses and possibilities for study. Historical and political understanding and awareness are perceived as one of the chief attributes of a functional and involved citizen of the United States. It is the mission of this department to provide services that will contribute to this goal as well as train graduates to work in appropriate fields that require historical and political skills and knowledge.

Peter S. Linder, Ph.D. (History)
Luke Ritter, Ph.D. (History)
Elaine Rodriquez, Ph.D. (Political Science)
Bilgesu Sumer, M.A. (Political Science)
Steven J. Williams, Ph.D. (History)

Historians investigate the past in order to understand the present – how we came to be where we are and who we are. The word history comes from the Greek word for inquiry. Historians, broadly speaking, are interested in the social, political, economic, religious, and cultural activities of all people. Their methods include interviewing eyewitnesses of recent events, reading old diaries and letters, and conducting research in public or private repositories. Members of the History faculty at New Mexico Highlands University especially encourage our students to make connections between our own lives and the past.

Students of history can pursue careers in teaching or other professions, and many will continue for an advanced degree in the discipline or enter law school. Professional applications of history include careers in government and business, where the skills of research, communication, and critical thinking are valued. Some history students find positions doing research and preservation work in museums and archives.

Political Science
Aristotle characterized politics as the “queen of the sciences.” Political science is, in one sense, an ancient discipline and, in another sense, one of the most recently developed social sciences. The origins of the study of politics reach back to the beginning so human society, for people have always made observations about the nature of their government. It is also true that Political Science, as it is taught today, is a very new discipline as current scholars have attempted to move from observations about politics to scientific observations about politics. Political science, in the broadest sense, is the study of governments, governing procedures, and political processes. The Political Science faculty encourages students to make connections between the theoretical (or textbook) study of government/politics and how government affects their lives in contemporary times.

Students in Political Science may seek careers in government, NGOs (non-governmental organizations), teaching, or private industry. The political science major is an excellent preparation for law school or other academic pursuits such as graduate study. It provides pre-professional training for governmental or public sector positions involving policymaking or administration. Representative employers include government agencies at the national, state, or local levels, nonprofit organizations, corporations, and research institutions.

History and Political Science

Major in History (BA)
Required courses: 6 credit hours

HIST 3010 Research Methods (3)
HIST 4800 Historiography (3)

Electives: 27 credit hours

Choose at least nine additional credits in 3000- and 4000- level courses from History in consultation with the major adviser. Choose 18 additional credits in courses at any level from History in consultation with the major adviser. Substitutions in allied fields will be considered on a case-by-case basis, at the discretion of the History faculty.

Major total: 33 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 11-17 credit hours
Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*

*A minor is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Minor in History
Choose at least 21 credits from courses in History, in consultation with the minor adviser. At least nine (9) of the credits must be from courses at the 3000 or 4000 level. Substitutions in allied fields will be considered on a case-by-case basis, at the discretion of the History faculty.

Minor Total: 21 credit hours

Major in Political Science (BA)
The major in Political Science is offered with two emphases: Liberal arts and Law. The Law emphasis provides a foundation in government and political systems, and addresses legal systems and dimensions of constitutional, public, and criminal law. The Liberal arts emphasis provides extensive study of American national, state, and local government, comparative and international politics, political theory, and political behavior. A special feature of Political Science at New Mexico Highlands University is found in its focus on Southwest and minority political studies.

Liberal Arts Emphasis
Required courses: 12 credit hours

POLS 1120 American National Government (3)
POLS 3120 Political Parties and Behavior (3)
POLS 3160 State and Local Government (3)
POLS 3280 Comparative Political Systems (3)

Electives: 20 credit hours

Choose one course from the following:

POLS 4100 American Constitution (3) OR
POLS 4580 Political Theory and Philosophy (3)

Choose at least 17 additional credits from courses in Political Science (or History courses such as 3150, 4010, 4030, 4130, 4140), in consultation with the major adviser. At least five of the credits must be from courses at the 3000 or 4000 level.

Major total: 32 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 12-18 credit hours
Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*

*A minor is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Law Emphasis
Required courses: 26 credit hours

POLS 1120 American National Government (3)
POLS 3140 Introduction to the Law (3)
POLS 3160 State and Local Government (3)
POLS 3200 Criminal Law (3)
POLS 3280 Comparative Political Systems (3)
POLS 4100 American Constitution (3)
POLS 4170 Legislative Process (3)
POLS 4530 International Relations, Human Rights and Law (3)
POLS 4970 LSAT Preparation and Legal Logic Class (2)

Electives: 6 credit hours

Choose at least 6 additional credits from Political Science courses (or from History courses cross-listed in political science), in consultation with the major adviser.

Major total: 32 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 12-18 credit hours
Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*

*A minor is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Major in Organizational Leadership in Public Safety (BA)

Organizational Leadership
BMIS 3420 Communication Strategies for Leaders (3)
BMIS 4280 Business Analytics in Decision Making (3)
BMIS 4400 Innovation Management (3)
BMIS 4800 Project Management (3)
BUSA 3460 Leadership Ethics (3)
BUSA 3480 Budget Management for Leaders (3)

MGMT 4500 Seminar in Leadership (3)
MGMT 4530 Organizational Leadership (3)
MGMT 4880 Strategic Thinking for Decision Making (Capstone) (3)

Organizational Leadership Total: 27 credit hours

Public Safety
POLS 3220 Public Safety Ecosystems (3)
POLS 3240 Public Safety and Homeland Security (3)
POLS 3260 Public Safety and Terrorism or

CJUS 3810 Terrorism (3)

POLS 4190 Public Administration (3)
POLS 4260 Case Studies in Public Safety and Leadership (3)

3 credit upper-division (3/4000 level) elective chosen in consultation with an advisor from POLS or CJUS or another appropriate field in the College of Arts and Sciences

Public Safety Total: 18 credit hours

Program Total: 45 credit hours

Pre-Law Preparation for Students Planning to Attend Law School
Comprehensive advising is available for students planning or considering the study and practice in law. Law or Pre-Law does not constitute a major; in fact, a wide variety of fields of study can be appropriate for the prospective lawyer. Many students select the major in political science, which offers a law emphasis; others select major and minor fields in the humanities, social sciences, sciences, mathematics, or physical sciences.

Careful planning in appropriate fields of study, with special attention to a foundation of skills developed in classes with emphasis on written and oral communication, research, calculation, logical reasoning, and critical thinking are strongly recommended for Pre-Law preparation. The Pre-Law adviser will help all students with their plans to gain an appropriate preparation for entering law school. This adviser is a source of much information about law schools and their requirements as well as the LSAT examination preparation, which is used to help law schools evaluate students’ qualifications for entrance. The Pre-Law adviser is Dr. Elaine Rodriquez, Douglas Hall 248.

Minor in Political Science
Required courses: 6 credit hours

POLS 1120 American National Government (3)
POLS 3160 State and Local Government (3)

Electives: 14 credit hours

Choose one course from the following:
POLS 4100 American Constitution (3)
POLS 4580 Political Theory and Philosophy (3)

Choose at least 11 additional credits in courses from Political Science and allied subjects, selected in consultation with the minor adviser. At least four of these credits must be from 3000- or 4000-level courses.

Minor Total: 20 credit hours

Certificate in Public Safety
POLS 3220 Public Safety Ecosystems (3)
POLS 3240 Public Safety and Homeland Security (3)
POLS 3260 Public Safety and Terrorism or

CJUS 3810 Terrorism (3)

POLS 4190 Public Administration (3)
POLS 4260 Case Studies in Public Safety and Leadership (3)

3 credit upper-division (3/4000 level) elective chosen in consultation with an advisor from POLS or CJUS or another appropriate field in the College of Arts and Sciences

Certificate Total: 18 credit hours

Minor in Public Safety
POLS 3220 Public Safety Ecosystems (3)
POLS 3240 Public Safety and Homeland Security (3)
POLS 3260 Public Safety and Terrorism or

CJUS 3810 Terrorism (3)

POLS 4190 Public Administration (3)
POLS 4260 Case Studies in Public Safety and Leadership (3)

3 credit upper-division (3/4000 level) elective chosen in consultation with an advisor from POLS or CJUS or another appropriate field in the College of Arts and Sciences

Minor Total: 18 credit hours

Department of Languages and Culture

Dr. Norma A. Valenzuela, Interim Chair
Douglas Hall, Room 237
505-454-3013 FAX: 505-454-3389

Mission of the Discipline of Languages and Culture
The Department of Languages and Culture and the Spanish Language Program primary objective is to support Community Language Revitalization in New Mexico and the Greater Southwest and emphasizes student language competency development and cultural identity formation. We are committed to the preservation, interpretation, and promotion of the unique multicultural heritage of the region. Northern New Mexico provides valuable contexts for Hispanic and Native American cultures and systems of knowledge. Students participating in the program, at both the language-acquisition (proficiency requirement) levels, and at the Major-Minor program levels, benefit from instruction that recognizes heritage language formations and scaffolds these ability levels into more encompassing levels of language ability. Students matriculated in the Minor-Major programs develop practical language ability utilized in personal and professional contexts. All language-learning students benefit from the cognitive development associated with language learning activities. Thus, recognizing the importance of the Spanish, Native American and American Sign Language presence in the local and global community. The department strives to integrate other local and foreign languages along with their respective culture and literature.

Carol Litherland, MA (American Sign Language)
Eric Romero, Ph.D. (Native American Hispano Studies)
Andres Sabogal, Ph.D. (Spanish)
Norma A. Valenzuela, Ph.D. (Spanish)

The Spanish Program offers language, culture, and literature, courses. The Program provides students with options to continue developing their language skills for personal, educational, and professional growth. Students who wish to major or minor in Spanish can enroll in a variety of upper division courses. Faculty work closely with students to successfully support completion of the major or minor. The Spanish Program is part of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Hispanic Honor Society and students pursuing a major or minor in Spanish/Bilingual Education and who meet other requirements qualify for membership in NMHU’s Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter.

The Spanish Program recognizes and values heritage language learners and offers courses at the basic and intermediate level. Heritage Language Learners are Hispanic/Latinx/Chicanx students who grew up in Spanish-speaking communities and understand basic Spanish conversation. The objectives in Spanish as heritage language classes are to build upon the language base that the student already possesses and to teach literacy in Spanish.

The Spanish Program also offers Spanish as a Second Language to address the needs of students of non-Hispanic/Latinx/Chicanx communities. The term “second language” is used to describe any language whose acquisition starts after early childhood, including what may be the third or subsequent language learned.

Language Proficiency Assessment
The Spanish language proficiency assessment is administered at the Language Learning Center, Douglas Hall Rm 104. The American Sign Language instructor will provide the ASL proficiency assessment. Students seeking to fulfill the core Spanish language requirement may choose to take the language assessment, take an intermediate or upper-level course. For detailed information on how to fulfill the language proficiency see NMHU Core Requirements.

Other Language Proficiency
The Language Learning Center Director will work with students requesting a language assessment in a language other than Spanish or ASL on a case-by-case basis. Acceptable proof of proficiency in a language other than Spanish/ASL may include but is not limited to assessment, transcripts, or appropriate documentation.

Resources and Facilities
Language students at New Mexico Highlands University are exposed to the Spanish language every day in the community and on campus. New Mexico Highlands University’s location in Northern New Mexico, where 70 percent of the population is Hispanic, offers a richly varied setting for studies in local, regional, and international culture and languages.

The Thomas C. Donnelly Library has more than 5,000 titles in Spanish culture and literature with an especially rich collection in the golden age of Spanish literature. The Language Learning Center offers tutoring services in Spanish and American Sign Language to students who want to supplement their language learning outside of the classroom. Throughout the semester, tutors organize workshop-type sessions that focus on certain grammatical concepts and other aspects of the language that professors believe the students need to develop. The LLC tutors also host “charlas” (conversation sessions) for those who want to exercise and improve their oral communication skills in Spanish. Signed conversation sessions are also held for students who want to practice and improve their ASL fluency. Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the tutors but may seek tutoring on a walk-in basis. Aside from tutoring services, the Language Learning Center houses many resources that our staff can recommend to students who are interested in enhancing their language knowledge. The center is equipped with computer workstations that have Internet access and contain the most updated Microsoft Office software applications, an instructor computer workstation with a Smartboard, Zoom capability, and a large media collection of audio-visual programs and recordings to enhance Spanish language instruction and acquisition.

American Sign Language (ASL)
The discipline of Languages and Culture provides four semesters of American Sign Language instruction with the option to engage in further independent study of ASL once the fourth semester of study has been completed. There is not an option for major or minor study. However, students develop transferable language competencies for applications to other programs and employment.

Languages and Culture

Major in Spanish (BA)

Proficiency in first-year Spanish, as demonstrated by completion of Spanish 1110 and Spanish 1120, or Spanish 1210 or Spanish 1220, or the equivalent competency. These courses do not count toward the 36-credit-hour major.

Required courses: 27 credit hours

SPAN 2110 Spanish III (3)
SPAN 2120 Spanish IV (3)


SPAN 2210 Spanish for Heritage Learners III (3)
SPAN 2220 Spanish for Heritage Learners IV (3)


SPAN 3000 Advanced Grammar (3)
SPAN 3100 Advanced Conversation (3)
SPAN 3300 Introduction to Hispanic Literature (3)
SPAN 4240 Advanced Composition (3)
SPAN 4300 Introduction to Spanish Linguistics (3)
SPAN 4950 Senior Year Paper (3)

Choose one of the following:
SPAN 4310 Civilization and Culture of Spain (3)
SPAN 4320 Civilization and Culture of Latin America (3)
SPAN 4330 Civilization and Culture of New Mexico and the Southwest (3)

Electives: 9 credit hours
In consulting with their program adviser, students can choose three upper-division elective courses to complete the major.

Major Total: 36 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 8-14 credit hours
Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*

*A minor is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Major in Spanish for Elementary and/or Secondary School Teachers (BA)
The following course must be taken as one of the nine elective credits used in fulfillment of the general Spanish major:

SPAN 4450 Teaching of Spanish: Theory and Methods (3)

Those pursuing a teaching career must contact the School of Education for required certification/endorsement coursework as stipulated by the State of New Mexico Public Education Department.

Major Total: 36 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 8-14 credit hours
Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*

*A minor is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Minor in Spanish

Proficiency in first-year Spanish as demonstrated by completion of Spanish 1110 and Spanish 1120, or Spanish 1210 or Spanish 1220 or the equivalent competency. (These courses do not count toward the 24-credit-hour minor.)

Required hours: 18 credit hours

SPAN 2110 Spanish III (3)
SPAN 2120 Spanish IV (3)


SPAN 2210 Spanish for Heritage Learners III (3)
SPAN 2220 Spanish for Heritage Learners IV (3)


SPAN 3000 Advanced Grammar (3)
SPAN 3100 Advanced Conversation (3)
SPAN 4240 Advanced Composition (3)

Choose one of the following:

SPAN 4310 Civilization and Culture of Spain (3)
SPAN 4320 Civilization and Culture of Latin America (3)
SPAN 4330 Civilization and Culture of New Mexico and the Southwest (3)

Electives: 6 credit hours

In consulting with their program adviser, students can choose two upper-level elective courses to complete the major.

Minor Total: 24 credit hours

Minor in Native American/Hispano Cultural Studies (NAHS)

Mission Statement
The mission of the proposed Native-American/Hispano Cultural Studies (NAHS) Minor Program is to facilitate and implement the interdisciplinary study of peoples, languages, cultures, traditions and practices of the Southwest with specific emphasis on Northern New Mexico communities. The program is strengthened by the adoption of a cultural studies approach, which enables students to investigate lived realities of which they themselves are a part and where their involvement may provide clarifying insights.

Required Introductory course: 3 hours

NAHS 1110 Introduction to Native American/Hispano Cultural Studies (3)

Capstone option: 3 hours required

NAHS 4250 Native American /Hispanic Communication and Cultural Contexts (3)

HIST 4530 History of the Southwest (3)

Thematic Area #1: Choose six hours from the following: (6)

ANTH 4130 Archaeology of the Southwest (3)
ANTH 4240 Cultural Dynamics of the Southwest (3)
ANTH 4560 US-Mexican Immigration (3)
ANTH 4760 Indians of the Greater Southwest (3)
ANTH 4770 Hispanics of the Southwest (3)

HIST 2110 Survey of New Mexico History (3)
HIST 4530 History of the Southwest (3)

NAHS 3750 Land Grant, Acequia and Reservation Communication (3)

Thematic Area #2: Choose six hours from the following: (6)

SOCI 4930 Race and National Identity in the U.S. (3)

PHIL 3180 Native American Philosophy (3)

HIST 1060 Chicano History (3)
HIST 4010 Chicano Experience (3)
HIST 4030 Chicano Leadership (3)

POLS 2180 Ethnic Politics (3)

NAHS 2110 Indo-Hispano Ethnicity and Identity Formation (3)

Thematic Area #3: Choose six hours from the following: (6)

ANTH 4350 Ritual, Festival, and Celebration in the Southwest (3)

ENGL 3150 Native American Women’s Literature (3)
ENGL 3180 Chicano/a Literature (3)
ENGL 4820 Literature of the Southwest (3)

HIST 1061 Chicano History since 1900 (3)

SPAN 4700 Chicano Lit of the Southwest (3)

NAHS 3250 Native American/Hispano Contexts for Language and Literacy (3)

Minor total: 24 credit hours

Department of Natural Resources Management

Dr. Jennifer Lindline, Department Chair
Ivan Hilton Science Center, Room 332
Phone: 505-426-2046 Fax: 505-454-3103
E-mail: lindlinej@nmhu.edu

The Natural Resources Management (NRM) Department includes the disciplines of Geology, Water Resources, Environmental Science, and Geographic Information Systems that integrate to provide opportunities for students to obtain an exceptional education in the management of natural resources. Areas of study focus on the management of natural resources, with an emphasis on integrating knowledge from fields of earth science, economics, social science, and public policy to understand, evaluate, and provide sustainable solutions for multi-dimensional resource management problems across spatial and temporal scales. The NRM Department offers instructional programs leading to a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Environmental Geology, with minors in Environmental Science, Geology, and Geographic Information Systems. A certificate is also offered in Geographic Information Systems.

Mission of the Department of Natural Resources Management
The mission of the NRM Department academic programs is to provide students with a solid understanding of the natural environment and to improve the utilization and stewardship of land and water resources. The degree programs offer high quality instruction that includes hands-on learning, field immersion, and laboratory experience. The Environmental Geology degree and GIS program, with disciplines in Geology, Water Resources, and Environmental Science, instill scientific and technical backgrounds that empower students to successfully pursue science and technology careers or proceed to advanced graduate studies. The NRM professors strive to make each student’s educational experience challenging and rewarding.

Resources and Facilities
The Department of Natural Resources Management is housed in the Ivan Hilton Science and Technology Building. Modern classrooms and spacious laboratories showcase state-of-the-art analytical equipment and modern safety features and provide students with hands-on, student-centered learning environments.

Natural Resources Management 

Jennifer Aldred, Ph.D. (Soil Geomorphology and Watershed Dynamics)
Marine Foucher, Ph.D. (Geographic Information Systems and Geophysics)
William Jaremko-Wright, M.S. (Geology)
Jennifer Lindline, Ph.D. (Environmental Geology and Water Resources Science)
Michael S. Petronis, Ph.D. (Geology and Geophysics)
Joseph P. Zebrowski, MS (Geographic Information Science)

Environmental Geology (BS)
Environmental Geology is an interdisciplinary major concerned with the practical application of the principles of geology in the solving of environmental problems. Environmental Geology deals with earth resources, geologic hazards, and the interaction of humans with the environment. Courses are designed to provide students with scientific knowledge, mathematical proficiency, research skills, technical abilities, and writing competencies to launch exciting and rewarding careers in the geosciences. The Environmental Geology B.S. offers three concentrations of study – Environmental Science, Geology, and Water Resources. The concentrations share a core set of chemistry, math, and physics foundational courses after which students focus on a series of upper-division courses in their intended concentration. In each concentration, students master content knowledge in basic areas of geology (earth materials, geologic hazards, and environmental law and policy), critical and reflective thinking skills, effective use of technology, and effective written and oral communication skills. All three (3) degree tracks offer field study, laboratory experience, independent research, and elective coursework. Environmental Geology students are not required to take a minor, but those concentrating in Geology are required to take a summer field course (GEOL 375) prior to graduation. Graduates of the Environmental Geology program have excellent career opportunities in water, mineral, and energy resource exploration, resource recovery, resource management, water minimization, pollution prevention, contamination remediation, and environmental protection.

The Environmental Science concentration focuses on the application of geologic, physical, biological, and chemical principles to the study of the physical environmental and the solution of a wide range of environment problems. The Environmental Science degree track is deliberately designed to be sufficiently flexible to allow students, with close guidance from a faculty adviser, to design a major program, emphasizing a variety of specific approaches to studying earth’s environment, based on a firm foundation of supporting sciences and ending with a project-oriented capstone course. The Geology concentration is designed to provide quantitative preparation for career pathways involving interdisciplinary study of the environment, with a geological emphasis. It highlights those subjects that are most relevant to society, including hydrology, geomorphology, earth materials, geochemistry, and soil science, as well as the tools and techniques for environmental geology study. The Water Resources concentration is designed to provide disciplinary and interdisciplinary preparation for positions in industries or agencies requiring diversified experience in water science and management. Coursework emphasizes surface and ground water hydrology, water science, watershed management, watershed restoration, geochemistry, and water policy.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Programs
GIS is a computer-based database management system for capture, storage, retrieval, analysis and display of spatial data. The GIS minor and certificate program provide students with a basic proficiency with cutting edge GIS technology that can immediately be applied in the workplace, a highly marketable skill-base when seeking employment, and/or skills for pursuing an advanced degree in GIS. The GIS minor consists of 21-22 credit hours and the GIS certificate program requires 17-19 credit hours. Both programs afford students with a conceptual base and technical skills in using a desktop GIS and applying GIS across disciplines to solve real-world problems. Each GIS option includes 5 geology courses and an additional geology upper-division elective. Students who complete the GIS minor or GIS certificate program are prepared to map data for decision-making in business, environmental protection, risk assessment, utility planning and management, emergency response, land use planning, transportation planning, delivery route planning, real estate, crime prevention, and other areas.

Major in Environmental Geology (BS)

Concentration in Geology
Required Core: 46 credit hours

GEOL 1110 Physical Geology (4)
GEOL 2110 Historical Geology (4)
GEOL 2320 Intro to Geospatial Technology (2)
GEOL 3010 Environmental Geology (4)
GEOL 3170 Depositional Environments (4)
GEOL 3250 Earth Materials (4)
GEOL 3300 Structural Geology (4)

PSYC 3020 Statistics for the Behavioral Science (4); OR FORS 3400 Quantitative Methods (3); OR

MATH 3450 Mathematical Statistics (3)

GEOL 4140 Fundamentals of Geospatial Information Science & Technology (4)
GEOL 4210 Environmental Ground Water Hydrology (4)
GEOL 4320 Environmental Geochemistry (4)
GEOL 4250 Geomorphology (4)
GEOL 4950 Senior Geology Applications (1)

Additional requirements: 26 – 28 credit hours

MATH 1510 Calculus 1 (4)
MATH 1440 Calculus 2 (4)

CHEM 1215 General Chemistry 1for STEM Majors (3)
CHEM 1215L Chemistry Lab 1 for STEM Majors (2)

Choose one of the following:

PHYS 1230 Algebra-based Physics 1 (4)


PHYS 1310 Calculus-based Physics 1 (5)

Choose one of the following:

PHYS 1240 Algebra-based Physics 2 (4)


PHYS 1320 Calculus-based Physics 2 (5)


GEOL 4240 Environmental Geophysics (4)

Electives: > 5 upper division credit hours

With the advice and consent of an adviser, students take 5 upper division credit hours in geology, math, or an approved science discipline.

Major Total: 74-76 credits hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 124-132 credit hours*

*A minor is not required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Concentration in Water Resources
Required Courses: 55 credit hours

GEOL 1110 Survey of Earth Science (4)

BIOL 2620 Ecology and Evolution (4); OR

FORS 2020 Terrestrial Ecology (4)

GEOL 2320 Intro to Geospatial Technology (2)

GEOL 3010 Environmental Geology (4)

PSYC 3020 Statistics for the Behavioral Science (4); OR FORS 3400 Quantitative Methods (3); OR

MATH 3450 Math Statistics (3)

GEOL 4120 Geologic Resources, Laws, and Environmental Policies (3); OR

FORS 3150 Natural Resources Law & Policy (3)

FORS 4080 Limnology (4)

FORS 4170 Watershed Management (3)

GEOL 4140 Fundamentals of Geospatial Information Science & Technology

GEOL 4150 Remote Sensing and Analysis (4)

GEOL 4210 Environmental Ground Water Hydrology (4)

GEOL 4250 Geomorphology (4)

GEOL 4320 Environmental Geochemistry (4)

FORS 4330 Water Science

FORS 4530 Toxicology in Life Science (3)

GEOL 4950 Senior Geology Applications (1)

Additional requirements: –17-18 credit hours

MATH 1510 Calculus 1 (4)

MATH 1440 Calculus 2 (4)

CHEM 1215 General Chemistry 1 for STEM Majors (3)

CHEM 1215L Chemistry Lab 1 for STEM Majors (2)

Choose one:

PHYS 1230 Algebra-based Physics 1 (4)


PHYS 1310 Calculus-based Physics 1 (5)

Major total: 70-76 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 120-132 credit hours*

*A minor is not required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Concentration in Environmental Science

Required Courses: 25 credit hours

GEOL 1110 Survey of Earth Science (4)

FORS 1010 Ecosystems and Humans (4); OR

GEOL 2320 Intro to Geospatial Technology (2)
GEOL 3010 Environmental Geology (4)

MATH 3450 Mathematical Statistics (3) OR PSYC 3020 Statistics for the Behavioral Science (4); OR

FORS 3400 Quantitative Methods (3)
FORS 3300 Natural Resources Law/Policy (3); OR

GEOL 4120 Geologic Resources, Law and Environmental Policy (3)
GEOL 4140Fundamentals of Geospatial Information Science & Technology (4)
GEOL 4950 Senior Geology Applications (1)

Additional Science Requirements: 17-18 credit hours

BIOL 2110 Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology (4); OR

FORS 2020 Terrestrial Ecology (4)

MATH 1510 Calculus 1 (4)

PHYS 1230 Algebra-based Physics I (4)


PHYS 1310 Calculus-based Physics I (5)

CHEM 1215 General Chemistry I for STEM Majors (3)
CHEM 1215L General Chemistry I Lab for STEM MAJORS (2)

One additional foundational science or MATH course. (4)

Electives: 30 upper-division credits

With the advice and consent of an advisor, students take a minimum of 34 upper division credits in geology, math, or an approved allied discipline. Note: Students planning to continue on to graduate school are strongly encouraged to take GEOL 3750 Field Geology as this is a required class in many graduate programs.

Major totals: 73-76 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 123- 132 credit hours

*A minor is not required. Additional credit hours may exceed the total degree credit requirement if proficiency courses are required. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Minor in Environmental Science
Required Courses: 21 credit hours

FORS 4130 Environmental and Ecological Monitoring (3)
FORS 4160 Soil Science (4)

GEOL 4210 Environmental Ground-Water Hydrology (4)

FORS 4330 Water Science (4)
FORS 4530 Toxicology in Life Science (3)
FORS 4610 Atmospheric Science (3)

Minor Total: 21 credit hours

Minor in Geology
Required courses: 20 credit hours

GEOL 1110 Physical Geology (4)
GEOL 2110 Historical Geology (4)
GEOL 3010 Environmental Geology (4)
GEOL 3170 Depositional Environmental (4)
GEOL 3250 Earth Materials (4)

Electives: 3 credits hours

Choose at least one additional 3/4000-level geology course for which prerequisites for that course have been satisfied.

Minor Total: 23 credit hours

Minor in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Required Courses: 21-22 credits hours

*Choose one of the following:

GEOL 1110 Physical Geology (4)

FORS 1010 Ecosystems and Humans (4)

POLS 1120 American National Government (3)

ANTH 1140 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)

Additional requirements:

GEOL 2320 Intro to Geospatial Technology (2)
GEOL 4140Fundamentals of Geospatial Information Science & Technology (4)
GEOL 4150 Remote Sensing and Analysis (4)
GEOL 4180 Advanced GIS (4)
GEOL 4940 GIS Capstone Seminar (2)

Elective: 2-3 credit hours (to reach 22 credit hours)

Choose a 3000/4000-level course from geology, forestry, political science, or anthropology.

Minor Total: 22 credits hours

*This class (existing course or selected topic) is an elective within the GIS program that varies by discipline. The course fulfills the minor degree requirement as determined by the student’s faculty adviser.

GIS Certificate
Required Courses: 18 credit hours

Choose one of the following:

GEOL 1110 Physical Geology (4)

FORS 1010 Ecosystems and Humans (4)

POLS 1120 American National Government (3)

ANTH 1140 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)

Additional requirements:

GEOL 4140 Fundamentals of Geospatial information Science & Technology (4)
GEOL 4150 Remote Sensing and Analysis (4)
GEOL 4180 Advanced GIS (4)
GEOL 4940 GIS Capstone Seminar (2)

Certificate Total: 18 credit hours

Certificate in Forest and Watershed Restoration
The New Mexico Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute will be responsible for delivering the Forest and Watershed Restoration Certificate Program In collaboration with members of the Advisory Board and Highlands, a combination of field-based, classroom, and web-based coursework and instruction will be developed. Existing courses in Highlands’ course catalog related to prerequisite quantitative and written expression skills will be used; however, these courses may also be transferred from other colleges/universities.

Required Courses: 12 credit hours

FORS 1160 Introduction to Restoration Ecology; Field Skills (3)
FORS 2150 Restoration Practices and Prescriptions (3)
FORS 2180 Restoration Monitoring and Inventory (3)
FORS 2190 Forest Harvesting & Forest Worker Safety (3)

Certificate Total: 12 credits hours

Department of Nursing

Jeanie Flood, Director, Ph.D., RN, IBCLC
Engineering Building, Room 101
E-mail: nursing@nmhu.edu

For enrollment inquiries, please e-mail hboudreau@nmhu.edu

Mission of the Department of Nursing
The mission of the Department of Nursing is to prepare quality nurse health care providers through excellence in education, scholarship, and service. This program builds on the strength of the licensed registered nurse and challenges the individuals enrolled in this program to expand their critical thinking for new professional nursing roles, methods of health care delivery and approaches to health care practice issues.

Jeanie Flood, Director, Ph.D., RN, IBCLC
Sandra Gardner, Ed.D., RN, MA, MS
Siri Gurunam Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D.(c), MSN, BSN
Kristen Munyan, DNP, FNP-BC

Resources and Facilities
The Department of Nursing is located in the Engineering Building. Offices of the department and a classroom used by the department are available in the building. The Department of Nursing cooperates with other academic areas within New Mexico Highlands University to allow for students to take courses besides nursing to meet the general education core requirements of the baccalaureate degree.

Nursing (BSN)
The RN-to-BSN Program of study is specifically designed for the registered nurse student to earn a baccalaureate degree. The RN-BSN Program is only available to students with a valid license to practice as a registered nurse and who hold an associate degree or diploma in nursing. Baccalaureate nursing education prepares professional nurses who have a strong foundation in liberal education. The RN-BSN Program allows registered nurses to build on core nursing knowledge and experience, but through their program, expand their knowledge base as leaders in the profession. Upon completion of the program, graduates will be prepared for positions in patient care, leadership, and community health and will be qualified to apply for advanced work in nursing at the master’s level. This is an on-line program, and practicums will be done in the student’s state of residence.

Requirements for Admission to the RN-BSN Completion Program

  • Graduate of an approved associate degree or diploma program in nursing.
  • Valid unencumbered U.S. RN license prior to program start date.
  • Cumulative minimum GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.

As long as the student meets the nursing program required prerequisites listed below, and the majority of general education core courses, selected general education core courses can be taken along with upper division nursing courses.

Applicant must apply for undergraduate admission to New Mexico Highlands University and apply to the RN-BSN Program. Acceptance to New Mexico Highlands University does not guarantee acceptance into the RN-BSN Program.

Have official transcripts sent from all previously attended colleges and universities to the RN-BSN program. Even if you only took one class or credits are displayed on another transcript, we need official transcripts sent from all institutions.

Students may be admitted fall, spring, or summer semesters

Nursing program required prerequisites:

  • Microbiology
  • Anatomy and Physiology I
  • Anatomy and Physiology II
  • Life Span Developmental Psychology
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Nutrition
  • Introduction to Sociology or Anthropology
  • Statistics
  • Majority of general education core

Only college courses completed with a grade of C or better will transfer, including general core courses.

Nursing (BSN)
Major Course Requirements: 32 credit hours

NURS 3100 RN-BSN Bridge Course (3)
NURS 3200 Evidence Based Applications in Health Assessment (3)
NURS 3320 Introduction to Nursing Informatics (2)
NURS 3400 Advancement of Professional Nursing (3)
NURS 3600 Cultural Competencies and Health Care (3)
NURS 3700 Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice (3)
NURS 4310 Community Health Nursing (3)
NURS 4320 Health Care Policy (3)
NURS 4470 Community Health Practice (3)
NURS 4510 Seminar on Professional Nursing Leadership (3)
NURS 4520 Nursing Leadership Practicum (3)

Major Total: 32 credit hours (nursing upper division)
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 32-38 credit hours

Total for degree: 120 credit hours

*A minor is not required. Nursing prerequisites may apply to the core total, but credits are only counted once. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

**Nursing students who have earned an RN from a New Mexico Nursing Education Consortium (NMNEC) partner school may transfer up to 9 required NMNEC approved Nursing credits into the NMHU RN to BSN program and have these credits count towards the NMHU residency requirement. The specific NMNEC courses are NMNEC 1235, NMNEC 2320, and NMNEC 1220 which correspond to NMHU’s NMNC 3200, NMNC 4510, and NMNC 4310.

Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice

Dr. Gloria Gadsden, Department Chair
Lora Magnum Shields Science Building, Room 245
505-454-3209 FAX: 505-454-3331
E-mail: gygadsden@nmhu.edu

Mission of the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice
The mission of the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice is to contribute to meeting the educational and research needs in sociology, anthropology, criminal justice and the related fields; contribute to meeting the career needs in social services and social sciences, tribal, state, and federal career requirements, as well as contribute to training for careers in education, law, public service, and other social science fields; contribute to meeting the need for secondary school teacher certification in sociology and/or anthropology; and to provide sociocultural service and expertise for the region, as well as the greater global community.

Rebecca Alvarez, Ph.D. (Sociology/Criminal Justice)
Erika Derkas, Ph.D. (Sociology)
Gloria Gadsden, Ph.D. (Sociology/Criminal Justice)
Mario Gonzales, Ph.D. (Anthropology)
Laura Pinto Hansen, Ph.D. (Criminal Justice)
Kimberly Munro, Ph.D. (Anthropology)
Tom Ward, Ph.D. (Sociology Emeritus)
Kallie Wilbourn, M.A. (Anthropology)

Sociology and Anthropology (B.A.)
The disciplines of sociology and anthropology combine to offer a holistic approach to the study of humankind. The program offers both Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degree options with three possible emphases: sociology, anthropology, and American Indian studies. If a minor is required for this degree, students may not minor in Sociology or Anthropology. The program emphasizes an applied approach to the study of society and human culture. Small classes provide an enriched educational environment for both students and faculty. Career opportunities include preparation for graduate studies, teaching, cultural resource management, and practice in federal, state, and local agencies, as well as in the nonprofit sector.

Sociology and Anthropology (B.S.)
For a Bachelor of Science degree, complete requirements for Bachelor of Arts major in sociology and anthropology plus: complete a minor of at least 20 credits in one of the science fields other than sociology and anthropology, or complete a combined science minor, or complete a second major in a Bachelor of Science degree program or complete a two-year degree in a science field; and complete eight credits in mathematics, including MATH 1510.

Criminal Justice Studies (B.A.)
A bachelor’s degree in criminal justice studies provides an excellent foundation for students interested in working within the fields of law, corrections, security, probation, and parole among others. In addition, it offers thorough preparation for those interested in pursuing a graduate degree in sociology, criminology/criminal justice, law, social work, public administration, public policy, or a closely related field. The criminal justice system is diverse and professionals working within the field must have a solid understanding of matters pertaining to race, gender, and class. The program is designed with this objective in mind. If a minor is required for this degree, students may not minor in Criminal Justice.

Resources and Facilities
Northern New Mexico provides an outstanding context for social and cultural studies at New Mexico Highlands University. Students may engage in field archaeological digs, ethnographic research, and in practicum experiences. Additionally, students have the opportunity to conduct research in our anthropology lab. Studies of human behavior emphasize field data and computer applications for analysis and interpretation.

Student professional societies and organizations such as the Sociology Club and/or membership in regional or national professional associations provide opportunities for student participation and program enrichment beyond the classroom.

Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice

Associate Degree in Social Behavioral Sciences (AA)
The associate of arts degree in Social and Behavioral Sciences includes courses in general education and in Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Psychology, Sociology or Women’s Studies, constituting a total two-year curriculum. The intent of this program is to provide a foundation that allows for the completion of a Bachelor of Arts degree in approximately two years.

Required courses: 25 credit hours

MATH 1350 Intro to Statistics (3) (counts toward core requirements)

SOCI 1110 Introduction to Sociology (3)

PSYC 1110 Introduction to Psychology (3)

ANTH 1140 Intro to Cultural Anthropology (3)

PSYC 3010 or SOCI/ANTH 3300 Research Methods (3)

Electives: 12 credits in social and behavioral sciences (12)

Major Total: 25 credit hours
Core Total: 35 credit hours
Extended Core: 5 credit hours

Total for Degree: 65 credit hours*

*Total units for the degree may exceed 65 credit hours if proficiency courses are required. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 65 credit hours for this degree.

Major in Sociology and Anthropology (BA)
Required core: 22 credit hours

SOCI 1110 Introduction to Sociology (3)

ANTH 1140 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)


ANTH 1215 Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology (3)

SOCI/ANTH 3000 Classical Social Theory (3)
SOCI/ANTH 3300 Research Methods Social Relations (3)
SOCI/ANTH 4000 level elective (3)

Choose one course from the following:

ANTH 2140 Indigenous Peoples of North America (3)
ANTH 3740 Indian Cultures of Central America (3)
ANTH 4740 Contemporary Indian Issues (3)
ANTH 4760 Indians of the Greater Southwest (3)
ANTH 4770 The Hispanic Southwest (3)

Choose one course from the following:

SOCI 3230 Deviant Behavior (3)
SOCI 4290 Gender, Society, and Culture (3)
SOCI 4120 Social Stratification (3)
SOCI 4270 Criminology (3)
SOCI 4310 Political Sociology (3)
SOCI 4930 Race and National Identity in the U.S. (3)
SOCI/ANTH core: 21 credit hours

Emphasis: 21 credit hours minimum*

Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Core Requirements: 21 credit hours

Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours

Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours

Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

General Electives to 120 (if needed): 2-8 credit hours

Total for degree: 120 credit hours

*An emphasis is required (see below). A minor is required. The number of electives to reach the degree total of 120 credit hours will vary by the number of credit hours required by the minor. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Students must choose an emphasis from the following list to complete the major:

Concentration in American Indian Studies
Required courses: 12 credit hours

ANTH 2140 Indigenous Peoples of North America (3)
ANTH 3740 Indian Cultures of Central America (3)
ANTH 4740 Contemporary Indian Issues (3)
ANTH 4760 Indians of the Southwest (3)

Electives: 9 credit hours

Select in consultation with your adviser.

Emphasis Total: 21 credit hours

Major Total: 43 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 1-7 credit hours
Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Total for degree: 120 credit hours

*A minor is required. The number of electives to reach the degree total of 120 credit hours will vary by the number of credit hours required by the minor. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Concentration in Anthropology
Required courses: 9 credit hours

Select one course from each of the following categories:

Physical Anthropology/Archaeology

ANTH 1215 Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology (3)
ANTH 4100 Method and Theory in Archaeology (3)

Social Cultural Anthropology

ANTH 1140 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)
ANTH 4150 Development and Sociocultural Change (3)
ANTH 4220 Magic, Witchcraft, and Healing (3)
ANTH 4610 Communication and Culture (3)

Applied Anthropology

ANTH 4420 Forensic Anthropology and Osteology (4)
ANTH 4800 Issues Applied Anthropology (3)
ANTH 4810 Cultural Resource Management (3)
SOCI/ANTH 4560 U.S.-Mexico Immigration: Border Issues (3)

Electives: 12 credit hours

Select in consultation with your adviser.

Emphasis Total: 21 credit hours

Major Total: 43 credit hours
Minor: 20 credit hours minimum
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 1-7 credit hours

Total for degree: 120 credit hours

*A minor is required. The number of electives to reach the degree total of 120 credit hours will vary by the number of credit hours required by the minor. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Concentration in Social Justice
Required courses: 21 credit hours

SOCI 2310 Contemporary Social Problems (3)
SOCI 4250 Social and Transformative Justice (3)
SOCI 4320 Visual Sociology (3)
SOCI 4510 Senior Seminar (3)

Select 2 social justice elective courses in consultation with your adviser (6)

Select 1 interdisciplinary course in consultation with your adviser (3)

Emphasis Total: 21 credit hours

Major Total: 47 credit hours
Minor: 20 credit hours minimum
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 1-3 credit hours

Total for degree: 120 credit hours

*A minor is required. The number of electives to reach the degree total of 120 credit hours will vary by the number of credit hours required by the minor. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Concentration in Social Justice
Required courses: 12 credit hours

SOCI 2310 Contemporary Social Problems (3)
SOCI 4250 Social and Transformative Justice (3)
SOCI 4320 Visual Sociology (3)
SOCI 4510 Senior Seminar (Social Justice Capstone Course)

Electives: 9 credit hours (3 credit hours of interdisciplinary courses)

Select in consultation with your adviser.

Emphasis Total: 22 credit hours

Major Total: 44 credit hours
SOCI 3029 Feminist Theory
SOCI 3120 Gender and Crime
SOCI 3270 Juvenile Delinquency and Justice
SOCI 3290 Institutional Corrections
SOCI 4180 Reproductive Justice
SOCI 4xxx Environmental Sociology
SOCI 4100 Sociology of Sexuality
SOCI 4140 Race, Ethnicity and Policing
SOCI 4200 Drugs in American Society
SOCI 4240 Violence & Society
CJUS 4600 Approaches to Dispute Resolution
SOCI 3/4350 Special Topics in consultation with advisor

Select on Course from the list of interdisciplinary electives: 
ANTH 2140 Indigenous Peoples of NA
ANTH 3740 Indigenous of Central America
ANTH 4740 Contemp. Ind Issues
ANTH 4760 Indians of the SW
ANTH 4770 The Hispanic Southwest
ANTH 4130 Archeology of the SW
ANTH 4610 Communication and Culture
CJUS 3100 Process and Procedures
CJUS 3010 Law Enforcement
CJUS 3820 Terrorism
BIOL 4400  Conservation for a Changing World
ENGL 3070 Writing as Advocacy
ENGL 4050 Gender and Politics of Literacy
HIST 3150; American Foreign Relations
HIST 3540 Modern Latin America
HIST 4350 American Conspiracies
NAHS 3750 NM Land Grant, Acequia & Res Com
NAHS 2110 Intro Hispano Ethnic & Identity
POLS 4020 Interest Groups
POLS 4260 Case Studies in Public Safety
POLS 4460 Gov’t and Politics of Latin America
POLS 4530 Int’l Relations Human Rights & Law
SPAN 4330  Civilization and Culture of New Mexico and the Southwest
SPAN 4700 Chicano Literature of the Southwest

Concentration in Sociology
Required courses: 13 credit hours

SOCI 2310 Contemporary Social Problems (3)
SOCI 4120 Social Stratification (3)
SOCI 4300 Applied Social Research and Data Analysis (4)
SOCI 4930 Race and National Identity in the U.S. (3)

Electives: 9 credit hours

Select in consultation with your adviser.

Emphasis Total: 22 credit hours

Major Total: 44 credit hours
Minor: 20 credit hours minimum
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 1-6 credit hours

Total for degree: 120 credit hours

*A minor is required. The number of electives to reach the degree total of 120 credit hours will vary by the number of credit hours required by the minor. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Minor in Anthropology
Required courses: 9 credit hours

SOCI 1110 Introduction to Sociology (3)

ANTH 1140 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)

SOCI/ANTH 3000 Classical Social Theory (3)

Electives: 12 credit hours

Select in consultation with your adviser.

Minor Total: 21 credit hours

Minor in Sociology
Required courses: 9 credit hours

SOCI 1110 Introduction to Sociology (3)

ANTH 1140 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)

SOCI 3000 Classical Social Theory (3)

Electives: 12 credit hours

Select in consultation with your adviser.

Minor Total: 21 credit hours

Minor in Social Justice
Required courses: 9 credit hours

SOCI 2310 Contemporary Social Problems (3)

SOCI 4250 Social & Transformative Justice (3)

SOCU 4320 Visual Sociology (3)

Electives: 6 credits

Choose one in consultation with an advisor

SOCI 3029 Feminist Theory (3)
SOCI 3120 Gender and Crime (3)
SOCI 3270 Juvenile Delinquency and Justice (3)
SOCI 3290 Institutional Corrections (3)
SOCI 4180 Reproductive Justice (3)
SOCI 4190 Environmental Sociology (3)
SOCI 3140 Climbing the Social Ladder: Social Mobility in the U.S. (3)
SOCI 4100 Sociology of Sexuality (3)
SOCI 4140 Race, Ethnicity and Policing (3)
SOCI 4200 Drugs in American Society (3)
SOCI 4240 Violence and Society (3)

CJUS 4600 Approaches to Dispute Resolution (3)

SOCI 3/4350 Special Topics (3) selected in consultation with an advisor

Choose one interdisciplinary elective in consultation with an advisor

ANTH 2140 Indigenous Peoples of North America (3)
ANTH 3740 Indigenous of Central America (3)
ANTH 4740 Contemporary Indian Issues (3)
ANTH 4760 Indians of the Southwest (3)
ANTH 4770 The Hispanic Southwest (3)
ANTH 4130 Archeology of the Southwest (3)
ANTH 4610 Communication and Culture (3)

CJUS 3100 Law & Society (3)
CJUS 3010 Law Enforcement (3)
CJUS 3820 Terrorism (3)

BIOL 4400 Conservation for a Changing World (3)

ENGL 3070 Writing as Advocacy (3)
ENGL 4050 Gender and Politics of Literacy (3)

HIST 3150 American Foreign Relations (3)
HIST 3540 Modern Latin America (3)
HIST 4350 American Conspiracies (3)

NAHS 3750 NM Land Grant, Acequia & Res Com (3)
NAHS 2110 Intro to Hispano Ethnic & Identity (3)

POLS 4020 Interest Groups (3)
POLS 4260 Case Studies in Public Safety (3)
POLS 4460 Gov’t and Politics of Latin America (3)
POLS 4530 Int’l Relations Human Rights & Law (3)

SPAN 4330 Civilization and Culture of NM and the Southwest (3)
SPAN 4700 Chicano Literature of the Southwest (3)

Special Topics in consultation with an advisor (3)

Other courses selected in consultation with an advisor

Minor Total: 18 credit hours

Criminal Justice Studies (BA)
Required core courses: 18 credit hours

SOCI 1110 Introduction to Sociology (3)
SOCI 2120 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3)
SOCI 3270 Juvenile Delinquency and Justice (3)
SOCI 3290 Institutional Corrections (3)
SOCI 4270 Criminology (3)
SOCI 4930 Race and National Identity in the U.S. (3)

Choose one course in social theory (3 credit hours):

SOCI 3000 Classical Social Theory (3)
SOCI 4390 Classical Sociological Theories (3)

ANTH 3000 Classical Social Theory (3)

Choose one course in Research Methods 1 (3-4 credit hours):

SOCI/ANTH 3300 Research Methods in Social Relations (4)

PSYC 3010 Psychological Research Methods (4)

SOWK 3300 Research Methods 1 (3)

Choose one course in Research Methods 2 (3-4 credit hours):

SOCI 4300 Applied Social Research and Data Analysis (4)

PSYC 3020 Statistics for the Behavioral Science (4)

SOWK 4300 Research Methods 2 (3)

Elective courses: 18 credit hours

CJUS 3100 Law & Society (3)

POLS 3140 Introduction to the Law (3)

CJUS 3150 Issues in the Criminal Justice System (3)

CJUS 4600 Approaches to Dispute Resolution (3)

PSYC 4080 Drugs and Behavior (3)

PSYC/CJUS 4090 Domestic and Sexual Violence (3)

SOCI/CJUS 4130 Sociology of Murder (3)

CJUS/SOCI 4170 Homicide & Policing (3)

SOCI/ANTH/CJUS/GNDR 4250 Social and Transformative Justice (3)

SOCI/ANTH 4280 Global Crime

ANTH 4420 Forensic Anthropology and Osteology (4)

CJUS 3010 Law Enforcement (3)

CJUS 3820 Terrorism (3)

SOWK 4320 Field Practicum (4)


SOCI 4980 Field Experience (1-4)

Major Total: 45-47 credit hours
Core Total: 35 credit hours
Extended Core: 5 credit hours
Proficiency/Electives to 120: 13-15 credit hours*

Total for degree: 120 credit hours

Minor in Criminal Justice
Required Core Courses: 15 credit hours

SOCI 1110 Introduction to Sociology (3)
SOCI 2120 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3)
SOCI 3290 Institutional Corrections (3)
SOCI 4270 Criminology (3)
SOCI 4930 Race and National Identity in the U.S. (3) OR SOC 4290 Gender, Culture and Society (3)


SOCI 4120 Social Stratification (3)

Elective Courses: 6 credit hours

CJUS 3100 Law & Society (3)

POLS 3140 Introduction to the Law (3)

CJUS 3150 Issues in the Criminal Justice System (3)

SOCI 3230 Deviant Behavior (3)

CJUS/SOCI 4170 Homicide & Policing (3)

CJUS 4600 Approaches to Dispute Resolution (3)

PSYC 4080 Drugs and Behavior (3)

PSYC/CJUS 4090 Domestic and Sexual Violence (3)

SOCI/CJUS 4130 Sociology of Murder (3)

SOCI/ANTH/CJUS/GNDR 4250 Social and Transformative Justice (3)

SOCI/ANTH 4280 Global Crime (3)

ANTH 4420 Forensic Anthropology and Osteology (4)

CJUS 3010 Law Enforcement (3)

CJUS 3820 Terrorism (3)

SOWK4320 Field Practicum (4)

Minor Total: 21 credit hours

*A minor is required. The number of electives to reach the degree total of 120 credit hours will vary by the number of credit hours required by the minor. Additional credit hours may be required to meet the 120 credit degree requirement if proficiency or other required courses are waived for content only. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Department of Psychology

Dr. David Pan, Department Chair
Lora Magnum Shields Building, Room 249
E-mail: dpan@nmhu.edu

Mission of the Department of Psychology
The mission of the Department of Psychology is to provide psychological and sociocultural service and expertise for the region, as well as the greater global community, and to contribute to meeting the educational needs in psychology, the career needs in psychological services and research, and the training for careers in education engineering, physical and biological sciences, medicine, and other science fields.

Nariman Arfai, Ph.D.
Thomas Brooks III, Ph.D.
Leon Bustos, M.S.
Daniel Chadborn, Ph.D.
Lara Heflin, Ph.D.
Linda LaGrange, Ph.D. (emeritus)
David Pan, Ph.D.
Mathias Stricherz, Ph.D.
Sarah Tracy, Ph.D.

Psychology, the study of human behavior and mental processes, includes such topics as learning and memory, cognition, motivation and emotion, sensation and perception, personality, development, attitudes, social interactions, brain-behavior relationships, human sexuality, psychopathology, and mental health interventions. The special focus in this field is the individual rather than human societies or cultures. Although the study of psychology contributes to the understanding of abnormal human behavior, knowledge of psychology also enhances the understanding of normal human behavior. Psychological research is conducted exclusively with the scientific method in applications that range from multifactorial laboratory experiments to single case studies. At New Mexico Highlands University, students experience the diversity within the field through a broad selection of courses. There is a cognitive-behavioral emphasis offered in the study of mental disorders, while research psychology is represented by cognitive, biological, social, and personality approaches. Career goals of psychologists include teaching, research, and applied psychological service. Psychologists, counselors, and psychometricians work at such sites as schools, mental health centers and hospitals, geriatric facilities, and correctional institutions. The psychological profession also includes school psychologists and human relations or organizational behavior psychologists for industry or government.

Resources and Facilities
The human riches of Northern New Mexico provide an outstanding context for psychological, social, and cultural studies at New Mexico Highlands University. Students may engage in psychobiological research, and clinical practicum. Studies of human behavior emphasize field data and computer applications for analysis and interpretation. The department provides a computer laboratory for student use. Students have access to word processing, spreadsheets, and statistical packages, as well as the Internet. Student professional societies and organizations, such as Psi Chi, provide opportunities for student participation and program enrichment beyond the classroom.

Major in Psychology (BA)
All transfer students majoring in psychology must complete a minor approved by their major adviser.

Required courses: 11 credit hours

PSYC 1110 Introduction to Psychology (3)
PSYC 3010 Psychological Research Methods (4)
PSYC 3020 Statistics for the Behavioral Science (4)

Other Requirements: 16 credit hours, minimum

Choose courses as indicated below in consultation with your major adviser.

Choose at least one course from group A, B, C, D, and E below, including one laboratory or techniques/methods courses.

A) Social (choose one)
PSYC 3210 Social Psychology: Theories and Research (3)
PSYC 4050 Positive Psychology (3)
PSYC 4420 Human Sexuality (3)

B) Personality and Developmental (choose one)
PSYC 3280 Theories of Personality (3)
PSYC 3400 Developmental Psychology (3)
PSYC 4300 Gender Roles (3)

C) Learning and Cognitive Processes (choose one)
PSYC 3170 Learning: Basic Processes (3) AND
PSYC 3180 Experimental Techniques in Learning (1)
(Corequisite: PSYC 3170)


PSYC 3190 Memory and Cognitive Processes (3) AND
PSYC 3200 Research in Memory and Cognition (1)
(Corequisite: PSYC 3190)


PSYC 4660 Psychology of Eyewitness Testimony (3)


PSYC 4260 Forensic Psychology (3)

D) Psychobiological (choose one)
PSYC 4080 Drugs and Behavior (3) OR

PSYC 4100 Physiological Psychology (3) AND

PSYC 4110 Techniques in Physiological Psychology (1)

(Corequisite: PSYC 4100)

E) Clinical (choose one)
PSYC 3050 Psychology of a Serial Killer
PSYC 3240 Abnormal Psychology (3)
PSYC 4190 Introduction to Behavior Therapy (3)
PSYC 4450 Behavior Disorders in Children (3)
PSYC 4750 Abnormal Psychology in Literature (3)

Electives: 9 credit hours

Additional requirements for this major (not counted toward the 36 credit hour minimum):

In the core curriculum, select the courses SOCI 1110 and ANTH 1215 (or 1140), or substitutes approved by the major adviser. For computer proficiency, select BCIS 1110 or an equivalent approved by the discipline. Completion of MATH 1215, 1220, 1250, and 1510 is also recommended.

Major Total: 36 credit hours, minimum

Minor Total: 20 credit hours, minimum

Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 8-14 credit hours

Total for degree: 120 credit hours

*A minor is required. For the minor, at least 11 credits must be taken with NMHU; for the major, at least 18 credits must be taken with NMHU. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Major in Psychology (BS)
An academic minor in a science field is required and is not waived by the associate degree. Consult with a program adviser to select an appropriate science minor. For the Bachelor of Science degree in psychology, complete the Bachelor of Arts program described above, with the following changes:

  1. Complete 3 credits of PSYC 4990 as one of the electives.
  2. Select within the science options of the core curriculum (Laboratory Science category) either one year of biology or chemistry.
  3. Complete MATH 1220, 1250, and 1510 in the core curriculum.
  4. Select an academic minor in one of the science fields.

Major Total: 36 credit hours

Minor Total: 20 credit hours minimum

Core Requirements: 21 credit hours

Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours

Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours

Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

General Electives to 120 (if needed): 8-14 credit hours

Total for degree: 120 credit hours

*A minor is required. For the minor, at least 11 credits must be taken with NMHU; for the major, at least 18 credits must be taken with NMHU. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Minor in Psychology
Required courses: 3 credit hours

PSYC 1110 Introduction to Psychology (3)

Electives: 21 credit hours

Choose courses as indicated below in consultation with your minor adviser.

Choose at least one course from three of the five groups of courses listed above for the major in psychology (BA), including at least one laboratory or techniques/methods course. In addition, the student may select three to four other elective psychology courses to complete the 24 credits for a psychology minor.

Minor Total: 24 credit hours

Department of Art and Music

Dr. Edward Harrington, Department Chair
Champ Tyrone Music Building, Studio 2
Email: eharrington@nmhu.edu

Mission of the Department of Art and Music
Art and Music students work alongside artists and community members in an integrated curriculum that supports global citizenship within the context of our local, state, and national identities. Faculty lead in the learning process both in and out of the classroom to inform students in historical, technical, and aesthetic applications of material, hands on education. Arts education leads to a wide variety of occupations addressing the professional artist, musician, or theatrical performer.

Todd Christensen, MFA (Art)
Donald Evans, MA (Speech and Theater)
Andre Garcia-Nuthmann, D.M.A. (Music)
Edward Harrington, Ed.D. (Music)
David Lobdell, MFA (Art)
Shereen Lobdell, MFA (Art)
Kevin Zoernig, BA (Music)

Resources and Facilities
New Mexico Highlands University provides music studios for audio recording, songwriting, group rehearsal, and individual practice, art studios for ceramics, painting, drawing, jewelry and metalsmithing, printmaking, sculpture, and a fully equipped art foundry.

Students in Art and Music are joined by other students on campus and by community members in the concert choir, madrigal choir, HU Jazz Singers, wind ensemble, guitar ensemble, jazz ensemble, and mariachi, as well as four main-stage productions. The gallery at Burris Hall serves as the focal point for artistic work produced through various classes and by professional artists. The Art Club and Music Club are an active part of campus life and work to promote the arts on and off campus.

Visual Arts
The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree prepares students for a career in visual art and prepares them to advance academically. A focus on critical thinking and commitment in coursework enables students to become visually literate, technically competent, historically informed, and conceptually relevant.

The program aims to support time honored, fine art mediums, as well as contemporary art forms that merge multiple disciplines, including digital media. Art History informs students of background and traditional content issues in art. The expectation is that students will assimilate this knowledge into their practice. The program provides training in electronic media for documentation and publication purposes, which helps the student gain access to exhibition venues and academic program applications.

New Mexico Highlands University art discipline reserves the right to retain student images submitted for course credit for the purposes of education, exhibition, and promotion. Lab fees are required for all studio courses. Expenses vary from course to course and some supplies are provided from student fees.

Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Fine Arts
The fine arts and media arts BFA is designed to address a creative trend in art that combines electronic media with traditional media. This degree applies to those wishing to use multimedia for the sake of expression. The program creates a bridge between traditional and electronic media beyond the need for documentation and exhibition.

The Music Program provides a foundation in music theory, piano skills, ear training, and music history for students who choose an area of specialization such as Music Technology, Vocal Performance, Piano, or Education. Each week, students support each other in a familial atmosphere of performance in their chosen area of study at Convocation events. The Music Building has choral, instrumental, and technology spaces for group and individual practice. Music majors have 24/7 access to the piano/computer lab, the recording studios, and practice rooms.

Music majors, non-majors, and community members participate in New Mexico Highlands University Concert Choir, Madrigal Choir, Jazz Ensemble, HU Singers’ musical theater productions, and the student Mariachi Club. Each semester, recitals, concerts, and musical theater productions are presented in the historic Ilfeld Theater on campus. (Additional fees may apply for specific courses.)

New Mexico Highlands University music program is open to students with any background in music, with no auditions required. Our graduates have entered master’s programs and professional careers in music, but may have started at Highlands with little experience in music. Recent graduates of New Mexico Highlands University music program have worked in a variety of music fields including professional performance, studio production, and as educators.

Associate of Arts in Music (AA)
To be admitted into the Music Program, the student must first complete three Audition Courses with a “C” or better in the following courses: MUSC 1210, MUSC 1230, and either MUSC 1004 or MUSC 1155, or MUSC 1008.

Required courses: 16 credit hours

MUSC 1210 Rudiments of Music (3)
MUSC 1155 Basic Songwriting (1) or MUSC 1006 Basic Voice (1) or MUSC 1008 Basic Instrument (1)
MUSC 1230 Sight Singing (3)
MUSC 1470 Class Piano 1 (1)
MUSC 1471 Class Piano 2 (1)
MUSC 1160 Theory 1 (3)
MUSC 1165 Theory 2 (3)
MUSC 1451 Aural Skills 2 (1)

Emphasis in Music Production (10 credit hours):
MUSC 2310 Music Technology (3)
MUSC 2510 Applied Music: Songwriting (2/2) (2 semesters)
MUSC 2510 Applied Music: Recording (2)
MUSC 2120 Ensemble: (any Ensemble) (1)
MUSC 1310 Recital Attendance (0/0/0) (3 semesters)

Major Total: 26 credit hours
Core Total: 35 credit hours
Extended Core: 5 credit hours

Total for Degree: 66 credit hours

* *Total units for the degree may exceed 66 credit hours if proficiency courses are required. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 66 credit hours for this degree.

Emphasis in General Music (8 credit hours):
Choose a single subject for Applied Music:

MUSC 2510 Applied Music (2/2) (2 semesters)

Choose a single subject for Ensemble:

MUSC 2120 Ensemble (1/1/1/1) (4 semesters)
MUSC 1310 Recital Attendance (0/0/0) (3 semesters)

Major Total: 24 credit hours
Core Total: 35 credit hours
Extended Core: 5 credit hours

Total for Degree: 64 credit hours

* *Total units for the degree may exceed 64 credit hours if proficiency courses are required. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 66 credit hours for this degree.

Concentration in Musical Theater (10 credit hours):

THEA 1415 Theater Practicum (1)
THEA 1220 Acting 1: The Actor Prepares (3)

MUSC 2993 Musical Theater (2)
MUSC 2510 Applied Music: Voice (2/2) (2 semesters)
MUSC 1310 Recital Attendance (0/0/0) (3 semesters)

Major Total: 26 credit hours
Core Total: 35 credit hours
Extended Core: 5 credit hours

Total for Degree: 66 credit hours

* *Total units for the degree may exceed 66 credit hours if proficiency courses are required. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 66 credit hours for this degree.

Degree Majors and Minors in Fine Art:

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Pre professional or Interdisciplinary)
Bachelor of Arts (liberal arts)
Minor in Art
Minor in Art History

Department of Art and Music

Major in Fine Art, Pre-Professional (BFA)
Required courses: 66 credit hours

All BFA majors are required to take coursework in the following order:

Note: No minor is required for the completion of the professional degree program (BFA) in art.

Tier 1: 9 credit hours required

ARTS 1240 Design I (3)


FDMA 1210 Visual Concepts (4)


ARTS 1610 Drawing 1 (3)
FDMA 2033 Imaging History and Production (4)

Tier 2: 12 credit hours required

ARTS 2610 Drawing 2 (3)
ARTS 1630 Painting 1 (3)
ARTS 1840 Sculpture 1 (3)
ARTS 1710 Introduction to Printmaking (3)

Tier 3: 15 credit hours required

ARTH 2110 History of Art 1 (3)
ARTH 2120 History of Art 2 (3)

Choose nine credit hours of electives

Tier 4: 12 credit hours required

ARTH 3400 Modern Art (3)
ARTH 3800 Art of the Americas (3)
ARTH 4500 Seminar in Art History (3)
ARTS 4910 Senior Colloquium (2)
ARTS 4950 B.F.A. Exhibit (1)

Electives: 18 additional credit hours required

Studio Elective Courses for BFA and BA in Fine Arts:

ARTS 1320 Ceramics 1 (3)
ARTS 1810 Jewelry and Small Metal Construction 1 (3)
ARTS 2850 Art Foundry 1 (3)
ARTS 3020 Life Drawing 1 (3)
ARTS 3210 Painting 2 (3)
ARTS 3220 Painting 3 (3)
ARTS 3310 Ceramics 2 (3)
ARTS 3350 Selected Topics in Art Studio (1-4)
ARTS 3410 Sculpture 2 (3)
ARTS 3610 Jewelry and Metalsmithing 2 (3)
ARTS 3710 Printmaking 2 (3)
ARTS 3720 Printmaking 3 (3)
ARTS 3850 Art Foundry 2 (3)
ARTS 4020 Life Drawing 2 (3)
ARTS 4220 Painting 4 (3)
ARTS 4310 Ceramics 3 (3)
ARTS 4350 Selected Topics in Art Studio (1-4)
ARTS 4410 Sculpture 3 (3)
ARTS 4420 Sculpture 4 (3)
ARTS 4610 Jewelry and Metalsmithing 3 (3)
ARTS 4720 Printmaking 4 (3)
ARTS 4850 Art Foundry 3 (3)
ARTS 4930 Directed Study in Art Studio (1-4)
ARTS 4960 Exhibit Design (3)
ARTS 4980 Professional Internship (1-4)

A maximum of three courses may be chosen from the Media Arts list totaling 9 credits:

MART 3090 Conceptual Imaging and Methods (4)
MART 3200 Color Theory (4)
MART 4140 Portfolio (4)
MART 4330 Advanced Digital Imaging (4)
MART 4430 Digital Photography (4)
MART 4405 Advanced Digital Photo (4)
MART 4950 Exhibition Design (4)
MART 4960 Advanced Exhibition Design (4)

Major Total: 66 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 1-4 credit hours

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*

*A minor is not required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
Required courses: 33 credit hours; elective courses: 33

Tier 1: 9 credit hours required
ARTS 1240 Design 1(3)


FDMA 1210 Visual Concepts (4)


ARTS 1610 Drawing 1 (3)
FDMA 2033 Imaging History and Production (4)

Tier 2: 21 credit hours required

ARTS 2610 Drawing 2 (3)
MART 3200 Color Theory (4)
ARTH 2110 History of Art 1 (3)
ARTH 2120 History of Art 2 (3)

Choose nine credit hours of elective courses in media arts or fine arts

Tier 3: 18 credit hours required

ARTH 3400 Modern Art (3)
ARTH 3800 Art of the Americas (3)

Choose 12 credit hours of elective courses in media arts and fine arts

Tier 4: 18 credit hours required

MART 4650 Advanced Media Projects (4)


ARTS 4910 Senior Colloquium (2)


ARTS 4950 BFA Exhibit 1 (1)
ARTH 4500 Seminar in History (3)

Choose 12 credit hours of elective in media arts or fine arts

Major total: 66 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 1-4 credit hours

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*

*A minor is not required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Major in Fine Art, Liberal Arts (BA)
Required courses: 18 credit hours; elective courses: 18 credit hours

Tier 1: 6 credit hours required

ARTS 1240 Design 1 (3)


FDMA 1210 Visual Concepts (3)


ARTS 1610 Drawing 1 (3)

Tier 2: 9 credit hours

ARTS 2610 Drawing 2 (3)

 Choose six credit hours of studio electives

Tier 3: 12 credit hours

ARTH 2110 History of Art 1 (3)
ARTH 2120 History of Art 2 (3)

Choose six credit hours of studio electives

Tier 4: 9 credit hours

ARTH 3400 Modern ART (3)

Choose six credit hours of studio electives

Studio Electives courses for B.A. in Fine ARTs:

ARTS 1320 Ceramics 1 (3)
ARTS 1810 Jewelry and Small Metal Construction 1 (3)
ARTS 2850 Art Foundry 1 (3)
ARTS 3020 Life Drawing 1 (3)
ARTS 3210 Painting 2 (3)
ARTS 3220 Painting 3 (3)
ARTS 3310 Ceramics 2 (3)
ARTS 3350 Selected Topics in Art Studio (1-4)
ARTS 3410 Sculpture 2 (3)
ARTS 3610 Jewelry and Metalsmithing 2 (3)
ARTS 3710 Printmaking 2 (3)
ARTS 3720 Printmaking 3 (3)
ARTS 3850 Art Foundry 2 (3)
ARTS 4020 Life Drawing 2 (3)
ARTS 4220 Painting 4 (3)
ARTS 4310 Ceramics 3 (3)
ARTS 4350 Selected Topics in Art Studio (1-4)
ARTS 4410 Sculpture 3 (3)
ARTS 4420 Sculpture 4 (3)
ARTS 4610 Jewelry and Metalsmithing 3 (3)
ARTS 4720 Printmaking 4 (3)
ARTS 4850 Art Foundry 3 (3)
ARTS 4930 Directed Study in Art Studio (1-4)
ARTS 4960 Exhibit Design (3)
ARTS 4980 Prof Internship (1-4)

Major Total: 36 credit hours
Minor: 20 credit hours minimum
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 8-14 credit hours

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*

*A minor is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Minor in Art (Art Studio Emphasis)
Required courses: 15 credit hours

ARTS 1240 Design 1 (3)


FDMA 1210 Visual Concepts (3)


ARTS 1610 Drawing 1 (3)
ARTS 2610 Drawing 2 (3)
ARTH 2110 History of Art 1 (3)
ARTH 2120 History of Art 2 (3)

Electives: 9 credit hours

Studio electives: nine credit hours (six credits must be at the 3000 or 400 0level)

Minor Total: 24 credit hours

Minor in Art History
Required courses: 21 credit hours

ARTH 1120 Introduction to Art (3)
ARTS 1240 Design 1 (3)


FDMA 1210 Visual Concepts (3)


ARTH 2110 History of Art 1 (3)
ARTH 2120 History of Art 2 (3)
ARTH 3800 Art of the Americas (3)
ARTH 3400 Modern Art (3)
ARTH 4500 Seminar in Art History (3) (Repeatable)

Minor Total: 21 credit hours

Bachelor of Arts in Music (BA) or Bachelor of Fine Arts in Music (BFA) Degrees (various concentrations)
The following courses are required for all concentrations for the BA and BFA in Music degrees.

Required core for all concentrations: 35 credit hours

MUSC 1210 Rudiments of Music (3)

Choose one:

MUS 1440 Basic Voice (1) or MUSC 1006 Basic Songwriting (1) or MUSC 1008 Basic Instrument (1)
MUSC 1230 Sight Singing (3)
MUSC 2001 Class Piano 1 (1)
MUSC 2002 Class Piano 2 (1)
MUSC 2008 Class Piano 3 (1)
MUS 1460 Theory 1 (3)
MUS 1461 Theory 2 (3)
MUS 1451 Aural Skills 2 (1)
MUSC 3110 Western ART Music to 1750 (3)
MUSC 3120 Western ART Music since 1750 (3)
MUSC 3170 Functional Piano (1)
MUSC 3180 Piano Proficiency (0)
MUSC 3220 Choral Conducting (2)
MUSC 3230 Instrumental Conducting (2)
MUSC 3310 Theory 3 (3)
MUSC 3320 Theory 4 (3)
MUSC 3330 Aural Skills 3 (1)

BA/BFA Music Core Total: 35 credit hours

Concentration in Music Education (BA)
Required Music Core (see above): 35 credit hours

Additional requirements for concentration: 26 credit hours

MUSC 2510 Applied Courses (2/2) (2 semesters)
MUSC 1310 Recital Attendance (0/0) (2 semesters)
MUSC 2120 Major Ensemble: (1/1) (2 semesters)
MUSC 3500 K-12 Music Methods (3)
MUSC 3600 Half Recital (1)
MUSC 3830 Ensemble (1/1/1/1) (4 semesters)
MUSC 4250 Instrumental Techniques (4)
MUSC 4510 Applied Music (2/2/2/2) (4 semesters)
MUSC 4690 Recital Attendance (0/0/0/0) (4 semesters)
MUSC4700 Full Recital (1)

Music BA/BFA Core: 35 credit hours

Music Education Concentration Total: 26 credit hours

Secondary Ed Minor: 28 credit hours

Secondary Education Extended Core: 14-17 credits

Core Requirements: 21 credit hours

Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours

Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours

Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 153-162 credit hours minimum*

*A minor in Secondary Education is required for state licensure, which may begin in the sophomore year. Students should choose a primary area of specialization in vocal or instrumental music. Music Education majors consult with advisors in both Music and Education. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores.

Concentration in Music Technology and Composition (BA)
Required Music Core (see above): 35 credit hours (18 upper division)

Additional requirements for concentration: 28 credit hours (17 upper division)

MUSC 2310 Sound and Music Technology (3)
MUSC 2510 Applied Courses: Songwriting (2)
MUSC 2510 Applied Courses: Recording (2)
MUSC 1310 Recital Attendance (0/0) (2 semesters)
MUSC 2120 Major Ensemble (1/1) (2 semesters)
MUSC 3600 Half Recital (1)
MUSC 3830 Ensemble (1/1/1/1) (4 semesters)
MUSC 4510 Applied Music: Songwriting (2/2) (2 semesters)
MUSC 4510 Applied Music: Arranging (2)
MUSC 4510 Applied Music: Mastering (2)
MUSC 4690 Recital Attendance (0/0/0/0) (4 semesters)
MUSC 4700 Full Recital (1)
MUSC 4750 Sound Design (3)
MUSC 4770 Music Technology Practicum (2)

Music BA/BFA Core: 35 credit hours

Technology Concentration Total: 28 credit hours

*Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Core Requirements: 21 credit hours

Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours

Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours

Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 133-139 credit hours*

*A minor is required for this degree. At least 20 credit hours, with 10 from upper-division level (3000-4999) are required and available for the minor. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores.

Concentration in Universal Music (BA)
Required Music Core (see above): 35 credit hours (18 upper division)

Additional requirements for concentration: 23 credit hours (14 upper division)

MUSC 2310 Sound and Music Technology (3)
MUSC 2510 Applied Courses: (2/2) (2 semesters)
MUSC 1310 Recital Attendance (0/0) (2 semesters)
MUSC 2120 Major Ensemble (1/1) (2 semesters)
MUSC 3600 Half Recital (1)
MUSC 3830 Ensemble (1/1/1/1) (4 semesters)
MUSC 4510 Applied Courses: (2/2/2/2) (4 semesters)
MUSC 4690 Recital Attendance (0/0/0/0) (4 semesters)
MUSC 4700 Full Recital (1)

Music BA/BFA Core: 35 credit hours

Universal Music Concentration Total: 23 credit hours

*Minor: 20 credit hours

Core Requirements: 21 credit hours

Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours

Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours

Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 128-134 credit hours*

*A minor is required for this degree. At least 22 credit hours, with 10 from upper division (3000-4999) are required and available for the minor. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores.

Concentration in Vocal Performance (BFA)
Required Music Core (see above): 35 credit hours (18 upper division)

Additional requirements for concentration 45 credits hours (27 upper division)

MUSC 2510 Applied Courses: Voice (2/2) (2 semesters)
MUSC 1310 Recital Attendance (0/0) (2 semesters)
MUSC 2120 Major Ensemble (1/1/1/1) (4 semesters)
MUSC 3600 Half Recital (1)
MUSC 3830 Ensemble (1/1/1/1) (4 semesters)
MUSC4120 History of Opera (3)
MUSC 4510 Applied Music: (2/2/2/2) (4 semesters required)
MUSC 4690 Recital Attendance (0/0/0/0) (4 semesters)
MUSC 4700 Full Recital (1)

Vocal Performance Electives: 19 credit hours in any Music or Theater courses

Music BA/BFA Core: 35 credit hours

Vocal Performance Concentration Total: 45 credit hours

Core Requirements: 21 credit hours

Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours

Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours

Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 130-136 credit hours*

*A minor is not required for BFA degrees. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores.

Music Production (BFA)
Required Music Core (see above): 35 credit hours (18 upper division)

Additional requirements for concentration: 36 credits (27 upper division)

MUSC 2310 Sound and Music Technology (3)
MUSC 2510 Applied Courses: Songwriting (2)
MUSC 2510 Applied Courses: Recording (2)
MUSC 1310 Recital Attendance (0/0) (2 semesters)
MUSC 2120 Ensemble (1/1) (2 semesters)
MUSC 3600 Half Recital (1)
MUSC 3830 Ensemble (1/1/1/1) (4 semesters)
MUSC 4250 Instrumental Techniques (4)
MUSC 4510 Applied Music: Songwriting (2/2) (2 semesters)
MUSC 4510 Applied Music: Arranging (2)
MUSC 4510 Applied Music: Mastering (2)
MUSC 4690 Recital Attendance (0/0/0/0) (4 semesters)
MUSC 4700 Full Recital (1)
MUSC 4750 Sound Design (3)
MUSC 4770 Music Technology Practicum (2)
MUSC 4760 Musical Theater (2/2) (2 semesters)

Music Production Electives: 9 credit hours in Music or Theater

Music BA/BFA core: 35 credit hours

Music Production concentration: 36 credit hours

Major Total: 80 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 130-136 credit hours*

*A minor is not required for BFA degrees. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores.

School of Business, Media and Technology

Veena Parboteeah, Dean
Douglas Hall, Room 239N
505-454-3344 FAX: 505-454-3354
E-mail: parbotev@nmhu.edu

School of Business, Media, and Technology oversees:

  • Department of Business Administration
  • Department of Media Arts and Technology

The School of Business, Media and Technology promotes best professional practices, preparing students for successful careers and future academic endeavors. Our active learning environment supports critical and creative thinking, cultivating ethical problem solvers.

Vision Statement
The School of Business, Media and Technology will be the premier school in the Southwest, preparing students to become successful and respected professionals. We strive to extend frontiers of knowledge to solve complex problems.


Business Administration
Heath Anderson, MBA (Marketing) Farmington
Ali Arshad, Ph.D. (Economics and Finance) Rio Rancho
Gerardo Moreira, Ph.D. (Marketing)
Emmanuel Nkwenti-Zamcho, DBA (Management and International Business) Rio Rancho
Stephen Owusu-Ansah, Ph.D. (Accounting)
Rodney Sanchez, Ph.D. (Management) Rio Rancho
Charles Swim, DBA (Management) Rio Rancho
Kent Tucker, DBA (Finance)
Melanie Zollner, Ed.D. (Management)

Media Arts and Technology
Lauren Addario, MA (Media Arts)
Morgan Barnard, MPS (Media Arts)
Elias Gonzales, MA (Media Arts)
Mariah Fox Hausman, MFA (Media Arts)
Miriam Langer, MFA (Media Arts)
Jonathan Lee, MA (Software Systems Design)
Rianne Trujillo, MSSD (Software Systems Design)

The Department of Business Administration

Rodney Sanchez, Department Chair
Rio Rancho
Email: rodsanchez@nmhu.edu

The Department of Business Administration is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) to offer the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degrees with concentrations in accounting, entrepreneurship, finance, general business, management, marketing, and media marketing

Mission of the Department of Business Administration
The Department of Business Administration is committed to the success of our students and to the highest observance of our professional accreditation standards. The department’s goal is to be the best small business department in the Southwest, preparing students to be confident, competent, ethical, and responsible decision makers, managers, leaders, and agents of economic and social betterment in today’s changing global business environment.

Vision Statement
The Department of Business Administration provides an inspiring multicultural learning environment that promotes excellence, empowerment, transformation, and global understanding through our core values.

  • Advancement of knowledge
  • Active learning
  • Student success
  • Diversity of ideas
  • Accessible education
  • Community
  • Individual well-being
  • Sustainable practices
  • Multiculturalism

The Department of Business Administration provides academic programs that promote a solid foundation for students in leadership roles in business, government, and education. Performance standards are high for both undergraduate and graduate programs. Academic programs reflect the philosophy and common professional components of our accrediting body, ACBSP. In order to prepare students for professional careers, the curricula address both the specifics of the workplace and the more general aspects of society.

Degree Requirements: Business Administration
Business Prerequisites: 6 credit hours
MATH 1220 College Algebra (3) (MATH Area)
ECON 2110 Macroeconomics Principles (3)

Business Core is required for all Business Majors

ACCT 2110 Principles of Accounting I (3)
ACCT 2120 Principles of Accounting II (3)
BFIN 2110 Introduction to Finance (3)
BLAW 2110 Business Law I (3)
BUSA 2460 Business Ethics (3)
ECON 2120 Microeconomics Principles (3)
MATH 1350 Introduction to Statistics (3)
MGMT 2110 Principles of Management (3)
MKTG 2110 Principles of Marketing (3)
BMIS 3760 Integrated Business Applications (3)
BUSA 4110 Business Research (3)
ENGL 3670 Technical Writing (3)
INTB 4400 International Business (3)
MGMT 3250 Operations Research and Scientific Management (3)
MGMT 4890 Strategic Management (last semester) (3)

Major Core Total: 51 credit hours

BBA concentrations:

Concentration in Accounting (BBA)
Required courses: 27 credit hours

ACCT 3210 Individual Taxation (3)
ACCT 3870 Intermediate Accounting 1 (3)
ACCT 3880 Intermediate Accounting 2 (3)
ACCT 4040 Cost Accounting (3)
ACCT 4810 Accounting Information Systems (3)
ACCT 4850 Financial Statement Analysis (3)
ACCT 4870 Advanced Accounting Topics (3)
ACCT 4890 Governmental Accounting (3)
ACCT 4920 Auditing (3)

Concentration Total: 27 credit hours

Major Total: 78 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 122-128 credit hours*

*A concentration is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Concentration in Entrepreneurship (BBA)
Required courses: 24 credit hours

BMIS 4400 Innovation Management (3)
BMIS 4800 Project Management (3)

MGMT 4310 Entrepreneurial Forum (3)
MGMT 4510 Entrepreneurship (3)

MKTG 4460 Social Media (3) OR
MKTG 4510 Internet Marketing Strategies (3)

9 credit hours. Select three (3) upper division Business Administration courses.

Concentration Total: 24 credit hours

Major Total: 75 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 1 credit hour

Total for degree: 120-125 credit hours*

*A concentration is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Concentration in Finance (BBA)
Required courses: 24 credit hours

ACCT 4850 Financial Statement Analysis (3)
BFIN 3430 Advanced Corporate Finance (3)
BFIN 4050 Financial Markets and Institutions (3)
BFIN 4090 Investments (3)
BFIN 4750 International Finance Management (3)

9 credit hours. Select three (3) upper division Business Administration courses.

Concentration Total: 24 credit hours

Major Total: 75 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 1 credit hour

Total for degree: 120-125 credit hours*

*A concentration is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Concentration in General Business (BBA)

  1. Electives: 15 credit hours. Select five (5) Business Administration courses
  2. Upper Division Electives: 9 credit hours. Select three (3) Upper Division courses

Concentration Total: 24 credit hours

Major Total: 75 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 1 credit hour

Total for degree: 120-125 credit hours*

*A concentration is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Concentration in Management (BBA)
Required courses: 24 credit hours

BFIN 3430 Advanced Corporate Finance (3)
BMIS 4800 Project Management (3)
MGMT 3860 Human Resource Management (3)
MGMT 4310 Entrepreneurial Forum (3)
MGMT 4530 Organizational Leadership (3)
MGMT 4650 Personnel Practices and the Law (3)


6 credit hours. Select two (2) upper division Business Administration courses.

Concentration Total: 24 credit hours

Major Total: 75 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 1 credit hour

Total for degree: 120-125 credit hours*

*A concentration is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Concentration in Marketing (BBA)
Required courses: 24 credit hours

MKTG 4150 Consumer Behavior (3)
MKTG 4730 Advertising (3)
MKTG 4840 Marketing Management (3)
MKTG 4890 Strategic Brand Management (3)

Choose one:

MKTG 4460 Social Media (3) OR
MKTG 4510 Internet Marketing Strategies (3)


9 credit hours. Select three (3) upper division Business Administration courses.

Concentration Total: 24 credit hours

Major Total: 75 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 1 credit hour

Total for degree: 120-125 credit hours*

*A concentration is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Concentration in Media Marketing (BBA)
The media marketing emphasis integrates traditional marketing knowledge with tools from the creative side of marketing. Students learn design fundamentals and applications to plan and implement marketing campaigns in media such as digital film, Internet advertising, and traditional print media.

Required courses: 28 credit hours

FDMA 1210 Visual Concepts (4)
FDMA 2533 Imaging History and Production (4)
MKTG 4150 Consumer Behavior (3)
MKTG 4730 Advertising (3)
MKTG 4840 Marketing Management (3)

Choose one:

FDMA 1545 Introduction to Photography & Digital Imaging (4) OR
FDMA 2521 Videography (4)

Choose one:

MART 3130 Design for the Web (4) OR
MART 3730 Typography (4) OR

Choose one:

MKTG 4460 Social Media (3) OR
MKTG 4510 Internet Marketing Strategies (3)

Concentration Total: 28 credit hours

Major Total: 79 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 123-129 credit hours*

*A concentration is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Major in Organizational Leadership in Public Safety (BA)

Organizational Leadership
BMIS 3420 Communication Strategies for Leaders (3)
BMIS 4280 Business Analytics in Decision Making (3)
BMIS 4400 Innovation Management (3)
BMIS 4800 Project Management (3)

BUSA 3460 Leadership Ethics (3)
BUSA 3480 Budget Management for Leaders (3)

MGMT 4500 Seminar in Leadership (3)
MGMT 4530 Organizational Leadership (3)
MGMT 4880 Strategic Thinking for Decision Making (Capstone) (3)

Organizational Leadership Total: 27 credit hours

Public Safety
POLS 3220 Public Safety Ecosystems (3)
POLS 3240 Public Safety and Homeland Security (3)
POLS 3260 Public Safety and Terrorism or

CJUS 3810 Terrorism (3)

POLS 4190 Public Administration (3)
POLS 4260 Case Studies in Public Safety and Leadership (3)

3 credit upper-division (3/4000 level) elective chosen in consultation with an advisor from POLS or CJUS or another appropriate field in the College of Arts and Sciences

Public Safety Total: 18 credit hours

Program Total: 45 credit hours

Minors in Business for Non-Business Majors Only

Minor in Accounting for Non-Business Majors Only
Required courses: 21 credit hours

ACCT 2110 Principles of Accounting I (3)
ACCT 2120 Principles of Accounting II (3)
ACCT 3210 Individual Taxation (3)
ACCT 3870 Intermediate Accounting 1 (3)
ACCT 3880 Intermediate Accounting 2 (3)
BMIS 3760 Integrated Business Applications (3)
BUSA 2460 Business Ethics (3)

Electives: 3 credit hours

Choose one (1) course from the following list in consultation with an adviser.

ACCT 4040 Cost Accounting (3)
ACCT 4810 Accounting Information Systems (3)
ACCT 4850 Financial Statement Analysis (3)
ACCT 4890 Governmental Accounting (3)
ACCT 4920 Auditing (3)

Minor Total: 24 credit hours

Minor in Finance for Non-Business Majors Only
Required courses: 21 credit hours

ACCT 2110 Principles of Accounting I (3)
BUSA 2460 Business Ethics (3)
ECON 2120 Microeconomics Principles (3)
BFIN 2110 Introduction to Finance (3)
BFIN 3430 Advanced Corporate Finance (3)
BFIN 4050 Financial Markets and Institutions (3)
BFIN 4090 Investments (3)

Minor Total: 21 credit hours

Minor in General Business for Non-Business Majors Only
Required courses: 24 credit hours

ACCT 2110 Principles of Accounting I (3)
BFIN 2110 Introduction to Finance (3)
BLAW 2110 Business Law I (3)
BMIS 3760 Integrated Business Applications (3)
BUSA 2460 Business Ethics (3)
ECON 2120 Microeconomics Principles (3)
MGMT 2110 Principles of Management (3)
MKTG 2110 Principles of Marketing (3)

Minor Total: 24 credit hours

Minor in Management for Non-Business Majors Only
Required courses: 21 credit hours

ACCT 2110 Principles of Accounting I (3)
BUSA 2460 Business Ethics (3)
ECON 2120 Microeconomics Principles (3)
MGMT 2110 Principles of Management (3)
MKTG 2110 Principles of Marketing (3)

Electives: 6 credit hours

Choose two (2) of the following courses:

BFIN 2110 Introduction to Finance (3)

BMIS 4800 Project Management (3)

MGMT 4310 Entrepreneurial Forum (3)
MGMT 4530 Organizational Leadership (3)
MGMT 4650 Personnel Practices and Law (3)

Minor Total: 21 credit hours

Minor in Marketing for Non-Business Majors Only
Required courses: 21 credit hours

BUSA 2460 Business Ethics (3)
ECON 2120 Microeconomics Principles (3)
MKTG 2110 Principles of Marketing (3)
MKTG 4150 Consumer Behavior (3)
MKTG 4730 Advertising (3)
MKTG 4840 Marketing Management (3)

Electives: 3 credit hours

Choose one (1) of the following:

MKTG 4460 Social Media (3) OR
MKTG 4510 Internet Marketing Strategies (3) OR

Minor Total: 21 credit hours

Certificates in Business

Certificate in Accounting (Undergraduate)
Proficiency: Students must have taken or take ACCT 2110 Principles of Accounting I and ACCT 2120 Principles of Accounting II.

Required courses: 6 credit hours

ACCT 3870 Intermediate Accounting 1 (3)
ACCT 3880 Intermediate Accounting 2 (3)

Electives: 12 credit hours

 Choose four (4) courses, from the following list:

ACCT 3210 Individual Taxation (3)
ACCT 4040 Cost Accounting (3)
ACCT 4810 Accounting Information Systems (3)
ACCT 4850 Financial Statement Analysis (3)
ACCT 4890 Governmental Accounting (3)
ACCT 4920 Auditing (3)

BUSA 2460 Business Ethics (3)

Total hours required: 18 credit hours

Certificate in Business Management and Entrepreneurship (Undergraduate)

Core Requirements: 9 credits

FORS 3060 Introduction to Plant Production (3)
MGMT 4310 Entrepreneurial Forum (3)
SOCI 4200 Drugs in American Society (3)

Concentration Requirements: 9 credits

BMIS 4400 Innovation Management (3)
BMIS 4800 Project Management (3)

MGMT 4510 Entrepreneurship (3)

Total hours required: 18 credit hours

Certificate in Hemp Entrepreneurship and Production (Undergraduate)

Core Requirements: 9 credits

FORS 3060 Introduction to Plant Production (3)
MGMT 4310 Entrepreneurial Forum (3
SOCI 4200 Drugs in American Society (3)

Concentration Requirements: 9 credits

BIOL 4220 Plant Physiology (4)
FORS 4060 Plant Production I (3)
FORS 4070 Plant Production II (3)

Total hours required: 18 credit hours

Certificate in Finance (Undergraduate)
Proficiency: Students must have taken or take ACCT 2110 Principles of Accounting I and ECON 2120 Microeconomic Principles.

Required Courses: 18 credit hours

ACCT 4850 Financial Statement Analysis (3)
BFIN 2110 Introduction to Finance (3)
BFIN 3430 Advanced Corporate Finance (3)
BFIN 4050 Financial Markets and Institutions (3)
BFIN 4090 Investments (3)BUSA 2460 Business Ethics (3)

Total hours required: 18 credit hours

Certificate in Marketing (Undergraduate)
Proficiency: Students must have taken or take MKTG 2110 Principles of Marketing.

Required Courses: 18 credit hours

MKTG 4150 Consumer Behavior (3)
MKTG 4460 Social Media (3)
MKTG 4510 Internet Marketing Strategies (3)
MKTG 4730 Advertising (3)
MKTG 4840 Marketing Management (3)
MKTG 4890 Strategic Brand Management (3)

Total hours required: 18 credit hours

Certificate in Organizational Leadership

BMIS 3420 Communication Strategies for Leaders (3)
BMIS 4280 Business Analytics in Decision Making (3)
BMIS 4400 Innovation Management (3)
BMIS 4800 Project Management (3)
BUSA 3480 Budget Management for Leaders (3)
MGMT 4530 Organizational Leadership (3)

Certificate Total: 18 credit hours

Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
To enroll in the program, students must have earned at least 30 technical/vocational credits, a certificate in a technical/vocational area, or an associate degree.

Concentration in General Business

Required from University General Core

ECON 2110 Macroeconomic Principles (3)
ECON 2120 Microeconomic Principles (3)

Core Requirements

BLAW 2110 Business Law I (3)
BMIS 3760 Integrated Business Applications (3)
BUSA 3460 Leadership Ethics (3)
BUSA 3480 Budget Management for Leaders (3)
ENGL 3670 Technical Writing (3)
MGMT 2110 Principles of Management (3)
MGMT 4510 Entrepreneurship (3)
MGMT 4880 Strategic Thinking for Decision Making (Capstone) (3)
MKTG 2110 Principles of Marketing (3)

Recommended Electives – Choose 9 courses

BMIS 3420 Communication Strategies for Managers (3)
BMIS 4280 Business Analytics in Decision Making (3)
BMIS 4400 Innovation Management (3)
BMIS 4800 Project Management (3)

INTB 4400 International Business (3)

MGMT 3860 Human Resource Management (3)
MGMT 4310 Entrepreneurial Forum (3)
MGMT 4500 Seminar in Leadership (3)
MGMT 4530 Organizational Leadership (3)
MGMT 4650 Personnel Practices and the Law (3)

MKTG 4150 Consumer Behavior (3)
MKTG 4460 Social Media (3)
MKTG 4510 Internet Marketing Strategies (3)
MKTG 4730 Advertising (3)
MKTG 4740 International Marketing (3)
MKTG 4890 Strategic Brand Marketing (3)

General Business Credits: 60 credit hours

Core & Flex Requirements: 36 credit hours

AAS Concentration Credits (Transferred as a Minor): 24

Total for degree: 120 credit hours

Department of Media Arts and Technology

Morgan Barnard, Department Chair
Trolley Building, Room 130
E-mail: morganb@nmhu.edu

The Department of Media Arts and Technology includes instructional programs in media arts and software systems design.

Mission of the Department of Media Arts and Technology
The general mission of the Department of Media Arts and Technology is to educate students in the technical skills, theoretical underpinnings, and the sociocultural context for the disciplines represented by the academic programs. The department seeks to inspire students to work creatively and collaboratively towards the goal of contributing to our own communities. Collaboration, experimentation, and a willingness to push the boundaries of where art and technology intersect are the hallmarks of the department.

In its collaborative enterprises, the department provides opportunities for students to work closely with faculty and staff in academic courses. Community organizations and cultural institutions join the department for many projects and activities. The department aims to regularly incorporate elements from Northern New Mexico’s history of arts and innovation and the rich heritage of Hispanic and Native American cultures that are distinctive to the state of New Mexico. The department aims to prepare students for an active professional life in each discipline through the knowledge, creativity, teaching skills, and dedication of its faculty and staff, showing excellence in teaching, experimentation, scholarship, and professional applications.

Resources and Facilities
New Mexico Highlands University provides the Media Arts Building with state-of-the-art computer systems; a green screen special effects studio; professional video and photography equipment and labs, a physical computing lab; and five computer labs dedicated to video graphics, effects and animation, and high-end design and printing. The New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science provides classroom and lab space in Albuquerque for the exclusive use of the Department of Media Arts and Technology.

Media Arts (BFA)

Tier 1: Media Arts Foundation: 16 credit hours
FDMA 1210 Visual Concepts (4)
FDMA 2200 Color Theory and Ideational Concepts (4)
FDMA 2533 Imaging History and Production (4)
MART 3500 Media Arts Seminar (4)

Tier 2: Major: 16 credit hours
FDMA 1545 Introduction to Photography & Digital Imaging (4)
FDMA 2521 Videography (4)
MART 3180 Principles of Multimedia (4)
MART 3730 Typography (4)

Total Requirements: 32 hours

Students will complete one of the following areas of emphasis:

Tier 3: Visual Communication Emphasis: 36 credit hours
MART 3110 Graphics and Meaning (4)
MART 3170 Publication Design (4)
MART 4120 History of Design (4)
MART 4610 Advanced Design Practices (4)
MART 4650 Advanced Media Projects (4)

Electives: 16 credit hours chosen with adviser.

BFA Core: 32 credit hours

Emphasis: 36 credit hours

Major Total: 68 credit hours

Tier 3: Multimedia and Interactivity Emphasis: 36 credit hours
MART 3270 Web Production Workshop (4)
MART 4560 Physical Computing (4)
MART 4570 Surround and Installation Workshop (4)
MART 4650 Advanced Media Projects (4)
MART 4720 Distributed Network Production (4)

Electives: 16 credit hours chosen with adviser

BFA Core: 32 credit hours

Emphasis: 36 credit hours

Major Total: 68 credit hours

Tier 3: Video and Audio Emphasis: 36 credit hours
MART 3220 HD Cinema Workshop (4)
MART 4130 Video Editing and Directing (4)
MART 4460 Screenwriting (4)
MART 4570 Surround and Installation Workshop (4)
MART 4650 Advanced Media Projects (4)

Electives: 16 credit hours chosen with adviser

BFA Core: 32 credit hours

Emphasis: 36 credit hours

Major Total: 68 credit hours

Media Arts (BA)
Core requirements: 32 credit hours

Tier 1: Media Arts Prerequisites: 16 credit hours
FDMA 1210 Visual Concepts (4)
FDMA 2200 Color Theory and Ideational Concepts (4)
FDMA 2533 Imaging History and Production (4)
MART 3500 Media Arts Seminar (4)

Tier 2: Major: 16 credit hours
FDMA 1545 Introduction to Photography & Digital Imaging (4)
FDMA 2521 Videography (4)
MART 3180 Principles of Multimedia (4)
MART 3730 Typography (4)

Electives: 4 credit hours

Students will complete four upper-division elective credit hours in Media Arts in consultation with an adviser.

Major Total: 35-36 credit hours
Minor: 18 credit hours minimum
Core Requirements: 32 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 10-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*

*A minor is required. The number of electives to reach the degree total of 120 credit hours will vary by the number credit hours required by the major and minor. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Media Arts Minor

Tier 1: Media Arts Foundation: 16 credit hours
FDMA 1210 Visual Concepts (4)
FDMA 2200 Color Theory and Ideational Concepts (4)
FDMA 2533 Imaging History and Production (4)
MART 3500 Media Arts Seminar (4)

Tier 2: Minor: 8 credit hours
Choose two courses:

FDMA 1545 Introduction to Photography & Digital Imaging (4)
MART 2521 Videography (4)
MART 3180 Principles of Multimedia (4)
MART 3730 Typography (4)

Minor Total: 24 credit hours

Software Systems Design (BSSD)
Required courses (38-40 hours)

Tier 1: Required courses: 20 credit hours
CS 1440 Intro to Computer Science (3)
CS 1450 Intro to Object-Oriented Prog (3)
FDMA 2533 Imaging History and Production (4)
MART 3180 Principles of Multimedia (4)
BSSD 3400 Programming and Logic (3)


CS 3140 The C++ Programming Language (3)
BSSD 3520 JavaScript (3)

Tier 2: Required courses: 9 credit hours
BSSD 3310 Web Applications (3)
BSSD 3410 Applied Algorithms and Architecture (3)
BSSD 4200 Mobile Applications (3)

Additional required courses: 9-11 credit hours

BSSD 3340 Practicum (4)
BSSD 4340 Practicum II (4)
MART 4980 Professional Internship (1-6)

Tier 3: Electives: 21 credit hours
Choose seven courses from the following list:

BSSD 3650 Patterns and Pattern Languages (3)
BSSD 3700 Interfaces (3)
BSSD 3820 Agile Project Management (3)
BSSD 4150 Game Development (3)
BSSD 4250 Advanced Mobile Apps (3)
BSSD 4300 Advanced Web Apps (3)
BSSD 4470 Ambient Computing (3)

MART 3110 Graphics and Meaning (4)
MART 3130 Design for the Web (4)
MART 3630 Video Animation (4)
MART 4150 Design Projects for the Community (4)
MART 4560 Physical Computing (4)

CS 3800 Computer Modeling and Simulation (3)
CS 4730 Artificial Neural Networks (3)
CS 4740 Machine Learning Algorithms (3)

Major Total: 59 – 61 credit hours
Minor: 18 credit hours minimum
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 127-135 credit hours*

*A minor is not required. The number of electives to reach the degree total of 120 credit hours will vary by the number credit hours required by the major and minor. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Software Systems Design Minor
Required courses (29 hours)

Tier 1: Required courses: 20 credit hours
FDMA 2533 Imaging History and Production (4)
MART 3180 Principles of Multimedia (4)
CS 1440 Intro to Computer Science (3)
CS 1450 Intro to Object-Oriented Prog (3)
BSSD 3400 Programming and Logic (3)


CS 3140 The C++ Programming Language (3)
BSSD 3520 JavaScript (3)

Tier 2: Required courses: 9 credit hours
BSSD 3310 Web Applications (3)
BSSD 3410 Applied Algorithms and Architecture (3)
BSSD 4200 Mobile Applications (3)
BSSD Minor Total: 29 credit hours

Interactive Cultural Technology Certificate
The objectives of the program in Interactive Cultural Technology (PICT) are to learn industry-standard practices and principles while working in a hands-on, collaborative environment with museum staff and in a museum setting. The students conceive, produce, and fabricate materials for an exhibition space. The outcomes assessment would not be unlike another production-based course. Attendance, professionalism, comprehension, verbal skills, proficiency of necessary software, and critical thinking all come into play. Recent PICT projects include Jemez Spring Historic Site, Los Alamos National Lab “The Manhattan Project”, Coronado Historic Site, “Emergence: A New View of Life’s Origins” at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science and “The Science of Cities” at the Santa Fe Children’s Museum. (See requirements)

Interactive Cultural Technology Certificate (PICT)
Required courses: 12 credit hours

MART 3260 Multimedia Project Management (4)
MART 4950 Exhibition Design (4)
MART 4980 Professional Internship (4)

Electives: 6 credit hours

Students will complete six elective, upper division credit hours in media arts at the 3000 – 4000 level.

Certificate total: 18 credit hours

Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Fine Arts
The fine arts and media arts BFA is designed to address a creative trend in art that combines electronic media with traditional media. This degree applies to those wishing to use multimedia for the sake of expression. The program creates a bridge between traditional and electronic media beyond the need for documentation and exhibition. For program details, see Department of Visual and Performing Arts section of this catalog.

School of Education

Dr. Mary E. Earick, Dean
Victoria D. de Sanchez Teacher Education Center, Room 114A
505 454-3357 FAX: 505 454-3384
E-mail: maryearick@nmhu.edu

Vision Statement
To be a premier school of education that prepares educators, leaders, and counselors as agents of social change who transform the lives of individuals and communities they serve.

Mission Statement
We immerse our students in authentic academic and professional settings, providing them with opportunities to bridge theory and practice and to engage in critical reflection that informs action.

Core Values:

Authentic learning
We believe that learning is authentic when the learner is immersed in real-world, meaningful experiences that elicit reflection to inform action and that provide rich opportunities to bridge theory and practice.

Reflective Practice
We embrace critical reflection on self and practice as a way to develop a deep sense of identity and beliefs that ground and continually improve our practices.

We embrace diversity in order to enrich our teaching, research, and advocacy, utilizing a culturally responsive, inclusive, and strengths-based approach that recognizes and builds upon the myriad characteristics of students, faculty, and community.

Social Justice
We commit to critical reflection on systemic inequities and to action leading to shifts in policies, practices, and structures that create opportunities for all.

We commit to a culture of continuous improvement of quality and excellence in teaching, research, and service through reflective inquiry and innovation.

We embrace our roles as leaders, advocates, and change agents working to transform systems to be more equitable and responsive to the diverse needs of individuals and communities.

Critical Thinking, Reflective Practice, Ethical Practice, Preparation and Commitment, Professional Development, Authenticity and Emotional Intelligence, Social Justice and Cultural Competency, Communication, Collaboration.

School of Education Faculty
Elisabeth Valenzuela, Ph.D. (Bilingual/TESOL, Program Chair), Rio Rancho Center, evalenz@nmhu.edu
Melani Buchanan-Farmer, Ph.D. (Teacher Education), Rio Rancho Center, buchananfarmer@nmhu.edu
Rosemary Fessinger, Ph.D. (Teacher Education), Rio Rancho Center, rfessinger@nmhu.edu
Taik Kim, Ph.D. (Math, Science and Social Studies Education), Las Vegas Campus, taikkim@nmhu.edu
Lorraine Martinez, M.A. (Early Childhood Multicultural Education), Las Vegas Campus, lmmartinez@nmhu.edu
Shirley Meckes, Ph.D. (Early Childhood Multicultural Education), Rio Rancho Center, smeckes@nmhu.edu
Angela R. Redondo, Ph.D. (Early Childhood Multicultural Education), Las Vegas Campus, aredondo@nmhu.edu
Daniel Olufemi, Ph.D. (Literacy), Rio Rancho Center, daniel.olufemi@nmhu.edu
Seonsook Park. Ph.D. (Reading/TESOL), Rio Rancho Center, parks@nmhu.edu
P.J. Sedillo, Ph.D. (Special Education, Gifted Education Chair), Rio Rancho Center, pjsedillo@nmhu.edu
Mariana Ulibarri-Horan, Ph.D. (Special Education), Las Vegas Campus, mariana@nmhu.edu
Ann Wolf, Ed.D. (Reading), Rio Rancho Center, aawolf@nmhu.edu

Office of Field Experiences
Stephen Weatherburn, M.A., Director of Field Experiences, Las Vegas Campus, sjweatherburn@nmhu.edu
Janis Taback-Keene, M.S., Ed.S. (Coordinator, Field Experiences), Rio Rancho Center, jkeene@nmhu.edu
Julia Andrada-Valencia, UG Program Admissions/Field Office, Las Vegas Campus, jaandrada@nmhu.edu

The Teacher Education Center (TEC) building serves as a home for the Northeast Regional Education Cooperative, Advanced Placement-New Mexico, the Counselor Training Center, MESA-Northern New Mexico, and the Center for the Education & Study of Diverse Populations. Established by the School of Education, the Center for the Education and Study of Diverse Populations studies diverse populations whose needs are unmet and who encounter barriers to services and opportunities and develops strategies for removing those barriers.

In addition, the School of Education houses a regional Instructional Materials Evaluation Center that contains publisher-supplied samples of state-approved texts and materials for review by school district administrators, teachers, parents, and education faculty and students. The center also functions as an institutional curriculum library, providing selected samples of resources for short-term loan. The Literacy Council of Northeastern New Mexico staffs an adult literacy center and provides services within the Instructional Materials Evaluation Center. The School of Education offers selected undergraduate and graduate programs at the centers in Santa Fe, Rio Rancho, and Farmington with the cooperation of the Educational Outreach Services Program.

The Center for Teaching Excellence serves the New Mexico Highlands University community by providing programming, resources and support for quality teaching and advising, and for the assessment of effective student learning.

The Center for the Education and Study of Diverse Populations, established by the School of Education, studies diverse populations whose needs are unmet, who have encountered barriers to service and opportunities, and develops strategies for removing such barriers.

Purpose of the School of Education
The purpose of the School of Education is to provide highly qualified, entry-level teachers in early childhood, elementary, secondary, special education, and other professional personnel such as, educational leaders and counselors, to serve New Mexico and/or national PK-grade 12 school districts.

The School of Education offers selected undergraduate and graduate programs at the Centers in Santa Fe, Rio Rancho, and Farmington with the cooperation of the Educational Outreach Services Program.

Conceptual Framework
The School of Education believes in democratic access to an education, both theoretical and authentic, that allows the reflective learner to continue to develop cultural schemas and diverse cognitive processing skills to construct a knowledge base, practice the skills and develop professional dispositions in authentic settings needed to excel in education, leadership, counseling, or other self-determined endeavors.

There are eight themes that guide the School of Education’s practices and decision-making processes:

  • Diversity
  • Reflective Practitioner
  • Cultural Inclusion
  • Authentic Settings
  • Practice
  • Knowledge
  • Professionalism
  • Leadership

Teacher Preparation and Licensure Programs
Entrance to undergraduate teacher preparation programs is evaluated through advisement and assessment of students’ skills and motivation for entering the teaching profession. Preparation for the profession requires an academic course of study through majors in early childhood, elementary, special education, or a minor in secondary education together with a major in an appropriate content field.

Candidates plan their academic programs in careful consideration of the subjects or grade levels they may wish to teach. Education students receive support and guidance from faculty advisers throughout the period of their studies and also in seeking their first jobs.

Initial Licensure Programs
Initial programs leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree and making candidates eligible for a New Mexico teaching license include early childhood education, elementary education, special education, and secondary education, a program minor which must be combined with a content-area major.

The following describe three gateways that assess and guide students through the School of Education and teacher licensure. This process will initiate an in-school file for students as they matriculate in the School of Education.

Gateway Alpha (Program Entry into the School of Education)
Overall GPA of at least 2.75 (based on a minimum of 24 credit hours);

A C-grade or better in EDUC 1120 (Introduction to Teaching), EDUC 1190 (Field Base I) SPED 2110 (Introduction to Special Education), or ECED 2110 (Professionalism);

A score of at least 3 out of 4 on a designated writing assignment in EDUC 1120 or ECED 2110;

A C-grade or better in English 112 (Composition); and

Criminal records background check

NEA (or comparable) liability insurance and

An application to the School of Education on Slate (Secondary School of Education Application).

Gateway Beta (Admission to Clinical Practice: Student Teaching)
Major GPA of at least 3.00;

All major course requirements must be completed;

Criminal background check;

Submit verification of liability insurance;

Submit application for student teaching in Via by Watermark

Gateway Gamma (Program Completion)
Key assessments determine candidate eligibility to become a program completer. Those assessments and their criteria are:

Successful development of a student teaching portfolio during Field III Student Teaching experience;

Field Base III University supervisor rating of at least three of four points possible by the final classroom observation;

Field Base III rating by cooperating teacher of at least three of four points possible by the final classroom observation; and

Field Base III dispositions rating of at least three of four points possible.

All classroom hours and paperwork requirements completed in Via by Watermark

Via by Watermark
The School of Education has adopted the electronic assessment system, Via by Watermark, as a platform to create candidate electronic portfolios. Via by Watermark is required of all School of Education candidates for Field Based-III Student Teaching submission and collection. Via by Watermark tracks candidates’ progress as they address the final clinical competencies of their licensure areas. It is used as a vehicle to assess programmatic strength, weaknesses, and areas in need of modification. As candidates continue to meet these competencies and professional standards the quality of teaching, counseling and administration will continue to improve in northern New Mexico and wherever our candidates decide to practice their chosen profession.

Requirements for Admission to Teacher Preparation and Licensure Programs
Admission to the School of Education is a separate and independent process from admission to New Mexico Highlands University. Candidates need to apply through Slate (Secondary School of Education Application). All applications for admission into the School of Education are only accepted through Slate. Candidates must complete all requirements listed in Gateway Alpha before they are admitted. If a candidate is deficient in any one of the Gateway Alpha requirements, admission will be denied until all requirements are met. Students should contact the School of Education early in their freshman year to receive guidance in the process. Early advisement is essential to avoid delays in meeting all requirements. Consultation with a School of Education faculty adviser is essential to establish a program of courses. An overall GPA of at least 2.75 is required.

  1.  Complete the following courses with a grade of C or better:

EDUC 1120 Introduction to Education Practicum (3)
EDUC 1190 Field-Base 1 Teacher Prep Experience (1)
SPED 2110 Introduction to Students with Exceptionalities (3)
ENGL 1120 Freshman Composition II
ECED 2110 Professionalism (2) (ECED students only)

  1. Complete and submit an application through Slate (Secondary School of Education Application) for admission into the School of Education.
    Complete the appropriate freshman and sophomore courses in the New Mexico Highlands University core curriculum together with additional extended core courses required for education majors and minors by the New Mexico Public Education Department. The choices to be made will reflect the requirements for licensing that have been set by the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) and SB329 as of July 1, 2016. These courses include:

9 hours in communication (6 hrs. covered in common core)
8 hours in science (4 hrs. covered in common core and 4 hrs. covered in flex requirements)
9 hours in humanities and fine arts (6 hrs. covered in common core and 3 hrs. covered in flex requirements)
9 hours in social/behavioral science (3 hrs. covered in common core and 3 hrs. covered in flex requirements)
6 hours in mathematics* (3 credit hours are covered in common core)

Proficiency/Extended Core Requirements
2 hours PE
3 hours literature
8 hours modern language
3 hours computer science
3 hours speech
(Possibly 6 hours for English and Math depending on placement scores)

75-81 hours of core requirements

* Early childhood education and elementary education majors need nine hours; special education majors and secondary education minors need six hours.

Requirements for Admission to Clinical Practice and for Placement in Student Teaching (Field-Base III Teacher Preparation or Internship in Teaching)
Students must submit a formal application for admission to the Office of Field Experiences. The application form is available in Via by Watermark. Adverse decisions concerning admittance can be appealed first to the program’s admission committee and then to the school dean.

For admission to clinical practice, a 3.00 major grade point average is required. Students must complete a degree audit with the Office of the Registrar and meet periodically with their education advisers for a check on their advancement through the Gateways and academic progress. Prospective candidates should discuss this requirement with their education advisers. Candidates for placement in student teaching will file a formal application in Via by Watermark prior to midterm of the preceding semester before they can be considered to begin student teaching.

Prerequisites for advancement to student teaching (Field-Based III) are:

  • Full admission into the School of Education
  • A 3.00 major grade point average;
  • Required major courses, up to those for the final semester (SB329, effective July 1, 2016);
  • Secondary education minors: 24 credits in the academic major and 20 credits in the academic minor (if applicable), with an overall minimum GPA of 2.75;
  • The application for Student Teaching on Via by Watermark, with these additional requirements:
    • An advisement session with their faculty adviser, with a note added to their Degree Audit that student is eligible for Field Base III.
    • A background check report that is 2-years or newer, that must remain current through the Student Teaching experience.
    • Proof of Liability Insurance
    • Submission of a Philosophy of Education
    • Field Based II Disposition

The director of student teaching will review the applications for approval, and students may revise their applications to meet requirements during the approval process. Those students whose applications are denied may appeal to the Dean. School of Education does not require passing on Praxis exams prior to Field-based courses.

Student teaching is a full-time assignment during the period of the placement and requires the candidate to participate fully in the life and work of the school. The student teacher follows the daily schedule of the school, assumes regular faculty and out-of-classroom duties, and participates in faculty meetings, PTA/PTO meetings, school plays, and other school-related activities as appropriate. Because this constitutes a full-time commitment, no additional coursework may be taken without special permission from the Field Office. In all cases, the school’s cooperating teacher and principal, in consultation with the New Mexico Highlands University supervisor, make the determination of the student teacher’s involvement, duties, and course loads.

Final placement of a student teacher in a school is decided by the School of Education and is contingent upon the student being accepted by the school.

To receive a degree in Education, the student must submit summative supervisor and cooperating teacher ratings that indicate the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) and International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards have been met, submit the student teaching electronic portfolio, and designated class and field disposition assessments.

Students have no more than two opportunities to complete successfully any of the field-based experiences. With the submission of the School of Education application, the candidate will begin preparation of the capstone electronic portfolio, completed the disclosure form Via by Watermark, submitted disposition assessments from designated classes and field-based experiences, and appropriate artifacts from EDUC 1120 and ECED 2110. Students will also be asked to submit other artifacts from other education classes. Details of this process and the required minimum scores are available from the School of Education.

Students seeking a bilingual endorsement are required to pass the Prueba de Español para la Certificación Bilingües exam. Students must maintain close communication with Academic Support Services and the School of Education regarding these important examinations.


Major in Early Childhood Multicultural Education (AA)
Required courses: 29 credit hours

ECED 2110 Professionalism (2)
ECED 1115 Health, Safety and Nutrition (2)
ECED 1110 Child Growth, Development and Learning (3)
ECED 1130 Family and Community Collaboration I (3)
ECED 2120 Curriculum Development through Play-Birth through Age 4 (3)
ECED 1120 Guiding Young Children (3)
ECED 2130 Curriculum Development and Implementation (Age 3 through Grade 3) (3)
ECED 2115 Introduction to Reading and Literacy Development (3)
ECED 1125 Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs I (3)
ECED 2121 Curriculum Development through Play-Birth through Age 4 Practicum (2)
ECED 2131 Curriculum Development and Implementation Practicum- Age 3 through Grade 3 (2)

Major Total: 29 credit hours
Core Total: 40 credit hours
Extended Core: 5 credit hours

Total for Degree: 69 credit hours*

*Total units for the degree may exceed 69 credit hours if proficiency courses are required. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 69 credit hours for this degree.

Major in Early Childhood Multicultural Education (BA): Age 3 to Grade 3
The early childhood multicultural education program is a four-year, or 67-hour, Bachelor of Arts degree. The program prepares classroom teachers and other professionals to work with children from Age 3 to Grade 3. The program fulfills the NMPED competency requirements which include child growth, development, and learning; developmentally appropriate content; learning environments and curriculum implementation; and health, safety and nutrition assessment and professionalism. The program meets the state requirements of teacher certification/licensure for teaching PK to grade 3 in the public schools and the early childhood special education, or developmentally delayed, preschool classroom. Students majoring in early childhood education are not required to take a minor.

Professional Education: 68 credit hours

ECED 2110 Professionalism (2)
ECED 1115 Health, Safety and Nutrition (2)
ECED 1110 Child Growth, Development and Learning (3)
ECED 1130 Family and Community Collaboration (3)
ECED 2120 Curriculum Development Implementation: Birth – Age 4 (3)
ECED 2121 Practicum Curriculum Develop and Play: Birth – Age 4 (2)
ECED 1120 Guiding Young Children (3)
ECED 2130 Curriculum Development and Implementation: Age 3 – Grade 3 (3)
ECED 2131 Practicum Curriculum Develop and Play: Age 3 – Grade 3 (2)
ECED 2115 Introduction to Language, Literacy and Reading (3)
ECED 1125 Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs 1 (3)
ECED 4030 Family, Language and Culture (3)
ECED 4110 Teaching and Learning Reading and Writing (3)
ECED 4130 Teaching and Learning Math and Science (4)
ECED 4140 Teaching and Learning Social Studies (3)
ECED 4150 Teaching and Learning Practicum (2)
ECED 4200 Research in Child Growth, Development and Learning (3)
ECED 4280 Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs 2 (3)
ECED 4820 Young Children with Diverse Abilities (3)
RDED Reading Elective Credits (3)
EDUC 4450 Knowledge of the Profession (3) * (must be taken as a co-requisite with ECED 4520)
ECED 4520 Early Childhood Education Student Teaching (9)

Major Total: 68 credit hours
Education Extended Core: 47-53 credit hours
Core Requirements: 32 credit hours

Degree Total: 136-142 hours

This major does not require a minor. The degree total may be exceeded if proficiency courses are needed. Additional courses may be needed to meet the 45 upper division requirement.

Licensing for early childhood education teaching in the State of New Mexico requires passing all the New Mexico State licensure exams in Early Childhood Education.

Major in Early Childhood Multicultural Education (BA): Birth to Age 4
The early childhood multicultural education program is a four-year, or 65-hour, Bachelor of Arts degree. The program prepares classroom teachers and other professionals to work with children from Birth to Age 4. The program fulfills the NMPED competency requirements which include child growth, development, and learning; developmentally appropriate content; learning environments and curriculum implementation; and health, safety and nutrition assessment and professionalism. The program meets the state requirements of teacher certification/licensure for teaching Birth to Age 4 in the public school’s Pre-K and the early childhood special education, or developmentally delayed, preschool classroom, and home visitation programs. Students majoring in early childhood education are not required to take a minor.

Professional Education: 65 credit hours

ECED 2110 Professionalism (2)
ECED 1115 Health, Safety and Nutrition (2)
ECED 1110 Child Growth, Development and Learning (3)
ECED 1130 Family and Community Collaboration (3)
ECED 2120 Curriculum Development Implementation: Birth – Age 4 (3)
ECED 2121 Practicum Curriculum Develop and Play: Birth – Age 4 (2)
ECED 1120 Guiding Young Children (3)
ECED 2130 Curriculum Development and Implementation: Age 3 – Grade 3 (3)
ECED 2131 Practicum Curriculum Develop and Play: Age 3 – Grade 3 (2)
ECED 2115 Introduction to Language, Literacy and Reading (3)
ECED 4030 Family, Language and Culture (3)
ECED 4170 Emergent Literacy (3)
ECED 4200 Research in Child Growth, Development and Learning (3)
ECED 4280 Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs 1 (3)
ECED 4240 Integrated Curriculum: Birth – Age 4 (4)
ECED 4250 Integrated Curriculum Practicum (2)
ECED 4310 Advanced Caregiving for Infants and Toddlers (3)
ECED 4820 Young Children of Diverse Abilities (3)
EDUC 4450 Knowledge of the Profession (3) * (must be taken as a co-requisite with ECED 4520)
ECED 4520 Early Childhood Education Student Teaching (9)

Major Total: 65 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Education Extended Core: 18 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Degree Total: 133-139 credit hours

This major does not require a minor. Additional courses may be required to meet the 45 upper division requirement.

Major in Early Childhood Multicultural Education (BA): Birth to Age 4 Non-Licensure
The early childhood multicultural education program has a four-year, or 62-hour, Bachelor of Arts degree. The program prepares classroom teachers and other professionals to work with children from Birth to Age 4. The program fulfills the NMPED competency requirements which include child growth, development, and learning; developmentally appropriate content; learning environments and curriculum implementation; and health, safety and nutrition assessment and professionalism. Non-licensure routes are for students who do not want to pursue a license in New Mexico. Students majoring in early childhood education are not required to take a minor.

Professional Education: 62 credit hours

ECED 2110 Professionalism (2)
ECED 1115 Health, Safety and Nutrition (2)
ECED 1110 Child Growth, Development and Learning (3)
ECED 1130 Family and Community Collaboration (3)
ECED 2120 Curriculum Development Implementation: Birth – Age 4 (3)
ECED 2121 Practicum Curriculum Develop and Play: Birth – Age 4 (2)
ECED 1120 Guiding Young Children (3)
ECED 2130 Curriculum Development and Implementation: Age 3 – Grade 3 (3)
ECED 2131 Practicum Curriculum Develop and Play: Age 3 – Grade 3 (2)
ECED 2115 Introduction to Language, Literacy and Reading (3)
ECED 4280 Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs 1 (3)
ECED 4030 Family, Language and Culture (3)
ECED 4170 Emergent Literacy (3)
ECED 4200 Research in Child Growth, Development and Learning (3)
ECED 4240 Integrated Curriculum: Birth – Age 4 (4)
ECED 4250 Integrated Curriculum Practicum (2)
ECED 4310 Advanced Caregiving for Infants and Toddlers (3)
ECED 4820 Young Children of Diverse Abilities (3)

Related Elective Credits (12)

Major Total: 62 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Education Extended Core: 18 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Degree Total: 133-139 credit hours

This major does not require a minor. Additional courses may be required to meet the 45 upper division requirement.

General Science Degrees for Secondary School Teachers:

Major in General Science for Secondary Teachers (BA)
The purpose of the major is to provide science teachers in training with a fundamentally strong background in the basic sciences. Therefore, a greater pool of talent in the field of science education will be created from which surrounding middle schools and high schools can draw. The program has been designed to emphasize the fundamental understanding of both physical and life sciences. Courses will be selected from biology, geology, chemistry, computer science, and physics. The objectives of the general science major are to:

1) Provide science teachers in training with a multidisciplinary program that will adequately prepare them to teach the science courses expected in middle school and high school science programs.

2) Prepare science teachers to develop each of the competencies required by the State Board of Education for licensure in science education

Students must complete the NMHU Core Curriculum requirements, which should include a minimum of MATH 1220 and eight credits from the lab sciences listed below. MATH 1510 and MATH 1250 are required for the BS rather than a BA degree. The BS degree is recommended for students preparing to teach high school.

Required core: 49 credit hours

BIOL 2620 Ecology & Evolution (4)
BIOL 2110 Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology General Biology 2 (4)
CHEM 1215 General Chemistry 1 (3)
CHEM 1225 General Chemistry 2 (3)
CHEM 1215L General Chemistry Lab 1 (2)
CHEM 1225L General Chemistry Lab 2 (2)
CS 1440 Introduction to Computer Science (3)
GEOL 1110 Physical Geology (4)
GEOL 2110 Historical Geology (4)
BIOL 4200 Teaching Science and Math in Secondary School (3)

Choose one set from the following:

PHYS 1230 Algebra-based Physics 1 (4)
PHYS 1240 Algebra-based Physics 2 (4)


PHYS 1310 Calculus-based Physics 1 (5)
PHYS 1320 Calculus-based Physics 2 (5)

Choose one of the following:

BIOL 3590 Fundamentals of Lab Safety (1)
CHEM 3590 Fundamentals of Lab Safety (1)

Total Core: 43 credit hours

Electives: 16 credit hours
With the advice of a science adviser, select at least one course from each of biology, chemistry and geology for a minimum of 16 credits above the 3000 level. In addition, the student must undertake a minor in secondary education. Students must fulfill requirements for entrance to teacher preparation and licensure. Please refer to the School of Education for details.

Major Total: 59 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Education Extended Core: 18 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Degree Total: 127 – 133 credit hours

Additional courses may be required to meet the 45 upper division requirement.

Minor in General Science for Elementary School Teachers
The purpose of the minor is to provide elementary school teachers in training with a strong background in a variety of concepts in life science, physical science, and earth and space science. Students should consult with an adviser early in their academic career to select the appropriate courses and avoid possible problems with prerequisites or scheduling. Not all of the 3000- or 4000- level classes are offered every semester or even every year. The objectives of the general science minor are to:

  • Provide pre-service elementary teachers with a program that will adequately prepare and encourage them to teach the most fundamental science concepts to students at the elementary school level.
  • Broaden the scope of science to elementary school teachers in training, so they will be well versed in all aspects of science allowing them to develop methods in which to relay the content material to their students so that the students can fully understand the concepts. This minor does not satisfy the Secondary School endorsement requirements (grades 7-12) for the State of New Mexico.

Minor in Early Childhood Multicultural Education
Early childhood multicultural education offers an undergraduate minor field that may be selected by students majoring in elementary education, special education, or other related fields. Early childhood multicultural education is a valuable specialization field for those intending to work with newborns to 8-year-old children. Additional courses beyond the minor in early childhood multicultural education are required for a teaching license.

Required courses: 29 credit hours

ECED 2110 Professionalism (2)
ECED 1115 Health, Safety and Nutrition (2)
ECED 1110 Child Growth, Development and Learning (3)
ECED 1130 Family and Community Collaboration I (3)
ECED 2120 Curriculum Dev Play: Birth – Age 4 (3)
ECED 1120 Guiding Young Children (3)
ECED 2130 Curriculum Dev Implementation: Age 3 – Grade 3 (3)
ECED 2115 Introduction to Language, Literacy and Reading (3)
ECED 1125 Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs I (3)
ECED 2121 Practicum Dev Play: Birth – Age 4 (2)
ECED 2131 Practicum Curriculum Dev: Age 3 – Grade 3 (2)

Minor Total: 29 credit hours

Major in Math and Computer Science for Secondary School Teachers (BA)
This major requires a core of courses from mathematics and computer science. Graduates of the program will be equipped to teach both mathematics and computer science in secondary schools. The purpose of the major is to provide secondary school teachers in training with a fundamentally strong background in mathematics and computer science. This will create a greater pool of talent in math and computer science education from which middle and high school teachers can be drawn. The program has been designed to emphasize the fundamental understanding of both mathematics and computer science.

The objectives of the math and computer science major are to:
Provide secondary teachers in training a program that will adequately prepare and encourage them to teach the expected mathematics and computing courses to students in middle and high school math and computer science programs.

Train math teachers to develop each of the competencies required by the State Board of Education for licensure in math education.

Broaden the scope of mathematics and computing to secondary school teachers in training, allowing them to develop methods in which to relay the content material to their students so that the students can fully understand what is being taught.

Provide secondary teachers in training with the background so they can assume responsibility for managing the computing facilities at their school.

Prerequisite courses: 8 credit hours

MATH 1220 College Algebra (3) *

MATH 1250 Trigonometry & Pre-Calculus (5)

*Applies to University proficiency requirement.

Minor in Math and Computer Science for Elementary School Teachers
The purpose of this minor is to provide elementary school teachers in training with a fundamentally strong background in mathematics and computer science. The objectives of the math and computer science minor are to:

Provide elementary teachers in training a program that will adequately prepare and encourage them to teach the fundamental concepts of mathematics and computing to students at the elementary level.

Broaden the scope of mathematics and computing to elementary school teachers in training, allowing them to develop methods in which to relay the content material to their students so that the students can fully understand what is being taught.

Provide elementary teachers in training with the background so they can assume responsibility for managing the computing facilities at their school.

Prerequisites: 9 credit hours

MATH 1009 MATH for Elementary Teacher (3)
MATH 1116 MATH for Elementary Teacher 2 (3)
BCIS 1110 Fund of Info Literacy & System (3)

Required courses: 17 credit hours

MATH 1220 College Algebra (3)
MATH 1250 Trigonometry & Pre-Calculus (5)

CS 1440 Introduction to Computer Science (3)
CS 1450 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (3)
CS 2450 Advanced Computer Programming (3)

Electives: 12 credit hours

Choose two courses from the following:

MATH 3170 Discrete MATH (3)
MATH 3450 MATH Statistics 1 (3)
MATH 4060 College Geometry (3)

Any 3000- or 4000-level MATH course approved by adviser

Choose three courses from the following:

CS 3250 Computer Hardware Install and Maintenance (1)
CS 3260 Computer Software Installation (1)
CS 3270 Hands-on UNIX (1)
CS 3320 Advanced Internet (1)

Any 3000- or 4000-level computer science course approved by adviser

 Choose one course from the following:

CS 4560 Internet Services (3)
CS 4570 Computer Networks (3)
CS 4630 Web Programming (3)

Minor Total: 27 credit hours

Major in Elementary Education (BA)
Elementary education is offered as an academic major field. Education students may select a major in education or a dual major in elementary and special education. The major program meets requirements for special education licensure set by the NMPED. Elementary education majors study such topics as cognitive, physical, emotional, and social development; human relations; instructional planning and implementation, and classroom management, assessment, and evaluation. Students also receive training in skills and competencies for elementary subject matter in mathematics, reading and language s, social studies, science, and other foundational fields. The program complies with the instructional competencies established by the NMPED for entry-level elementary teachers. Before registering for the required major courses, students must complete the requirements for entrance to the Teacher Preparation Program which include EDUC 1120, taken in conjunction with EDUC 1190, and SPED 2110. All students declaring a major in Elementary Education must declare a minor in consultation with an adviser.

Students may select to major in elementary education.

The following requirements must be completed with a grade of C or better for entrance to the Teacher Preparation Program.


EDUC 1120 Introduction to Teaching (3)
SPED 2110 Introduction to Special Education (3)

Required credits: 36 credit hours

RDED 3150 Early Literacy (3)
RDED 4110 Teaching/Diagnosis of Reading (3)

EDUC 3120 Teaching Elementary School MATH (3)
EDUC 3170 Multicultural Education (3)
EDUC 4610 Assessment and Evaluation of Students (3)
EDUC 4170 Teaching English as Second Language (3)
EDUC 4420 Teaching Elementary School Science and Social Studies (3)
EDUC 4540 Field-Base III Teacher Prep Experience: Elementary (6-9)
EDUC 1190 Field-Base I Teacher Prep Experience (1)
EDUC 3510 Field-Base II Teacher Prep Experience (2)
EDUC 4440 Technology in Education (3)
EDUC 4450 Knowledge of the Profession (3) * (must be taken as a co-requisite with ECED 4520)

*EDUC 4450 must be taken in conjunction with EDUC4540.

Major Total: 36 credit hours
Prerequisites for Program Entry: 6 credit hours
Minor/2nd Major/Electives: 21+ credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Education Extended Core: 18 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Degree Total: 131-137 credit hours
This major requires completion of a minor. The degree total may be exceeded if additional minor or second major courses are needed. Additional courses may be required to meet the 45 upper division requirement.

Minor in Bilingual Education/TESOL (Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages)
The minor in bilingual education/TESOL offers an undergraduate preparation to instruct pupils bilingually so as to improve their ability to succeed in the public schools. Spanish 1210, 1220, 2210, (or 1110, 1120, 2110) and Spanish 3250 are prerequisites for Spanish 4330, 4410, and EDUC 4370. Students can consult the faculty in the Languages and Culture Department for a test-out option of lower-division courses. Courses listed above do not reflect the sequence in which they should be taken.

Required credits: 24 credit hours

ANTH 4610 Communication and Culture (3)


ENGL 4430 Sociolinguistics (3)
EDUC 4170 Teaching English as a Second Language (3)

RDED 4160 Teaching Reading and Language Arts in the Bilingual Classroom (3) *

EDUC 4120 Theories and Principles of Bilingual Education (3)
EDUC 4370 Instructional Methods for Use in Span-Bilingual Classroom (3) *

SPAN 3000 Advanced Grammar (3) *
SPAN 4330 Civilization and Culture of New Mexico and the Southwest (3) *
SPAN 4410 Spanish for the Bilingual Classroom (3) *

*Prerequisites: SPAN 1210, 1220, 2210, 2220 (or 1110, 1120, 2110, 2120); Corequisite: SPAN 3000

Minor Total: 24 credit hours

Minor in English as a Second Language (ESL)
The ESL program meets the requirements of the NMPED for an endorsement in English as a second language. The program includes courses offered in the departments of education, English, and anthropology.

Required credits 21 credit hours

Prerequisite/Corequisite: Minimum of two semesters of a second language or demonstrated proficiency

ENGL 3170 Introduction to Modern Grammar (3)

EDUC 3200 Language Acquisition and Ling for Teachers (3)

EDUC 4120 Theories and Principles of Bilingual Education (3)

ENGL 4430 Sociolinguistics (3)


ANTH 4610 Communication and Culture (3)

EDUC 4170 Teaching English as a Second Language (3)

EDUC 4200 Sheltered English for Content Area Instruction (3)

RDED 3150 Early Literacy (3)


RDED 4270 Reading in the Content Area (3)

Minor Totals: 21 credit hours

Minor in Secondary Education

(Teacher Preparation in Secondary Education)
Students who are preparing to become secondary-level teachers must complete a major from the many academic fields offered at New Mexico Highlands University; some will also select a content-area minor field. (See College of Arts and Sciences section for information.)

In addition, students must undertake a secondary education minor in the School of Education to prepare them for their chosen profession. The combination of courses in New Mexico Highlands University’s major field and in the general education curriculum provides the necessary subject-matter competencies for secondary teaching. This is best done through early advisement from the School of Education.

Licensing for secondary teaching in the state of New Mexico requires the following: completion of an appropriate academic major in a content field(s) completion of the general education core (54 credit hours). Secondary education minors may add a content-field minor as well. The adviser may assist the student in selecting the content field(s). Students must complete requirements for entrance to the School of Education which include EDUC 1120 taken in conjunction with EDUC 1190, and SPED 2110 with a minimum grade of C.

EDUC 1120 Introduction to Teaching (3)

SPED 2110 Introduction to Special Education (3)

Required courses: 28 credit hours

EDUC 1190 Field-Base I Teacher Preparation Experience (1)
EDUC 3020 Educational Psychology (3)

RDED 4270 Reading in the Content Area (3)

EDUC 3510 Field-Base II Teacher Preparation Experience (2)
EDUC 4100 Art and Science of Teaching in Secondary Schools (3)
EDUC 4440 Technology in Education (3)
EDUC 4450 Knowledge of the Profession (3) *
EDUC 4510 Field-Base III Teacher Preparation Experience- Secondary (6)
EDUC 4550 Classroom Management (3)

* Taken in conjunction with GNED 451 as a Field Base III block.

Major 32+ hours

Prerequisites: 6

Secondary Minor Total: 28 credit hours

Core requirements: 54 credit hours

Total: 120 credit hours minimum

Major in Special Education (BA)
Education students may select a major in special education or a dual major in elementary and special education. The major program meets requirements for special education licensure set by the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED).

Special education students receive instruction in using evidence-based teaching approaches for students with exceptionalities. Field-Base experiences are integrated into the instructional program. Students must complete the requirements for entrance to the Teacher Preparation Program.

The following requirements must be completed with a grade of C or better for entrance to the Teacher Preparation Program:

EDUC 1120 Introduction to Teaching (3) or its equivalent

SPED 2110 Introduction to Student’s with Exceptionalities (3)

Required courses: 30 credit hours

EDUC 1190 Field Base I Teacher Prep Experience (1) or its equivalent
EDUC 3510 Field Base II Teacher Prep Experience (2) or its equivalent
EDUC 4440 Computer Applications in Education (3)
RDED 4110 Teaching and Diagnosis of Reading (3)
SPED 4010 Diagnosis of the Exceptional Child (3)
SPED 4100 Curriculum and Methods for Students with Mild and Moderate Exceptionalities (3)
SPED 4200 Curriculum and Methods for Students with Severe Exceptionalities (3)
SPED 4300 Reading Instruct in Special Education (3)
SPED 4510 Field Base III Teacher Prep Experience: Special Education (6-9) or its equivalent
SPED 4550 Classroom Management (3)

Major Total: 36 credit hours
Prerequisites for Program Entry: 6 credit hours
Minor/2nd Major/Electives: 30 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Education Extended Core: 18 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Degree Total: 140-146 credit hours ***

*This major requires 6-credit hours of mathematics.

**This major requires a minor, second major or completion of an associate degree.

Additional courses may be required to meet the 45 upper division requirement.

Minor in Special Education Leading to Licensure
The minor in special education is available to students completing a teacher preparation (i.e., majoring in elementary education or minoring in secondary education). This minor satisfies University requirements. Prerequisite: 3 credit hours

SPED 2110: Introduction to Special Education (3)

Required: 24 credit hours

SPED 4120 Foundations of Gifted Education (3)
SPED 4010 Diagnosis of the Exceptional Child (3)
SPED 4100 Curriculum and Methods for Students with Mild and Moderate Exceptionalities (3)
SPED 4200 Curriculum and Methods for Students with Severe Exceptionalities (3)
SPED 4300 Reading Instruction in Special Education (3)
SPED 4510 Field Base III Teacher Prep Experience: Special Education (6-9)
SPED 4550 Classroom Management in Special Education (3)

Minor Total: 24 minimum credit hours

Minor in Special Education without Licensure
The minor in special education is available to students completing a teacher preparation (i.e., majoring in elementary education or minoring in secondary education). This minor satisfies University requirements. However, it does not satisfy New Mexico Public Education Department licensure requirements.

Prerequisite: 3 credit hours

SPED 2110: Introduction to Special Education (3)

Required: 24 credit hours

SPED 4120 Foundations of Gifted Education (3)
SPED 401: Diagnosis of the Exceptional Child (3)
SPED 410: Curriculum & Methods for Students with Mild and Moderate Exceptionalities (3)
SPED 420: Curriculum & Methods for Students with Severe Exceptionalities (3)
SPED 430: Reading Instruction in Special Education (3)
SPED 4180 Twice Exceptional and Special Pops of the Gifted (3)
SPED 455: Classroom Management in Special Education (3)

Minor in Gifted and Talented Education
The minor in gifted and talented education is available to students completing a teacher preparation (i.e. majoring in elementary education or minoring in secondary education). This minor satisfies University requirements. However, it does not satisfy New Mexico Public Education Department licensure requirements.

SPED 4120 Foundations of Gifted Education (3)
SPED 4140 Instructional Strategies for Gifted Education (3)
SPED 4160 Instructional Planning and Curriculum: Gifted Education (3)
SPED 4180 Twice Exceptional and Gifted Student (3)
SPED 4220 Learning Environment and Social Interaction: Gift Education (3)
SPED 4240 Family of Children with Exceptional and Gifted (3)
SPED 4260 Ethical Practices: Student w/Exception and Gifted (3)
SPED 4280 Achievement Test: Children w/Exception and Gifted (3)

Minor Total: 24 minimum credit hours

Facundo Valdez School of Social Work

Judith Barnstone, MSW, Ph.D., Interim Dean
Lora Shields Science Annex and Albuquerque Center
505-260-6183 or 505-426-2058
Email: jebarnstone@nmhu.edu

The Facundo Valdez School of Social Work has been accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) since 1974 and is accredited through 2028. The Facundo Valdez School of Social Work has been recognized by North Central Accreditation as an Academic School of Excellence.

Mission of the School of Social Work
The mission of the Facundo Valdez School of Social Work is to educate students to practice social work competently with the diverse, multicultural populations of New Mexico and the Southwest. This context of cultural and regional responsiveness informs the school’s creation and implementation of all its educational programs.

The school has a primary commitment to Hispanic and Native American people. Our curriculum grounds students in core professional social work values and skills and ethical principles and promotes a focused awareness and respect for cultural differences and how poverty affects the well-being of people in the region.

The BSW program extends this mission to its undergraduate students. The BSW curriculum focuses on preparing students to be competent and ethical generalist practitioners able to effectively respond to the diverse populations and contexts of New Mexico and the Southwest. The New Mexico Highlands University Board of Regents approved, on December 17, 2015, a change in the name for the School of Social Work to honor the founder of the School, Facundo Valdez.

The Facundo Valdez School of Social Work offers the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Program at the main campus, Las Vegas, New Mexico, and at the following four campus locations:

  • NMHU SSW at Albuquerque, Albuquerque, NM
  • NMHU Rio Rancho Center, Rio Rancho, NM
  • NMHU at San Juan College (SJC), Farmington, NM
  • NMHU at Higher Education Center (HEC), Santa Fe, NM

Faculty and Administration
Facundo Valdez School of Social Work at Las Vegas (Main Campus)
Box 9000
Las Vegas, NM 87701

Administration – Facundo Valdez School of Social Work at Las Vegas
Judith Barnstone, Ph.D., MSW, Interim Dean jebarnstone@nmhu.edu (Albuquerque)
Lawrence M. Montaño, MSW, Student Support Specialist, lmmontano@nmhu.edu

Faculty – Facundo Valdez School of Social Work
Jeannette Baca, DSW, LISW, LMSW, jmbaca@nmhu.edu (Las Vegas/NMHU Santa Fe Center at HEC)
Benjamin Bencomo, DSW, LISW/LCSW, bbencomo@nmhu.edu (Las Vegas)
Sreyashi, Chakravarty, Ph.D., MA, schakravarty@nmhu.edu (Albuquerque)
Emet Ma’ayan, LCSW, emetmaayan@nmhu.edu (Albuquerque)
Rey Martinez, Ph.D. LMSW, rcmartinez@nmhu.edu (Farmington)
Amy Messex, LISW, LCSW, amessex@nmhu.edu (Albuquerque)
Rebecca Moore, Ph.D., MSW rmmoore@nmhu.edu (Las Vegas)
Dolores Ortega, Ed.D., MSW ortegad@nmhu.edu (Las Vegas)
Frances Ortega, Ph. D., fortega@nmhu.edu (Albuquerque)
Reaeann Rivera, LCSW, reyna@nmhu.edu (Albuquerque)
John Tourangeau, Ph.D., LCSW, jtourangeau@nmhu.edu (Las Vegas)
Erik Rolstad, Ph.D., MSW

Facundo Valdez School of Social Work at Albuquerque
5041 Indian School Rd. NE, Suite 100
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Administration – Facundo Valdez School of Social Work at Albuquerque
Judith Barnstone, Ph.D., MSW, Interim Dean
Kristen Stephenson, Senior Administrative Assistant
Valerie Valles-Pedroza, LCSW, SWEEP Grant Coordinator
Melissa Riley, Ph.D., Director, Native American Social Work Studies Institute
Tamara Thiedeman, LCSW, Field Director
Marian Vargas, MSW, Student Support Specialist
Molly Swank, MSW, Field Coordinator
Helen Robertson, MIRLS, Librarian

Facundo Valdez School of Social Work Rio Rancho Center
See: School of Social Work at Albuquerque
Joseph Moreno, Metro Center Manager

NMHU at Higher Education Center (HEC), Santa Fe
1950 Siringo Road
Santa Fe, NM, 87505
PHONE: 505.426.2126 FAX: 505.428.1147

Administration – NMHU at HEC
Jeannette Baca, DSW, LISW/LMSW, (NMHU Santa Fe Center at HEC)
See also: NMHU SSW at Las Vegas

NMHU at San Juan College
4601 College Boulevard
Farmington, NM 87402
505.566.3552 FAX: 505.566.3584

Administration – NMHU at SJC
Rey Martinez, Ph.D., LMSW Professor of Social Work (Farmington)
Sharon Doom, Student Support Specialist/Social Work Program Coordinator
Summer Charley, Administrative Assistant

Bachelor of Social Work Program (BSW)
The Bachelor of Social Work prepares generalist social work practitioners with the knowledge, skills, values, and ethical principles necessary to practice with Hispanic, American Indian, and other diverse populations of New Mexico and the Southwest.

The curriculum builds upon a liberal arts perspective and prepares students at a generalist level to understand and evaluate the role of the social work practitioner in the delivery of human services.

The program is a 53-credit major, completed in four full-time semesters. Students majoring in social work are not required to complete a minor program of study. Prior to beginning the BSW program, the proficiency, extended core, general education core and general elective courses may be completed at the NMHU – Las Vegas campus or local universities and community colleges. Approved equivalent coursework may be accepted in transfer from other two- or four-year regionally accredited educational institutions.

Prospective students are encouraged to contact the school for pre-program advisement, course sequencing and major requirements. Please note that course sequencing is subject to change depending on program needs.

Academic advisers are available at each site to review and guide students on their progress to transition into the BSW program. It is advised that prospective students address all pre-program coursework prior to beginning the BSW program. Upon matriculation into the BSW program, students are assigned an academic adviser. Although almost all students complete the BSW program within two years of their undergraduate education, the maximum time limit is five years. It is the student’s responsibility, with the assistance of an academic adviser, to develop a program of study that details the semesters in which individual courses are to be taken.

Code of Ethics
All students in social work are required to have knowledge of and adhere to the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics.

Transfer of Credit
Transfer of credit for social work courses will not be considered unless courses have been completed at another school of social work accredited by the Council of Social Work Education (CSWE). Courses must have been completed within five years from the date of enrollment.

Incomplete Grades
Incomplete grades in prerequisite courses must be completed prior to registering for the following semester. Students will not be permitted to continue until the incomplete (I) mark is removed from the official transcript.

Students Holding an Associate of Arts or Associate of Applied Science Degree
Any student with an associate of arts or associate of applied science (AAS) degree may present an academic transcript to be considered for course credit transfer. Upon verification that the AA or AAS academic transcript demonstrates completion of coursework equivalent to the required University proficiency and core curriculum requirements, the AA or AAS degree will be accepted for transfer and the student will be given credit toward completion of the BSW degree. Students who hold an Associate of Arts/Associate of Science or Associate of Applied Science degree will apply to NMHU through the official website. When applying, students will be asked to complete a brief application specific to the Facundo Valdez School of Social Work. The social work application will be reviewed by the school as part of the admission process. A minimum of 120 credit hours is needed to complete the BSW degree, which is comprised of 67 credit hours of pre-program coursework and 53 credit hours of social work courses. A student may have to take additional elective courses to meet the New Mexico Highlands University 120-credit-hour requirement to complete the degree.

Transfer courses are evaluated on a course-by-course basis to determine whether they meet the general core requirements. Students are encouraged to complete the AA/AS or AAS degree and the 35-hour common core and program prerequisites during their freshman and sophomore years to assure completion of the bachelor’s degree within two additional years.

Field Practicum
BSW students are required to complete 448 hours of field practicum during their senior year, either in a concurrent or a block placement. Students in field practicum must complete all University core requirements and all 300-level (junior standing) courses prior to enrolling in field practicum. All practicum placements require the approval of the director/coordinator of field education.

Students are placed with the same community agency for two days, 16 hours per week, for two consecutive semesters. BSW students enrolled in concurrent practicum placement must also register for one field practicum seminar course each semester. Concurrent field practicums are offered as fall-spring or as spring-summer placements.

Block field practicum placements are only offered during the summer term. Students must complete all required social work courses prior to beginning block placement/practicum. Students enrolled in a block field practicum placement are placed with a community agency for five days, 40 hours per week, for approximately 12 weeks. BSW students must enroll in two field seminars and two field practicum courses the summer they are in block practicum.

Student Stipends
The Facundo Valdez School of Social Work, in partnership with the Children, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD), offers stipends to students who wish to pursue a career in child welfare under the Title IV-E stipend program. All undergraduate students ready to enter senior-level coursework are eligible to apply for the stipends. Students must conduct their field practicum with a CYFD office for one academic year.

Stipend recipients are required to take the SOWK 4000 Children’s Services course. The average stipend amount awarded to students is $11,000 per academic year. Amount of stipend award is subject to change.

Upon completion of the BSW program, stipend recipients must work for CYFD for a period of 18 months for each academic year a stipend is received. Stipend application information is provided to all students during the second semester of their junior year.

Student Association
Students are encouraged to participate in the Undergraduate Social Work Student Association (UGSWSA) and other University student associations.

Student Responsibilities
Students are responsible for knowing and following the correct procedures and for meeting the conditions established for their academic programs. This includes completion of all University and school course requirements.

Grade Point Average
A grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 is required for admission to the Bachelor of Social Work major program. Additionally, the student must maintain at least a 2.5 GPA to continue in and complete the program.

Application and Admissions Process for Entrance to the Social Work Major
Students interested in pursuing a BSW degree at New Mexico Highlands University must:

  • Apply for admission to New Mexico Highlands University (this applies to students who have not previously attended NMHU).
  • Have a minimum of a 2.5 GPA.
  • Complete lower division coursework that meets the New Mexico Highlands University proficiency and liberal arts requirements.
  • A minimum of 120 credit hours is required to complete a BSW degree. This includes the 75 credit hours of pre-program coursework and 53 credit hours of BSW courses for the major. A student may have to take additional elective courses to meet the New Mexico Highlands University 120-credit-hour requirement to complete the degree.

Major in Social Work
The social work major, leading to a Bachelor of Social Work degree, consists of 53 credit units. Students majoring in social work are not required to have a minor program of study. Students must complete all required 3000-level courses before proceeding to take 4000-level senior courses.

Required courses: 53 credit hours

SOWK 3300 Research Methods 1 (3)
SOWK 3310 Law and Ethics (3)
SOWK 3410 Social Policy and Services 1 (3)
SOWK 3650 Generalist Social Work Practice 1 (3)
SOWK 3660 Generalist SW Practice 2 (Interviewing and Assessment) (3)
SOWK 3830 HBSE 3 (Human Diversity and Multicultural Theory) (3)
SOWK 3850 HBSE 1 (Group, Org, and Com Theories) (3)
SOWK 3860 HBSE 2 (Individual and Family Theories) (3)
SOWK 4300 Research Methods 2 (3)
SOWK 4320 Field Practicum 1 (4)
SOWK 4340 Field Practicum 2 (4)
SOWK 4440 Case Management (3)
SOWK 4510 Field Practicum Seminar 1 (1)
SOWK 4520 Field Practicum Seminar 2 (1)
SOWK 4650 Generalist Social Work Practice 3 (3)
SOWK 4660 Generalist Social Work Practice 4 (Macro Practice) (3)
SOWK 4680 Theories of SW Practice (3)
SW Electives: choose two courses (4)

Major Total: 53 credit hours
Core Requirements: 21 credit hours
Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours
Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours
Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours
General Electives to 120 (if needed): 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 120 credit hours

*A minor is not required. Additional credits may be required to meet the 45 upper division requirements.

Interdepartmental Programs
General Science Degrees for Secondary School Teachers:

Major in General Science for Secondary Teachers (BA)
The purpose of the major is to provide science teachers in training with a fundamentally strong background in the basic sciences. Therefore, a greater pool of talent in the field of science education will be created from which surrounding middle schools and high schools can draw. The program has been designed to emphasize the fundamental understanding of both physical and life sciences. Courses will be selected from biology, geology, chemistry, computer science, and physics. The objectives of the general science major are to:

1) Provide science teachers in training with a multidisciplinary program that will adequately prepare them to teach the science courses expected in middle school and high school science programs.

2) Prepare science teachers to develop each of the competencies required by the State Board of Education for licensure in science education.

Students must complete the NMHU Core Curriculum requirements, which should include a minimum of MATH 1220 and eight credits from the lab sciences listed below. MATH 1510 and MATH1250 are required for the BS rather than a BA degree. The BS degree is recommended for students preparing to teach high school.

Required core: 49 credit hours

BIOL 2110 Principles of Biology, Cellular and Molecular Biology (4)
BIOL 2620 Ecology and Evolution (4)
CHEM 1215 General Chemistry 1 (3)
CHEM 1225 General Chemistry 2 (3)
CHEM 1215L General Chemistry Lab 1 (2)
CHEM 1225 General Chemistry Lab 2 (2)
CS 1440 Introduction to Computer Science (3)
GEOL 1110 Survey of Earth Science (4)
GEOL 2110 Earth Histories (4)
BIOL 4200 Teaching Science and MATH in Secondary School (3)

Choose one set from the following:

PHYS 1230 Algebra Physics 1 (4)
PHYS 1240 Algebra Physics 2 (4)


PHYS 1310 Calculus Physics 1 (5)
PHYS 1320 Calculus Physics 2 (5)

Choose one of the following:

BIOL 3590 Fundamentals of Lab Safety (1)
CHEM 3590 Fundamentals of Lab Safety (1)

Total Core: 43 credit hours

Electives: 16 credit hours
With the advice of a science adviser, select at least one course from each of biology, chemistry and geology for a minimum of 16 credits above the 3000 level. In addition, the student must undertake a minor in secondary education. Students must fulfill requirements for entrance to teacher preparation and licensure. Please refer to the School of Education for details.

Major Total: 59 credit hours

Minor in General Science for Elementary Teachers
The purpose of the minor is to provide elementary school teachers in training with a strong background in a variety of concepts in life science, physical science, and earth and space science. Students should consult with an adviser early in their academic career to select the appropriate courses and avoid possible problems with prerequisites or scheduling. Not all of the 3000- or 4000- level classes are offered every semester or even every year. The objectives of the general science minor are to:

  • Provide pre-service elementary teachers with a program that will adequately prepare and encourage them to teach the most fundamental science concepts to students at the elementary school level.
  • Broaden the scope of science to elementary school teachers in training, so they will be well versed in all aspects of science allowing them to develop methods in which to relay the content material to their students so that the students can fully understand the concepts. This minor does not satisfy the Secondary School endorsement requirements (grades 7-12) for the State of New Mexico.

Minor in Combined Science
The combined science minor at NMHU allows students to select courses in two or more of the science fields to include behavioral science, computer science, math, life science and /or physical science. Also, students are advised to remember that New Mexico Highlands University requires that all minors contain at least 12 credit hours at the 3000- to 4000- level. A minor in combined science may be used to satisfy the New Mexico Highlands University requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree of a minor in a science field.

University Studies Degree

Bachelor of Arts in University Studies
Dr. Eric Romero, Director
E-mail: ericromero@nmhu.edu

Major in University Studies (BA)
The Bachelor of University Studies Program is designed for students who choose to complete a course of study without having declared specifics major or minor. Students can design programs of study in alignment with particular career skills, areas of personal interest or creative compositions of content knowledge. This interdisciplinary and integrated design for study equips students with a variety of learning opportunities and develops a range of transferable skills applicable to all disciplines and to the work force.

A Track 1 Plan begins with FYEX 1111 course that describes the program and develops an understanding of Student Learning Outcomes (SLO). Students will then determine a personal Plan of Study that identifies 45 credit hours completion: They may choose 30 Credit hours in one specific theme area and 15 credit hours in three separate themes. Student may also choose a three (3) thematic area specialization of 15 credit hours in three separate themes. Students will meet with academic adviser to design a personal Plan of Study (POS) to be submitted to the Office of the Registrar. This Track 1 Option will be attractive and viable for entry-level students that have not determined a particular Major/Minor plan of study. The UNST 4000 Capstone course will finalize student’s specialization in their thematic areas of choice. The Capstone will emphasize a pragmatic service-learning or civic engagement projected that intends to align student learning with actual areas of employment, service, and personal growth.

A Track II Plan allows transfer students to similarly design a Plan of Study that emphasizes the five University Studies Outcomes Objectives. Transfer students will begin their planning with a UNST 3000 level University Studies course that sets the foundations for engaged learning and degree planning. Track II students will also have the options of 30 Credit hours in one specific theme area and 15 credit hours in a second theme area or may choose three (3) thematic area specialization of 15 credit hours in three separate themes. Many transfer students have already developed thematic specialization that can be considered as part of the 45 credit hours content areas. This option would be viable to NMHU Center students that have limited selection of onsite and online course availability.

In addition to the concentration and/ or emphasis area course requirements, all other University requirements for a bachelor’s degree must be met. The minimum total credit hours required for graduation is 120. Forty-Five of the 120 credits hours must be upper-division credit hours (3000-4000). The final year must be completed as a New Mexico Highlands University student with a declared BUS Plan of Study form completed and approved by the BUS Coordinator. An overall GPA of a 2.0 is required for graduation.

Track I

FYEX 1111 Introduction to University Studies (3)
Thematic Area 1 (30)
Thematic Area 2 (15)
UNST 4000 Capstone


FYEX 1111 Introduction to University Studies (3)
Thematic Area 1 (15)
Thematic Area 2 (15)
Thematic Area 3 (15)
UNST 4000 University Studies Capstone (3)

Major Total: 51 Credit hours
Proficiency Total: 6 credit hours
Core total: 45 credit hours
Extended core: 5 credit hours
Electives to 120: 5 credit hours*

Total for degree: 120 credit hours

*A minor is not required. Additional credit hours may be required to meet the 120-credit degree requirement of proficiency, or the required courses are waived for content only. The English and math proficiency courses do not count towards New Mexico Highlands University’s 120-unit degree. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Track II

UNST 3000 University Studies Program Planning (3)
Thematic Area 1 (30 credit hours)
Thematic Area 2 (15 credit hours)
UNST 4000 University Studies Capstone (3)


UNST 3000 University Studies Program Planning (3)
Thematic Area 1 (15)
Thematic Area 2 (15)
Thematic Area 3 (15)
UNST 4000 University Studies Capstone (3)

Major Total: 51 credit hours
Proficiency Total: 11 credit hours
Core Total: 35 credit hours
Electives to 120: 5 credit hours

Total for degree: 120 Credit hours

Gender and Women’s Studies (GNDR)
Gender and Women’s studies is an interdisciplinary field that grew out of the recognition that the experience and potential of over half the world’s population has real consequences for academic study and teaching, research and scholarship. By considering women-both-as subjects of inquiry and as inquiring subjects, we have discovered new ways of thinking about gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity and their intersections in disciplines. The minor is a total of 21 credit hours.

Required Courses: 9 credit hours

GNDR 2225 Introduction to Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies (3)
GNDR 3000 Feminist Theory (3)
GNDR 4990 Independent Research (3)

Electives: 12 credit hours Choose are least 12 additional credit hours from the list of women’s studies courses in consultation with the major adviser.

CJUS 4090 Domestic & Sexual Violence (3)

ENGL 3140 Women in Literature (3)
ENGL 3150 Native American Women’s Literature: Voices and Visions (3)
ENGL 3180 Chicano/a Literature (3)
ENGL 4640 Women and Rhetoric (3)

GNDR 2225 Introduction to Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies (3)

HLED 3520 Health & Sex Education (3)

HIST 4110 Women in the US (3)

PSYC 4220 Human Sexuality (3)

PSYC 4300 Gender Roles (3)

SOWK 4290 Family Violence (3)

SPAN 4060 Hispanic Women Authors (3)

SOCI 2225 Introduction to Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies (3)
SOCI/ANTH/CJUS/GNDR 4250 Social and Transformative Justice (3)
SOCI 4290 Gender, Culture, and Society (3)SOCI/ANTH 4540 Women and Globalization (3)

Minor total: 21 credit hours

Cognitive Science Minor
Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary field concerned with the nature of the mind. Drawing on the resources of mathematics, philosophy, psychology, computer science, linguistics, and other disciplines, students of cognitive science study such phenomena as consciousness, the relation of the mind to the body, and the nature and limits of computation. This discipline addresses long-standing questions about the nature of thought, intelligence, perception, emotion, and other aspects of mental life by examining the way information is processed in computers, the nature of language, and the relation of cognition to the brain.

Required courses: 12 credit hours

CS 4710 Art Intelligence (3)
CS 4720 Cognitive Science (3)
PHIL 3050/4050 Major Philosophical Movements (3)
PSYC 3190 Memory & Cognitive Processes (3)

Electives: 12 credit hours

Choose four courses from the following list:

ANTH 4610 Communication & Culture (3)

OR ENGL 4420 Contemporary English Linguistics (3)

CS 3160 Programs in Lisp & Prolog (3)
CS 4310 Database Management (3)

MATH 3200 Linear Algebra (3)
MATH 4600 Applied Multivariate Statistics (3)

PHIL 1120 Logic, Reasoning & Critical Thinking (3)

PSY 4100 Physiological Psychology (3)
PSY 4110 Techniques in Physiological Psychology

Minor total: 24 credit hours

Course Descriptions

Accounting (ACCT), Courses in

ACCT 2110. Principles of Accounting I (3); Fa, Sp
An introduction to financial accounting concepts emphasizing the analysis of business transactions in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), the effect of these transactions on the financial statements, financial analysis, and the interrelationships of the financial statements. Previous NMHU ACCT 287.

ACCT 2120. Principles of Accounting II (3); Fa, Sp
An introduction to the use of accounting information in the management decision making processes of planning, implementing, and controlling business activities. In addition, the course will discuss the accumulation and classification of costs as well as demonstrate the difference between costing systems. Prerequisite: ACCT 2110. Previous NMHU ACCT 288.

ACCT 2900 – 4900. Independent Study (1-4 VC); Var
Independent study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ACCT 290-490

ACCT 3210. Individual Taxation (3); Fa
Study of federal tax legislation as applied to individual incomes, with some study of taxation on business. Recommended for non-business majors. Prerequisite: ACCT 2110 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ACCT 321.

ACCT 3870. Intermediate Accounting 1 (3); Fa, Sp
Critical study of standards for asset valuation and income determination. Prerequisites: ACCT 2120 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ACCT 387.

ACCT 3880. Intermediate Accounting 2 (3); Fa, Sp
A continuation of ACCT 3870. Study of liabilities recognition and measurement and stockholder’s equity. Prerequisite: ACCT 3870 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ACCT 388.

ACCT 4040. Cost Accounting (3); Fa
A study of the job order, process, and standard cost system. Prerequisites: ACCT 2120 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ACCT 404.

ACCT 4100. Accounting Technology (3); Fa
A study of computerized financial accounting technology using integrated accounting systems. Prerequisite: ACCT 2110. Previous NMHU ACCT 410.

ACCT 4350. ST: Selected Topics in Accounting (3); Var
Course in a topic or topics in accounting. May be repeated with a change in content. Previous NMHU ACCT 435.

ACCT 4810. Accounting Information Systems (3); Fa
This course examines the formal accounting information system with emphasis on the application of general theory of information to the problem of efficient economic operations. Prerequisite: ACCT 3870.

ACCT 4850. Financial Statement Analysis (3); Sp
This course provides a foundation for reading and interpreting a firm’s financial statements. The course focuses on a firm’s 10-K fillings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The course will analyze various components of the firm’s filings, including financial statements, management discussion and analysis, footnotes, and auditor’s opinion on financial statements and footnotes. The course covers both the practical interpretation from reading the firm’s 10-K and the underlying accounting theory. Prerequisites: ACCT 2110 and BFIN 2110. Previous NMHU ACCT 485.

ACCT 4870. Advanced Accounting Topics (3); Fa
Advanced topics in accounting, with emphasis on consolidated financial statements. Prerequisite: ACCT 3010 and ACCT 3880.

ACCT 4890. Governmental Accounting (3); Sp
This course covers accounting principles and procedures for governmental and institutional units and fiduciaries. In addition, the course provides a foundation for not-for-profit accounting. Prerequisite: ACCT 2110. Previous NMHU ACCT 489.

ACCT 4920. Auditing (3); Sp
Techniques of auditing procedures. Prerequisite: ACCT 3880 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ACCT 492.

Anthropology (ANTH_C), Courses in

ANTH 1140. Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3); Fa, Sp
This is an introductory course that provides an overview of cultural anthropology as a subfield within the broader discipline of anthropology and as a research approach within the social sciences more generally. The course presents core concepts and methods of cultural anthropology that are used to understand the ways in which human beings organize and experience their lives through distinctive cultural practices. More specifically, this course explores social and cultural differences and similarities around the world through a variety of topics such as: language and communication, economics, ways of making a living, marriage and family, kinship and descent, race, ethnicity, political organization, supernatural beliefs, sex and gender, and globalization. This course ultimately aims to present a broad range of perspectives and practices of various cultural groups from across the globe. Previous NMHU ANTH 102.

ANTH 1215. Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology (3); Fa, Sp
Introduction to physical anthropology and archaeology in the investigation of the possible origins, distribution, adaptation, and evolution of early humans, up to the rise of civilization in the Old and New Worlds. Beginning today we will embark upon a study of the principles of physical anthropology and archaeology, with a specific focus on our human origins. We will work our way from the earliest possible human ancestors through the development of modern humans and the practices that make us unique among the primates. Previous NMHU ANTH 103.

ANTH 2140. Indigenous Peoples of North America (3); Var
This course is a general survey of the history and ethnology of indigenous groups in North America. The course is designed to give students a comprehensive view of major issues pertaining to the indigenous cultures of North America, such as family structure, social organization, subsistence and contemporary economies, environmental adaptation, Indian-White relations, religious practices, and contemporary issues. Previous NMHU ANTH 274.

ANTH 2350 – 4350. ST: Selected Topic in Anthropology (I-4 VC); Var
Course in a topic or topics in anthropology. May be repeated with change of content. Previous ANTH 235-435.

ANTH 2990. Independent Research (3); Var
Individual directed research arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ANTH 299.

ANTH 3000. Classical Social Theory (3); Fa
Survey of classical social theories – from enlightenment to Early 20th Century – that have contributed to Sociology’s and Anthropology’s core research and teaching traditions. Prerequisite: SOCI 1110 or ANTH 1140 and any 3/4000 ANTH/CJUS or SOCI course. Previous NMHU SOC 300.

ANTH 3030. Anthropological Theory (3); Var
A survey of the major directions in contemporary American and Western European anthropology. Prerequisite: ANTH 1140 or ANTH 1215. Previous NMHU ANTH 303.

ANTH 3300. Research Methods in Social Relations (3); Fa
This course is the first in the series of methodology courses offered by sociology. The course examines the ways in which social scientist investigates society and social phenomena. Student will be led through some of the same reasoning that researchers use whey they think about doing their work in a professional setting. Students will learn how to survey and identify major research issues and methods using both quantitative and qualitative studies. The main objective of this course is to develop an interest among students to challenge ideas that are presented as fact and be able ask questions related to the research process (including design, sampling, data gathering and generalization issues). Students are expected to be able to apply their understanding of the research process to answer questions they find interesting by adopting appropriate methodology. Communicating their findings from various projects is essential. Topics covered include research design, measurement, sampling techniques, surveys, experiments, field research, unobtrusive research measure, applied research, and an introduction to data analysis and report writing. Prerequisite: one introductory course in sociology or anthropology. Previous ANTH 330.

ANTH 3520. Laboratory Research (I-3 VC); Var
Research experience in the anthropology laboratory. May be repeated. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ANTH 352.

ANTH 3740. Indian Cultures of Central America (3); Var
A study of the native people, cultures, and culture areas of Central America. Prerequisite: ANTH 1140 or instructor permission. Previous NHU ANTH 374.

ANTH 3980. Anthropological Field Studies (2-4 VC); Var
Ethnological and/or archaeological field studies in selected sites. The destination and time in the field vary and are announced at the time of offering. A preparation session before departure is required. Prerequisite: ANTH 1140 or ANTH 1215 and permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ANTH 398.

ANTH 4100. Method and Theory in Archaeology (3); 2, 2 Var
The purpose, techniques, methods and theory of archaeology in the study of the human past and in the context of modern science. Prerequisites: ANTH 1140 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ANTH 410.

ANTH 4110. People and Plants in Prehistory (3); Var
The question of subsistence is central to every archaeological inquiry. The specialized field of paleoethnobotany allows us to infer dietary habits from charred plant remains recovered during archaeological excavations. This course familiarizes students with field methods employed in the recovery of botanical remains (samplings, flotation, capture, and drying) and lab methods used to identify and interpret them. Special emphasis will be placed on identifying wild and domestic plants used by prehistoric peoples of northeastern New Mexico. Prerequisite: ANTH 1140 or ANTH 1215. Previous NMHU ANTH 411.

ANTH 4120. Lithic Technology and Analysis (3); Var
This course familiarizes students with the study of stone tools in archaeological contexts. We wish to learn from which materials these tools were made, the techniques that were employed, and how they came to be discarded to become part of the archaeological record. We also wish to know from where the materials came and what properties caused them to be selected for the purpose or purposes for which they were chosen. Accordingly, the course is broken into four general areas: geology, technology, analysis, and interpretation. Prerequisite: ANTH 1215. Previous NMHU ANTH 412.

ANTH 4130. Archaeology of the Southwest (3); 2, 2 Var
Study of prehistoric cultures, before 1500, of the greater Southwest and Northern New Mexico. Prerequisite: One introductory course in sociology or anthropology. Previous ANTH 413.

ANTH 4140. Field Methods in Archaeology (2-6 VC); Su
Instruction in archaeology field and laboratory techniques and methods. Prerequisite: ANTH 4100 or permission of instructor. Previous ANTH 414.

ANTH 4150. Development and Sociocultural Change (3); Var
This course concerns the nature and consequences of development and culture change. The focus is on contemporary issues and the many ways in which anthropology is used outside its purely academic context: how anthropology is applied to contemporary human issues, how it benefits society, and how it advances theoretical knowledge. Prerequisite: One introductory course in anthropology or sociology. Cross-listed as: SOC 4150. Previous NMHU ANTH 415.

ANTH 4160. Ceramic Analysis (3); Var
The purpose of this course is to familiarize the student with pottery-making in prehistoric contexts, the geology and petrography involved, stylistic and iconographic themes, and how to analyze a prehistoric ceramic assemblage. Accordingly, the course is divided into several general areas: geology and the mineralogical and chemical makeup of clays; history of ceramic manufacture and trade; technological production of pottery including clay sources, vessel properties, shape, form, function and design; and the uses of style in questions of social ties and affiliations. Prerequisites: ANTH 1140 and ANTH 1215.

ANTH 4180. Beliefs and Practices Among Southwest Native Americans (3); Var
This course provides an overview of Southwest Native Americans beliefs and practice. It will focus on the sacred ecology, mythology, world view, ritual, and dance complex of a number of diverse tribes within the American Southwest. Southwest Native American and practices will be placed within the larger historical and contemporary social, political, and cultural contexts. Prerequisite: ANTH 1140 or ANTH 1215 or SOCI 1110. Previous NMHU ANTH 418.

ANTH 4190. Environmental Sociology (3); Var
This course will explore contemporary sociological perspectives on the environment and society. The course also considers how social movements have emerged in response to environmental degradation. Prerequisites: SOCI 1110 or ANTH 1140.

ANTH 4200. Anthropology Goes to the Movies (3); Var
The course features ethnographic films that explore cross-cultural themes about identities (race-ethnicity, nationality, political organization, religion, gender, class, sexuality, and so on) primarily through film and secondarily through ethnographic texts. Course readings, films, class lectures and discussions will examine the themes of cinematic (visual and auditory) manipulation of audience’s perceptions and interpretations, research and ethics and accountabilities, and the politics of ethnographic representation. Students will learn about film in anthropology by viewing and discussing films that reflect various anthropological principles. Thinking about anthropology films will require talking and writing about the subject. Prerequisite: ANTH 1140 or ANTH 1215 or SOCI 1110. Previous NMHU ANTH 420.

ANTH 4220. Magic, Witchcraft, and Healing (3); Var
The course addresses the origins, elements, forms, and symbolism of religion, provides a comparative survey of religious beliefs, myths, practices and symbolism, and focuses on religion in the context of culture, and teaches the appreciation of religious differences. Prerequisite: One introductory course in sociology or anthropology. Cross-listed as: SOC 4220. Previous NMHU ANTH 422.

ANTH 4240. Violence and Society (3); Var
In this course, violence will be studies as social phenomena. The course includes general descriptions and theories of violence as well as considerations to reduce lethal and non-lethal violence in society. Prerequisite: SOCI 1110 or ANTH 1140 and junior level classification.

ANTH 4250. Social and Transformative Justice (3); Var
This class uses interdisciplinary perspectives to explore the ways that social justice is understood, theorized, and put into practice. The class explores different generations of relationships to social justice and human rights strategies as well as social movements in the U.S. and globally. Prerequisites: SOCI 1110 or ANTH 1140 or GNDR 2225.

ANTH 4260. Gender, Food, and Culture (3); Var
This class takes interdisciplinary gendered perspectives to explore the ways that food behaviors and beliefs surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of food, influence constructions of identity, femininity/masculinity, culture, sexuality, and reinforce and contest gender hierarchies. Prerequisite: SOCI 1110.

ANTH 4280. Comp Systems of Social Control (3); Fa
This course is sociological and anthropological analysis of social control and law in a variety of social, cultural and global contexts. Prerequisite: SOCI 1110 or SOCI 2120. Previous NMHU ANTH 428.

ANTH 4290. Gender, Culture, and Society (3); Var
This course provides a foundation for understanding gender as expressed within and influenced by society. Cross-culturally, men and women are perceived as different; often as opposites. This perception can affect the quality of life, both on a structural level (in terms of wages earned, jobs held) and on an interpersonal level (in terms of expression of self/autonomy). Various theoretical perspectives are explored to understand why this perception of difference exists, how it translates into inequality, and how it is learned. Prerequisite: ANTH 1140 or SOCI 1110 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ANTH 429.

ANTH 4320. Visual Sociology (3); Var
Visual sociology involves the use of photographs, film, audio, and video to study society, create sociological projects. This course focuses on visual and audio-based strategies for sociological research, including field research. The visual/audio production is a data gathering technology used for etlinography, participant observations, oral history, and the use of urban or rural space. Specifically, we will examine the uses of visual /audial technologies in sociology to capture the images and apply critical analyses to study social structures and social relationships particularly as they relate to systems of oppression and their interlocking nature (gender, sexuality, race, ability, nationality, class…). Additionally, we will explore the sociological dimensions of visual & audio expression on society and consider how such production can be used in a transformative fashion and improve lived experiences. Note, that this is a sociology/qualitative research course, and it will not emphasize the technical/lab training in visual production. Students do not need to know technical usage of programs and equipment. Prerequisites: SOCI 1110 or ANTH 1140 or GNDR 2225.

ANTH 4360. Sociology of Human Rights (3); Var
A sociological perspective on human rights is uniquely situated to interpret and analyze economic, political, social, and cultural conditions under which human rights and policies are developed, conceptualized, realized, and monitored. Sociologists conceptualize human rights not as immutable attributes but as highly contested claims that shift and transform across history and geographic space. Prerequisites: SOCI 1110 or ANTH 1140.

ANTH 4380. New Social Justice Movements: A World of Protests, Cultural Resistance and Community Building (3); Var
Cultural changes over the past two decades have led to a proliferation of new social justice movements globally. This class examines the changing economic and political relations, based on the ownership and control of essential resources (e.g., information technologies and communication) which raise important questions for community organizing in an increasingly privatized, postindustrial world of a knowledge society. Prerequisites: SOCI 1110 or ANTH 1140 or CJUS or GNDR 2000.

ANTH 4420. Forensic Anthropology and Osteology (4); 3, 2 Var
Presentation and application of biological anthropology techniques in the identification of humans from skeletal remains. Prerequisite: ANTH 1140 or ANTH 1215 or SOCI 1110. Previous NMHU ANTH 442.

 ANTH 4500. Seminar in Anthropology (1-4 VC); Var
Seminar in anthropology. May be repeated which a change in topic. Prerequisite: ANTH 1140 or ANTH 1215 and permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ANTH 450.

ANTH 4540. Women and Globalization (3); Var
This class considers the varied gendered dimensions of development, globalization, labor markets and the many challenges to the established approaches to development especially those that privilege political and economic aspects rendering much of women’s involvement invisible. Placing women, gender and their various communities at the center begins to highlight such activities and brings into the conversation the role of culture. Prerequisite: SOCI 1110 or ANTH 1140 or GNDR 2225 Previous NMHU ANTH 454.

ANTH 4560. U.S.-Mexico Immigration: Border Issues (3); Var
Socially and culturally, economically, and demographically no international process has affected everyday life in the United States more than Mexican immigration. The course will examine the evolution, expansion and maintenance of processes and structures that have come to institutionalize the unspoken immigration “agreements” between these two nations. Prerequisite: ANTH 1140 or SOCI 1110. Previous NMHU ANTH 456.

ANTH 4610. Communication and Culture (3); Fa
Anthropological linguistics, focusing on investigations of the relationships between language and culture. Prerequisite: One introductory course in sociology or anthropology. Prerequisite: ANTH 1140 or SOCI 1110. Previous NMHU ANTH 461.

ANTH 4740. Contemporary Indian Issues (3); Var
An examination of emerging social and cultural issues in today’s American Indian society. Prerequisite: one introductory course in sociology or anthropology. Previous NMHU ANTH 474.

ANTH 4760. Indians of the Greater Southwest (3); Var
A survey of the Native American cultures in the greater Southwest since 1500, including both Pueblo and non-Pueblo cultures. Prerequisite: One introductory course in sociology or anthropology. Previous NMHU ANTH 476.

ANTH 4770. The Hispanic Southwest (3); Var
An ethnohistorical and socio-anthropological examination of Spanish-speaking people in the Southwest from their establishment to contemporary times. Prerequisite: ANTH 1140 or SOCI 1110. Previous NMHU ANTH 477.

ANTH 4800. Issues in Applied Anthropology (3); Var
This course focuses on what applied anthropology is, how it is done, how it benefits society, and how it advances anthropology’s theoretical knowledge of culture and society. It is also for students who are interested in learning about the various ways in which anthropology is used outside the academia. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ANTH 480.

ANTH 4810. Cultural Resource Management (3); Var
This course provides students with the foundations for conducting cultural resource management (CRM). It addresses laws, regulations, agencies, and techniques needed for conducting CRM work and practical experience. Prerequisite: One Culture Area course. Previous NMHU ANTH 481.

ANTH 4900. Independent Study (I-4 VC); Var
Individual directed study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ANTH 490.

ANTH 4930. Race and National Identity in the U.S. (3); Sp
This course examines, both theoretically and in an applied manner, the concept of race as a category of identity and racism as a system of domination and inequality. Approaching racial and ethnic categories as socially constructed, historically situated, and contextually dependent, students stretch beyond the specifics of just particular group histories. We explore major scholarly figures and competing perspectives in the field as well as the politics of theorizing, defining, and critically analyzing racial categories. Attention is given to the ways that race intersects with other issues, including gender, class, sexuality, religion, labor, nation formation, and the history of ideas. Prerequisites: Junior classification, SOCI 3000 or SOCI 4390, students who have taken at least one other 3/4000 level course in SOCI/CJUS, GNDR or WMST. Previous NMHU SOC 493.

ANTH 4990. Independent Research (I-4 VC); Var
Individual directed research arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ANTH 499.

Art (ARTS), Courses In

ARTS 1120. Introduction to Art (3)
In this class, students will be introduced to the nature, vocabulary, media and history of the visual arts, illustrated by examples drawn from many cultures, both Western and non-Western and across many centuries. We will begin with a general overview of the subject, including basic concepts and themes that shed light on the continuity of the artistic enterprise across the span of human experience. We will study the visual elements from which art is made, including how artists use these elements and how the artists’ use of visual elements affects our experience of looking at art. We will examine both two-dimensional and three-dimensional media including drawing, painting, printmaking, camera and computer arts, graphic design, sculpture, installation, crafts, and architecture. Selected works will be examined in context, including the history of the time and place in which they were created, as well as their function, patronage, and the character and intent of individual artists.

ARTS 1145. Visual Concepts (4); Fa, Sp
An introductory course in visual literacy for both two-and three-dimensional visual arts, including the concepts of unity, emphasis, balance, scale, rhythm, line, texture, space, motion, and color. Design thinking principles will be integrated within an interactive, ideational drawing approach. Students will become acquainted with these fundamental visual concepts through the use of both manual and digital tools. Previous NMHU MART 121.

ARTS 1240. Design I (3); 2, 4
This course introduces the fundamentals of two-dimensional design as it applies to fine art and commercial contexts. Emphasis will be on basic color theory, elements of dynamic composition, vocabulary of visual arts and design, and development of visual conceptual skills. Students will use a variety of materials and techniques. Previous NMHU ART 121.

ARTS 1320. Ceramics 1 (3); 2, 4
An introduction to the medium of clay incorporating hand building and wheel throwing to introduce the student to both the sculptural and utilitarian uses of clay. The student will also be introduced to a variety of glazing and firing techniques. Prerequisites: ARTS 1240 and 2610. Previous NMHU ART 231.

ARTS 1350-4350. Selected Topics in ART (1-4 VC)
Course in a topic or topics in fine arts. May be repeated with a change of content. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 135-435.

ARTS 1610. Drawing 1 (3); 2, 4
This course introduces the basic principles, materials, and skills of observational drawing. Emphasis is placed on rendering a 3-D subject on a 2-D surface with visual accuracy. Other topics include historical and contemporary references as well as an investigation of linear perspective, line, value, shape, space & composition. Previous NMHU ART 202.

ARTS 1630. Painting 1 (3); 2, 4
This course introduces the tradition of painting as a medium for artistic expression. Students will investigate materials, tools, techniques, history, and concepts of painting. Emphasis is placed on developing descriptive and perceptual skills, color theory, and composition. Prerequisites: ARTS 1240 and ARTS 1610. Previous NMHU ART 221.

ARTS 1710. Introduction to Printmaking (3); 2, 4
This course provides direct experience of exploring basic printmaking processes, including relief, intaglio, and monoprint processes, as well as the investigation of materials/media, tools, techniques, history, and concepts of printmaking. Emphasis is given to solving problems through thematic development while producing a portfolio of prints. Prerequisites: ARTS 1240 and 1610 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 271.

ARTS 1840. Sculpture 1 (3); 2, 4
This course introduces the student to a variety of medium and techniques used in the production of sculpture; along with the historic, conceptual, and esthetic foundations of the sculptural process. Prerequisites: ARTS 1240 and 1610, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 241.

ARTS 1810. Jewelry and Small Metal Construction 1 (3); 2, 4
This course introduces the basic techniques, materials, and tools traditionally used in the creation of jewelry and/or small-scale sculptural objects. Prerequisites: ARTS 1240 and 1610 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 261.

ARTS 2610. Drawing 2 (3); 2, 4
This course introduces color and colored media as an element of composition while emphasizing descriptive and perceptual drawing skills and conceptual approaches to contemporary drawing. A continuation of ARTS 1610, with emphasis placed on the figure, still life, landscape, and personal imagery. Prerequisite: ARTS 1610 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 203.

ARTS 2850. Art Foundry 1 (3); 2, 4 Su
This course provides the student with an introduction to the use of the casting process in the creation of sculpture. Both sand mold and ceramic shell casting methods will be used. Prerequisite: ARTS 1840 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 285.

ARTS 2900. Independent Study (1-4 VC)
Individual study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 290.

ARTS 3020. Life Drawing 1 (3); 2, 4 Alt, Fa
This is an advanced drawing class working with the human figure, the landscape, and still life. Students explore a variety of techniques, expressive, and conceptual approaches in image making. Prerequisite: ARTS 2610 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 302.

ARTS 3210. Painting 2 (3); 2, 4
This course is a continuation of ARTS 1630, with an introduction to advanced painting techniques and concepts through still life, landscape, and the figure. Contemporary issues in painting will be explored through lectures. Prerequisite: ARTS 1630 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 321.

ARTS 3220. Painting 3 (3); 2, 4
This course is a continuation of ARTS 3210, with an introduction to advanced painting techniques and concepts through still life, landscape, and the figure. Contemporary issues in painting will be explored through lectures. Prerequisite: ARTS 1630 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 322.

ARTS 3310. Ceramics 2 (3); 2, 4
The fundamentals of ceramic construction involving activities in pottery and sculpture, throwing, hand building, glazing, firing, and equipment design and maintenance. Prerequisite: ARTS 1320 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 331.

ARTS 3340–4340. Practicum (1-4 VC)
Experience in an on-or off- campus work placement. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 334-434.

ARTS 3410. Sculpture 2 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 1840. Exploration of three-dimensional form in permanent materials. Prerequisite: ARTS 1840 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 341.

ARTS 3610. Jewelry and Metalsmithing 2 (3); 2, 4
A comprehensive study of the history, techniques, and processes used in the fabrication of jewelry and related small objects. Prerequisite: ARTS 1810 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 361.

ARTS 3710. Printmaking 2 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 1710, with emphasis on advanced methods of intaglio and relief processes in color, and introduction to black and white stone lithography, including color. Prerequisite: ARTS 1710 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 371.

ARTS 3720. Printmaking 3 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 3710, with emphasis placed on innovative techniques in intaglio, the art of monotype, and advanced practices in lithography including color. Attention will be highly placed on individual imagery. Prerequisite: ARTS 3710 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 372.

ARTS 3850. Art Foundry 2 (3); 2, 4 Su
A continuation of ARTS 2850, with an emphasis on the aesthetics of cast sculpture. Prerequisite: ARTS 2850 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 385.

ARTS 3900 – 4900. Independent Study: Art Studio (1-4 VC)Individual research in a selected area of art history or criticism arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: The appropriate 3000-level course and permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 390.

ARTS 4020. Life Drawing 2 (3); 2, 4 Alt, Sp
A continuation of ARTS 3020. Prerequisite: ARTS 3020 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 402.

ARTS 4110. Mixed Media (3); Var
Acquisition of a wide variety of skills related to the processes of mixed media production. A wide variety of media will be utilized and combined in a range of methods. Prerequisites: ARTS 1240 and ARTS 1610.

ARTS 4210. Painting 3 (3); 2, 4
This course is a continuation of ARTS 3210, with an introduction to advanced painting techniques and concepts through still life, landscape, and the figure. Contemporary issues in painting will be explored through lectures. Prerequisite: ARTS 3210 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 421.

ARTS 4220. Painting 4 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 4210 with emphasis placed on an individual topic decided upon by both student and instructor resulting in a series of paintings. This course is intended for majors anticipating a BFA or BA degree in studio art. May be repeated for additional credit. Previous NMHU ART 422.

ARTS 4310. Ceramics 3 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 3310, including firing and glaze formulation. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: ARTS 3310 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 431.

ARTS 4320. Ceramics 4 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 4310, including firing and glaze formulation. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: ARTS 3310 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 432.

ARTS 4410. Sculpture 3 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 3410 and an introduction to bronze casting. Prerequisite: ARTS 3410 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 441.

ARTS 4420. Sculpture 4 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 4410. Development of a personal aesthetic in sculpture course intended for majors anticipating the BFA or BA degree. May be repeatable for multiple credit. Previous NMHU ART 442.

ARTS 4610. Jewelry and Metalsmithing 3 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 3610. Prerequisite: ARTS 3610 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 461.

ARTS 4620. Jewelry and Metalsmithing 4 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 4610. Prerequisite: ARTS 3610 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 462.

ARTS 4720. Printmaking 4 (3); 2, 4
Continuation of ARTS 3720, with emphasis placed on an individual topic decided upon by both student and instructor, resulting in a suite or series of images in print. This course is intended for majors anticipating a BFA or BA in art studio. May be repeated for additional credit. Previous NMHU ART 472.

ARTS 4850. Art Foundry 3 (3); 2, 4 Su
A continuation of ARTS 3850, with an emphasis on refining aesthetic knowledge and technical skills. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: ARTS 3850 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 485.

ARTS 4860. Art Foundry 4 (3); 2, 4 Su
A continuation of ARTS 3850, with an emphasis on refining aesthetic knowledge and technical skills. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: ARTS 3850 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 486.

ARTS 4910. Senior Colloquium (2); Fa
This course is taken during the fall semester of the senior year of a BFA candidate. The student will make slides and prepare a portfolio and an artist’s statement. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 491.

ARTS 4950. BFA Exhibit (1); Sp
Preparation for exhibition of works in the student’s major area that demonstrates ability and achievement. Faculty will provide some guidance in the projects required; however, evaluation is based on an individual’s self-motivated approach. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 495.

ARTS 4960. Exhibit Design (3)
Students will participate in mounting a multimedia exhibit on a topic in fine arts. Previous NMHU ART 496.

ARTS 4980. Professional Internship (1–6 VC)
A student will work under the joint supervision of a work supervisor and an art faculty member at an on- or off-campus site. Previous NMHU ART 498.

Art History (ARTH), Courses In

ARTH 2110. History of Art 1 (3); Fa
This survey course explores the art and architecture of ancient pre-historic cultures through the end of the fourteenth century. While focused primarily on the art of the Western civilizations, this course will also provide insights into the works of other major cultures in order to provide alternate views of art and history. Emphasis will be placed on the relationship of artworks to political, social, spiritual, intellectual, and cultural movements that affect and are affected by their creation and development. Previous NMHU AH 210.

ARTH 2120. History of Art 2 (3); Sp
This survey course will explore the architecture, sculpture, ceramics, paintings, drawings, and glass objects from the 14th century to the modern era. While focused primarily on the art of the Western civilizations, this course will also provide insights into the works of other major cultures in order to provide alternate views of art and history. Emphasis will be placed on the relationship of artworks to political, social, spiritual, intellectual, and cultural movements that affect and are affected by their creation and development. Previous NMHU AH 211.

ARTH 3400. Modern Art (3); Sp
A survey of European and American art from the late eighteenth century until the present. Major artists and trends in painting, sculpture, photography, and architecture will be discussed, with particular emphasis on personality and innovation. Previous NMHU AH 340.

 ARTH 3800. Art of the Americas (3); Fa
A survey of the arts of the Americas, covering the pre-Columbian indigenous cultures, Hispanic colonial presence, and contemporary Native American and Hispanic arts. Previous NHHU AH 380.

ARTH 3900–4900. Independent Study (1-4 VC)
Individual research in a selected area of art history or criticism arranged with an instructor. Prerequisites: ARTH 2110 and ARTH 2120, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU AH 390-490.

ARTH 4500. Seminar in Art History (3) Sp
Seminar course in a topic or topics of art history. May be repeated with a change of content. Prerequisites: ARTH 2110 and ARTH 2120, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU AH 450.

American Sign Language (SIGN), Courses in

SIGN 1110. American Sign Language 1 (4); Fa, Sp
This course introduces the student to American Sign Language (ASL). It is interactive and develops basic ASL competency and imparts grammatical and cultural knowledge useful to the beginning signer. 

SIGN 1120. American Sign Language 2 (4); Fa, Sp
This second half of the beginning-level American Sign Language course expands the general objectives of the first course. The course continues to be interactive and develops basic ASL competency. Special attention is given to grammatical and cultural knowledge useful to the beginning signer. Prerequisite: LANG 1110. 

SIGN 2110. American Sign Language 3 (3); Fa
This is an intermediate-level American Sign Language course. This course continues to be interactive, develops intermediate ASL competency, and grammatical and cultural knowledge useful to the intermediate signer. Prerequisite: SIGN 1120 or equivalent. 

SIGN 2120. American Sign Language 4 (3); Sp
This is a continuation of the intermediate-level American Sign Language course. This course continues to be interactive, develops intermediate ASL competency, and grammatical and cultural knowledge useful to the intermediate signer. Prerequisite: SIGN 2110 or equivalent.

Astronomy (ASTR), Courses in

ASTR 1125. Survey of Astronomy (4); 3, 2 Fa, Sp
A course designed to introduce the student to the concepts of modern-day astronomy. Topics to be investigated include the sun, planets, meteors, asteroids, comets, stars and star formation, galaxies and galaxy formation, black holes and quasars, cosmology, and cosmogony. Previous NMHU PHYS 110. 

Biology (BIOL) Courses in 

BIOL 1110. General Biology (4); 3, 2 Fa, Sp
This course introduces non-science majors to basic biological concepts including, but not limited to the properties of life, biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, evolution, biodiversity, and ecology. In the laboratory, students will learn quantitative skills involved in scientific measurement and data analysis. Students will also perform experiments related to topics such as biochemistry, cell structure and function, molecular biology, evolution, taxonomic classification and phylogeny, biodiversity, and ecology.

In the laboratory, students will learn quantitative skills involved in scientific measurement and data analysis. Students will also perform experiments related to topics such as biochemistry, cell structure and function, molecular biology, evolution, taxonomic classification and phylogeny, biodiversity, and ecology. Previous NMHU BIOL 110. 

BIOL 1140. Biology for Health Sciences (4); 3, 2 Fa, Sp
This introductory biology course for students interested in health science careers focuses on the concepts of chemistry, cell biology, metabolism, genetics, and regulation of gene expression. In the laboratory, students will learn skills involved in scientific measurement, microscopy, and mathematical analysis. Students will also perform experiments and data analysis related to cell structure and function, chemistry, enzyme activity, and genetics. This introductory course is for non-science majors interested in professions related to human conditions. Previous NMHU BIOL 131.

BIOL 1170. Conservation Biology in a Changing World (4) 3,2, Fa
This course provides an initial foundation in the concepts for the Conservation Biology problems faced in today’s world. There will be strong emphasis on ecological processes and how human activity affect them with an emphasis on the conservation of biodiversity, beyond sustainability as well as in the different way that environmental problems affect different people from different ethnic groups and different social classes. The course also addresses the social, economic, and political issues affecting biodiversity in the planet both at the macro as well as at the individual level. This course aims to raise awareness on how environmental inequalities affect different demographics historically and in the present. It will be taught with either a service learning or research component and seeks to produce informed citizens that are able to affect positive change in helping stop threats to biodiversity within the framework of environmental justice and social inclusion. This is an entry level course available for any interested student. It addresses competencies of critical thinking, quantitative skills, and personal responsibility.

BIOL 1350-4350. Selected Topics in Biology (1-4 VC) Var
Course in a topic or topics in biology. May be repeated with change of content. Previous NMHU BIOL 135-435. 

BIOL 1170. Conservation Biology in a Changing World (4) 3,2 Fa
This course provides an initial foundation in the concepts for the Conservation Biology problems faced in today’s world. There will be strong emphasis on ecological processes and how human activity affect them with an emphasis on the conservation of biodiversity, beyond sustainability as well as in the different way that environmental problems affect different people from different ethnic groups and different social classes. The course also addresses the social, economic, and political issues affecting biodiversity in the planet both at the macro as well as the individual level. This course aims to raise awareness on how environmental inequalities affect different demographics historically and in the present. It will be taught with either a service learning or research component and seeks to produce informed citizens that are able to affect positive change in helping stop threats to biodiversity within the framework of environmental justice and social inclusion. This is an entry level course available for any interested student. It addresses competencies of critical thinking, quantitative skills, and personal responsibility.

BIOL 2110. Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology (4); 3, 2 Fa, Sp
This course introduces students to major topics in general biology. This course focuses on the principles of structure and function of living things at the molecular, cellular, and organismic levels of organization. Major topics included are introduction to the scientific process, chemistry of cells, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, cell division, DNA replication, transcription, and translation. Laboratory exercises focus on major topics including introduction to the scientific process, chemistry of cells, organization of cells, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, cell division, genetics, DNA replication, transcription, and translation. Prerequisite: BIOL 2620 and lab or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 212.

BIOL 2130. Introduction to Biochemistry (4); 3, 2 Fa, Sp
This course provides a foundation of general functioning of biochemical processes. Includes the fundamental concepts such as atomic and molecular structure, bonding, and pH to facilitate understanding of the biochemistry of life. The structure and reaction mechanisms of the four biological macromolecules – proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids. The class covers the basic strategies for biochemical pathway regulation, the chemistry and regulation of energy metabolism, and the molecular basis of genetic information transfer. Co-Requisites: BIOL 2110 Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology

BIOL 2620. Ecology & Evolution (4); 3, 2 Fa, Sp
This course provides an initial foundation in the concepts and models in the fields of evolution and ecology. There will be a strong emphasis on understanding the process of science as applied by ecologists and evolutionary biologists. By the end of this course, you will understand the major drivers of evolution and the major ecological patterns and processes in nature. Evolutionary concepts will include Darwinian principles, evolutionary processes within populations (including natural selection), the fossil record, the origin and diversification of life, and phylogenetics. Ecological concepts will include global patterns of species diversity and abundance, organismal and behavioral ecology, population dynamics, community ecology, ecosystem processes and conservation biology. Your analytical and quantitative abilities will be reinforced and improved, and you will gain skills in critical thinking that will make you a more scientifically aware citizen. Laboratory exercises focus on concepts associated with ecology and evolutionary biology: Darwinian principles, the fossil record and patterns of diversification of ancient life, evolution of populations, speciation, phylogenetics, ecology and study of the biosphere, behavioral ecology, population ecology, community ecology, ecosystem ecology, and conservation ecology. Previous NMHU BIOL 211. 

BIOL 3000. Genetics (4); 3, 2 Sp
This class is designed to provide and understanding of the fundamental principles of heredity and a more detailed exploration of DNA and the Central Dogma. Students will examine the role of genes and environment in creating a phenotype. You will review basic Mendelian genetics and probability learned in earlier biology classes and learn extensions and modifications of these basic principles including sex determination, sex-linked characteristics, pedigree, analysis, genetic analysis, epigenetics, the genetics of complex traits and diseases. In addition, students will read influential works to explore the primary literature. Upon completion of the course, students will know and be able to apply the major concepts, principles, and techniques to understand and solve biological questions. The laboratory is designed to provide opportunities to engage in data analysis, case studies, and bench science and experiences using standard and emerging tools used in genetic research. Prerequisites: BIOL 2110, MATH 1215 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 300.

BIOL 3010. General Microbiology (4); 3, 2 Fa
This course offers students an intensive and comprehensive introduction to microbiology. The course will focus on the physiology and molecular biology of bacteria and viruses. Some emphasis will be placed on microbial pathogenesis. Prerequisite: BIOL 2110 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 301.

BIOL 3020. Animal Structure and Function (4); 3, 2 Alt, Fa, Odd
The goal of this course is to introduce students to the diversity of animals, their structures, and associated functions. The course will include a survey of the origins, evolution, diversity, and adaptations of animals to diverse environments. Topics include taxonomy, anatomy and physiology behavior, ecology, and conservation. The laboratory experiences provide hands on opportunity for the student to explore the anatomy and physiology of diverse animal groups. Prerequisite: BIOL 3130 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 302.

BIOL 3030. Plant Structure and Function (4); 3, 2 Sp
This course emphasizes the exploration of relationships between structure and function in plants, including mechanisms underlying transport, nutrition, reproduction, development, and growth. Specifically, students will study comparative microscopic and gross structure of plants, as well as major physiological processes of plants. Major items include differentiating between vascular and nonvascular plants, using microscopy to study plant cells, tissues, and organ systems, and understanding features of plan life cycles. Prerequisite: BIOL 2620 and 2110 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 303.

BIOL 3130. Diversity and Systematics (3); Fa
This course introduces the student to the diversity of life. Students will become acquainted with the history of life on earth, the accepted theories for the evolution of ice, and the rise of the different taxonomic groups. Students will study the structure, function, ecology, and taxonomy of bacteria, fungi, protists, plants, and animals with an evolutionary context. The course centers on identifying, learning, and describing the significant adaptations of the major groups and evolutionary relationships among taxa. Prerequisites: BIOL 2620 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 313. 

BIOL 3310. Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 (4); 3, 2 Fa
This course is the first of two that serve as an introduction to human anatomy and physiology for biology majors and allied health students. Students will learn about the human anatomical structure and function from the microscopic to the organismal level with emphasis on basic cellular structure and metabolism, tissue, differentiation and characteristics, and organ system structure function. The course revolves around the interaction of Anatomy and physiology and how the different systems work in maintenance of homeostasis. Specific systems studied in this course include skin, integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. Labs are used to supplement topics discussed in lecture. Prerequisite: BIOL 2110, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 331. 

BIOL 3320. Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 (4); 3, 2 Sp
This course is a second of two that serve as an introduction to human anatomy and physiology for biology majors and allied health students. Students will learn about human anatomical structure and function from the microscopic to the organismal level with emphasis on basic cellular structure and metabolism, tissue differentiation and characteristics, and organ system structure and function. The course revolves around the integration of Anatomy & Physiology and how the different organs and organ system interact for maintenance of homeostasis. Specific systems studied in this course include the endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems. Labs are used to supplement topics in lecture. Prerequisites: BIOL 3310 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 332.

BIOL 3590. Fundamental Principles of Laboratory Safety (1); 1 Fa
Introduction to the principles of laboratory safety including the proper use of emergency safety equipment and personal protective equipment, instructions for the safe handling, labeling, storage and disposal of chemicals, and safety in the biology and physics labs. Emphasis will be placed on preparing science educators in safety procedures. Prerequisites: CHEM 1225 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 359.

BIOL 3890. Ecology (4); 3, 2 Fa, Odd
This course represents a survey of ecology including general theory, laboratory, and field approaches to study the variables that affect the distribution and abundance of organisms, populations, and communities. Topics include population dynamics, species interactions, the influence of abiotic factors in the ecosystem, and interactions at the biosphere level. By the end of this course, students will be able to think critically about ecological concepts, effectively communicate ecological theory, and apply concepts and the scientific method to answer scientific questions. The laboratory provides hands-on experiences of field measurements and observations of ecological factors and phenomena using a hypothesis-driven framework. Prerequisite: BIOL 3130. Previous NMHU BIOL 389. 

BIOL 3990. Undergraduate Research (1-6 VC) Var
Special research problems for selected biology majors. A terminal research paper and oral presentation are required. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 399.

BIOL 4010, Pre-Medical and Pre-Professional Development (1); Sp
This course is designed to aid in the preparation of students seeking a career in medical school or other health-related professional programs. Class sessions will address a variety of issues pertinent to this process and will feature guest speakers, panels of current medical, pharmacy, and dental students for Q&A and discussion. A major focus of the course is the preparation of application materials for admission into medical school or other health-related terminal degree programs. In addition to class session focused on the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) and General Requisite Exam (GRE), students will also take practice exams to assess their baseline and subsequent process in preparation. Prerequisite: Must have Junior classification.

BIOL 4050. Bacterial Physiology (4); 3, 2 Var
Aspects of the physiology and molecular biology of microorganisms. The genetics, molecular structure, and functional aspects of prokaryotic cells will be discussed. Bacterial metabolism will be studied, including energy production and use by aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. Concepts of cellular growth, biosynthesis, and molecular genetics will also be addressed. Prerequisites: BIOL 3000, 3010 and CHEM 1225 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 405.

BIOL 4090 Introduction to Bioinformatics (4); 3,2 Var
This course includes the study of function-related aspects of the genome. Different techniques and tools are used to improve our understanding of the relationship between gene and protein functions, and their interactions. Students will understand the use of sequences to develop evolutionary trees and understand the process of developing sequences of both DNA and RNA. In addition, students will learn the use of bioinformatics databases, using command lines, and will be able to interpret and carry out sequence experiments analyzing bacterial genome as a model organism. Upper level or graduate status or permission of instructor.

BIOL 4100. Functional Genomics (4); 2,4 Var
Functional genomics includes the study of function-related aspects of the genome. Different techniques and tools are used to improve our understanding of gene and protein functions, their interactions, and molecular evolution. Because of the large quantity of data produced by these techniques and the desire to find biologically meaningful pat­terns, bioinformatics is crucial to these types of analyses. In this course students will analyze and explore the genome of a model organism to learn techniques and better understand the function and relationships of genes and proteins. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

BIOL 4110. Herpetology (4); 3,2 Var
This course covers two major groups of ectothermic terrestrial vertebrates: 1) the amphibians, including salamanders, frogs, and the little-known caecilians, and 2) the reptiles, including turtles, crocodilians, lizards and snakes, and the nearly extinct tuatara. This course will cover aspects of the biology of amphibians and reptiles, including classification and taxonomy, evolution, distribution, anatomy, physiology, life histories, behavior, ecology, and conservation. Students will use case studies, or course-based research experiences, to apply problems of species management, biodiversity, and the effects of development and habitat fragmentation on amphibians and reptiles. Prerequisites: BIOL 3130, permission of instructor of graduate status. 

BIOL 4120 Ornithology (4); 3,2 Var
The goal of this course is to introduce students to the biology of the class Aves. The course will include a survey of the origins, evolution, diversity, and adaptations of birds to diverse environments. Topics include taxonomy, taxidermy, reproduction, sensory perception, diet, population cycles, behavior, ecology, and conservation. Students will use case studies, or course-based research experiences, to apply to broader problems of species management, biodiversity, and the effects of development and habitat fragmentation on birds. Prerequisite: BIOL 3130 or equivalent or permission of instructor.

BIOL 4130. Mammalogy (4); 3,2 Var
The goal of this course is to introduce students to the biology of the class Mammalia. The course will include a survey of the origins, evolution, diversity, and adaptations of mammals to diverse environments. Topics include taxonomy, taxidermy, reproduction, sensory perception, herbivory, population cycles, behavior, ecology and conservation. Students will use case studies, or course-based research experiences, to apply to broader problems of species management, biodiversity, and the effects of development and habitat fragmentation on mammals. Prerequisites: permission of instructor or graduate status.

BIOL 4150. Biotechnology (4); 2, 4 Var
Introduces students to latest techniques in biotechnology including recombinant DNA, tissue culture, and organelle isolation as well as genetic engineering, industrial microbiology, and agricultural biotechnology. Prerequisites: BIOL 3000, and CHEM 1215 or permission of instructor. A special fee is assessed. Previous NMHU BIOL 415. 

BIOL 4220. Plant Physiology (4); 3, 1 Var
This course serves as an introduction to basic principles of plant function including physical processes occurring in plants, photosynthesis, water relations, minerals and nutrition, microbiomes, and ultimately how these processes relate to plant growth and development. While most efforts will be focused on plants in situ, additional emphasis will be focused on agricultural and horticultural species, such as Cannabis and its uses for hemp production. Labs will focus on plant growth and performance in growth chambers, greenhouse, and in the field. Prerequisites: BIOL 3030 or permission of instructor.

BIOL 4230. Molecular and Cell Biology (4); 3, 2 Sp
Detailed exploration of basic cellular chemistry, macromolecules, cell structure and function, and mechanisms and regulation of gene expression. The laboratory will explore eukaryotic cell biology using modern molecular biology techniques. Topics include DNA and protein structure and function. Prerequisites: BIOL 3000 and one of the following: BIOL 3130, 3010, 3020, 3030, 3310 or 3320 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 423. 

BIOL 4240. Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory (1); 0, 2 Sp
Laboratory course to accompany BIOL 423. This lab is required of students who have satisfied the molecular and cellular biology lecture requirement but have not taken the laboratory portion. Previous NMHU BIOL 424. 

BIOL 4250. Marine Biology (4); 3, 2 Fa, 3 yr cycle
Major groups of marine invertebrates and algae are observed and studied in their natural habitats. Students participate in a 10-day field trip during the spring break, with transportation and room charge to be determined at the time of the class. Enrollment is limited to 16. Prerequisites: Major or minor in biology, BIOL 3130, and permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 425.

BIOL 4270. Immunology (3); 3,0 Alt Fa even
Principles of vertebrate response to infection, antigen-antibody interaction, hypersensitivity, and autoimmune diseases are covered. Specifically, emphasis will be put on the anatomy and physiology of the immune system and its response to cancer and other diseases. The differences between immunity, resistance, and exposure are covered, in addition to adaptive vs. innate responses to disease, as well as disease vaccines and Prevention. Previous NMHU BIOL 427. Prerequisites: BIOL 3000 or 3320. 

BIOL 4280. Pathogenic Microbiology (4); 2,4 Var
This course covers fundamental concepts in the isolation, characteriza­tion, and control of pathogenic organisms as they relate to human-host parasite interactions. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

BIOL 4300. Livestock Management (3); 3 Var
This course addresses livestock health management, livestock pro­duction, economics, and effects on natural resources. Primary emphasis will be on beef cattle production, but other species of domestic animals and wildlife will be discussed. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

BIOL 4320. Vertebrate Physiology (4); 3,2 Var
Fundamental life processes in the vertebrates. Prerequisites: BIOL 3020 and CHEM 3410 and permission of instructor.

BIOL 4400. Conservation Biology (3); Alt, Sp, Odd
This course will familiarize students with the major conservation biology issues of our time and encourage them to think critically about the problems facing the planet. This course analyzes the interrelationship between human activities and the environmental crisis and examines alternatives for the preservation of biodiversity. The course includes laws, regulations, and practices involving the use of natural resources. It also addresses the impacts of environmental degradation on various socioeconomic groups of people and the economic and social issues associated with environmental problems. Through the use of case studies and primary literature, students will get a deeper understanding of the complexities associated with the conservation of biodiversity. Prerequisites: BIOL 3130 and BIOL 3890. Previous NMHU BIOL 540.

BIOL 448. Medical Technology Internship (32); Var
The senior year for all medical technology students is spent in an approved hospital in order to complete the requirements for the B.S. degree. Coursework and labs include urology, hematology, pathogenic bacteriology, biochemistry, histology, microbiology, parasitology, and serology, together with a detailed hospital work format. The 32 hours are part of the required hours of an 18-month medical technology program. All hours are taken off -campus at an approved clinical facility and 32 are transferred to NMHU for completion of degree requirements. Prerequisite: Completion of prescribed three years of coursework and acceptance at an approved clinical facility.

BIOL 4450. Biology of Vertebrates (3); Fa, 3 yr cycle
Evolution, comparative morphology, classification, and life histories of vertebrates. Prerequisite: BIOL 3130. Previous NMHU BIOL 445.

BIOL 4550. Wildlife Diseases (3); Var
This course is an introduction to viral, bacterial, and fungal diseases-infectious and noninfectious-found among wildlife species. Students will learn the cause and effects of disease, as well as the medical aspects of disease on animal hosts. Moreover, the ecology of disease and its role in ecosystems will be discussed. Previous NMHU BIOL 455. 

BIOL 4570. Advanced Wildlife Management (3); Sp, 3 yr cycle
This course presents advanced wildlife management concepts and is intended for senior and master-level students that have already taken, or are currently enrolled, in ecology or wildlife management courses. This course addresses the different goals of wildlife management: control of exotic species, restoration of endangered ones and harvesting species via game hunting or commercial use. Students will be expected to master concepts of population control, community ecology, and methods used to analytically calculate population parameters. Prerequisite: BIOL 3890 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 457.

BIOL 4630. Nutrition (3); 3 Var
This course provides students with an understanding of animal nutrition and appreciation of the importance of nutrition in health and economics. Subjects to be covered will include digestive anatomy, physiology, and nutrition of various animal species. Prerequisites: BIOL 3000 or BIOL 3310 and 3320 and permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 463. 

BIOL 4700. Comparative Animal Behavior (4); 3, 2 Fa, 3 yr cycle
This course presents the basics of animal behavior and is intended for senior and graduate students that have already taken, or are taking, classes in evolution and ecology. The course spans from basic genetics of behavior to the learning and environmental-based issues within a comparative and evolutionary context. Students must understand the mechanisms and evolution of animal behavior. The topics we will explore include the history of the scientific study of behavior; tools and approaches used to study behavior; and the interrelationship with its ecological and evolutionary aspects. Prerequisite: BIOL 3130. Previous NMHU BIOL 470. 

BIOL 4720. Human Evolutionary Behavior (3); Sp, 3 yr cycle
This course intends to familiarize students with evolutionary forces that shape human behavior. This emergent field deals with evolutionary interpretation of human behavior including, group living, mating preference, kin and sexual conflicts, and habitat preference. Students are expected to understand and incorporate principles of evolutionary thinking in designing scientific questions and testable hypothesis about human behavior. This course is also called Evolutionary Psychology in other universities. Prerequisite: BIO 3130 or permission of the instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 472. 

BIOL 4740. Tropical Ecology (3); Sp, 3 yr cycle
This course presents the basics of tropical ecology and is intended for senior or graduate students that have already taken, or are taking, classes in evolution and ecology. The course spans from basic definitions of tropics geographically to how basic ecological processes work under the particular conditions in the tropics. The course emphasizes aspects related to the high diversity in the tropics in a comparative approach drawing from the students’ experiences in temperate systems. Prerequisite: BIOL 3890 or other junior-level ecology courses. Previous NMHU BIOL 474. 

BIOL 4750. Field Tropical Ecology (1-4 VC); Su, 3 yr cycle
This course presents the basics of Tropical Ecology and is intended for senior or graduate students that have already taken an upper-level class of tropical ecology. This is a hands-on course where students are expected to learn the natural history of representative organisms of the system they study. The practical exam will involve knowledge of taxonomy of plants and animals as well as their ecology and role in the ecosystem. Students are expected to keep a field notebook with carefully noted observations of the ecosystem as well as notes of their field project. Prerequisite: BIOL 4740 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 475. 

BIOL 4760. Evolution (3); 3 Alt, Fa, Even
This course provides a basis for understanding the modern study of evolution in living organisms by introducing the fundamentals concepts of evolution, encompassing both short-term and long-term evolutionary processes and patterns. Topics covered will include evidence for evolution, the origin of life, genetic evolution, adaptation, microevolutionary process including natural selection and drift, speciation, phylogenetics, and other macroevolutionary processes. This course will investigate evolutionary questions by working with datasets from the primary literature. Students will be able to define evolution and evolutionary processer with supporting evidence, explain the major mechanisms and ways to study evolution, and discuss evolution in a broader context.

BIOL 4770. Macroevolution (3); Fa, 3 yr cycle
Macroevolution is the study of patterns and processes driving the diversity of species on earth. In this course, students will learn how patterns of phylogenetic diversity are distributed geographically, and through time, particularly in relation to conservation challenges in the 21st century. Students will analyze data to learn how processes of evolution influence diversity at and above the species level. Topics include speciation, hybridization, diversity, coevolution, the extinction crisis, phylogenetics, phytogeography, biogeography, contemporary evolution and humans, and related topics. Prerequisite: BIOL 4760 or BIOL 3890 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 477. 

BIOL 4800. Parasitology (4); 2, 4 Fa, 3 yr cycle
An introduction to the taxonomy and life cycles of vertebrate parasites and pathogenic effects upon their animal hosts: protozoan, trematode, scythed, nematode, and acanthocephalan parasites of domestic animals and man. Prerequisites: BIOL 3130 or BIOL 3310 and 3320 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 480.

BIOL 4810. Developmental Biology (4); 3, 2 Fa, 3 yr cycle
This course investigates cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate animal development. Topics include fertilization cleavage, gastrulation, axis specification, organogenesis, morphologies, and stem cells. Laboratory sessions focus on experimental manipulations of early invertebrate and vertebrate embryos and emphasize student-designed research projects. Prerequisites: BIOL 3130 and 3000 or BIOL 3310 and 3320. Previous NMHU BIOL 481.

BIOL 4850. Endocrinology (4); 3, 2 Alt, Sp, Even
This course reviews the embryological origin, histological structure, and function of the endocrine glands. Individual organs, the hormones it produces, and how its function may be integrated at the systemic and cellular level will be examined. Endocrine topics will be presented with real-world examples and presented in a comparative manner among species. Prerequisites: BIOL 3130 or BIOL 3310 and 3320 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 485. 

BIOL 4870. Histology (4); 2, 4 Alt, Sp, Odd
The microanatomy and functional organization of basic tissues: epithelium, connective tissue, cartilage, bone, muscle, and nerve. The course covers the histology of the blood and lymph vascular systems, glands, and secretions, particularly of man. Prerequisite: BIOL 3130 or 3310 and 3320 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 487.

BIOL 4880. Soil Ecology (4) 3,2 Var
Soil as a habitat, including physical and chemical properties of soil, classification of soils, soil organisms (emphasis on soil fungi and bacteria), and nutrient cycling. Prerequisite: BIOL 212.

BIOL 4890. Molecular Evolution and Ecology (4); 3, 2 Sp, 3 yr cycle
Molecular ecology explores the application of molecular techniques to attain a deeper understanding of ecological systems. Themes of evolutionary and ecological theory, behavioral ecology, genetics, phytogeography, and conservation genetics will be covered. Application-based content will include molecular identification techniques for individuals and species, landscape and population genetics, hybridization, genomic methods for ecology, and measuring adaptive variation. Technical applications will include data analysis using current software in the field. Prerequisites: BIOL 3000 and 4760 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 489.

BIOL 4900. Independent Study (1-6 VC); Var
Individual study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 490.

BIOL 4910. Senior Project (2); 3, 0 Fa
Students will develop a scientific question design and appropriate laboratory or field experiment to test it. During this semester students will develop a theoretical framework and methods for this study. This is the first part of a one-year long capstone project. Prerequisite: Senior classification in Biology or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 491.

BIOL 4930. Field Botany (3); 1, 4 Var
The taxonomy and natural history of representative groups of plants will be studied in the field. Specifically, students will learn how to collect plant specimens, preserve, and present them in a format similar to specimens found in herbaria. Moreover, students will learn a basic understanding about plant taxonomy and identification. Emphasis will be given to common plants in northern New Mexico, including those in grassland and forest biomes. Prerequisite: BIOL 3030 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 493.

BIOL 4940. Field Zoology (3); 0, 6 Alt, Fa, Odd
Qualitative and quantitative techniques of community analysis, including faunal sampling techniques to estimate population demographic patterns. The taxonomy and natural history of representative groups of land animals will be studied in the field. Prerequisite: BIOL 3020 or 3130. Previous NMHU BIOL 494. 

BIOL 4980. Applied Biological Research (1-4 VC); Fa, Sp
In this capstone course students participate in a research project where they have the opportunity to apply the results of their college preparation. Each class will conduct research toward a biological hypothesis or question chosen by the instructor. Each student will investigate a specific aspect of the broader question culminating with the preparation of a poster, presentation, and/or paper. Students will participate in an applied hands-on research project generating original data that they will compile, analyze, and communicate their results. Prerequisites: BIOL 4910 Senior Project I. Corequisite: permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 498. 

BIOL 4990. Independent Research (1-6 VC); Var
Individual research arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BIOL 499.

Business Computer Information System (BCIS), Courses in

BCIS 1110. Fund of Info Literacy & System (3); 2, 2 Fa, Sp
Examination of information systems and their impact on commerce, education, and personal activities. Utilization of productivity tools for communications, data analysis, information management and decision-making. Previous NMHU CS 101.

Business Administration (BUSA), Courses in 

BUSA 2460. Business Ethics (3); Fa, Sp
Moral reasoning and issues in business with an emphasis on the application of ethical theories to practical business decision-making. Prerequisite: MGMT 2110. Previous NMHU MGMT 321.

BUSA 2350 – 3350. ST: Selected Topics in Business (1-4 VC); Var
Course in a topic or topics in business. May be repeated with a change in content. Previous NMHU BUSA 235-335.

BUSA 3460. Leadership Ethics (3), Var
This course will help prepare true leaders with the necessary traits to apply moral philosophies and the values of responsibility, integrity, honesty, and fairness in ethical decision making. True leaders collaborate and support growth of others and make appropriate ethical decisions that promote liberty, justice, and equality. Prerequisites: BLAW 2110, MGMT 2110.

BUSA 3480. Budget Management for Leaders (3), Var
This course is designed to provide budgeting skills to leaders, enabling them to make critical decisions related to the financial health of their organizations. It introduces the process related to the development and management of the budgeting process, requirements, and oversights set by external issues that agencies, and ethical concerns facing leaders. The course also examines resource allocation issues that arise and shape fiscal outcomes in an organizational setting. Prerequisites: Completion of math requirement for the University Core Curriculum.

BUSA 4340. Practicum in Business (1-4 VC)
Work placement with specific responsibilities over a sustained period of time. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BUSA 434. 

BUSA 4110. Business Research (3); Fa, Sp
Apply qualitative and quantitative research methods to address different business problems. Analyze and be able to interpret data, prepare reports and make presentations of findings. Prerequisite: MATH 1350 & BMIS 3760 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BUSA 411.

BUSA4900. Independent Study (1-4 VC); Var
Independent study in Business. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU BUSA 490.

Business Finance (BFIN), Courses in

BFIN 1350-4350. ST: Selected Topics in Finance, Var
Course in a topic or topics in finance. May be repeated with change of content. Previous NMHU FIN 135-435.

BFIN 2110. Introduction to Finance (3); Fa, Sp
Introduces tools and techniques of financial management. Includes time value of money; financial planning, diversification, and risk; debt and equity investment decisions; and financial statement analysis. Prerequisites: ACCT 2110, ECON 2110 & MATH 1350. Previous NMHU FIN 341.

BFIN 3430. Advanced Corporate Finance (3); Fa, Sp
The focus of this class is on the analytical problem-solving of financial needs, risk assessment, and the acquisition of resources. This course deals with long-term financial needs of the corporation, long-term debt and lease financing, common and preferred stocks financing, the use of other financial instruments including convertible securities and warrants, and external growth through mergers. Time value of money techniques will be applied to valuation and rates of return for the firm, the cost of capital and the capital budgeting process. Prerequisites: BFIN 2110. Previous NMHU FIN 343. 

BFIN 4050. Financial Markets and Institutions (3); Fa
This course focuses on the use of financial markets by the private and public sectors and the facilitating role played by intermediary agents. The course relies on the basic tools of micro- and macroeconomics theory in the study of private and public financial behavior and the problems posed for public policy. Prerequisite: ECON 2120. Previous NMHU FIN 405.

BFIN 4090. Investments (3); Fa
This course provides students with an understanding of investment theory and practices and the various types of securities traded in financial markets. It focuses on investment strategies and portfolio construction and management. Prerequisite: MATH 1220. Previous NMHU FIN 409.

BFIN 4750. International Finance Management (3); Sp
An overview of the workings of trade and finance in an international setting. Particular attention is given to handling problems associated with exchange rate movements, sources of funds for overseas operations and investments, and criteria to judge foreign investment opportunities. Prerequisite: BFIN 2110. Previous NMHU FIN 475.

BFIN 4090. Independent Study (1-4 VC); Var
Individual directed study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

Business Law (BLAW), Courses in

BLAW 2110. Business Law 1 (3)
Survey of the legal environment of business and common legal principles including: the sources of law, dispute resolution and the U.S. court systems, administrative law, tort law, contract law, agency and employment law, business structure and governance, ethics, and corporate social responsibility. Explores sources of liability and presents strategies to minimize legal risk. Previous NMHU BLAW 360.

Business Management Information Systems (BMIS), Courses in

 BMIS 3240. Communication Strategies for Leaders (3), Var
This course is designed to help you think strategically about communication and aid in improving your written, oral, and interpersonal communication skills as a future leader. It introduces best practices by applying key communication theories and strategies to organizational challenges, involving ethical concerns, crisis management, conflict management, change management, and social media communication. Prerequisite MGMT 2110

BMIS 3350. Selected Topics in Information Systems (1-4 VC)
Course in a topic or topics in information systems. May be repeated with a change of content. Previous NMHU MIS 335.

BMIS 3760. Integrated Business Applications (3); Var
This course familiarizes students with standard business application software, especially integrated software suites. Sharing of data among applications and the extended capability of standard applications with macros is covered. The business applications in accounting, finance, and management will be solved using both spreadsheets and when applicable using relational databases and query language.

BMIS 4280. Business Analytics in Decision Making (3), Var
This course provides a broad understanding and knowledge if important business analytic topics and how they can be used to support decision making in all business areas such as government, education, and agriculture, Emphasis will be on the technical decision making. Students will learn how data exploration results in a sequence of descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive processes to result in unique and new information on which decisions can be made. Prerequisite: BMIS 3760.

BMIS 4400. Innovation Management (3); Fa
This course will examine a series of real-world case studies in innovation within several industries such as business, healthcare, science, and technology. The goal of this course is to distill the essence of innovation and entrepreneurship and apply it to a range of business, societal, and personal situations.

BMIS 4800. Project Management (3); Fa, Sp
This course illustrates important aspects of project management, an essential function in both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. Students will work in teams to study the importance of planning, resource allocation, metrics, tracking, and reporting project costs and schedules. State-of-the-art software will be used for an extensive project during the course of the semester. Previous NMHU MIS 480.

BMIS 4900. Independent Study (1-4 VC); Var
Individual study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MIS 490.

Business Software Systems Design (BSSD), Courses In

BSSD 3310. Web Applications (3); Sp
This course will combine web technologies such as HTML5, CWSS3, PHO, JavaScript, and more to create web-based applications for modern platforms. Prerequisite: BSSD 3520. Previously SSD 331.

BSSD 3340. Practicum (1-4 VC); Fa
Work placement with specific responsibilities over a sustained period of time. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. Previously SSD 334.

BSSD 3400. Programming and Logic (3); Alt, Fa, Even
Fundamental concepts in programming and logic. Prerequisite: MATH 1220. Previously SSD 334.

BSSD 3410. Applied Algorithms and Architecture (3); Fa
This course provides the student with a basic Mathematical tool kit for developing interactive and physical computing applications. We will study numbers and number systems, sets and list, logic systems and how computer architecture and Mathematics interact. Prerequisite: MATH 1220 Previously SSD 341. 

BSSD 3510. Web Languages (3); Var
Further exploration of Web Languages beyond the basics. Prerequisite: BSSD 3310. Previously SSD 351. 

BSSD 3520. JavaScript (3); Fa
The purpose of this course is to teach JavaScript basics and popular industry standard frameworks. Prerequisite: MATH 1220. Previously SSD 352. 

BSSD 3650. Patterns and Patterns Languages (3); Sp
This course introduces the design pattern solutions and best practices across previously learned languages. Prerequisites: BSSD 3400 and 3520. Previously SSD 365.

BSSD 3700. Interfaces (3); Alt, Sp, Odd
Exploration of alternative human computer interfaces. Prerequisite: BSSD 3400. Previously SSD 370. 

BSSD 3820. Agile Project Management (3); Alt, Sp, Odd
This course covers the production aspects of software development from an agile perspective. Story walls, burn-down and burn-up charts, test tracking, daily build processes, planning, and retrospective (process improvement) techniques and practices are covered. Previously SSD 382. 

BSSD 3850. Data Modeling (3); Sp
This course introduces basics of data retrieval using database queries, and cloud service APIs. Prerequisite: BSSD 3310. Previously SSD 385.

BSSD 4150. Game Development (3); Sp
This course teaches the basic concepts of game development for casual games. Topics include, character movement, physics, collision detection, attacking, and scoring. Prerequisite: BSSD 4200. Previously SSD 415.

BSSD 4200. Mobile Applications (3); Sp
This course will cover building a native application from start to finish for Apple’s mobile devices using Objective-C in the XCode environment. Topics covered include data presentation and handling and basic user interaction. Prerequisite: BSSD 3400. Previously SSD 420.

BSSD 4250. Advanced Mobile Applications (3); Fa
In this course, students will work on a large-scale native application for an Apple iOS device. Advanced features, such as accelerometer support and geolocation, will be taught. Students will complete the project in phases mirroring professional production. Prerequisite: BSSD 4200. Previously SSD 425.

BSSD 4300. Advanced Web Applications (3); Alt, Sp, Even
In this course, students work on a large-scale web application combining various technologies from previous web courses. Advanced features include responsive design for use across all major platforms. Prerequisite: BSSD 3310. Previously SSD 430.

BSSD 4340. Practicum II (1-4 VC); Sp
Work placement with specific responsibilities over a sustained period of time. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. Previously SSD 434. 

BSSD 4350. ST: Special Topics (VC); Var
This course provides an opportunity to respond to student interest and developing topics in the area of software development, including new domains, new tools, and new methods. Previously SSD 435.

BSSD 4470. Ambient Computing (3); Sp
This course is an exploration of the world of the “invisible” computer. The student will use embedded computers and sensors to learn and then create a robust device that interacts with a specific environment. The course will examine a variety of schemes and approaches to developing computer programs for processors that have no keyboard or screen. We will examine the state of ambient computing technologies and adaptive algorithms. This course compliments the Physical computing curriculum but looks at processors that are more complex than the Arduino system. Prerequisite: BSSD 3410. Previously SSD 447.

Chemistry (CHEM) Course Descriptions

CHEM 1110. Chemistry in Our Community (4); 3, 2 Fa, Sp
This course will introduce nonscience majors to the basic chemistry required to understand topics of current interest affecting their communities, such as air and water quality, global climate change, use of fossil fuels, nuclear power, and alternative energy sources to illustrate chemical principles, acquaint students with scientific methods, and to critically evaluate scientific claims as presented in the media and in other communicative. Previous NMHU CHEM 100. 

CHEM 1215. General Chemistry 1 for STEM Majors (3); Fa, Sp
This course is intended to serve as an introduction to General Chemistry for students enrolled in science, engineering, and certain preprofessional programs. Students will be introduced to several fundamental concepts, including mole, concentration, heat, atomic and molecular structure, periodicity, bonding, physical states, stoichiometry, and reactions. Prerequisite: MATH 1215 with a minimum grade of C. Corequisite: MATH 1215 and CHEM 1215L. Previous NMHU CHEM 211.

CHEM 1215L. General Chemistry Laboratory 1 for STEM Majors (2); 0, 3, 1 recitation; Fa, Sp
General Chemistry I Laboratory for Science Majors is the first semester laboratory course designed to complement the theory and concepts presented in General Chemistry I lecture. The laboratory component will introduce students to techniques for obtaining and analyzing experimental observations pertaining to chemistry using diverse methods and equipment. Prerequisite: MATH 1215. Corequisite: CHEM 1215. Previous NMHU CHEM 215. 

CHEM 1225. General Chemistry 2 for STEM Majors (3); Fa, Sp
This course is intended to serve as a continuation of general chemistry principles for students enrolled in science, engineering, and certain preprofessional programs. The course includes but is not limited to a theoretical and quantitative coverage of solutions and their properties, kinetics, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases, entropy and free energy, electrochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. Additional topics may include (as time permits) organic, polymer, atmospheric, and biochemistry. Prerequisites: CHEM 1215 and CHEM 1215L. Corequisite: CHEM 1225L. Previous NMHU CHEM 212.

CHEM 1225L. General Chemistry Laboratory 2 for STEM Majors (2); 0, 3, 1 recitation; Fa, Sp
General Chemistry II Laboratory for Science Majors is the second of a two-semester sequence of laboratory courses designed to complement the theory and concepts presented in General Chemistry II lecture. The laboratory component will introduce students to techniques for obtaining and analyzing experimental observations pertaining to chemistry using diverse methods and equipment. Corequisite: CHEM 1225. Previous NMHU CHEM 216.

CHEM 1350 – 4350. Selected Topic in Chemistry (3); Var
In depth exploration of a selected topic (s) in chemistry. May be repeated with change of content. Previous NMHU CHEM 135-435.

CHEM 2550. Chemistry Research Seminar (1); Fa, Sp
Seminar focused on current research projects and related literature. Previous NMHU CHEM 255.

CHEM 2990. Undergraduate Research (1-3 VC)
Problems in laboratory or literature may be undertaken as individual research arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CHEM 299.

CHEM 3170. Physical Chemistry Lab (3); 0, 6 Var
Basic electronics, optics, thermodynamic properties, reaction kinetics, and instrumentation analysis, including IR, UV-VIS, GC, NMR, MS, X-ray, LC, and electro-analytical techniques for the determination of molecular structure and properties. Prerequisites: CHEM 3220, CHEM 3420, and MATH 1520. Previous NMHU CHEM 317.

CHEM 3210. Quantitative Analysis (4); 3, 1, 3 Fa
Quantitative analysis is a sub-discipline within analytical chemistry, which deals with the identification and assay of a material of its components, statistical data analysis, chemical equilibrium systems and electrochemistry, Prerequisites: CHEM 1225, CHEM 1225L, and MATH 1220. Previous NMHU CHEM 321.

CHEM 3220. Instrumental Analysis (4); 3, 3 Sp
Instrument analysis is an important branch of analytical chemistry, which covers the design, operational principles and practical applications of modern instrumental methods used in chemical analysis. The course includes spectroscopic methods (UV-Vis/fluorescence/Infrared spectroscopy, atomic absorption/emission spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, etc.), separation methods (gas/liquid chromatography, HPLC, etc.), electrochemical methods (coulometry, potentiometry, voltammetry, etc.) and additional topics. Prerequisite: CHEM 3210. Previous NMHU CHEM 322. 

CHEM 3250. Environmental Chemistry (3); Var
Environmental chemistry explores the sources, distribution, reactions, fate, transport, and consequences of chemicals in natural systems. Reactions in aquatic, terrestrial, and atmospheric environments will be considered, including both biological and abiotic transformations. Prerequisite: CHEM 3410. Previous NMHU CHEM 325. 

CHEM 3410. Organic Chemistry 1 (4); 3, 3, 1 recitation; Fa
An intensive study of the chemistry of carbon compounds, including structure, synthesis, and reaction mechanisms. The lab component will include the study of the isolation, purification, and identification of various classes of organic compounds. Prerequisites: CHEM 1225 and CHEM 1225L. Previous NMHU CHEM 341. 

CHEM 3420. Organic Chemistry 2 (4); 3, 3, 1 recitation; Sp
A continuation of CHEM 341. Special topics, including an introduction to biochemistry and polymer chemistry, are included. The lab component will include the synthesis of various classes of organic compounds and their identification using modern spectroscopic techniques. Prerequisite: CHEM 3410. Previous NMHU CHEM 342. 

CHEM 3590. Fundamentals of Laboratory Safety (1); Var
Introduction to the principles of laboratory safety, including the proper use of emergency safety equipment and personal protective equipment; instructions for the safe handling, labeling, storage, and disposal of chemicals; and safety in the biology and physics labs. Emphasis will be placed on preparing science educators in safety procedures. Prerequisite: CHEM 1225, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CHEM 359.

CHEM 3710. Physical Chemistry 1 (3); Alt, Fa, Odd
Chemical theory of states of matter, thermodynamics, equilibria, and kinetics. Prerequisites: CHEM 3420, MATH 1510, and PHYS 1320. Previous NMHU CHEM 371.

CHEM 3720. Physical Chemistry 2 (3); Alt, Sp, Even
Topics include quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, spectroscopy, and molecular structure. Prerequisites: CHEM 3710 and MATH 1520. Previous NMHU CHEM 372.

CHEM 4190. Integrated Chemistry Laboratory (3); Var
This is a project-based advanced chemical preparation and analysis laboratory course. Projects encompass the five major areas of chemistry (organic, inorganic, analytical, physical, and biological) Emphasis is on spectroscopy and separation techniques, bioanalysis, organic synthesis, and materials science. Relevant software/computational approaches and technical writing are also emphasized. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CHEM 419.

CHEM 4410. Reaction Mechanisms (3); Alt, Fa, Odd
Theoretical organic chemistry, including molecular orbital theory, photochemistry, orbital symmetry, and reaction mechanisms. Prerequisites: CHEM 3170, CHEM 3420, and CHEM 3720. Previous NMHU CHEM 441. 

CHEM 4420. Synthetic Chemistry (3); Alt, Sp, Even
An advanced treatment of synthetic organic and inorganic chemistry and reaction mechanisms. Prerequisite: CHEM 3170, CHEM 3420, and CHEM 3720. Previous NMHU CHEM 442. 

CHEM 4500. Seminar in Chemistry (1-3 VC)
Seminar course in a topic or topics in chemistry. Prerequisites: CHEM 3170, CHEM 3420, and CHEM 3720. Previous NMHU CHEM 450.

CHEM 4550. Chemistry Research Seminar (1); Fa, Sp
Seminar focused on current research projects and related literature. Previous NMHU CHEM 455.

CHEM 4610. Inorganic Chemistry 1 (3); Var
Quantum mechanical approach to chemical bonding, crystal and ligand field theory, acid/base theories, and transition metal chemistry. Prerequisites: CHEM 3170 and CHEM 3720. Previous CHEM 461. 

CHEM 4620. Inorganic Chemistry 2 (3); Var
A continuation of CHEM 461. Topics include metal, transition metal, and nonmetal inorganic topics, and symmetry as related to spectroscopy and reaction mechanisms. Prerequisite: CHEM 4610. Previous NMHU CHEM 462. 

CHEM 4730. Chemical Kinetics (3); Var
An in-depth study of chemical reaction kinetics. Prerequisites: CHEM 3170 and CHEM 3720. Previous NMHU CHEM 473. 

CHEM 4810. Biochemistry 1 (3); Fa
Begins with an introduction to the chemistry of biologically important molecules, including proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids; before exploring enzymatic properties, kinetics and metabolism. Prerequisite: CHEM 3420. Previous NMHU CHEM 481.

CHEM 4820. Biochemistry 2 (3); Sp
A continuation of CHEM 4810. Prerequisite: CHEM 4810. Previous NMHU CHEM 482.

CHEM 4830. Biochemistry Laboratory (2); Sp, Fa
Biochemistry Laboratory will give students hands-on experience with modern biochemistry and molecular biology experimental techniques, such as, cloning, PCR and protein expression, purification and analysis. Previous NMHU CHEM 483.

CHEM 4900. Independent Study (1-6 VC)
Individual directed study arranged with an instructor. A thesis and oral presentation are required. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CHEM 490.

CHEM 4950. Senior Chemistry Applications (3); Sp
Consists of an open-ended advanced chemistry project that include presenting oral and written reports that are designed to reveal each student’s overall understanding of chemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 3720 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CHEM 495.

CHEM 4990. Independent Research (1-6 VC)
A research problem in chemistry, explored through individual, directed research arranged with an instructor. A thesis and oral presentation are required. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CHEM 499.

Criminal Justice (CJUS), Courses in

CJUS 2350 – 4350. ST: Selected Topic in Criminal Justice (3); Var
Course in a topic or topics in criminal justice. May be repeated with a change of content. Prerequisite: SOCI 1110 or SOCI 2120. Previous NMHU CJS 235-435.

CJUS 3010. Law Enforcement (3); Var
This course examines society’s evolving responses to crime from the perspective of law enforcement agencies and officers. This course will explore the evolution of American policing from its roots in England to its current form. Topics will include community-oriented policing, problem-oriented policing, victimology, and the culture of police community. Prerequisites: SOCI 1110 or SOCI 2120. Previous NMHU CJS 301.

CJUS 3100. Law & Society (3); Var
The aim of this course is to examine how the law shapes society and how society shapes the law. It explores legal institutions, the legal behavior of human groups, and the factors outside of laws – such as politics, the economy, organizations, intergroup relations, gender, race/ethnicity – that may influence the nature and functioning of the law. Prerequisites: SOCI 1110 or SOCI 2120 or ANTHH 1140. Previous CJS 310.

CJUS 3120. Gender and Crime (3); Var
This course will explore the criminal behavior of offenders and the challenges that various genders face as victims, perpetrators, and professionals within the criminal justice system. Prerequisites: SOCI 1110 or ANTH 1140 or GNDR 2225.

CJUS 3150. Issues in the Criminal Justice System (3); Var
This course provides an advanced exploration of issues currently impacting law enforcement, models of adult and juvenile corrections, and the judicial system. The course is designed to provide students with in-depth knowledge of the interdependence of the components of the criminal justice system continuum. The type and effectiveness of rehabilitative efforts and constitutional requirements for mental and medical health care will be examined. Prerequisite: SOCI 1110 or SOCI 2120. Previous NMHU CJS 315.

CJUS 3810. Terrorism (3); Var
This course critically examines the historical foundations of contemporary international terrorism, theories of its causes, its control, and the consequences of implementing those controls. Prerequisite: SOCI 1110 or SOCI 2120. 

CJUS 4090. Domestic and Sexual Violence (3); Var
This course focuses on physical, sexual, and emotional abuse that occurs within families. A particular emphasis will be a focus on the psychological consequences of exposure to physical and sexual trauma and neglect. Victim and offender characteristics will be discussed in the context of family dynamics. Typical and potential criminal justice system responses will be explored. Prerequisite: SOCI 1110 or SOCI 2120. Previous NMHU CJS 409.

CJUS 4130 Sociology of Murder (3); Var
The crime of murder, or homicide, is a cultural universal. It exists in every recognized society. This course will examine this behavior as social phenomena. The course includes definitions of murder, characteristics of victims and offenders, global comparisons of this crime, theoretical considerations, and an examination of how various justice systems address this behavior. Prerequisites: SOCI 1110, SOCI 2120 and the successful completion of at least 1 other upper-level SOCI/CJUS/PSYC or ANTH course. 

CJUS 4160. Organized Crime (3); Var
This course is an in-depth examination of organized crime. Emphasis is placed on the theories of organized crime, the social, political, and historical evolution of organized crime, the principal forms of organized criminal activity, and efforts to investigate, control and prosecute organized crime. Prerequisite: SOCI 1110. 

CJUS 4170 Homicide & Policing (3); Var
An examination of the various trends in homicide rates in the United States over the last half century and how policing has responded to those trends. The course also explores how socio-economic and racial inequalities have impacted political discourse and systemic processes around policing practices. Prerequisites: SOCI 1100 or 2120.

CJUS 4180. Reproductive Justice (3); Var
This class examines the reproductive justice theoretical framework, its history, origins, and conceptualization to explore its practical applications for transformative feminist activism and theorizing. Reproductive justice developed as a multi-layered theoretical paradigm and model for theorists/activists concerned about issues surrounding reproductive dignity. Prerequisite: SOCI 1110.

CJUS 4200. Drugs in American Society (3); Var
This course will examine the history of drugs in the United States as well as the role drugs play in society and within the criminal justice system. There will be significant emphasis on the history of hemp and hemp production as well as examination of key issues pertaining to hemp today. Prerequisites: SOCI 1110, ANTH 1140 or CJUS 2120 plus at least one 3000-4000 level course in sociology, criminal justice, political science, anthropology or (social) psychology.

CJUS 4240. Violence and Society (3); Var
In this course, violence will be studies as social phenomena. The course includes general descriptions and theories of violence as well as considerations to reduce lethal and non-lethal violence in society. Prerequisite: SOCI or ANTH 1140 and junior level classification.

CJUS 4250. Social and Transformative Justice (3); Var
This class uses interdisciplinary perspectives to explore the ways that social justice is understood, theorized and put into practice. The class explores different generations of relationships to social justice and human rights strategies as well as social movements in the U.S. and globally. Prerequisites: SOCI 1110 or ANTH 1140 or GNDR 2225.

CJUS 4380. New Social Justice Movements: A World of Protests, Cultural Resistance and Community Building (3); Var
Cultural changes over the past two decades have led to a proliferation of new social justice movements globally. This class examines the changing economic and political relations, based on the ownership and control of essential resources (e.g., information technologies and communication) which raise important questions for community organizing in an increasingly privatized, postindustrial world of a knowledge society. Prerequisites: SOCI 1110 or ANTH 1140 or CJUS or GNDR 2000. 

CJUS 4600. Approaches to Dispute Resolution (3); Var
This course provides a theoretical and practical understanding of dispute resolution processes in use in the private and public sectors. The course examines how and why dispute resolution processes function in particular environments and critiques the strengths and weaknesses of each process. Prerequisite: Introductory course in psychology or introductory course in sociology. Prerequisite: SOCI 1110 or SOCI 2120. Previous NMHU CJS 460.

CJUS 4900. Independent Study in Criminal Justice (1-4VC); Var
Individual study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CJS 490.

Communication (COMM), Courses in

COMM 1130. Beginning Speech (3); Var
This course introduces the theory and fundamental principles of public speaking, emphasizing audience analysis, reasoning, the use of evidence, and effective delivery. Students will study principles of communication theory and rhetoric and apply them in the analysis, preparation, and presentation of speeches, including informative, persuasive, and impromptu speeches. Previously NMHU COMM 124.

Computer Science (CS), Courses in 

CS 1310. A Gentle Introduction to Internet (1); Fa, Sp
An introduction to the Internet, exploring the global electronic superhighway. Prerequisite: Proficiency in Windows. Previous NMHU CS 131.

CS 1350-4350. Selected Topics in Computer Science (1-4 VC); Fa, Sp
Course in a topic or topics in computer science. May be repeated with change of content. Previous NMHU CS 135-435.

CS 1400. Introduction to Problem Solving and Computers (3); Fa, Sp
Presents methods of analyzing and strategies for solving problems of all types. Introduces a programming language while presenting a model of how a computer works as a problem-solving machine. Previous NMHU CS 140. 

CS 1440. Introduction to Computer Science (3); 2, 2 Fa, Sp
Introduction to computer science and its subfields including the operating systems, hardware, networking, databases, and artificial intelligence. Prerequisite: MATH 1215 with a minimum grade of C, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 144.

CS 1450. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (3); 2, 2 Fa, Sp
This course is an introduction to object-oriented programming with software engineering emphasis. Major emphasis is placed on object-oriented programming techniques with focus on encapsulation and simple data structures implemented with classes and arrays. Prerequisite: MATH 1215 with a minimum grade of C, or ACT MATH score of 24, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 145. 

CS 1900–4900. Independent Study (1 – 4 VC); Fa, Sp
Independent study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 190-490.

CS 2110. Introduction to Object-Oriented COBOL for Business Data Processing (3); Fa, Sp
An introduction to object-oriented COBOL with business applications. Students apply an object-oriented program development process that features a series of steps involving understanding of a problem, formal problem definition, object-oriented and visual design methodologies. Prerequisite: CS 145 with a minimum grade of C for computer science majors and minors; or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 211.

CS 2450. Advanced Computer Programming (3); Fa, Sp
Topics include the principles of software engineering, debugging and testing, string processing, internal searching and sorting, simple data structures, such as stacks, queues and lists, recursion, and object-oriented programming. Prerequisite: CS 1440 and CS 1450 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU CS 245.

CS 3110. Adv. Business Data Analysis (3); Fa, Sp
Advanced business applications programming. Report generation, file manipulation, building user interfaces, database manipulation through application programs, and use of operating system cells. Prerequisite: CS 2110 or CS 3180 with minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU CS 311.

CS 3120. Advanced Fortran Programming (3); 2, 2 Fa, Sp
An advanced treatment of the Fortran programming language. Emphasis will be on advanced techniques for numerical analysis and on the specialized input-output facilities of the language. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 312.

 CS 3140. The C++ Programming Language (3); 2, 2 Fa, Sp
An in-depth study of the C++ programming language. The significant features of the language will be discussed with a special emphasis on those that relate to object-oriented programming. Prerequisite: None; however, C++ is not considered a good introduction to programming. Previous NMHU CS 314. 

CS 3150. Introduction to Java Programming Language (3); 2, 2 Fa, Sp
Introduction to object-oriented programming using Java programming language. Numerous programs will be written to exercise the material covered. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 315.

CS 3160. Programming in Lisp and Prolog (3); Fa, Sp
An in-depth study of Lisp and Prolog, the most popular computer programming languages for artificial intelligence applications. Numerous programs will be written to exercise the material covered. Prerequisite: CS 2450 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 316.

CS 3180. Business Applications Programming (3); Fa, Sp
An introduction to business applications programming in a visual programming environment. Using a visual programming language to solve business application problems. Previous NMHU CS 318. 

CS 3240. UNIX Operating System (3); 2, 2 Fa, Sp
Introduction to the UNIX operating system and its interfaces including the file system, shell, editors, pipes, and filters, input/output system, shell programming, program development, and document preparation. Prerequisites: Any programming language or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 324.

CS 3250. Computer Hardware Installation and Maintenance (1); 0, 2 Fa, Sp
A practical investigation of the processes involved in the installation and debugging of complex computer hardware systems including disk controllers, sounds and graphic boards, communication hardware, and various peripherals. Students will work on their own and in teams to build computer systems. Previous NMHU CS 325.

CS 3260. Computer Software Installation (1); 0, 2 Fa, Sp
A practical investigation of the processes involved in the installation of complex computer software including operating systems, communication packages, and Windows-based programs. Students will work on their own and in teams to both prepare computers for installation and install a wide range of computer software. Prerequisite: CS 3250 or permission of the instructor. Previous NMHU CS 326.

CS 3270. Hands on UNIX (1); 0, 2 Fa, Sp
C programming language and system programming on UNIX and LINUX operating systems. Prerequisite: CS 1450 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 327. 

CS 3280. C and UNIX (3); 3, 0 Fa, Sp
C programming language and system programming on UNIX and LINUX operating systems. Prerequisite: CS 3270 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 328.

CS 3310. Decision Support Systems (3); Fa, Sp
Study of the theory and several practical techniques of computer-based support systems including linear programming, simulation, and decision theory. Prerequisites: CS 2450 and knowledge of spreadsheets, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 331.

CS 3320. Advanced Internet (1); Fa, Sp
A continuation to A Gentle Introduction to the Internet focusing on advanced search techniques and methodologies for creating complex web pages. Prerequisite: CS 1310 or knowledge of Windows, the internet, and simple HTML. Previous NMHU CS 332. 

CS 3410. Machine Architecture and Assembly Language Programming (3); Fa, Sp
An introductory course in computer systems architecture and assembly language programming. Prerequisite: Grade of at least C in CS 2450, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 341.

CS 3450. Data and File Structures (4); 3, 2 Fa, Sp
Methods of organizing data in memory and on peripheral devices and of accessing this information in an efficient manner. The course gives students experience with searching and sorting, trees, binary search trees, graphs, sequential files, merging files, and file update procedures. Prerequisite: CS 2450 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU CS 345.

CS 3500. Programming Seminar I (3); 2, 2 Fa, Sp
The study of advanced programming techniques and technologies involving complex data structures and algorithms, graphical user interfaces, and object-based programming. Emphasis will be placed on the use of sophisticated software development and debugging tools. Prerequisite: CS 2450 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU CS 350.

CS 3510. Systems Design and Analysis (3); Fa, Sp
Design and analysis of information systems emphasizing the object approach but including elements of traditional analysis and design modeling. Software development life cycles requirements gathering, decomposition, and formal modeling will be covered. Previous NMHU CS 351.

CS 3800. Computer Modeling and Simulations (3); Fa, Sp
This course introduces computer-based simulation and its applications to engineering and the sciences. The primary goals of this course are to increase students’ ability to design useful models of real-world situations and to implement those models so that they can be executed on computers to answer questions about the real world. Prerequisites: CS 2450 and MATH 1440. Previous NMHU CS 380. 

CS 4180. Multimedia Programming (3); 2, 2 Fa, Sp
Introduction to programming multimedia applications. Numerous programs will be written to exercise the material covered. Prerequisite: CS 3150 or CS 2450 with a minimum grade of C and permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 418. 

CS 4210. Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Development (3); Fa, Sp
An investigation of computer data structures with an emphasis on the design and development of efficient algorithms for solving a wide variety of common computing problems. The course also covers the analysis and measurement of the performance of algorithms. Prerequisites: CS 3450 and MATH 3170 with minimum grades of C. Previous NMHU CS 421.

CS 4300. Computer Technology in the Classroom (3); Fa, Sp
This course acts as the culminating experience for the computer science side of the major in MATH and computer science for the secondary school teachers. Students will develop their own principles for the proper use of computer-based technology in the classroom and then work on their own project to explore some state-of-the-art hardware or software in terms of its relevance to the classroom setting. Students register once for the class, should complete the project by the end of the semester and will be given an F if not completed within three years. Previous NMHU CS 430.

CS 4310. Database Management (3); Fa, Sp
The development of the major types of database systems, providing the framework for some experience with at least one database model. Assignments will include accessing, updating, and organizing a database. The use of a relational model will be emphasized along with various database inquiry systems, including natural language-like systems. Prerequisite: CS 2450 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU CS 431. 

CS 4320. Advanced Database Management (3); Fa, Sp
An investigation of advanced topics in information management and retrieval. The focus of this course may be changed from year to year. Some example topics that may be taught include multimedia databases, building digital libraries, relational or object-oriented database implementation, building database-driven web sites, text and informational retrieval, data mining. Prerequisite: CS 4310 with a minimum grade of C, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 432. 

CS 4360. Human-Computer Interaction (3); Fa, Sp
This course investigates theory and practice in human-computer Interaction. Students will study the impact of human perception and cognition on user interface design and learn to use tools for building graphical use interface (GUIs) and speech interfaces. In addition, each student will design and implement a user interface. Prerequisite: CS 2450 or CS 3150 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU 436. 

CS 4420. Computer Systems Architecture (3); Fa, Sp
Acquaints the student with the way a computer works internally. Topics to be covered include basic logic design, data coding, parity generation and detection, number representation and arithmetic, and computer architecture. Prerequisite: CS 3410 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU CS 442. 

CS 4430. Operating Systems (3); Fa, Sp
A study of the concepts associated with the modern operating system. Topics will include supervisors, command processors, device drivers, interrupt handlers, queue managers, resource managers, memory allocation schemes, process activation and control, and timesharing or multi-task control. Prerequisite: CS 3410 with minimum, grade of C. Previous NMHU CS 443.

CS 4500. Programming Seminar 2 (3); 2, 2 Fa, Sp
A continuation of the study of algorithms important in software development, providing students with experience in designing and building large programs. There will be an emphasis on group projects. Prerequisite: CS 3500. Previous NMHU CS 450. 

CS 4510. Software Engineering (3); Fa, Sp
A study of the concepts and techniques of software engineering. Emphasis will be on object-oriented design principles, the integration of systems analysis methodologies into software engineering and topics such as formal specifications and proof of program correctness. Prerequisite: CS 3500 for hardware/software majors and minors with minimum grade of C; and CS 3510 for computer information system majors and minors with minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU CS 451. 

CS 4550. Introduction to Computer Graphics (3); Fa, Sp
To provide an introduction to the applications and basic techniques involved in the general field of computer graphics. The course will be a combination of surveying the different hardware and software used in graphic systems and of implementing some basic graphic algorithms. Students will have access to SGI computers. Prerequisite: CS 2450 or CS 3140 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 455.

CS 4560. Internet Services (3); 2, 2 Fa, Sp
An introduction to telecommunications and the Internet. This course introduces the use of Internet for both research and problem solving. Students will be expected to develop tools for enhancing and accessing the Internet. Previous NMHU CS 456. 

CS 4570. Computer Networks (3); Fa, Sp
A study of the major concepts of computer networking. Topics discussed will include the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model, data communication networking, computer communications architectures and protocols as well as applications including local area networks (LAN) and integrated services digital network (ISDN). Previous NMHU CS 457. 

CS 4580. Network Management (3); Fa, Sp
Application of networking concepts related to the management of local area networks. Includes topics related to repair, setup, management, and maintenance of local area networks. Prerequisite: CS 4570 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 458.

CS 4590. Network Security (3); Fa, Sp
This course addresses security issues for TCP/ IP-based and NT networks. Access control and communications security issues will be covered as well as Internet and intranet security. Prerequisite: CS 4570, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 459. 

CS 4600. Wide Area Networks (3); Fa, Sp
Application of networking concepts related to the wide area networks. Includes topics related to nature and use of wide area networks including topologies, software, and hardware. Special emphasis on the TCP/IP suite of protocols. Prerequisite: CS 4570 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 460. 

CS 4610. Programming Languages (3); Fa, Sp
A comparative study of programming languages and their features. The course develops an understanding of the organization of programming languages, especially the run-time behavior of programs. Students will gain experience with a variety of languages. Prerequisite: CS 2450 and one other programming language course. Previous NMHU CS 461.

CS 4620. Compiler Design (3); Fa, Sp
Formal treatment of programming language interpreter, translator, and compiler design concepts. Topics include lexical analysis, parsing, code generation, and code optimization. Emphasis will be on the theoretical aspects of parsing context-free languages, translation specifications, and machine-independent code improvement. Programming projects that demonstrate various concepts will be assigned. Prerequisite: CS 4610. Previous NMHU CS 462.

CS 4630. Web Programming (3); Fa, Sp
Introduction to programming on the Internet. Prerequisites: CS 1310 and CS 1450, the equivalent, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 463. 

CS 4640. Network Programming (3); Fa, Sp
To extend students’ knowledge and practice in analysis, design, and programming of computer networks. Prerequisites: CS 2450 and 3280. Previous NMHU CS 464. 

CS 4710. Artificial Intelligence (3); Fa, Sp
A general introduction to the theories and problems involved in the development of computer-based intelligence systems with specific emphasis on knowledge representation and search. The focus will be on artificial intelligence research that provides information for the understanding of human intelligence and on application research in areas such as expert systems, natural language systems, and intelligent computer-aided instruction. Previous NMHU CS 471. 

CS 4720. Cognitive Science (3); Fa, Sp
An interdisciplinary investigation of the foundations of human knowledge representation and understanding, the functioning of the human mind, and how these impact on recent computer technologies. Cross-listed as: PSYC 4720 and PHIL 4720. Previous NMHU CS 472. 

CS 4730. Artificial Neural Networks (3); Fa, Sp
Basic neurobiology; neural networks; single neuron models; single layer perceptrons; multi-layer perceptrons; radial basis function networks; committee machines; Kohonen networks; applications of neural networks. Prerequisites: CS 2450 and MATH 2530. Previous NMHU CS 473. 

CS 4740. Machine Learning Algorithms (3); Fa, Sp
This course studies different machine learning techniques/paradigms, including decision trees, neural networks, genetic algorithms, Bayesian learning, rule learning, reinforcement learning and ensemble methods. The applications of these techniques to problems in data analysis, prediction, knowledge discovery and data mining are discussed. Prerequisites: CS 2450, MATH 3200, and MATH 3450. Previous NMHU CS 474.

CS 4750. Image Processing (3); Fa, Sp
The course provides Mathematical foundations and practical techniques for digital manipulation of images; preprocessing; segmentation; Fourier domain processing; and compression. Prerequisites: CS 2450 and MATH 3200. Previous NMHU CS 475.

CS 4760. Animation and Visualization (3); Fa, Sp
Computer-based graphical representations, or visualizations, or scientific processes and phenomena have become commonplace in scientific communities. For example, geologists like to visualize plate tectonics, meteorologists like to visualize weather systems, and computer scientists like to visualize algorithms. After briefly surveying the use of visualization in scientific communities, this course pursues an in-depth investigation of its theoretical underpinnings, from the three diverse perspectives; the cognitive perspective, the social perspective, and the cultural perspective. Prerequisites: CS 2450 and MATH 3200. Previous NMHU CS 476. 

CS 4770. Parallel and Distributed Programming (3); Fa, Sp
This course introduces algorithms and techniques for programming highly parallel computers. Topics covered include trends in parallel and distributed computing; shared address space and message passing architectures; design issues for parallel algorithms; converting sequential algorithms into equivalent parallel algorithms; synchronization and data sharing; improving performance of parallel algorithms; interconnection network topologies, routing, and flow control; latency limits on speedup of algorithms by parallel implementations. Design, coding, performance analysis, debugging and other aspects of parallel algorithm development will be covered. Prerequisites: CS 2450 and CS 4210. Previous NMHU CS 477.

CS 4810. Senior Project Design (1); Fa, Sp
The project proposal phase of an integrated senior-year course that combines each student’s previous course work into a complete system design project. Prerequisite: CS 3500, Senior classification, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 481. 

CS 4820. Senior Project Implementation (3); Fa, Sp
The implementation and presentation phase of an integrated senior-year course that combines each student’s previous course work into a complete system design project. Students will sign up for the course once and be given credit upon completion. If the project has not been completed by the end of the semester, the student may be given a PR. If not completed within three years, an F will be given. Prerequisite: CS 4810. Previous NMHU CS 482.

CS 4830. Senior Project Presentation (2); Fa, Sp
Students will write a paper on some topic in computer science, possibly in conjunction with their senior project, and submit it to an appropriate publication or conference. Papers not accepted for publication or presentation will be formally presented on campus. Students will sign up for course once and be given credit and a grade upon completion. If it is not completed at the end of the semester, students may be given a PR. If not completed within two years, an F will be given. Previous NMHU CS 483.

CS 4990. Independent Research (1-4 VC); Fa, SpIndividual research arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU CS 499.

Early Childhood Education (ECED), Courses in

ECED 1110. Child Growth, Development and Learning (3); Fa Odd
This basic course in the growth, development, and learning of young children, prenatal through age eight, provides students with the theoretical foundation for becoming competent early childhood professionals. The course includes knowledge of how young children grow, develop, and learn. Major theories of child development are integrated with all domains of development, including biological-physical, social, cultural, emotional, cognitive and language. The adult’s role in supporting each child’s growth, development and learning is emphasized. Previously NMHU ECME 302. 

ECED 1115. Health, Safety and Nutrition (2); Sp Odd
This course provides information related to standards and practices that promote children’s physical and mental well-being sound nutritional practices, and maintenance of safe learning environments. It includes information for developing sound health and safety management procedures for indoor and outdoor learning environments for young children. The course examines the many scheduling factors that are important for children’s total development, healthy nutrition, physical activity, and rest. Previous NMHU ECME 301. 

ECED 1120. Guiding Young Children (3); Sp, Even
This course explores various theories of child guidance and the practical applications of each. It provides developmentally appropriate methods for guiding children and effective strategies and suggestions for facilitating positive social interactions. Strategies for preventing challenging behaviors through the use of environment, routines and schedule will be presented Emphasis is placed on helping children become self- responsible, competent, independent, and cooperative learners and including families as part of the guidance approach. Previously NMHU ECME 305. 

ECED 1125. Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs 1 (3); Alt, Fa, Even
This basic course familiarizes students with a variety of culturally appropriate assessment methods and instruments, including systematic observation of typically and non-typically developing children. The course addresses the development and use of formative and summative assessment and evaluation instruments to ensure comprehensive quality of the total environment for children, families, and the community. Students will develop skills for evaluating the assessment process and involving other teachers, professionals, and families in the process. Previously NMHU ECME 328.

ECED 1130. Family and Community Collaboration (3); Sp Odd
This beginning course examines the involvement of families and communities from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds in early childhood programs. Ways to establishes collaborative relationships with families in early childhood settings is discussed. Families’ goals and desires for their children will be supported through culturally responsive strategies. Previously NMHU ECME 303. 

ECED 2110. Professionalism (2); Sp, Odd
This course provides a broad-based orientation to the field of early care and education. Early childhood history, philosophy, ethics and advocacy are introduced. Basic principles of early childhood systems are explored. Multiple perspectives on early care and education are introduced. Professional responsibilities such as cultural responsiveness and reflective practice are examined. Previously NMHU ECME 300. 

ECED 2115. Introduction to Language, Literacy and Reading (3); Fa, Odd
This course is designed to prepare early childhood professionals for promoting children’s emergent literacy and reading development. Through a developmental approach, the course addresses ways in which early childhood professionals can foster young children’s oral language development, phonemic awareness, and literacy problem solving skills, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. This course provides the foundation for early childhood professionals to become knowledgeable about literacy development in young children. Instructional approaches and theory-based and research-based strategies to support the emergent literacy and reading skills of native speakers and English language learners will be presented. Previously NMHU ECME 315.

ECED 2120. Curriculum Development through Play: Birth through Age 4 (3); Alt, Sp, Even
This beginning curriculum course places play at the center of curriculum in developmentally appropriate early childhood programs. It addresses content that is relevant for children, birth through age 8, developmentally appropriate ways of integrating content into teaching and learning experiences. Information on adapting content areas to meet the needs of children with special needs and the development of IFSPs is included. Curriculum development in all areas, including literacy, numeracy, the ARTs, health, science, social skills, and adaptive learning for children, birth through age 4, is emphasized. Corequisite: ECED 2121. Previously NMHU ECME 304.

ECED 2121. Practicum for Curriculum Development through Play: Birth through Age 4 (2); Sp, Even
The beginning practicum course is a Corequisite with the course Curriculum Development through Play – Birth through Age 4. The field-based component of this course will provide experiences that address curriculum content that is relevant for children birth through age four in developmentally and culturally sensitive ways of integrating content into teaching and learning experiences. Information on adapting content areas to meet the needs of children with special needs and the development of IFSPs is included. Curriculum development in all areas, including literacy, numeracy, the arts, health, science, social skills, and adaptive learning for children, birth through age four, is emphasized. Previously NMHU ECME 332. 

ECED 2130. Curriculum Development and Implementation: Age 3 (Pre-K) through Grade 3 (3); Alt, Fa, Even
The curriculum course focuses on developmentally appropriate curriculum content in early childhood programs, age 3 through third grade. Development and implementation of curriculum in all content areas, including literacy, numeracy, the arts, health and emotional wellness, science, motor and social skills, is emphasized. Information on adapting content areas to meet the needs of children with special needs and the development of IEP’s is included. Previously NMHU ECME 306. 

ECED 2131. Curriculum Development and Implementation Practicum: Age 3 (Pre-K) through Grade 3 (2); Fa, Even
The beginning practicum course is a Corequisite with the course Curriculum Development and Implementation: Age 3 through Grade 3. The field-based component of this course will provide experiences that address developmentally appropriate curriculum content in early childhood programs, age 3 through third grade. Development and implementation of curriculum in all content areas, including literacy, numeracy, the arts, health and emotional wellness, science, motor and social skills is emphasized. Information on adapting content areas to meet the needs of children with special needs and the development of IEPs is included. Previously NMHU ECME 334. 

ECED 3350-4350. Selected Topics in Early Childhood Multicultural Education (1-4 VC); Var
Course in topics in early childhood multicultural education. May be repeated with change of content. Previously NMHU ECME 335-435. 

ECED 4030. Family, Language and Culture (3); Su
This course analyzes the interrelationships between family, language, and culture as connected to children’s development and learning. In this course, language is understood as a human activity and higher mental process which build on the children’s families, community, and cultural background. Language conceived as human activity must be examined through an understanding of dialogue, because dialogue is a way of promoting positive relationships between home, school, and community partnerships. In the course of these collaborative partnerships, a vision for a better world and well-being for young children will emerge and concretize in a culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogy. Prerequisite: ECED 1130. Previously NMHU ECME 403. 

ECED 4110. Teaching and Learning Reading and Writing (3); Fa, Sp
The foundation of this course is an understanding of the reading process including the relationship between reading, writing, listening, and speaking; individual needs and abilities in reading instruction; and how to organize classrooms and select materials to support literacy development. Concepts of phonemic awareness, phonics instruction, vocabulary development, fluency, and comprehension are integrated with the use of developmentally appropriate authentic techniques, language/literacy immersion, and multicultural children’s literature. Prerequisite: ECED 2115; corequisite: ECED 412. Previously NMHU ECME 411.

ECED 4130. Teaching and Learning MATH and Science (4); Fa, Sp
The focus of this advanced-curriculum course is on the standards, principles, and practices in teaching mathematics and science to young children in preschool through grade three. An emphasis is placed on developing a content-rich integrated math and science curriculum that focuses on children’s development and interests, includes appropriate content, processes, environment, and materials with an emphasis on problem solving as the major means of constructing basic concepts. Field experiences required. Previously NMHU ECME 413. 

ECED 4140. Teaching Reading and Learning Social Studies, Fine Arts and Movement (3); Fa, Sp
This course focuses on the aims, scope, and integration of methods of teaching social studies, fine arts, and movement across the curriculum. This course emphasizes an integrated approach to teach the “what and why” of social studies; assessing student learning; planning units, lessons, and activities; developing, effective instructional strategies; and acquiring knowledge of social studies content. Concepts of expressive art include the visual arts, music, movement, and drama. Prerequisite: AA in ECED or ECME 3000-level courses. Previously NMHU ECME 414.

ECED 4150. Teaching and Learning Practicum (2); Fa, Sp
The field practicum is a corequisite course with the following: Teaching and Learning Reading and Writing; Teaching and Learning Math and Science; Teaching and Learning Social Studies, Fine Arts, and Movement. The field-based component of this set of courses will provide experiences that address curriculum content and practice teaching that is relevant for children pre-K through grade 3 in developmentally and culturally sensitive ways. Prerequisite: AA in ECED or ECED 300-level courses. Previously NMHU ECME 415.

ECED 4170. Emergent Literacy (3); Fa, Sp
This advanced course prepares early childhood professionals to study literacy development, specifically oral language, writing and reading. This course focuses on children from birth through pre-K, including children with diverse abilities. Through a developmental approach, the courses addresses: 1) recent theory and research that translates into practical strategies, assessment materials, and preparation of literacy rich environments; 2) the sociocultural contexts in which children develop literacy; 3) culturally, linguistically, and developmentally appropriate literacy curricula; 4) processes used to determine the appropriateness of various literacy strategies; 5) assessment, evaluation, and accountability, and 6) literacy leadership. Prerequisite: ECED 2115. Previously NMHU ECME 417. 

ECED 4200. Research in Child Growth, Development, and Learning (3); Fa, Sp
This advanced course in child growth, development, and learning builds upon the foundational material covered in the basic course in child growth, development, and learning. An integration of major theories of child development is provided by focusing on contemporary research in all aspects of development, including bio-ecological, social-affective, cognitive-learning, language-cultural, and methodological aspects of research in early childhood development and education. This course focuses on preparing early childhood professionals to use empirically based research to inform their teaching of young children as well as preparing teachers to be researchers in their own classrooms. Prerequisite: ECED 1110. Previously NMHU ECME 420.

ECED 4240. Integrated Curriculum: Birth through Age 4 (4); Fa, Sp
This advanced course focuses on developmentally appropriate content, learning environments, and curriculum implementation for children birth through age 4. The course emphasizes integration of content areas (the arts, literacy, math, health/emotional wellness, science, social studies, motor, and adaptive living skills) and the development of rich learning environments for infants, toddlers, and preschool children. Corequisite: ECED 4250. Previously NMHU ECED 424.

ECED 4250. Integrated Curriculum Practicum: Birth through Age 4 (2); Fa, Sp
This practicum course follows the prerequisite course ECED 2130 at the associate level. The field-based component of this course provides experiences that address curriculum content that is relevant for children birth through age 4 in developmentally and culturally sensitive ways of integrating content into teaching and learning experiences in natural environments and center-based programs. Information on adapting content areas to meet the needs of children with special needs and the development of IFSPs is included. Curriculum development in all areas, including literacy, numeracy, the arts, health, science, social skills, and adaptive learning for children, birth through age 4, is emphasized. Prerequisites: 300-level ECED courses. Corequisite: ECED 424. Previously NMHU ECME 425.

ECED 4280. Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs 2 (3); Fa, Sp
This advanced course builds upon student understanding of the connections, among learning, teaching, and assessment, and strategies for evaluation programs. Assessment, identification, and monitoring of typical and atypical development in the cognitive, motor, affective, and social domains will be explored. Multiple and diverse assessment approaches, including responsiveness to cultural and linguistic differences, will be emphasized. Previously NMHU ECME 428. 

ECED 4310. Advanced Caregiving for Infants and Toddlers (3); Fa, Sp,
The advanced field-based course focuses students in defining and implementing developmentally appropriate elements of quality programming for infants and toddlers in safe, healthy, responsive, and caring environments. The experiences in the approved setting will emphasize strong, nurturing relationships, cultural competence, recognition of diverse learning needs and styles of every child, appropriate guidance techniques, and partnership with the families, cultures, and community represented. Students are assisted through the course in advancing their ability to observe, discuss, and implement elements of quality programming for infants and toddlers in the home, small-group, or whole-group situations. Previously NMHU ECME 431.

ECED 4520. Field Base 3: Student Teaching Early Childhood Multicultural Education (9); Fa, Sp
The student teaching experience in early childhood education has two components: 1) placement and assigned tasks in an early childhood classroom with a mentor teacher and 2) a weekly seminar in which students review and reflect on their own teaching practice, make connections between theory and practice, study particular topics of interest, conduct self-evaluations, and contribute to group discussions. Corequisite: EDUC 4550. Previously NMHU ECME 452. 

ECED 4820. Young Children with Diverse Abilities (3); Su
This course builds on the broad knowledge gained in previous coursework. It provides a specific focus on educational policies, programs, practices, and services appropriate for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and early primary children who exhibit delays and disabilities. The course provides a means toward a deeper understanding and sensitivity to the needs and feelings of children with diverse abilities and their families. The foundations include research-based decision-making, developmentally and individually appropriate practices, a holistic view of young children and their families, cultural sensitivity and competence, and activity-based interventions. Legal requirements of educating the child with disabilities or other special needs will be identified. Cross-listed as SPED 4820. Previously NMHU ECME 482.

ECED 4900. Independent Study (1-4 VC); Var
Individual study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previously NMHU ECME 490.

Economics (ECON), Courses in

ECON 2110. Macroeconomics Principles (3); Fa, Sp
Macroeconomics is the study of national and global economies. Topics include output, unemployment, and inflation; and how they are affected by financial systems, fiscal and monetary policies. Prerequisite: MATH 1220 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ECON 216.

ECON 2120. Microeconomics Principles (3); Fa, Sp
This course will provide a broad overview of microeconomics. Microeconomics is the study of issues specific to households, firms, or industries with an emphasis on the role of markets. Topics discussed will include household and firm behavior, demand and supply, government intervention, market structures, and the efficient allocation of resources. Prerequisites: MATH 1215 or 1220. Previous NMHU ECON 217.

Education (EDUC) Courses in

EDUC 1120. Introduction to Education (3); Fa, Sp
Introduction to the historical, philosophical, sociological foundations of education, current trends, and issues in education; especially as it relates to a multicultural environment. Students will use those foundations to develop effective strategies related to problems, issues, and responsibilities in the field of education. Previously NMHU GNED 201. Corequisite: EDUC 1190.

EDUC 1190. Introduction to Education Practicum (1); Fa, Sp
Applies understanding of the field of teacher education in a field-based 45-hour practicum in a K-12 school based setting in general or special education. Students will observe and apply understanding of educational theory to classroom practice. Students must successfully pass a background check to complete the course requirements. Previously GNED 251. Corequisite: EDUC 1120.

EDUC 3020. Educational Psychology (3); Sp
Theories and research in learning and their implications for curriculum and instruction. Previously NMHU GNED 302. 

EDUC 3120. Teaching Elementary School Mathematics (3); Fa, Sp
This course examines methods, materials, and curriculum of modern mathematics in the elementary school. Observation and laboratory periods are required. Previously NMHU ELEM 312.

EDUC 3170. Multicultural Education (3); Fa, Sp
A study of educational trends, issues, and problems of students and the teaching methods and strategies necessary to teach respect and tolerance among people. Previously NMHU ELEM 317. 

EDUC 3200. Language Acquisition and Linguistics for Teacher (3); Sp
This course provides for in-depth study of first and second language acquisition and a broad background in linguistics. Previously NMHU GNED 320.

EDUC 3220. Licensure Test Prep Language ARTs and Writing (1); Fa, Sp
This course is designed to help students preparing to take the New Mexico Teacher Licensure test focusing on the Essential Academic Skills Assessment of reading and writing. Previously NMHU GNED 322. 

EDUC 3240. Licensure Test Prep Teacher Competency (1); Fa, Sp
This course is designed to help students preparing to take the New Mexico Teacher Licensure test focusing on the Professional Knowledge. Previously NMHU GNED 324.

EDUC 3260. Licensure Test Prep Math (1); Fa, Sp
This course focuses on the Essential Academic Skills Assessment and the Assessment of MATH to help students preparing to take the teacher licensure test. This course is designed to be a review of the Pre-Algebra and Algebra I content covered on the MATH section of the New Mexico Teacher Licensure test. Previously NMHU GNED 326.

EDUC 3350-4350. ST: Selected Topic in General Education (1-4 VC); Var
Course in topic or topics in general education: may be repeated with change of content. Previously NMHU GNED 335-435.

EDUC 3350-4350. ST: Selected Topics in Elementary Education (1-4 VC); Var
Selected topics in elementary education. May be repeated with change of topic. Previously NMHU ELEM 335-435. 

EDUC 3510. Field-Based 2 (2); Fa, Sp, Su
The development of analytical and reflective reports based on field observation (42 clock hours) of different methods and teaching strategies used in the classroom. These reports form the basis for class discussions. Students will also have the opportunity to implement classroom lessons. Previously NMHU GNED 351. 

EDUC 4100. Arts & Science of Secondary Teaching (3); Fa
Designed to provide an overview of curriculum and organization in the secondary school and to offer actual teaching experience in a micro-teaching situation, applying basic teaching strategies and techniques for the purpose of developing teacher competency. A special fee is charged. Previously NMHU GNED 410.

EDUC 4120. Theories and Principles of Bilingual Education (3); Sp
Fundamental theories and principles of bilingual education, preparing the prospective teacher to address the issues and concerns intelligently in the classroom. Previously NMHU GNED 412. 

EDUC 4170. Teaching English as a Second Language (3); Fa, Sp
A study of English as a second language, conveying methods and procedures of teaching English to children and adults for whom English is not the native tongue. Students will be introduced to second language acquisition theories and basic elements of the sound system. Prerequisite: RDED 3150. Previously NMHU GNED 417.

EDUC 4200. Sheltered English for Content Area Instruction (3); Fa
This course provides a set of linguistic, instructional, assessment, and classroom-management practices that allows English language learners (ELLS) from the advanced-beginner level on the develop content-area knowledge, operational skills, and increased language proficiency. Prerequisite: ENGL 3170. Previously NMHU GNED 420. 

EDUC 4370. Instructional Methodologies for Use in Spanish-Bilingual Classrooms (3); Sp
Demonstrate knowledge of and use theories, approaches, methods, and techniques for teaching literacy, biliteracy and other academic skills in English and the native language. Spanish is the language of instruction and student participation/presentations. Prerequisite: SPAN 2110 or SPAN 2120. Previously NMHU GNED 437. 

EDUC 4420. Teaching Elementary School Science and Social Studies (3); Fa, Sp
Development of teaching strategies appropriate to recent innovations in science and social science teaching for multicultural classrooms. This course incorporates project-based learning. Previously NMHU ELEM 442.

EDUC 4440. Technology in Education (3); Fa, Sp
Students will evaluate and apply approaches, methods, and procedures for integrating educational technology into the classroom for teaching and learning. The course also exposes issues related to digital citizenship, and professional and ethical practices when using educational technology. Previously NMHU GNED 444.

EDUC 4450. Knowledge of the Profession (3); Fa, Sp
Legal, ethical, professional, and organizational issues related to education. Developing skills in collaborating and communicating effective with colleagues, administrators, and other professionals. Prerequisites: Completion of core and major requirements. Corequisite: Student teaching. Previously NMHU GNED 445.

EDUC 4500. Seminar (1-4); Var
Seminar course in a topic or topics in general or secondary education. Previously NMHU GNED 450.

EDUC 4510. Field-Base 3 Teacher Preparation Experience: Secondary (6-9); Fa, Sp
Analysis and evaluation of the student’s own performance in student teaching, based on knowledge of the profession and reflective observation. A special fee is charged. Prerequisite: 2.75 GPA, admission to student teaching. Corequisites: EDUC 4450 and EDUC 4550. Previously NMHU GNED 451.

EDUC 4540. Field-Based 3: Elementary (6); Fa, Sp
This course provides analysis and evaluation of the student’s own performance in student teaching, based on knowledge of the profession and reflective observation. A special fee is assessed. Prerequisite: Permission from the Office of Field Experiences. Corequisites: ECED 4450 and 4550. Previously NMHU ELEM 451.

EDUC 4520. Field-Base 3: K – 12 (6-9); Fa, Sp
Analysis and evaluation of the student’s own performance in student teaching, based on knowledge of the profession and reflective observation. Both elementary and secondary settings are utilized. A special fee is charged. Prerequisite: 2.75 GPA, admission to student teaching. Corequisite: EDUC 4450 and EDUC 4550. Previously NMHU GNED 452.

EDUC 4530. Field Base 3 Internship (6 – 12 VC); Var
The internship program in the School of Education is a New Mexico State Department of Education approved equivalent to the Field-Base III block. Internships are ONLY considered at the request of a school district. A special fee is charged. Prerequisite: Admission to student teaching, completed all required coursework, and permission of the instructor. Previously NMHU GNED 453.

EDUC 4550. Classroom Management (3); Fa, Sp
Introduces the student to a variety of techniques for managing behavior in the classroom. Major areas and specific techniques within each will be presented and practiced both in the class and in the student’s own teaching situation. Prerequisite: Admission to student teaching. Corequisite: Appropriate major Field-Based III Experience and EDUC 4450. Previously NMHU GNED 455. 

EDUC 4610. Assessment and Evaluation of Students (3); Fa, Sp
Problems in the construction and use of teacher-made and standardized tests. The course also emphasizes the gathering and interpreting of data, reporting of test information, and development of a district wide testing program. Previously NMHU GNED 461.

EDUC 4900. Independent Study in Elementary Education (1-4 VC); Var
Individual study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previously NMHU ELEM 490.

English (ENGL), Courses in,

ENGL 1060. Reading & Writing for Inquiry (3); Fa, Sp
This course offers instruction and practice in college-level critical reading and writing skills. It is designed to give students experience and practice developing academic inquiry needed for much of their coursework. Previous NMHU ENGL 106.

ENGL 1110. Composition I (3); Fa, Sp
In this course, students will read, write, and think about a variety of issues and texts. They will develop reading and writing skills that will help with the writing required in their fields of study and other personal and professional contexts. Students will learn to analyze rhetorical situations in terms of audience, contexts, purpose, mediums, and technologies and apply this knowledge to their reading and writing. They will also gain an understanding of how writing and other modes of communication work together for rhetorical purposes. Students will learn to analyze the rhetorical context of any writing task and compose with purpose, audience, and genre in mind. Students will reflect on their own writing processes, learn to workshop drafts with other writers, and practice techniques for writing, revising, and editing. Prerequisite: 17 or higher on the ACT English Usage Test or completion of ENGL 1060 with a grade of C or better. Students may also test out through the ETS Advanced Placement exam. See the Office of the Registrar for details. Previous NMHU ENGL 111.

ENGL 1120. Composition II (3); Fa, Sp
In this course, students will explore argument in multiple genres. Research and writing practices emphasize summary, analysis, evaluation, and integration of secondary sources. Students will analyze rhetorical situations in terms of audience, contexts, purpose, mediums, and technologies and apply this knowledge to their reading, writing, and research. Students will sharpen their understanding of how writing and other modes of communication work together for rhetorical purposes. The emphasis of this course will be on research methods. A grade of C or better in ENGL 1110 is required or 28 or higher on the ACT English Usage Test. Students may also test out through the CLEP exam. A grade of C or better is required in this course. See the Office of the Registrar for details. Previous NMHU ENGL 112.

ENGL 1160. Introduction to Digital Storytelling (3); Var
Provides a comprehensive overview of the genre of digital storytelling. Digital stories are narratives that combine elements such as text, audio, photography, film, and graphics.

ENGL 1350 – 4350. Selected Topic in English (1-4 VC); Var
Course in a topic or topics in English. May be repeated with change of content. Prerequisite: ENGL 1110. Previous NMHU ENGL 135-435.

ENGL 2230. Introduction to Popular Culture (3); Var
The course offers a survey of popular literary genres (horror, science fiction, etc.) as well as film and television. Students will analyze popular culture in the form of popular novels, songs, television shows, movies, comic books, and other cultural productions. Students will analyze this material in the same fashion as literature is analyzed, developing skills of cultural analysis and critique. Prerequisite: ENGL 1110.Previous NMHU ENGL 277.

ENGL 2261. Digital Storytelling Creation II (3); Var
Provides an aesthetic understanding of the elements of interactive digital storytelling and provides mentorship and hands-on experience in creating interactive digital stories. 

ENGL 2310. Introduction to Creative Writing (3); Alt, Fa, Odd
This course will introduce students to the basic elements of creative writing, including short fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Students will read and study published works as models, but the focus of this “workshop” course is on students revising and reflecting on their own writing. Throughout this course, students will be expected to read poetry, fiction, and non-fiction closely, and analyze the craft features employed. They will be expected to write frequently in each of these genres. This course will provide students with introductions to various types of writing including poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and playwriting. May be repeated with change of content. Prerequisite: ENGL 1110. Previous NMHU ENGL 262. 

ENGL 2350. Introduction to Drama (3) *; Var
This course introduces students to drama as a literary form. Students will identify elements of the dramatic form, examining how the choices made by the playwright, director, actors, set designer, costume designer, and even the audience influence the performance. Students will also examine different types of plays, such as comedy, historical, and tragedy, and the influence of the historical, social, and political setting. Previous NMHU ENGL 151.

ENGL 2360. Introduction to Poetry (3) *; Var
This course is an introduction to reading and thinking about poetry. This course will involve the reading and analysis of poems from a variety of eras. By examining poetic features of tone, speaker, situation, setting, language, sounds, internal structure, and external form, students will build a foundation for complex critical thinking about what poems can do. All poems are born out of particular literary and cultural contexts, which will also be discussed as part of this course’s inquiries into the nature of poetry and poetic form. Previous NMHU ENGL 272.

ENGL 2380. Introduction to Short Fiction (3) *; Var
This course is an introduction to the study of short fiction, focusing on the use of critical approaches to analyze the ways that narrative is created. Students will read and analyze a diverse range of texts that may include varying time periods, nationalities, regions, genders, and ethnicity. Previous NMHU ENGL 152.

ENGL 2410. Autobiography (3) *; Var
This course approaches autobiography through both theory and practice. Students will analyze major autobiographies, read critical commentary on the autobiography genre, and finally, produce their own autobiographical work using the course readings as models. This is a survey course in the close reading, analysis, and practice of personal narrative. The course covers a wide variety of autobiographical writing from the 19th century to the present. Prerequisite: ENGL 1110. Previous NMHU ENGL 214. 

ENGL 2430. Fairy Tales (3) *; Var
An exploration of fairy and folk tales from a variety of cultures. The course introduces methods of analysis while exploring historical and contemporary roles and interrelationships of the tales. Fairy tales examined for their literary and cultural significance. Prerequisite: ENGL 1110. Previous NMHU ENGL 202.

ENGL 2505. Introduction to Literacy Studies (3); Var
The popular understanding of literacy often limits it to reading and writing skills taught in formal educational institutions. Scholars of literacy studies, however, view this model of literacy as overly simplified and devoid of context. In ENGL 2505, students will expand the definition of literacy beyond the classroom by interrogating the context within which literacy activities occur, while examining the relationships among community, identity, ideology, and language. This course will explore a number of approaches scholars have taken to theorizing literacy. Prerequisite: ENGL 112. Previous NMHU ENGL 2520 

ENGL 2580. Science Fiction (3) *; Var
Close reading and analysis of major science fiction works. Explores science fiction as cultural metaphor and modern myth. Prerequisite: ENGL 1110.

ENGL 2585. Horror Literature (3) *; Var
A study of the folk origins of the horror story and its manifestations in mainstream and genre fiction and film. Prerequisite: ENGL 1110.

ENGL 2610. American Literature I (3) *; Fa
This course surveys American Literature from the colonial period to the mid-nineteenth century. This course provides students with the contexts and documents necessary to understand the origins of American Literature and the aesthetic, cultural, and ideological debates central to early American culture. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 294.

ENGL 2620. American Literature II (3) *; Sp
This course surveys American literature from the mid-nineteenth century to the contemporary period. This course provides students with the contexts and documents necessary to understand American Literature and the aesthetic, cultural, and ideological debates central to American culture. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 295.

ENGL 2630. British Literature I (3) *; Fa
This course offers a study of British literature from its origins in Old English to the 18th century. This survey covers specific literary works – essays, short stories, novels, poems, and plays – as well as the social, cultural, and intellectual currents that influenced the literature. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 290.

ENGL 2640. British Literature II (3) *; Sp
This course offers a study of British literature from the 18th century to the present. This survey covers specific literary works – short stories, novels, poems, and plays – as well as the social, cultural, and intellectual currents that influenced the literature. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 291.

ENGL 2650. World Literature I (3) *; Var
In this course, students will read representative world masterpieces from ancient, medieval, and Renaissance literature. Students will broaden their understanding of literature and their knowledge of other cultures through exploration of how literature represents individuals, ideas, and customs of world cultures. The course focuses strongly on examining the ways literature and culture intersect and define each other. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 292.

ENGL 2660. World Literature II (3) *; Var
In this course, students will read representative world masterpieces from the 1600s to the present. Students will broaden their understanding of literature and their knowledge of other cultures through exploration of how literature represents individuals, ideas, and customs of world cultures. The course focuses strongly on examining the ways literature and culture intersect and define each other. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 293. 

ENGL 2685. Twentieth-Century Literature (3) *; Var
A study of modern sensibility as manifested in contemporary works written in English and English translation. Prerequisite: ENGL 1110. Previous NMHU ENGL 284.

ENGL 2690. Introduction to Shakespeare (3); Var
This course will introduce students to some of Shakespeare’s better-known plays, the time and culture in which they were written, and the ways they have been and are still performed. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 274. 

ENGL 2710. Classical Mythology (3) *; Var
Greek and Roman myths examined for their literary and cultural significance. Prerequisite: ENGL 1110. Previous NMHU ENGL 282. 

ENGL 2730. Celtic Mythology (3) *; Var
Celtic myths and sagas of medieval Ireland and Wales, examined for their literary and cultural significance. Prerequisite: ENGL 1110. Previous NMHU ENGL 283.

ENGL 2740. Norse Mythology (3) *; Var
Norse mythology and sagas examined for their literary and cultural significance. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 281. 

ENGL 2990. Practicum (1-4 VC); Var
Practicum hours may be designated for a variety of activities that offer students the opportunity to use their English language skills in such areas as tutoring, editing, public relations, and feature writing. For every 1 hour of practicum credit, students must complete 4 work hours per week. Students meet on a regular basis with the practicum director/faculty advisor (preferably once a week) to verify progress, address problems and map further avenues of activity. Prerequisite: ENGL 1110. Previous NMHU ENGL 234-434.

ENGL 3020. Literary Theory (3); Alt, Sp, Even
An introduction to literary terms and to theories of literature from Plato to the present. Application to these theories to various works, ancient and modern. Prerequisite: Two English courses beyond ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 302. 

ENGL 3050. Advanced Composition (3); Var
This course examines the relationship between reading, writing, and thinking, and how the raft of writing can strengthen all three. Students will study different authors’ perspectives on an issue and develop their own written responses, crafted through sustained revision. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 305.

ENGL 3070. Writing as Advocacy (3); Var
Students study writing as advocacy, or writings as social action taken on behalf of others. Our primary conceptual tool will be the literacy event, which foregrounds the situation, context, and the actors through which the consumption or production of print plays a role. Students select an individual, class of people, or organization for which to advocate, then research and create ways to act on their behalf. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 307.

ENGL 3090. A History of Writing (3); Var
A cross-cultural study of writing and writing systems; the development of script, and the social contexts of use. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 309. 

ENGL 3100. Creative Nonfiction Workshop (3); Alt, Fa, Even
This is a workshop class in creative nonfiction. Students will read a variety of creative nonfiction texts and produce original creative nonfiction writing. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 310. 

ENGL 3120. Stand-Up comedy as Literature (3) *; Var
An in-depth examination of stand-up comedy in literature, how this most American of literary forms reveals and influences the American ethos, and the changes the art form has undergone since its inception in the late nineteenth century. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 312. 

ENGL 3140. Women in Literature (3) *; Var
Study of literary works chosen to demonstrate the historical and contemporary representation of women in poetry and fiction. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 314. 

ENGL 3150. Native American Women’s Literature: Voices and Visions (3) *; Var
Study and exploration of women’s voices in contemporary Native American literature. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 315. 

ENGL 3170. Introduction to Modern Grammar (3); Fa
This class provides an introduction to the components of language-phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics – as well as various grammar models. Topics also include the relations between language and social contexts, and language and writing. Previous NMHU ENGL 317. 

ENGL 3180. Chicano/a Literature (3) *; Var
A survey examining the major texts of the Chicano/a experience, including traditional, community-centered folktales and corridos, contemporary prose, poetry, drama, and nonfiction, supported by theoretical readings. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 318. 

ENGL 3250. The American Novel (3) *; Var
An in-depth study of classic American novels from the nineteenth century to the present day. Prerequisites: ENGL 1110 and 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 325. 

ENGL 3280. The Historical Gothic (3) *; Var
This course looks at the rise of gothic horror literature in the late-18th and 19th centuries, examining the historical, aesthetic, and social contexts that produced such works. Previous NMHU ENGL 328. 

ENGL 3340 – 4340. Practicum (1-4 VC); Var
Students gain practical knowledge through internships in such areas as tutoring, editing, public relations, and feature writing. Prerequisite: ENGL 1110. Previous NMHU ENGL 234-434. 

ENGL 3410. The Bible as Literature: Old Testament (3) *; Var
Study of Old Testament literature, emphasizing techniques and conventions of biblical narrative and poetry. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 341.

ENGL 3420. The Bible as Literature: New Testament (3) *; Var
Study of New Testament literature, focusing on the various literary Arts of Gospels, Acts, Epistles, and Revelation. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 342. 

ENGL 3430. Eastern Spiritual Classics (3) *; Var
Literary aspects of the Eastern spiritual classics–Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Zen, Islamic, Sufi, Kabbalistic, and Hassidic. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 343. 

ENGL 3500. Methods of Teaching Reading and Writing (3); Var
Provides a review of traditional and current methods of teaching reading and writing. Students examine current reading and writing theory and research with an eye toward the implications for pedagogy. Previous NMHU ENGL 350. 

ENGL 3620. Creative Writing: Poetry (3); Alt, Sp, Odd
An intensive and creative course in the craft of poetry. Course readings will include selected works and poetics. Objectives include the recognition and imitation of selected techniques and the writing of original works. Prerequisites: ENGL 1120 and ENGL 2360. Previous NMHU ENGL 362. 

ENGL 3640. Creative Writing: Fiction (3); Alt, Fa, Odd
An intensive study of selected works of short fiction with emphasis on the components of this literary form; writing of original works in the form. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 364. 

ENGL 3650. Nonfiction Prose (3) *; Alt, Sp, Even
An introduction to the reading and analysis of creative nonfiction essays: biography, travel, nature, social commentary, the urban scene, sports, and the domestic and fine arts. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 365.

ENGL 3670. Technical Writing (3); Fa, Sp, Su
Students develop the principles of scientific, professional, and technical writing. Major assignments include formal proposals and reports. Minor assignments include resumes, short reports, instructions, correspondence, and memoranda. Stress is placed on developing a clear and concise writing style. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 367. 

ENGL 3810. African-American Writers (3); Var
A study of the scope, excellence, and distinctive qualities of the writing of African Americans in the United States. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 381.

ENGL 4000. Creative Writing: Experimental Fiction (3); Alt, Sp, Odd
Advanced fiction writing with an emphasis on experimental techniques, styles, and approaches, including stream-of-consciousness and fictive-autobiography. The reading component of this course will include theoretical and creative texts. May be repeated with change of content. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 400.

ENGL 4010. Creative Writing: Advanced Poetry (3); Alt, Fa, Even
A writing workshop for experienced poets. Students will write original poems and read 20th century poetry and poetics from the United States and around the world. May be repeated with change of content. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 401.

ENGL 4050. Gender and the Politics of Literacy (3); Var
This course explores the historical connections between literacy on the one hand and reason/emotion on the other, focusing on how each has been historically gendered. The course begins with a history of style and how metaphors of gender have been used to describe writing. It continues with a gendered study of how cultural beliefs about literacy shape our conceptions of the individual, citizen, aesthetic, and rationality. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU ENGL 405. 

ENGL 4100. Creative Nonfiction (3); Alt, Fa, Odd
This course is a writing workshop that provides the background, theories, and methods for students to produce original creative nonfiction writing. The course emphasizes forms and practices of various sub-genres of creative nonfiction including the personal essay, the memoir, literary reportage, and the nonfiction novel. Prerequisites: ENGL 1120 

ENGL 4110. Major American Writers (3); Sp
In-depth study of a major author or authors, school, genre, and tradition in American literature. Possible topics: literature of the American West; American modernism; American poetry. May be repeated with change of content. Prerequisite: Junior classification. Previous NMHU ENGL 411.

ENGL 4120. Major British Writers (3); Sp
In-depth study of a major author or authors, school, genre, or tradition of British literature. Possible topics: Byron and the Satanic School, The British moderns (Lawrence, Woolf, Joyce). May be repeated with change of content. Prerequisite: Junior classification. Previous NMHU ENGL 412. 

ENGL 4130. Major World Writers (3); Var
In-depth study of a major author or authors, school, genre, or tradition of world literature, generally excluding British and American works. May be repeated with change of content. Possible topics: Kafka and the Kafkaesque, Ancient Erotic Literature, Post-Colonial African Fiction, The Epic. May be repeated with change of content. Prerequisite: Junior classification. Previous NMHU ENGL 413. 

ENGL 4140. Literary Realism (3); Var
Covers the international development of the theory and practice of the realist novel. Prerequisite: Junior classification. Previous NMHU ENGL 414. 

ENGL 4200. Online Literary Publishing (3); Var
Students in this course gain direct literary publishing experience with the New Mexico Review. The course will consider equity and diversity within publishing and defining one’s role as an editor. Students will look at the history of the publishing field, making decisions about ways online literary journals can contribute to growth, inclusivity, and representation in a contemporary context. Prerequisite: ENGL 1120.

ENGL 4210. Chaucer (3); Var
This course is an intensive study of The Canterbury Tales and selected minor works. Prerequisite: Junior classification. Previous NMHU ENGL 421. 

ENGL 4220. Shakespeare (3); Fa
This course is an intensive study of a group of Shakespeare’s plays, such as comedies, tragedies, Greek plays, English history plays, or late romances. May be repeated with a change of content. Prerequisite: Junior classification. Previous NMHU ENGL 422. 

ENGL 4230. Milton (3); Var
This course is an intensive study of Paradise Lost and selected minor works. Prerequisite: Junior classification. Previous NMHU ENGL 423.

ENGL 4340. Practicum (1-4 VC); Var
Students gain practical knowledge in such areas as tutoring, editing, public relations, and feature writing. Prerequisite: Junior classification. Previous NMHU ENGL 434. 

ENGL 4410. History of the English Language (3); Sp
Investigation of the origin of modern English, with a study of the evolution of English sounds, inflections, vocabulary, and syntax, from earliest times to the present. Prerequisite: Junior classification. Previous NMHU ENGL 441.

ENGL 4420. Contemporary English Linguistics (3); Var
An examination of the structures, processes, and functions of elements of the English language, with particular attention to their description in the theories of cognitive grammar. Previous NMHU ENGL 442.

ENGL 4430. Sociolinguistics (3); Alt, Sp, Odd
This course is an examination of language use and variation. Topics to be addressed include sociolinguistic theory, research methods and application; diglossia and multilingualism; pidgins and creoles; patterns of discourse; forms of addresses and reference; sociolinguistics of writing. Prerequisites: Junior classification and ENGL 3170. Previous NMHU ENGL 443. 

ENGL 4450. Cultural Criticism and Theory (3); Var
Selections from advanced cultural criticism from the Birmingham school and its contemporary derivatives. Authors to be studied will include Foucault, Hall, Hebdige, Barthes, and others. Emphasis will be on the study contemporary culture from a theoretical perspective. Prerequisite: Junior classification. Previous NMHU ENGL 445. 

ENGL 4500. Seminar in English (1-4 VC); Var
Seminar course in a topic or topics in English. Possible topics: literature of exploration, existentialism, literature, and the law. Prerequisite: Junior classification. Previous NMHU ENGL 450.

ENGL 4630. Rhetoric and Reality (3); VarA survey of rhetorical writings and theory from classical times to the present. Prerequisite: Junior classification. Previous NMHU ENGL 463. 

ENGL 4640. Women and Rhetoric (3); Var
Provides a historical and thematic overview of rhetorical writings by and about women. Prerequisite: Junior classification. Previous NMHU ENGL 464.

ENGL 4820. Literature of the Southwest (3); Var
An examination of the tricultural literary heritage of the southwestern United States. Readings include journals and diaries of the Territorial Period as well as imaginative works by novelists of the Southwest. Emphasis on cultural traditions that shaped the literature. Prerequisite: Junior classification. Previous NMHU ENGL 482. 

ENGL 4850. Stylistics (3); Var
An examination of linguistic principles specifically as they apply to the analysis of written texts. Students will learn to make the kind of textual observations needed to reveal the stylistic traits and tendencies in the language of literature. Prerequisite: Junior classification. Previous NMHU ENGL 485. 

ENGL 4900. Senior Readings (1-4 VC); Var
Primarily intended for English majors. Individual study of selected author(s) or topic(s) arranged with an instructor. Prerequisites: Junior classification and permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ENGL 490.

ENGL 4910. Arthurian Literature (3); Var
This course examines literature generated by the legends of King Arthur and his court, studied in a variety of European texts from the Middle Ages. Prerequisite: Junior classification. Previous NMHU ENGL 491.

ENGL 4990. Supervised Research (1-4 VC); Var
Primarily intended for English majors. Individual research project arranged with an instructor. Prerequisites: Junior classification and permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ENGL 499.

Engineering (ENGR), Courses in

ENGR 2150. Introductory Mathematics for Engineering Applications (4); 3, 2 Fa, Sp
This course will provide an overview of the salient math topics most heavily used in the core sophomore-level engineering courses. These include algebraic manipulation of engineering equations, trigonometry, vectors and complex numbers, sinusoids and harmonic signals, systems of equations and matrices, differentiation, integration and differential equations. All math topics will be presented within the context of an engineering application and reinforced through extensive examples of their use in the core engineering courses. Prerequisites: MATH 1220 and 1250

ENGR 2200. Circuit Theory (3); 2, 2, 1 Fa, Sp
Almost all disciplines of engineering must be familiar with the basic concepts of circuit analysis and design. Topics covered in this course are circuit principles, network theorems, natural and forced responses of first and second linear order. Computer modeling using SPICE and lab design experiments support this class. Prerequisites: MATH 1520 and PHYS 1310.

ENGR 2370. Vector Mechanics/Statics (3); Fa, Sp
A lecture/laboratory course concerning the application of laws of Newtonian mechanics to stationary systems and rigid bodies. Topics included are fundamental concepts, review of vector operations, types of forces, systems of forces and moments, objects and structures in equilibrium, centroids and center of mass, moments of inertia, friction, internal forces, and moments. Prerequisite: MATH 1520 and PHYS 1310.

ENGR 2450. Programming for Engineers and Scientists (3); 2, 2 Fa, Sp
This course is an introductory lecture/laboratory course concerned with the application of a high-level computer language to solve engineering and scientific problems. Topics to be covered will include data types, operators, and functions, control flow, programming methods, arrays, introduction to numerical methods, and external device/port programming. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in MATH 1510, ENGR 115 or permission of instructor.

ENGR 2510. Digital Systems Modeling Analysis, Simulation and Design (3); 2, 3 Fa, Sp
This course will introduce the principles and practice of digital logic design and simulation. Contemporary computer simulation and hardware design tools such as hardware description language (VHDL) and field programmable gate array (FPGA) will be used. Basics of Boolean algebra, combinatorial and sequential circuits will be covered. Prerequisite: MATH 1510 or permission of instructor.

ENGR 2880. Vector Mechanics / Dynamics (3); 2, 2 Fa, Sp
This course is a lecture/laboratory course concerned with the application of Newtonian mechanics to the motions of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies. Topics to be covered include review of dynamic systems and MATHLAB programming, Newton’s law, energy methods, momentum methods, kinematics of particles, kinetics of particles, kinematics of rigid bodies and kinetics of rigid bodies. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ENGR 237.

ENGR 2900. Independent Study in Engineering (1 – 4 VC); Fa, Sp
Individual study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

ENGR 2980. Thermodynamics (3); 2, 2, 1 Fa, Sp
This is a lecture course concerning the application of classical thermodynamics to engineering systems. Topics included are properties of a pure substance, work and heat, the first law of thermodynamics, first law of analysis for a control volume, and second law analysis for control volume, and power and refrigeration cycles. Prerequisite: CHEM 1215, PHYS 1320, and MATH 2530, or permission of instructor.

Courses in Exercise and Sport (EXSC)

EXSC 2024. Emergency Medical Training (EMT) (6); Var
This course is for students to understand the theory of emergency care and first aid and to be able to demonstrate the skills needed to give emergency care. This course is designed specifically for ambulance personnel who have access to specialized vehicles. The course content trains ambulance attendants to recognize and stabilize patients with life-threatening emergencies at the scene and in transport, utilizing the specialized items of equipment. Ambulance attendants, fire fighters, police officers, and search and rescue personnel would benefit from this class. Upon successful completion of the course, the student will receive certificates from New Mexico Highlands University, the Emergency Medical Service Academy, and the School of Medicine at The University of New Mexico. 

EXSC 2161. Techniques of Team Sports (2); 1, 2 Fa
This course prepares teachers to be able to give movement prescription regarding team skills activities. The team skill activities include dribbling, ball handling, use of implements, catching, throwing, passing manipulation, kicking, striking, dodging and chasing. Class experiences will include analyzing movement and performance techniques including the use of specific performance feedback, and applications to team sport activities. 

EXSC 2163. Techniques of Individual Sports (2); 1, 2; Fa
This course prepares teachers to be able to give movement prescription regarding individual sports activities, such as racquet sports, golf, and others. Instruction in the techniques inherent to each individual sport will be presented. Class experiences will include analyzing movement and performance techniques, including the use of specific performance feedback, and applications to individual sport activities.

EXSC 2165. Techniques of Innovative Games and Activities (2); 1, 2 Sp
This course is designed to prepare teachers to be able to give movement prescription regarding innovative games and activities, such as ultimate, disc golf, flicker-ball, and team handball. Instruction in the techniques inherent to innovative games and activities will be presented. Class experiences will include analyzing movement and performance techniques including the use of specific performance feedback, and applications to regarding innovative games and activities. 

EXSC 2300. Intro to Sport Management (3); 3, 0 Sp
This course introduces the foundations of sport management, skills and competencies required of sport managers in various sport or sport-related organizations, including strategic management planning process, human resources management, financial management, sport marketing, facility, and event management in amateur and professional industry.

EXSC 2340 – 4340. Practicum (1-4 VC)
Hands-on experience of various intensity and time in Health Education. Previous NMHU HPS 234-434. 

EXSC 3500. Methods of Teaching Health Physical Education (3); Fa
A comprehensive course in health education and in physical education methods and curriculum. Practical skills include curriculum construction, writing behavioral objectives, writing lesson plans, and carrying out effective health instruction and effective physical education instruction, such as use of methods, materials, resources, and evaluation techniques. Much class time is spent in hands-on planning and teaching of lessons. Students will develop a health promotion or wellness philosophy and practical skills for teaching health science. Micro-teaching in both health education and in physical education is a requirement in the course. Prerequisite: HLED 1510, EXSC 2161, 2163, and 2165 or the equivalent. Previous NMHU HPS 350. 

EXSC 3650. Coaching/Officiating Baseball/Softball (2); Fa
Philosophy, strategy, leadership, team, and practice organization and coaching methods for baseball/softball are covered. It also includes lecture and laboratory experience in the rules and mechanics of officiating baseball/softball. This course prepares students for the New Mexico Activities Association Officials’ Examination. Previous HPS 365.

EXSC 3660. Coaching/Officiating Basketball (2); Fa
Strategy, leadership, team organization, and coaching methods for basketball, with lecture and laboratory experience in the rules and mechanics of officiating basketball. Previous NMHU HPS 366.

EXSC 3670. Coaching/Officiating Football (2); Sp
Development of knowledge regarding offensive football, defensive football, and the kicking game for coaching football. Special phases, such as scouting, film work, organization, coaching assignment, and public relations, are introduced. The course prepares students for the New Mexico Activities Association Officials’ Examination. Previous NMHU HPS 367. 

EXSC 3680. Coaching/Officiating Volleyball (2); Sp
Coaching and officiating techniques in the sport of volleyball, including strategy, leadership, team organization, and budgeting. Previous NMHU HPS 368. 

EXSC 3690. Coaching/Officiating Track and Field (2); Fa
Strategy, leadership, team organization, budgeting, and methods of coaching and officiating track and field. Previous NMHU HPS 369. 

EXSC 3700. Kinesiology (3); 2, 2 Fa, Sp
An examination of body structure as it relates to human movement, with particular emphasis on the musculoskeletal system and the biomechanics that govern movement. Previous NMHU HPS 370. 

EXSC 3760. Exercise Physiology (3); 2, 2 Fa, Sp
Physiological basis of exercise and fitness, including muscle strength, cardiorespiratory endurance, environmental factors affecting performance, and conditioning programs. Prerequisite: EXSC 3700. Previous NMHU HPS 376. 

EXSC 3870. Physical Education for Elementary Teachers (3); Sp
Preparation for teaching physical education activities to elementary school children. Methods and materials are presented. Previous NMHU HPS 387. 

EXSC 3810. Injury Assessment and Management (3); Sp
Recognition techniques and guidelines for initial care of common athletic injuries and prevention of injuries through conditioning, flexibility, equipment fitting, and taping techniques. Previous NMHU HPS 381. 

EXSC 4020. Motor Learning (3); Fa
Information will be presented on motor learning with an emphasis on the learning process, the individual learner, and the task and instructional procedures that may be employed by those working in a movement setting of any kind. Previous NMHU HPS 402. 

EXSC 4050. Body Composition (3); 3, 2 Fa
Theory and practice of body composition assessment and weight management programs are presented. Laboratories will include skinfolds, bio-impedance, and hydrostatic weighing techniques. Previous NMHU HPS 405.

EXSC 4080. Principles, Ethics, and Problems of Athletic Coaching (3); Sp
Seminar approach to nontechnical, off-field aspects of athletic coaching, including education implications, equipment, financing, liability, and coach-athlete rapport. Prerequisite: HPS major/minor, coaching minor, or consent of instructor. Previous NMHU HPS 408.

EXSC 4090. Economics and Finance in Sport (3); 3, 0 Su
This course will explore the principles of financial management and economics of the sport industry. Budgeting practices, fundraising methods, economic impact analyses, methods of financing, and computer applications in financial management will be analyzed in the context of sport. Previous NMHU HPS 409.

EXSC 4100. Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education (3); Fa, Sp
Measurement and evaluation principles and techniques applied to the learner and to programs in physical education. Previous NMHU HPS 410. 

EXSC 4120. Public Relations in Sport (3); 3, 0 Su
This course provides both theoretical and practical applications of public relations with regard to the sport industry. Specific managerial functions relating to effective communication with various publics will be analyzed, including employee relations, community relations, media relations, customer relations, and image enhancement. Previous NMHU HPS 412. 

EXSC 4150. Women in Sport (3); Su
This course discusses the past, present and future of women in sport. Information includes the historical and cultural foundation of women’s sport from ancient to modern times, biomedical considerations specific to women, and the psychosocial dimensions of women’s sport. Previous NMHU HPS 415. 

EXSC 4160. Aquatic Management (3); Fa
This course provides guidelines for safe operation and efficient management of swimming pools and other related aquatic facilities. Students will take the Certified Pool Operator certification examination at the end of the course. A score of 70 percent or above certifies the student as a certified pool operator for five years. Previous NMHU HPS 416. 

EXSC 4210. Designs for Fitness (3); 3, 0 Sp
This course teaches the fundamentals of writing exercise prescriptions for cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness and for weight management programs. Previous NMHU HPS 421. 

EXSC 4280. Nutrition and Supplements for Sports (3); Sp
Various sports supplements used as ergogenic aids will be discussed, in relation to their use, safety, and validity. Previous NMHU HPS 428. 

EXSC 4300. ACSM Health Fitness Instructor Review (3); Fa
This course helps prepare students for the certification in health/fitness Instructor by the American College of Sports Medicine. Previous NMHU HPS 430. 

EXSC 4320. NSCA Strength Coach Review (3); 3, 0 Sp
The course helps students prepare for the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) exam. The course will focus on NSCA terminology and training philosophy, helping to integrate the student’s knowledge of personal training, exercise physiology, and kinesiology. Previous NMHU HPS 432. 

EXSC 4360. Pediatric Exercise Physiology (3); 3, 0 Fa, Su
The physiological aspects of exercise in children will be discussed. Differences between the physiology of adults and children will be compared to enhance the understanding of this special population. Previous NMHU HPS 436. 

EXSC 4380. Physical Activity and Aging (3); 3, 0 Su
The biological aspects of aging and their relationship to physical fitness and assessment are discussed. Previous NMHU HPS 438.

EXSC 4500. Seminar in Human Performance and Sport (1-4 VC)
The course presents seminar investigations in physical education and/or the related areas of health education, recreation, and athletics. Previous NMHU HPS 450. 

EXSC 4610. Sport Marketing and Promotion (3); 3, 0 Fa
Course covers elements and salient issues in management of sport marketing and promotion, including segmentation and targeting, marketing mix, and research and analysis. Previous NMHU HPS 461. 

EXSC 4650. Planning Areas and Facilities (3); Fa
Planning, financing, and managing physical education and athletic grounds and facilities, health and fitness centers, private and commercial facilities, and campsites for professional personnel. Previous NMHU HPS 465. 

EXSC 4680. Physical Education for Special Populations (3); Sp, Su
Investigations of the historical aspects and current issues of providing adapted/special education programs for special populations. The course covers implications of federal legislation, practice in preparing Individual Educations Programs (IEPs), program assessment, planning, and evaluation. Previous NMHU HPS 468.

EXSC 4720. Biomechanics of Sport (3); Sp
An examination of the musculoskeletal system as it relates to human movement. This includes analysis of human movement and sport techniques, using principles of biomechanics. Prerequisite: EXSC 3700. Previous NMHU HPS 472. 

EXSC 4760. Stress Testing (3); 2, 2 Fa
Theory and practice of graded exercise testing for analysis of safe functional capacity and for prescription of exercise training programs. Students will learn to read EKGs and monitor blood pressure during testing. Special lab fee. Prerequisites: EXSC 3700 and EXSC 3760. Previous NMHU HPS 476. 

EXSC 4780. Psychology of Coaching (3); Sp
A practical survey of sport psychology that is grounded in science. Attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that affect athletic performance and coaching effectiveness are dealt with from the standpoint of description, explanation, and prediction. Students develop the ability to interpret research results. Major topic areas include the psychological needs of athletes and coaches and development of mental skills and control with applied techniques. Previous NMHU HPS 478. 

EXSC 4890. Fitness/Wellness Program Leadership (3); Sp
Practical field experience and supportive lecture in the fitness and wellness program management aspects of health promotion. Leadership skills include administration, health education, nutrition strategy, and applied exercise science/technology. Students assist in the operation of the HU-Wellness Program. Students may choose another work site to gain valuable field experience upon approval from the professor. Previous NMHU HLTH 489. 

EXSC 4950. Capstone/Senior Seminar Course (3); 3, 0
This course prepares preservice physical education teachers for their student teaching experience. This capstone/seminar course reviews and synthesizes knowledge and experience from previous coursework in the major. Assessment of the student’s knowledge of history, issues, problems, NM physical education standards, technology, portfolio development, and trends will be the focus. A major research project is required. Prerequisite: Senior HPE majors. Previous NMHU HPS 495.

EXSC 4990. Independent Research (1-4 VC)
Individual directed research arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission on instructor. Previous NMHU HPS 4990. 

EXSC 3150. Introduction to Golf Management (3); Fa
This course provides students with an understanding of the golf industry and turf management of a golf course. It includes a study of the history of golf and the management, operation, and maintenance of clubs, including member-owned, private/corporate-owned, and city/county owned.

EXSC 4240. Sport Psychology (3); Var
The overall objective of this course is to identify and understand important psychological concepts related to sport and exercise psychology and application of these concepts to teaching, coaching, and consulting situations. This class focuses on the application of psychological principles of behavior to individuals and groups involved in physical activity. This course examines the questions of how variables influence individuals’ psychological development and how they affect their participation and performance in physical activity. Various mental skills (e.g., imagery, goal setting) will be introduced through discussion of pertinent theory and research. This class is specifically designed to help students begin formulating practical strategies for teaching various psychological skills. The application of knowledge grounded in theory and research will be stressed. Cross-listed with PSYC 4240.

Film & Digital Media Arts (FDMA), Courses in

FDMA 1110. Film History (3); Fa, Sp
This course surveys the history of cinema – investigating the process by which the original “cinema of attractions” evolved into a globally dominant form of visual storytelling. We will explore the development of cinema both as an ART form and as an industry, and consider the technological, economic, cultural factors, and key international movements that shape it. Previous NMHU MART 261.

FDMA 1210. Visual Concepts (4); Fa, Sp
An introductory course in visual literacy for both two-and three-dimensional visual arts, including the concepts of unity, emphasis, balance, scale, rhythm, line, texture, space, motion, and color. Design thinking principles will be integrated within an interactive, ideational drawing approach. Students will become acquainted with these fundamental visual concepts through the use of both manual and digital tools. Previous NMHU MART 121. 

FDMA 1545. Introduction to Photography & Digital Imaging (4); Fa
This course is a study of the principles and techniques of photography using digital equipment, and discusses how digital cameras, imaging editing, and technology have changed the world of photography. Students will learn about studies in resolution, lighting, software, editing, printing, and web applications. They will gain fundamental knowledge in the rapidly expanding technology of photography and imaging and be able to incorporate the knowledge into all areas of digital graphics. Previous NMHU MART 243.

FDMA 1350-4350. ST: Selected Topics in Media Arts (1-4 VC); Var
Course in a topic or topics in media arts. May be repeated with a change of content. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 135-435.

FDMA 2200. Color Theory and Ideational Concepts (4); Sp
In the fields of Media Arts, the art of ideational concepts using arranging and designing with color to communicate important worded and visual messages is one of the many important skills expected of an entry level visual communicator. The foundation of this class is the historical and cultural contexts for the evolution of color theory in print, film, and digital media. As future communication designers/graphic designers, videographers, typographers, filmmakers, etc., you will be expected to be adept in the nuanced art of choosing, organizing, and arranging appropriate and meaningful colors within all aspects of these related fields of visual communication. Previous NMHU MART 220.

FDMA 2521. Videography (4); 2, 2 Fa
The study of the basic production theories of video production with special emphasis in the areas of camera operation, shot composition, shot sequencing, and lighting. Previous NMHU MART 221.

FDMA 2533. Imaging History and Production (4); Fa, Sp
This course introduces students to computer graphics technology as it applies to art and design. Students will study the history and theory of the reproduced image while gaining practical experience with raster- and vector-based technologies. Students will further develop their critical thinking skills by engaging in critique of their own work and the work of their peers. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. Previous NMHU MART 233.

First Year Experience (FYEX), Courses in

FYEX 1110. First-Year Seminar (3); Fa, Sp
This course is designed to help students achieve greater success in college and in life. Students will learn many proven strategies for creating greater academic, professional, and personal success. Topics may include career exploration, time management, study, and test-taking strategies to adapt to different learning environments, interpersonal relationships, wellness management, financial literacy, and campus and community resources.

FYEX 1111. Introduction to University Studies (3); Fa
An introduction to the theory of interdisciplinary studies. The course focuses on exploring common pathways and connections among disciplines. It enables students to develop a personal theory of interdisciplinary studies and culminates in a detailed plan for an individualized major. 

Forestry (FORS), Courses in

FORS 1010. Ecosystems and Humans (4); 3, 2 Fa, Sp
A survey of environmental and ecological sciences with an introduction to the ways humans interact with and change ecosystems. The course introduces students to ecological and environmental concepts that bear on environmental issues, the current practices and management strategies utilized to preserve and sustain ecosystems, and examples of solutions to environmental and natural resources problems. Previous NMHU FOR 105. 

FORS 1350-4350. ST: Selected Topic in Forestry (1-4 VC); Var
Course in a topic or topics in forestry. May be repeated with a change in course content. Previous NMHU FOR 135-435. 

FORS 2010. Forestry Field Practices (4); 1, 6 Fa
This course is an intensive summer experience in which various forest types in New Mexico are visited. Forest management practices, harvest systems, and natural catastrophes will be assessed by students for their ecological repercussions. Measurement methods used in forestry will be introduced throughout the session. This course provides training to students in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s heavy equipment and field operations regulations, safe practices for field workers, and risk management and liability issues surrounding field work. Previous NMHU FOR 200.

FORS 2020. Terrestrial Ecology (4); 3, 2 Fa
The ecology of natural and artificial groups of terrestrial organisms used in the production of goods and services is the focus of this course. Topics include biological productivity, vegetation dynamics, biodiversity, range ecosystems, forest ecosystems, and pest populations. Prerequisite: FORS 1010. Previous NMHU FOR 231. 

FORS 2030. Water Resources (3); Fa, Sp
This course will explore the social, economic, environmental, historical, and technological forces that have led to our current methods of water distribution, management, and policy throughout the world. A strong historical context will be used throughout the course with a focus on New Mexico, Colorado, and the West. While the course will focus on the West, other areas of the U.S. and world will be examined as appropriate. Prerequisite: FORS 1010 or instructor permission. Previous NMHU FOR 237. 

FORS 2320. Introduction to Geospatial Technology (2); 1, 2
Introduction to Geospatial Technology describes concepts and applications of Geographic information Systems (GIS), Global Navigation Satellite Systems/ Global Positioning Systems (GNSS/GPS) and remote sensing. Hands on exercises that reinforce basic concepts of geospatial information and its practical applications using Google Earth and ESRI’s, ArcGIS Online. Participants will also learn how geospatial technology is used in business, industry, and government. This course is designed to give students the skills and knowledge they need to apply geospatial technology to their other studies and builds a foundation for continued study in the geospatial sciences.

FORS 2900-4900. Independent Study (1-6 VC); Fa, Sp, Su
Individual directed study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU FOR 290-490.

FORS 3050. Natural Resources Economics (3); Sp
This course provides an overview of the market economy in development and allocation of scarce resources, the economic impacts of policy measures used in natural resource systems, and the achievement of achieving environmental goals. Prerequisites: FORS 2020 and ECON 2120. Previous NMHU FOR 305.

FORS 3060. Introduction to Plant Production (3); Var
This course provides students with an introduction to small, medium, and large-scaled plant production systems and the and the challenges and opportunities of each in the context of producing high-value plants such as tree seedlings, horticultural crops, hemp, and others. It will emphasize the social and ecological context of production, some economic considerations in production will also be covered. It will cover an introduction to the phases of management, from propagation through harvest. This course will also introduce students to management of soil, plant nutrition, pest and disease management, and facilities. 

FORS 3070. Wildland Fire Management (3); Fa
This is a course on the behavior of wildfires in forest and range communities. Methods of prescribed fire use are discussed. This course reviews methods for fuel load estimation, fire weather prediction, and fire suppression. Prerequisite: FORS 2020 or instructor permission. Previous NMHU FOR 307.

FORS 3100. Mensuration and Biometrics (3); Fa
Mensuration is the practice of measuring lengths and angles. Biometrics is the set of techniques for measurement and analysis of biological phenomena. Together, these topics provide a comprehensive overview of measurement and analysis techniques used in life science and allied disciplines. Prerequisite or Corequisite: FORS 3400. Previous NMHU FOR 310. 

FORS 3120. Range Science (3); Sp
This course will provide a review of rangeland characteristics, range animal ecology and nutrition, inventorying and monitoring range characteristics, and other aspects of effectively managing forest and rangelands used by both domestic and native ungulates. Principles and concepts related to long-term sustainable animal production will be covered.

FORS 3130. Dendrology (3); Fa
Dendrology studies the biology of trees and woody vegetation. This course explores tree and shrub identification with associated botanical nomenclature as well as the structure and function of shrub and tree morphology. A collection of local trees and shrubs is a requirement for the course. Prerequisite: FORS 2020 or instructor permission. Previous NMHU FOR 313. 

FORS 3170. Principles of Wildlife Management (3); Fa
This course will provide an overview of ecological principles used in the management of various groups of wildlife, the history and development of wildlife management as a science, characteristics of, and factors affecting wildlife populations, techniques and theories of management, and wildlife conservation. Prerequisites: FORS 1010 and FORS 2020. Previous NMHU FOR 317. 

FORS 3300. Natural Resources Law and Policy (3); Fa
Natural resources and environmental ethics doctrines and applications with regard to laws and policies are examined. Introduction to laws, regulations, and policies that focus on natural and environmental concerns are the focus of this course. Previous NMHU FOR 330. 

FORS 3400. Quantitative Methods (3); Fa, Sp
Quantitative methods are the techniques used to numerically and statistically analyze observational and experimental data. Students will gain first-hand experience with data analysis of biological, geological, and natural resources data sets. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MATH 1220 or instructor permission. Previous NMHU FOR 340.

FORS 4000. Surface Hydrology (3); Alt, Sp, Even
A course designed for upper-division undergraduate students in earth sciences and natural resources management. The course combines 1) a qualitative conceptual understanding of hydrologic process, 2) an introduction to the quantitative representation of those processes, and 3) an understanding of approaches to hydrological measurements and the uncertainties involved in those measurements. Prerequisite: GEOL 1110, MATH 1220, or instructor permission. Previous NMHU FOR 400.

FORS 4020. Silviculture (3); Sp
Silviculture is the set of practices to grow and manage trees. The course focuses on the factors affecting tree growth, tree stand dynamics and health, and the impact of management on ecosystem values. The ecological practices to sustainably produce forest products are emphasized. Prerequisite: FORS 3100. Previous NMHU FOR 402.

FORS 4060. Plant Production 1 (3); 2,1 Sp
This course is the first of a sequential two-class series leading to the ability to develop a personalized plant production operation management plan for high-value crops such as tree seedlings, horticultural crops, hemp, and others. In this intensive first course, the focus will be on crop plant morphology & physiology, development, genetics and breeding, mineral nutrition, and pests and diseases. This three-credit course has both lecture and lab components.

FORS 4070. Plant Production 2 (3) 1, 2 Sp
In this class the second of a two-class series on high-value crop production, students will learn how to produce a plant production operation management plan for high-value crops such as tree seedlings, horticultural crops, hemp, and others. It will build on knowledge from previous classes by providing students with practice managing greenhouse and field production systems. Students will learn about personal protective equipment (PPE) and safe application of herbicides and pesticides. Students will practice applying fertilizers, developing, and implementing integrated pest and disease management plans, and producing and harvesting high-value crops. Students will practice basic maintenance of greenhouse and field facilities and systems. At the end of the term, the students will produce a personalized management plan for a plant operation. Prerequisite: FORS 4060.

FORS 4080. Limnology (4); 3, 1 Alt, Fa, Even
A study of the interrelationships among plants, animals, and environmental factors in aquatic ecosystems. The course is field oriented and concentrates on the development of sampling techniques and the analysis of biotic and abiotic components of nearby lakes and streams. Prerequisite: FORS 2030, CHEM 1215 and MATH 1220, or instructor permission. Previous NMHU FOR 408. 

FORS 4100. Forest Management (3); Fa
This course focuses on the economic and scientific decisions for large tracts of land and multiple types of forest stands over landscapes. The elements of planning management activities to create the least costs and greatest benefits for a landowner are explored. Prerequisites: FORS 3050 and 4020. Previous NMHU FOR 410. 

FORS 4120. Surveying and Geographic Information Systems (4); 3, 2 Fa, Sp
The training and application of surveying and GIS databases to environmental and natural resources problems. Prerequisites: MATH 1220 with a minimum grade of C or instructor permission. Previous NMHU FOR 412. 

FORS 4130. Ecological and Environmental Monitoring (3)
Monitoring is the observation of treatment effects or the condition of natural and human systems over time. Many systems are monitored for pollutants and regulatory compliance, adverse outcomes of environmental management practices, and to determine trends in animal and plant populations. The course explores 1) roles of monitoring in environmental management and ecology; 2) considerations in designing monitoring programs; 3) sampling methodologies for soil conditions, water quality, animal and plant populations, and responses to treatments; and 4) uses of monitoring results. Prerequisites: CHEM 1225, and MATH 1220. Previous NMHU FOR 413. 

FORS 4160. Soil Science (4); 3, 2 Fa
This course provides students with basic soil science concepts. The physical, chemical, and ecological properties of soils are applied to soil classification, genesis, fertility, productivity, irrigation, and erosion. Prerequisites: BIOL 2110, CHEM 1215 and MATH 1220. Previous NMHU FOR 416. 

FORS 4170. Watershed Management (3)
This course will emphasize the interdisciplinary characteristics of watershed management. The need to incorporate ecological and socioeconomic factors when planning and implementing programs to achieve sustainable, socially viable natural resource development is emphasized. Prerequisites: FORS 2020 and FORS 3300 or instructor permission. Previous NMHU FOR 417.

FORS 4180. Aquatic Ecology (4); 3, 2 Alt, Fa, Odd
This course examines the biological, chemical, and physical features of aquatic environments and relates them to general ecological concepts and environmental concerns. The course focuses on the physiological adaptations of species to the aquatic environment and invertebrate and fish community structure. Additionally, this course will examine both the negative and positive impacts that anthropogenic activities have on the ecology of aquatic systems. Prerequisites: BIOL 2120, CHEM 1215, and MATH 1220. Previous NMHU FOR 418. 

FORS 4200. Wildlife Habitat Management (3); Alt, Sp, Even
This course examines the principles and practice of wildlife management with an emphasis on habitats, distribution, abundance, and legal considerations. Prerequisite: FORS 2020. Previous NMHU FOR 420.

FORS 4240. Wildland Pest Management (3); 3, 2 Sp
A pest is an organism that interferes with human activities. Pests annually cause large losses of food and wood, as well as damage to infrastructure and ecosystem services. This course explores major wildland pest organisms, and practices for management of their populations. Students will learn about management practices for insect, weed, pathogen and vertebrate animal pests, such as integrated pest management, cultural management, pesticide use, and biological control. Prerequisites: CHEM 1215 and FORS 2020. Previous NMHU FOR 424. 

FORS 4260. Professional Ethics (1); Sp
Natural and environmental resources professionals may work for public agencies, wood products corporations, consulting firms, or private contractors. Professional ethics is the set of decision guidelines for dealing with various landowners, the conduct of professional and business activities, and the conservation of resources for future generations. This course explores common ethical issues for natural resources professionals. Prerequisite: FORS 1010. Previous NMHU FOR 426. 

FORS 4330. Water Science (4); 3, 2 Var
This is a course focused on the standard methods of water analysis and interpretation of results for surface and ground waters, water supply systems, and wastewater discharges. The course will focus on coliform bacteria, nutrients, organic matter, heavy metals, pesticides, and water quality standards. Prerequisites: FORS 2030, CHEM 1215, and MATH 1220 or instructor permission. Previous NMHU FOR 433. 

FORS 4510. Project Fires and Post-Fire Rehabilitation (3); Var
This class is designed to investigate the potential problems resulting from fires including erosion on slopes and in stream channels, sediment, and debris jams in streams, weed infestations, loss of vegetation and forest cover, hazards from fire-killed trees falling, and potential damage from post-fire activities, like salvage logging. One Saturday field trip is mandatory. Prerequisite: FORS 4050. Previous NMHU FORS 451. 

FORS 4520. Prescribed Fire Practices (4); 3, 2; Var
Prescribed fires are used to meet management objectives of fuel reduction and ecosystem restoration. This course explores the design, planning, conduct, and monitoring in prescribed fire utilization. The course includes two mandatory Saturday field trips and participation in a prescribed fire. Prerequisite: FORS 1010, FORS 3170, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU FOR 452. 

FORS 4530. Toxicology in Life Sciences (3); Var
Students will develop an understanding of the general process of conducting release, contamination, and risk assessments. Furthermore, students will be able to understand and work with federal and state guidelines and regulations that bear on the conduct of environmental public health investigations. The ultimate goal is to equip students with knowledge and skills that are utilized to assess the general impact of substances on human health. Prerequisite: CHEM 1215 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU FOR 453.

FORS 4550. Wildfire Fuels and Modeling (3); 1, 4; Sp
This course will provide a review of the primary wildfire simulation and modeling tools used by fire managers at local, state, and federal levels as well as the varying fuel conditions that influence wildfire behavior. We will examine the characteristics of fire simulation and behavior models and perform simulations using an array of various environmental inputs. Fuels management and the influence of forest fuels on wildfire behavior will be discussed with examples of pre-and post-treatment case studies presented. We will examine and manipulate environmental variables such as fuels that typically determine fire behavior to obtain desirable burn characteristics at a simulated level. The lecture material will be supported by use of computer software fire model that students will operate. Prerequisites: FORS 3070. 

FORS 4560. Fire and Landscape Ecology (3); Var
This class investigates the landscape-scale effects of wildfires, as well as the ecology of fire in a variety of ecosystems and includes the effects of fire on plants, animals, soils, water, and air. The course emphasizes the prediction and characterization of fire effects over time and space as well as the role of fire in restoration ecology. Case studies of restoration projects using fire in prairies, ponderosa pine and white bark forests will be examined. Prerequisites: CHEM 1215, FOR 2110 and FOR 3070. Previous NMHU FOR 456. 

FORS 4610. Atmospheric Science (3); Var
The physical structure and dynamics of the atmosphere are explored. Air pollutant movement, dissipation, and chemistry will be discussed. Weather phenomena and local ventilation patterns will be discussed in terms and of smoke and air pollutant dispersion, fire behavior, and pesticide sprays. Prerequisites: CHEM 1215, and MATH 1220. Previous NMHU FOR 461. 

FORS 4920. Applied Forestry Research (3); Sp
This capstone course is designed for students to participate in an applied forest research project where they are required to incorporate the results of their academic preparation. Each class will pursue research toward a forest management hypothesis or question chosen by the instructor. Each student will investigate a specific issue of a broader question. Students will present their data at NMHU Research Day or a meeting of recognized scientific society. Prerequisite: FORS 4100, Senior classification and permission of instructor. Previous NMHU FOR 492. 

FORS 4990. Independent Research (1-6 VC); Fa, Sp, Su
Study of a special topic in natural resources management in an individual, directed research-based project arranged with an individual instructor. Instructor permission required. Previous NMHU FOR 499.

Gender & Women’s Studies (GNDR), Courses in

GNDR 2225. Introduction to Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies (3); Var
This course introduces students to key concepts, debates, and analytical tools informing Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. As an interdisciplinary field of study, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies employs academic perspectives from a range of disciplines and theoretical approaches. It also incorporates lived experience and social location into its object of analysis. Though content will vary according to the expertise and focus of the instructor, this course will develop tools through readings and assignments that critically analyze how gender and sexuality are shaped by different networks of power and social relations and demonstrate how the intersections of race, class, disability, national status, and other categories’ identity and differences are central to their understanding and deployment. In addition to feminist thought, areas of focus might include gender and sexuality in relation to social, cultural, political, creative, economic, or scientific discourses. This class is recommended for those with a general interest in the topic area as well as for those seeking a foundational course for further study. Previously WMST 200. Cross listed with SOCI 2225. 

GNDR 3000. Feminist Theory (3); Var
Feminist theory explores the basic forms that organize everyday society and that influences dominant ways of thinking. Feminist theory employs a variety of schools of thought including liberalism, Marxism, psychoanalysis, postcolonial theory, and transnational feminist theory. Students in feminist theory will gain an insight into the range and uses of feminist theory. The main goal of this course is to introduce ways of investigating and reflecting upon recent topics and discord within feminist dialogues, within an international context. Central content areas include feminism and nationalism; cultural identity; diaspora dialogue; the social construction of gender, race, and sexuality; perspectives on pornography and racial hatred propaganda/speech/acts; and international sex trafficking and prostitution. Questions considered include: What makes up theory in women’s studies? How useful is theory in reflective, critical, challenging debates revolving around dominant sex/ race/class power structures? What can theory offer activists? What recent debates and dialogues are emerging within feminist/womanist theory? These questions continue themes in this class is to teach students basic tools of analysis for addressing these issues. 4350. Special Topics (1-4 VC) Gender and Politics; eating disorders, gender, and education. Prerequisite: SOCI 1110 or PSYC 1110 or ANTH 1140 or permission of instructor. Previously NMHU WMST 300.

GNDR 3120. Gender and Crime (3); Var
This course will explore the criminal behavior of offenders and the challenges that various genders face as victims, perpetrators, and professionals within the criminal justice system. Prerequisites: SOCI 1110 or ANTH 1140 or GNDR 2225. 

GNDR 4180. Reproductive Justice (3); Var
This class examines the reproductive justice theoretical framework, its history, origins, and conceptualization to explore its practical applications for transformative feminist activism and theorizing. Reproductive justice developed as a multi-layered theoretical paradigm and model for theorists/activists concerned about issues surrounding reproductive dignity. Prerequisite: SOCI 1110.

GNDR 4250. Social and Transformative Justice (3); Var
This class uses interdisciplinary perspectives to explore the ways that social justice is understood, theorized, and put into practice. The class explores different generations of relationships to social justice and human rights strategies as well as social movements in the U.S. and globally. Prerequisites: SOCI 1110 or ANTH 1140 or GNDR 2225. 

GNDR 4260. Gender, Food, and Culture (3); Var
This class takes interdisciplinary gendered perspectives to explore the ways that food behaviors and beliefs surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of food, influence constructions of identity, femininity/masculinity, culture, sexuality, and reinforce and contest gender hierarchies. Prerequisite: SOCI 1110.

GNDR 4320. Visual Sociology (3); Var
Visual sociology involves the use of photographs, film, audio, and video to study society, create sociological projects. This course focuses on visual and audio-based strategies for sociological research, including field research. The visual/audio production is a data gathering technology used for etlinography, participant observations, oral history, and the use of urban or rural space. Specifically, we will examine the uses of visual /audial technologies in sociology to capture the images and apply critical analyses to study social structures and social relationships particularly as they relate to systems of oppression and their interlocking nature (gender, sexuality, race, ability, nationality, class…). Additionally, we will explore the sociological dimensions of visual & audio expression on society and consider how such production can be used in a transformative fashion and improve lived experiences. Note, that this is a sociology/qualitative research course, and it will not emphasize the technical/lab training in visual production. Students do not need to know technical usage of programs and equipment. Prerequisites: SOCI 1110 or ANTH 1140 or GNDR 2225. 

GNDR 4350. ST: Selected Topic in Gender & Women’s Studies (1-4 VC); Var
Course in a topic or topics in Gender & Women’s Studies. May be repeated with a change in course content. Prerequisite: GNDR 2225 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU WMST 435.

GNDR 4380. New Social Justice Movements: A World of Protests, Cultural Resistance and Community Building (3); Var
Cultural changes over the past two decades have led to a proliferation of new social justice movements globally. This class examines the changing economic and political relations, based on the ownership and control of essential resources (e.g., information technologies and communication) which raise important questions for community organizing in an increasingly privatized, postindustrial world of a knowledge society. Prerequisites: SOCI 1110 or ANTH 1140 or CJUS or GNDR 2000. 

GNDR 4980. Women’s Studies: Internship/Directed Study (3); Var
This course includes directed studies on a women’s issue, in the student’s major field, to be approved by the Women’s Studies Committee as a whole and to be supervised by a designated faculty member of the committee in conjunction (if necessary) with a selected faculty member in the field of the study. Internships: apply theory, concepts and skills developed in the women’s studies minor to work on projects related to profit or nonprofit organizations. A final research paper in the range of 15-20 pages will result from the student’s directed study. Prerequisites: WMST 2000 AND 3000 and senior status and approval of women’s studies. Previously NMHU WMST 499.

General Education (GNED), Courses In

GNED 4020. Formal and Informal Spanish (1); 1, Var
Formal and Informal Spanish is an intensive course for teachers who are going to take the exam “La Prueba” which is a requirement to obtain your endorsement in Bilingual Education. The focus of the course is to prepare teachers to recognize the evolution of Spanish and how the language is used in different contexts-academic, public, private, and so on. Co-requisites: Reading in School Contents, Composition in the School Context, and Spelling and Accentuation.

GNED 4040. Spelling and Accentuation (2); 2, Var
Your attendance and participation are essential to your success in this class. Over the course of the institute, you will be given dictations, mini-tests, and exercises to evaluate the development of your writing skills. At the end of the class, a final exam will be given to confirm what has been learned. Co-requisites: Reading in the School Contents, Formal and Informal Spanish, and Composition in the School Context.

GNED 4060. Composition in the School Context (2); 2, Var
The intensive course will be presented in the form of a writing workshop in which students review the basic rules of spelling in Spanish, expand their vocabulary, and write various compositions and letters to parents. The class will focus on various topics that fit under three main areas: spelling and accentuation, increased vocabulary, and the correct writing and organization of the assigned compositions. Co-requisites: Reading in School Contents, Formal and Informal Spanish, Spelling and Accentuation.

GNED 4080. Reading in School Contents (1); 1 Var
Intensive Spanish Program for Bilingual Teachers Practice reading about school content in science, math, and social science. Vocabulary, comprehension, and extraction reviews will be included in this class of main ideas. Co-requisites: Composition in the School Context, Formal and Informal Spanish, Spelling and Accentuation.

Geology – Environmental (GEOL), Courses in

GEOL 1110. Physical Geology (4); 3, 2 Fa, Sp
Physical Geology is an introduction to our dynamic Earth introducing students to the materials that make up Earth (rocks and minerals) and the processes that create and modify the features of our planet. The course will help students learn how mountains are formed, how volcanoes erupt, where earthquakes occur, and how water, wind, and ice can shape the landscape. Students will also develop a basic understanding of the ways humans have altered the planet including our impact on natural resources and global climate change. Previous NMHU GEOL 101.

GEOL 1101. Physical Geology Laboratory (0)
Physical Geology Lab is the laboratory component of Physical Geology. Students will learn to identify rocks and minerals in hand samples, work with topographic maps, geologic maps, and geologic cross-sections, and apply stratigraphic principles to explore geologic time. 

GEOL 1050. The Planets (4); 3, 2 Var
A study of the eight planets in our solar system, with emphasis on geologic and atmospheric processes. Topics include the study of faults and tectonic features, impact craters, evolution and internal structures, atmospheres, meteorites, comets, asteroids, and analysis of spacecraft images. Applies to NM Common Core.

GEOL 2110. Historical Geology (4); 3, 2 Sp
This course reviews the major geological and biological processes and events over the Earth’s 4.6-billion-year history. Students will learn about the formation of the Earth and its development through time including changes in the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. The interrelationships between the physical aspects of Earth history and biological origins, evolution of species, and causes of extinctions will be explored. Prerequisite: GEOL 1110. Previous NMHU GEOL 202. 

GEOL 2320. Introduction to Geospatial Technology (2); 1,2 Sp
Introduction to Geospatial Technology describes concepts and applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Navigation Satellite Systems/Global Positioning Systems (GNSS/GPS) and remote sensing. Hands on exercises that reinforce basic concepts of geospatial information and its practical applications using Google Earth and ESRI’s ArcGIS Online. Participants will also learn how geospatial technology is used in business, industry, and government. This course is designed to give students the skills and knowledge they to need to apply geospatial technology to their other studies and builds a foundation for continued study in the geospatial sciences. 

GEOL 2350 – 4350. Selected Topic in Geology (1-4 VC); Var
Course in topic or topics in geology. May be repeated with a change in content. Previous NMHU GEOL 235-435. 

GEOL 2900 – 4900. Independent Study (1-4 VC); Fa, Sp, Su
Individual study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU GEOL 290-490. 

GEOL 3010. Environmental Geology (4); 3, 2 Sp
A study of the human interactions with the earth, its resources, and natural hazards. Includes instruction in the geological principles that can be utilized to both prevent and ameliorate environmental problems. Prerequisite: GEOL 1110. Previous NMHU GEOL 301. 

GEOL 3170. Depositional Environments (4); 3, 2 Alt, Fa, Even
Survey of sedimentary rock types, principles of description and classification, sediment genesis and transport, distribution, and origin of sedimentary deposits. Includes paleoenvironmental determinations from analysis of modern marine, transitional, and continental environments with the information applied to problems in environmental geology. Course includes an investigation of evolution of life on a dynamic earth. The course will investigate stratigraphic and palaeontologic principles to aid in paleoenvironmental interpretation and evolutionary studies. Students will gain an appreciation of the dynamic nature of the earth and the importance of scientific thought processes. Laboratory portion of the course emphasizes lecture topics through hands-on laboratory experiences, including several field trips. Prerequisites: GEOL 1110. Previous NMHU GEOL 317.

GEOL 3200. Mineralogy (4); 3, 2 Var
A study of the fundamental aspects of mineralogy, including crystal symmetry, crystal structures, crystal chemistry, and the physical properties of minerals. Students will practice hand specimen identification, optical mineralogy, and powder X-ray diffractometry towards the study of elected mineral groups. Prerequisite: GEOL 1110 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU GEOL 320. 

GEOL 3210. Petrology (4); 3, 2 Var
An introduction to the fundamentals of igneous and metamorphic rocks. The lecture will focus on the experimental and field evidence for interpreting rock associations and the interplay between igneous and metamorphic rock formation and the plate tectonic model. Topics include textures, structures, microscopic identification, geochemistry, and rock classification as a background for discussing rock origins. Prerequisite: GEOL 1110, 3200 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU GEOL 321. 

GEOL 3250. Earth Materials (4); 3, 2 Fa
A study of the origin, identification, and significance of geologic materials and processes. The course blends basic descriptive aspects with theory and quantitative analysis. Course objectives include the following: the recognition of major rock-forming minerals and other selected minerals in hand specimen and thin section; the mastery of hand specimen and petrographic microscope analyses for mineral identification and rock interpretation; and the ability to relate crystal chemistry, crystallographic alignment, and physical attributes of a mineral to its identification, as well as rock petrogenesis. Prerequisite: GEOL 1110. Previous NMHU GEOL 325. 

GEOL 3300. Structural Geology (4); 3, 2 Alt, Fa, Odd
A detailed study of the forces acting on the earth’s crust and a resolution of these forces in terms of joints, faults, folds, uplifts, and related phenomena. Prerequisites: GEOL 1110, MATH 1220, and MATH 1250 or by permission of instructor. Previous NMHU GEOL 330. 

GEOL 3500. Seminar in Geology (3); Var
Seminar course in topic or topics in geology. Previous NMHU GEOL 350. 

GEOL 3750. Field Geology (4); 0, 12 Su
Principles of geologic mapping, including the use of a Brunton compass, barometer, hand-level, plane table, and other instruments. The course also includes the solution of actual field problems and preparation of reports. Prerequisite: GEOL 1110, 3170, 3300 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU GEOL 375. 

GEOL 4100. Applications of Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism (4); 3, 1 Var
The purpose of this class is to introduce the students to the concepts of paleomagnetism, rock magnetism, and fine partial magnetism of natural, synthetic, and biological materials. The class will investigate the theoretical aspects of permanent (s.l.) magnetization in materials, the application of magnetic studies, and instrumentation used to measure magnetic materials.

GEOL 4120. Geologic Resources, Laws, and Environmental Policies (3); Alt, Sp, Even
A study of the policies that protect public and private lands and communities in from hard-rock mining impacts. The course will briefly cover the nature and origin of the earth’s rock and mineral resources, methods of resource extraction, and impacts on the environment. The course will thoroughly cover the major types of regional and federal environmental policies, discuss the roles of the major players in the public policy process, and consider how to use science to inform the debate and remediate or lessen mining impacts. The class will study the 1872 Mining Law which grants fee and open occupation, exploration, and purchase of public lands to U.S. citizens. We will also study the 1993 New Mexico Mining Act that improved regulation of mining at the state level will also be covered. Selected NM hard- rock mining cases and issues relevant to the southwest will also be reviewed. Prerequisite: GEOL 1110 or an introductory physical science laboratory course. Previous NMHU GEOL 412.

GEOL 4140. Fundamentals of Geospatial Information Science and Technology (4); 3,2 Var
Fundamental of Geospatial Science and Technology provides hands-on learning in the ESRI software platform (ArcPro), Geospatial Information Science and Technology instrumentation, Global Positioning Systems, cartography, remote sensing, and spatial analysis through 1) field and remote data acquisition and processing and 2) computer-based data processing, map generation, and other product deliverables and various field and laboratory training exercises. The course content is based upon the United States Department of Labor’s Geospatial Technology Competency Model for entry-level geospatial occupations. 

GEOL 4150. Remote Sensing and Analysis (4); 3, 2 Fa
Instruction in remote sensing theory, applications, and case studies, and exposure to and practice with airborne and satellite remote sensing and image processing. Students will be able to acquire data, process the images, create appropriate data, analyze the accuracy of the results, and utilize the data for specific applications. Prerequisites: FOR 4120 and MATH 1220 with at least a C or better, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU GEOL 415. 

GEOL 4180. Advanced Geographic Information Systems (4); 3, 2 Sp
A scheme of hardware, software, and procedures designed to support the capture, management, manipulation, analysis, modeling, and display of spatially referenced data for solving complex planning and management problems. GIS applications in both spatial information (maps) and databases to perform analytical studies. The course will build upon knowledge and experience in GIS, gained in the introductory course to provide students with an understanding of cartographic and geodetic concepts, impacting GIS analysis, filed data collection techniques with global positioning systems and handheld computer mapping software, effective map design, and modeling topographic and statistical surfaces. Prerequisites: FOR 4120 and MATH 1220 with at least a C or better, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU GEOL 418.

GEOL 4210. Environmental Groundwater Hydrology (4); 3, 2 Alt, Sp, Odd
Study of the origin, movement, method of entrapment, and removal of subsurface waters. Course includes extensive discussion of problems associated with groundwater pollution and remediation. Prerequisites: GEOL 1110, MATH 1430 or MATH 1510 or previous NMHU GEOL 101, MATH 1430 or MATH 1510. Previous NMHU GEOL 421. 

GEOL 4220. Genesis and Environmental Impact of Earth’s Resources (3); Var
Study of the distribution, mineralogy, classification, modes of occurrence, and economic implications to industry and world affairs of mineral deposits. Prerequisites: GEOL 1110 and 3250 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU GEOL 422.

GEOL 4240. Environmental Geophysics (4); 3, 2 Alt, Fa, Even
Instruction in the geophysical tools, processes and concepts applied in environmental geology. Processes, e.g., volcanism, plate tectonics, mountain building, and climates, are discussed in the context of the earth and other planets. Prerequisites: GEOL 1110, PHYS 1230, MATH 1250, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU GEOL 424. 

GEOL 4250. Geomorphology (4); 3, 2 Alt, Sp, Odd
This course is an introduction to the description of landforms and landscapes on the earth’s surface. Emphasis is placed on the basic processes that govern landform evolution, human impact on land surfaces, and on the history of geomorphic study. Several field trips are required. Prerequisite: GEOL 1110, GEOL 325, PHYS 1230, MATH 1250, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU GEOL 425. 

GEOL 4320. Environmental Geochemistry (4); 3, 2 Alt, Sp, Even
A study of the chemistry of the earth, including mineral mobility, cosmochemistry, chemical weathering, digenesis, igneous and metamorphic chemistry, stable isotopes, pollution, and the thermodynamics and kinetics associated with these systems. Prerequisites: GEOL 101, CHEM 1215 and 1215L, MATH 1250, or by permission of instructor. Previous NMHU GEOL 432. 

GEOL 4940. GIS: Capstone Seminar (2); Fa, Sp
Individual directed research study arranged with an instructor. Students will conduct an independent research project involving GIS and/or remote sensing analysis applied to a subject of study associated with their discipline. Each student will present a written report and applied GIS project to his or her mentor. All students will be responsible for demonstrating how GIS technology has enabled them to address a spatial problem more effectively. Prerequisites: FOR 412, GEOL 415, and GEOL 418. Previous NMHU GEOL 494.

GEOL 4950. Senior Geology Applications (1); Fa, Sp
Required class for all graduating seniors. The purpose of the course will be is to assess the student’s understanding of environmental geology, critical thinking, and applications to geology and research methods. Assessment will consist of oral and written examinations and problem solving. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU GEOL 495.

GEOL 4990. Independent Research in Geology (1-4 VC); Fa, Sp, Su
Individual directed research arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU GEOL 499.

Health Education (HLED), Courses in

HLED 1115. American Heart Association CPR (3); Fa, Sp, Su
The gross anatomy and physiology of the heart, electrical pathway, and respiratory system are discussed in preparation for CPR. Includes primary assessment and evaluation of ABCs. Successful completion of this course will result in American Heart Association CPR certification. Previous NMHU HPS 223. 

HLED 1130. Concepts of Health & Wellness (3); Fa, Sp, Su
This course is designed to introduce students to concepts of Personal Health and Wellness. Students will be introduced to the essentials of personal health including nutrition, fitness, and healthy relationships, STD’s, complementary and alternative medicines, stress management and the meaning of wellness as it applies to prevention of chronic disease for overall health.

HLED 1350 – 4350. ST: Selected Topic in Health Education (3)
Course in topic or topics in health. May be repeated with change of content. Previous NMHU HLTH 235-435.  

HLED 1140. Water Safety Instruction (2); 0, 4 Sp
Will train students in the Water Safety Instruction program of the American Red Cross (ARC). Students will gain knowledge in teaching people how to be safe in, on or around water and teaching individuals of different ages and abilities how to swim. At the successful completion of the required skills test and written exam, students will receive and ARC Water Safety Instruction certificate. Previous NMHU HPS 227.  

HLED 1150. Lifeguarding (2); Fa, Sp
Provides knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies and to provide professional-level care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illnesses until emergency medical services personnel take over. At the successful completion of the required skills and written exams, students will receive an American Red Cross (ARC) Lifeguard Certification, which includes certifications in Lifeguarding, First Aid, CPR and AED. Prerequisite: Student must pass ARC mandated swim pre-tests and must be at least 15 years old on or before final scheduled session of this course. Previous NMHU HPS 225. 

HLED 2160. Nutrition for Exercise and Sport (3); Sp
Nutrition strategy for optimal health, including disease prevention and human performance. Topics include selecting healthy foods, nutrient metabolism, energy use, ergogenic aids, herbal supplements, and holistic health science philosophy. Previous NMHU HLTH 213. 

HLED 2900 – 4900. Independent Study (1-4 VC)
Individual study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU HLED 290-490.  

HLED 3210. Foundation of Community Health (3); Sp
Introduction and overview of the philosophical and practical foundations of public and community health, including expectations of the profession. Topics include historical survey, service organization, epidemiology, societal behavior, life-span health promotion, government administration, recreation, disease control, environmental protection, information resources, and new job opportunities developing in the health profession. Prerequisite: HLED 1510 or the equivalent. Previous NMHU HLTH 311. 

HLED 3520. Health and Sex Ed (3); Var
Healthy sexuality and sexual abuse prevention strategies for student teachers. Health promotion, wellness, self-responsibility, and lifestyle choices and consequences are emphasized in techniques of early intervention and preventive techniques for school children. Prerequisite: HLED 1051 or equivalent. Previous NMHU HLTH 321.  

HLED 3530. Health and Drug Education (3); Sp
Drug and alcohol abuse prevention concepts and strategies for student teachers. Health promotion, wellness, self-responsibility, and lifestyle choices and consequences are emphasized in techniques of early intervention and preventive techniques for school children. Prerequisite: HLTH 151 or the equivalent. Previous NMHU HLTH 353.  

HLED 3800. Human Diseases (3); 3, 0 Fa
A survey of various diseases commonly occurring in the U.S. Focus is provided for both infectious diseases and noninfectious diseases. Instruction in hemorrhagic viruses such as Ebola and hantavirus, is introduced along with other such emerging disease. Childhood diseases, acute and chronic diseases, and those that are pathogen caused are also presented. Control, treatment, and prevention strategies are presented. Previous NMHU HLTH 380. 

HLED 3820. Health Problems in Schools (3); Sp
This course is designed to introduce the student to various problems and issues related to student and school health. Communicable and non-communicable diseases, mental health, and teen pregnancy will be covered in addition to legal and ethical implications of health in schools. Coordinated School Health Programs will also be discussed along with other associated public, community, private and government health agencies that work to address issues of school health. Previous NMHU HLTH 382. 

HLED 4020. U.S.-Mexico Border Health Issues (3); 3, 0 Sp
A problem-based approach to case study analysis designed to instill a broader appreciation of health issues and multidisciplinary collaboration to solve complex social issues. Instruction and research reflect upon the physical, mental, emotional, social, judicial, psychological, racial, cultural, financial, spiritual, occupational, and international concerns of those living along the United States-Mexico border. Attention is given to the broader ramifications of such issues for all United States citizenry. No previous background in health or any specific discipline is required. Previous NMHU HLTH 402.

HLED 4150. Health, Culture and Diversity (3); Fa
This course examines what is meant by culture, the ways in which culture intersects with health issues, how public health efforts can benefit by understanding and working with cultural processes, and an overview of conceptual tools and research methods that are useful in identifying relationships between culture and health. Prerequisite: Junior classification or instructor permission. Previous NMHU HLTH 415.

HLED 4210. Epidemiology (3); Sp
Epidemiology is the science behind public health statistics. Epidemiological concepts and skills involving interpretation and use of health-related data in populations or groups are studied. The course enables the understanding of causes and transmission of disease, tracking community health problems, and identifying trends related to public health problems. Critical judgment in assessing health related data is developed. Prerequisite: HLED 321 or the equivalent. Previous NMHU HLTH 421.

HLED 4690. Public Health and Wellness (3); Fa
This course includes advanced public health concepts and development of critical thinking about the role of public health in the community. With interactive discussions, the course reviews community health promotion objectives and epidemiologically derived statistical information. Comprehensive focus is on three major areas: community health promotion, environmental health promotion, and health resources and services. Prerequisite: HLED 3210 or the equivalent. Previous NMHU HLTH 469. 

HLED 4740. Stress Management (3); Sp
This course includes an overview of the body of literature available on the topic of stress and the techniques required to manage stress effectively. With interactive discussions, the course reviews health promotion objectives as they relate to stress. Course modules include the nature of stress, the mind and soul, coping strategies, and relaxation techniques. Comprehensive focus in on strategies designed to help one cope with the stressors of life. Prerequisites: HLED 1510, junior classification and instructor permission. Previous NMHU HLTH 474.

History (HIST), Courses in

HIST 1110. United States History I (3); Fa, Sp
The primary objective of this course is to serve as an introduction to the history of the United States from the pre-colonial period to the immediate aftermath of the Civil War. The elements of this course are designed to inform students on the major events and trends that are essential in the understanding of the development of the United States within the context of world societies. Previous NMHU HIST 201.  

HIST 1120. United States History II (3); Fa, Sp
The primary objective of this course is to serve as an introduction to the history of the United States from reconstruction to the present. The elements of this course are designed to inform students on the major events and trends that are essential in the understanding of the development of the United States within the context of world societies. Previous NMHU HIST 202. 

HIST 1165. The Western World (3); Fa, Sp
The Western World is a survey of what is sometimes called “the Western tradition,” that is, the history of European civilization from its beginnings to the present. During the semester we will explore the development of European history and culture while also becoming acquainted with the study of history. This course is intended both to acquaint all students with the basic outlines of Western cultural traditions as well as to introduce students interested in historical study to topics and methods that can be pursued in the department’s upper-division offerings. Previous NMHU HIST 100.

HIST 1600. Chicano History to 1900 (3); Var
Review of the Chicano historical experience in the United States beginning with the Spanish conquest of Mexico in 1521 and ending with the eve of the statehood movement for New Mexico. Previous NMHU HIST 160. 

HIST 1610. Chicano History Since 1900 (3); Var
History of Chicanos in New Mexico and the United States, beginning with the early 1900s and ending with the Chicano Civil Rights Movement of the late 1960s. Previous NMHU HIST 161. 

HIST 2110. Survey of New Mexico History (3); Var
The primary objective of this course is to serve as an introduction to the history of New Mexico from the pre-Columbian times to the present day. The elements of this course are designed to inform students on the major events and trends that are essential in the understanding of the development of New Mexico within the context of the Americas. Previous NMHU HIST 215. 

HIST 2350 – 4350. Selected Topic in History (1-4 VC)
Course in a topic or topics in history. May be repeated with change of content. Previous NMHU HIST 235-435. 

HIST 2900 – 3900. Independent Study (1-4 VC); Fa, Sp, Su
Individual study arranged with a history faculty member. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU HIST 290-390. 

HIST 3010. Research Methods in History (3); Sp
Training in historical methods, including location and use of sources, critical analysis, and historical writing. Previous NMHU HIST 301. 

HIST 3150. American Foreign Relations (3); Var
Foreign policies and relations of the United States since 1776, with emphasis on 20th century development. Previous NMHU HIST 315.

HIST 3210. The Ancient World (3); Var
Ancient Middle Eastern kingdoms and the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome. Previous NMHU HIST 321. 

HIST 3220. Medieval Europe (3); Var
Christianity, Carolingian epoch, feudalism, and the foundations of modern Europe. Previous NMHU HIST 322. 

HIST 3250. Modern Europe to 1815 (3); Var
From the Renaissance through the fall of Napoleon. Previous NMHU HIST 325. 

HIST 3260. Modern Europe Since 1815 (3); Var
From the Congress of Vienna to the post-World War II era. Previous NMHU HIST 326. 

HIST 3440. Colonial Latin America (3); Var
Survey of Latin American history from before 1492 to the early 1800s with emphasis on economic, social, and cultural development of the region. Previous NMHU HIST 344. 

HIST 3450. Modern Latin America (3); Var
Survey of Latin American history from independence through the present. Topics include independence, political unrest in the 19th century, economic modernization, revolution, and current problems in the region. Previous NMHU HIST 345. 

HIST 3460. Contemporary Latin America (3); Var
Current United States-Latin American relations, contemporary philosophies, and intellectual currents. Previous NMHU HIST 346. 

HIST 3470. History of Modern Mexico (3); Var
Political, social, and economic development of modern Mexico. Previous NMHU HIST 347.

HIST 3480. Revolutions in Contemporary Latin America (3); Var
Consideration of the patterns of revolution in Latin America in the 20th century. Previous NMHU HIST 348. 

HIST 4010. The Chicano Experience (3); Var
Major trends in the historical experience and development of Chicanos in American society. Previous NMHU HIST 401. 

HIST 4030. Chicano Leadership (3); Var
A study of significant leaders among the Hispanic population in the Southwest during the Mexican territorial and early statehood periods. Previous NMHU HIST 403. 

HIST 4060. North American Frontiers (3); Var
Patterns of settlement in North America, with emphasis on frontier experience in the United States. Previous NMHU HIST 406.

HIST 4110. Women in the United States (3); Var
A survey of the role of women in the history of the United States, including methodological and conceptual developments. Previous NMHU HIST 411. 

HIST 4120. The Civil War and Reconstruction (3); Var
The Old South, secession, civil conflict, Radical Reconstruction. Previous NMHU HIST 412.

HIST 4130. The United States Since World War II (3); Var
American society and foreign policy from Pearl Harbor to the present. Previous NMHU HIST 413.

HIST 4140. The American Presidency (3); Var
History, institution, and powers of the chief executive of the United States. Previous NMHU HIST 414. 

HIST 4160. The Crusades (3); Var
Covers the numerous crusades that Western Christendom directed again Moslems in Spain, north Africa, and the Near East; against “pagans” in Eastern Europe; and eventually against various enemies within Christendom itself, between ca. 1050-1300.

HIST 4500. Seminar in History (1-4 VC); Var
Seminar course in a topic or topics in history. Previous NMHU HIST 450.

HIST 4520. Seminar: New Mexico History (3); Var
Seminar course in a topic or topics in New Mexico history. Previous NMHU HIST 452. 

HIST 4530. History of the Southwest (3); Var
Analysis of historic and contemporary issues confronting peoples of the Southwest. Previous NMHU HIST 453. 

HIST 4540. Seminar: History Through Film (3); Var
Movies are a tremendously powerful means of conveying ideas, including those having to do with the past. This seminar examines the relationship between film and history in a particular historical context. Previous NMHU HIST 454. 

HIST 4800. Historiography (3); Sp
HIST Development of historical thought and writing. Previous NMHU HIST 480. 

HIST 4900. Senior Readings (1-4 VC)
Individually assigned readings and supervised investigations of selected topics, arranged with an individual instructor. Prerequisite: Advanced standing toward a major or minor, with a B average, and permission of instructor. Previous NMHU HIST 490. 

HIST 4980. Senior Seminar in History (3)
A senior seminar course in a topic or topics in history. Previous NMHU HIST 498. 

HIST 4990. Supervised Research (1-4 VC)
Individual research arranged with an individual instructor. Prerequisite: Advanced standing toward a major or minor, with a B average, and permission of instructor. Previous NMHU HIST 499.

International Business (INTB), Courses in

INTB 4350. ST: Selected Topic in International Business (1-4VC); Var
Course in topic or topics in international business. May be repeated with change of content. Previous NMHU INTB 435. 

INTB 4400. International Business (3); Fa, Sp
International Business surveys key elements of international business, focusing on factors influencing management decision-making in an international setting. The course explores how managers respond to economic, political, cultural, and social factors facing business. Prerequisites: ECON 2110 and 2120 or permission of the instructor. Previous NMHU INTB 440.

INTB 4560. Women and Globalization (3); Var
This class considers the varied gendered dimensions of development, globalization, labor markets and the many challenges to the established approaches to development especially those that privilege political and economic aspects rendering much of women’s involvement invisible. Placing women, gender and their various communities at the center begins to highlight such activities and brings into the conversation the role of culture. Prerequisite: SOCI 1110 or ANTH 1140 or GNDR 2210 Previous NMHU ANTH 454.

Library Research (LIBR), Courses in

LIBR 1110. Library Research (1); Var
This five-week course provides hands-on experience in learning how to do effective research. The course familiarizes students with a variety of academic library services, teaches how to effectively search for and evaluate print and electronic resources, and provides instruction on creating a bibliography and proper bibliographic citation in a specified citation style.

LIBR 4000. Advanced Library Research (1); Var
This five-week course facilitates the use of academic library resources and services for the purpose of discipline-specific research. The course enables students to effectively search for and evaluate print and electronic resources for a targeted topic. The course advances scholarship and mastery of content areas as students work with subject-specific resources and explore issues in scholarly communication. Students learn the components of a literature review and annotated bibliography as well as proper bibliographic citation in a specified citation style.

Management (MGMT), Courses in

MGMT 2110. Principles of Management (3); Fa, Sp
An introduction to the basic theory of management including the functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling; while considering management’s ethical and social responsibilities. Previous NMHU MGMT 303. 

MGMT 3250. Operations Research and Scientific Management (3); Fa, Sp
This course prepares the student to apply analytical approaches to formulating and solving business and technical management problems, including the use of linear programming for resource allocation, transportation problems, and forecasting. Prerequisite: BMIS 3760 & MATH 1220. Previous NMHU MGMT 325. 

MGMT 3860. Human Resource Management (3); Fa, Sp
This course covers those topics which would be relevant to the role of human resource department in today’s firm. Topics include human resource management, compensation and benefits, labor relations, E.E.O., affirmative action, employment and placement, training and development, and other related topics. Previous NMHU MGMT 386. 

MGMT 4310. Entrepreneurial Forum (3); Fa, Sp
Ownership and operation of one’s own business is an overwhelming drive for many people. This course explores starting a business, including understanding the right questions to ask about all aspects of business operations, such as financing, buying, sales and marketing, cost considerations, cash conversion concepts, product and service delivery, customer service, personnel issues, pricing policies, accounting and financial record keeping, and reporting for start-up purposes and for planning for future success. Previous NMHU MGMT 431.

MGMT 4500. Seminar in Leadership (3), Var
Seminar in Leadership examines the process of leadership, human behavior, and situational leadership. The objective of the course is to help leaders understand their leadership style and provide them with tools to lead individuals, groups, and teams to achieve the goals of the organization. Assess real world situations and implications from a leadership perspective and make necessary changes to help organizations be more efficient and effective. Prerequisites: MGMT 2110. 

MGMT 4350. ST: Selected Topics (1-4 VC); Var
Course in a topic or topics in management. May be repeated with a change of content. Previous NMHU MGMT 435.

MGMT 4510. Entrepreneurship (3); Var
A study of the problems encountered, and special knowledge needed for successfully starting a new business. Particular attention is given to the development of the business concept and its implementation through the development of a business plan. 

MGMT 4530. Organizational Leadership (3); Fa, Sp
This course addresses the fundamental aspects of leading and motivating people. It includes understanding and working with people on an individual basis as well as leading groups. High-performing organizations and the challenges of leading change in organizations are covered. Prerequisite: MGMT 2110. Previous NMHU MGMT 453. 

MGMT 4650. Personnel Practices and the Law (3); Fa
This course addresses the increasing intrusion of the law into personnel functions by familiarizing students with the Equal Employment Opportunity and personnel law. Such topics as the Family Medical Leave Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act will be discussed as they relate to personnel practices. Prerequisite: MGMT 2110. Previous NMHU MGMT 465. 

MGMT 4880 Strategic Thinking for Decision Making (3); Var
This course creates a learning architecture where students can inform, improve, and practice their strategic thinking capabilities to affect change in the public policies and managerial practices. Highly successful managers in the public sector share common characteristics. Given the rapid changes in the public sector, effective leaders must propel their organization to deliver high quality products and/or services while maintaining outstanding customer service. Given the ever-growing complexity and interconnectedness of our society, leaders in the public sector must forge collaborations and partnerships with other organizations and businesses. Furthermore, effective departments, programs, and entities in the public sector must strive to foster an environment of innovation in order to remain successful and competitive. Prerequisites: This course will be taken during the last semester of enrollment with permission of instructor.

MGMT 4890. Strategic Management (3); Fa, Sp
This course is designed as the capstone business course. Strategic management and business policy is studied using various analytical tools and case studies. The outcomes assessment test will be given to all students enrolled in this class. The test may be scheduled for a time other than the class meeting. Prerequisites: Completion of business core and senior standing and BFIN 2110, MGMT 2110, MGMT 3250 & MKTG 2110, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MGMT 489. 

MGMT 4900. Independent Study (1-4 VC); Var
Individual study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Previous NMHU MGMT 490.

Marketing (MKTG), Courses in

MKTG 2110. Principles of Marketing (3); Fa, Sp
Survey of modern marketing concepts and practices focusing on the marketing mix: product, pricing, promotion, and distribution strategies. Topics include; the marketing environment, consumer behavior, marketing research, target marketing, and the ethical and social responsibilities of marketers. Prerequisite: BMIS 3760. Previous NMHU MKTG 302. 

MKTG 4150. Consumer Behavior (3); Sp
Introduction of the study of how and why consumers buy products and services. Study of the psychological, sociological, behavioral, and cultural aspects of the buying decision and how firms can use this information to sell more effectively in the marketplace. Prerequisite: MKTG 2110. Previous NMHU MKTG 415. 

MKTG 4350. ST: Selected Topics in Marketing (1-4 VC); Var
Course in a topic or topics in marketing. May be repeated with a change of content. Previous NMHU MKTG 435. 

MKTG 4460. Social Media (3); Sp
Social media represents one of the most significant changes in consumer media behavior in history, resulting in fundamental shifts in the way marketers communicate and interact with consumers. This course provides the practical knowledge and insights required to establish objectives and strategies, properly select the social media platforms to engage consumers, and monitor and measure the results of these efforts. Prerequisite: MKTG 2110 or equivalent. Previous NMHU MKTG 446. 

MKTG 4510. Internet Marketing Strategies (3); Fa
The course focuses on the place of Internet marketing in an integrated marketing strategy, consumer behavior on the Internet, current Internet marketing practices, and the future of Internet marketing. Prerequisite: MKTG 2110. Previous NMHU MKTG 451.

MKTG 4730. Advertising (3); Fa, Sp
This course examines the role of advertising and promotion in a firm’s integrated marketing communications strategy. Traditional advertising functions and strategies are analyzed along with new forms of advertising and promotion driven by changing technology. Prerequisite: MKTG 2110. Previous NMHU MKTG 473. 

MKTG 4740. International Marketing (3); Sp
Objectives, problems, and challenges facing those who engage in marketing operations in foreign countries. Foreign marketing organizations, cultural dynamics, trade channels, the legal environment, and political considerations are examined. Prerequisite: MKTG 2110. Previous NMHU MKTG 474. 

MKTG 4840. Marketing Management (3); Sp
The approaches and problems of marketing decision-making, considered from the standpoint of the marketing manager. Prerequisite: MKTG 4740, ENGL 3670, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MKTG 484. 

MKTG 4890. Strategic Brand Marketing (3); Fa
This course will offer an overview of brands, branding, brand strategy, brand portfolios and brand management. Students will examine how to create and maintain strong brands and brand portfolios. This course will focus on types of communication used to create and build brands and brand relationships. Prerequisite: MKTG 2110. Previous NMHU MKTG 489. 

MKTG 4900. Independent Study (1-4 VC) Var
Individual study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MKTG 490.

Mathematics (MATH), Courses in

MATH 1009. Mathematics for the Elementary Teacher (3); 2, 2 Fa, Sp
Course offers an in-depth look at the representations of rational numbers, including base-ten and decimal numbers, integers, fractions, arithmetic operations on these sets and number properties using student activities and investigations. Problem solving is emphasized throughout. Previous NMHU MATH 115.

MATH 1116. Mathematics for the Elementary Teachers II (3); 2, 2 Fa, Sp
Algebra from the viewpoint of the elementary curriculum with emphasis on proportional and linear relationships. Additional topics include number theory, ratio, percent, probability and statistics. Student activities, investigations and problem solving are emphasized throughout. Prerequisite: MATH 1009 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU MATH 130. 

MATH 1130. Survey of Mathematics (3); 3, 3 Fa, Sp
This course will develop students’ ability to work with and interpret numerical data, to apply logical and symbolic analysis to a variety of problems, and/or to model phenomena with mathematical or logical reasoning. Topics include financial mathematics used in everyday life situations, statistics, and optional topics from a wide array of authentic contexts. Prerequisites: MATH 1215 with a minimum grade of C, or ACT score of 20 or above, or SAT Math Section score of 500 or above, or Accuplacer Next-Generation Advanced Algebra and Functions score of 200 or above, or Accuplacer Next-Generation Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics score of 230 or above. 

MATH 1215. Intermediate Algebra (4); Fa, Sp
A study of linear equations and inequalities in one variable with applications, integer and rational exponents, the equation of the line, polynomials, and rational expressions. Previous NMHU MATH 120. 

MATH 1220. College Algebra (3); Fa, Sp
The study of equations, functions, and graphs, reviewing linear and quadratic functions, and concentrating on polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions. Emphasizes algebraic problem-solving skills and graphical representation of functions. Prerequisite: MATH 1215 with a minimum grade of C, or ACT score of 23 or above. Previous NMHU MATH 140. 

MATH 1250. Trigonometry & Pre-Calculus (5); 4, 2 Fa, Sp
Trigonometry & Pre-Calculus includes the study of functions in general with emphasis on the elementary functions: algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and inverse trigonometric functions. Topics include rates of change, limits, systems of equations, conic sections, sequences and series, trigonometric equations and identities, complex number, vectors, and applications. Previous NMHU MATH 160. Prerequisites: MATH 1220 a grade of C or better. 

MATH 1350. Introduction to Statistics (3); Fa, Sp
This course discusses the fundamentals of descriptive and inferential statistics. Students will gain introductions to topics such as descriptive statistics, probability and basic probability models used in statistics, sampling and statistical inference, and techniques for the visual presentation of numerical data. These concepts will be illustrated by examples from a variety of fields. Prerequisite: MATH 1215. Previous NMHU MATH 145.

MATH 1430. Applications of Calculus 1 (3); Fa, Sp
An algebraic and graphical study of derivatives and integrals, with an emphasis on applications to business, social science, economics, and the sciences. Prerequisite: MATH 1220 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU MATH 155. 

MATH 1440. Applications of Calculus 2 (3); Fa, Sp
A continuation of MATH 1430. Topics include partial derivatives, max and min problems, Lagrange multipliers, brief trigonometry, techniques of integration, differential equations, and probability. Prerequisite: MATH 1430 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU MATH 205. 

MATH 1510. Calculus 1 (4); 4, 2 Fa, Sp
Introduces the intuitive, numerical, and theoretical concepts of limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration. Includes the study of extrema, curve sketching, and applications involving algebraic, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Designed for mathematics, science, and engineering majors. Prerequisite: MATH 1250 with a grade of C or better. Previous NMHU MATH 211. 

MATH 1520. Calculus 2 (4); Fa, Sp
A continuation of MATH 1510 Calculus 1. Topics include numerical methods of integration, integration techniques, L’Hopital’s rule, improper integrals, applications of integration, sequences, and series. Prerequisite: MATH 1510 with a C or better. Previous NMHU MATH 252.

MATH 2350-4350. Selected Topic in Mathematics (1-4 VC); Fa, Sp
Course in a topic or topics in Mathematics. May be repeated with change of content. Previous NMHU MATH 235-435. 

MATH 2530. Calculus 3 (4); Fa, Sp
A study of differential and integral calculus or functions of several variables. Topics include partial derivatives, tangent planes, the chain rule, the gradient, extremes of functions of two variables, Lagrange multipliers, double integration in rectangular and polar coordinates, triple integration in rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. Prerequisite: MATH 1520 with a C or better. Previous NMHU MATH 273. 

MATH 2900-4900. Independent Study (1-4 VC); Fa, Sp
Independent study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MATH 290-490.

MATH 3010. Introduction to Mathematical Proofs (3); Fa, Sp
An introduction to reading and writing Mathematical proofs. Techniques of proof writing (constructive, contradiction, contrapositive, etc.) will be emphasized over a wide variety of settings (number theory, set theory, introductory analysis, e.g.). Prerequisite: MATH 1520 with a minimum grade of C or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MATH 301. 

MATH 3170. Discrete Mathematics (4); Fa, Sp
An algorithm-based treatment of sets, matrices, functions, graphs, and relations along with a study of modular arithmetic, enumeration, induction, recursion, algorithm efficiency, Boolean algebra, tees, and graphs. Prerequisite: MATH 1220 or MATH 1250 with a grade of C or better. Previous NMHU MATH 317. 

MATH 3200. Linear Algebra (3); Fa, Sp
An introduction to solutions of linear systems of equations, properties of matrices, nonsingular matrices, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, similar matrices, and Euclidean vector spaces. Prerequisite: MATH 1510 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU MATH 320. 

MATH 3250. Applied Ordinary Differential Equations (3); Fa, Sp
An introduction to ordinary differential equations. Topics include linear and separable first-order equations, linear second-order equations with constant coefficients, applications of first-order and second-order equations, and Laplace transform methods. Prerequisite: MATH 1520 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU MATH 325. 

MATH 3450. Mathematical Statistics 1 (3); Fa, Sp
A calculus-based introductory course in statistics including probability, discrete and continuous distributions, confidence intervals, p-values, and the analysis of decision rules. Prerequisite: MATH 1440 or MATH 1510 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU MATH 345. 

MATH 4010. Discrete Chaos and Fractals (3); Fa, Sp
An introduction to fractal geometry and discrete dynamics in one dimension. Topics include stability of one-dimensional maps, periodic points, bifurcations, period three orbits, Sharkovsky’s theorem, Schwarzian derivative, chaos in one-dimension, metric spaces, transitivity, conjugacy, fractals, fractal dimension, Julia and Mandelbrot sets. Prerequisites: MATH 3170 and MATH 2530 with a minimum grade of C, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MATH 401. 

MATH 4020. Discrete Dynamical Systems and Chaos (3); Fa, Sp
A continuation of MATH 401 in higher dimensions. Topics include discrete linear dynamical systems, orbits, stability, spectral decomposition theorem, affine systems, nonlinear dynamical systems, bounded invariance, global stability of fixed points, sinks, repellers and saddles, bifurcation, attractors, Li- Yorke chaos, and more on fractal dimension. Prerequisites: MATH 3200 and MATH 4010 with a minimum grade of “C”. Previous NMHU MATH 402. 

MATH 4040. Introduction to Numerical Analysis (3); Fa, Sp
An introduction to numerical methods for determining the roots of nonlinear equations, numerical interpolation and integration, and numerical methods for approximating solutions to ordinary differential equations. Prerequisites: MATH 3200 and MATH 3250 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU MATH 404. 

MATH 4060. College Geometry (4); 3, 2 Fa, Sp
A rigorous treatment of the elements of Euclidean geometry. Prerequisite: MATH 3170 with a grade of C or better. Previous NMHU MATH 406.

MATH 4070. Mathematical Models (3); Fa, Sp
An overview of model construction with many different examples. The course includes differential equations, Markov chains, linear programming, zero sum games, graphs, and queues. Prerequisites: MATH 3200 and MATH 3250 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU MATH 407. 

MATH 4100. Optimization Techniques (3); Fa, Sp
The study of unconstrained and constrained optimization computational algorithms, including both linear and nonlinear methods. Prerequisite: MATH 3200 and MATH 2530 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU MATH 410. 

MATH 4150. Introduction to Cryptography (3); Fa, Sp
An introductory course on the Mathematics of cryptography. Topics include column transposition, monoalphabetic and polyalphabetic ciphers, the one-time pad, and the Hill cipher. Prerequisite: MATH 3170 with a grade of C or better. Previous NMHU MATH 415. 

MATH 4170. Mathematical Statistics 2 (3); Fa, Sp
A continuation of MATH 3450 covering the topics of contingency tables, multiple regression, analysis of variance, and other special topics in Mathematical Statistics. Prerequisite: MATH 3450 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU MATH 417. 

MATH 4190. Modern Methods of Cryptography (3); Fa, Sp
A study of modern methods of cryptography and their applications. Topics include the data encryption standard, the RSA public key cryptosystem, and digital signatures. Prerequisite: MATH 3170-4150 with a grade of C or better. Previous NMHU MATH 419. 

MATH 4210. Applied Abstract Algebra (3); Fa, Sp
An introduction to abstract algebra and its applications to error-correction codes, cryptography, polynomial algorithms, and fast Fourier transforms. Prerequisites: MATH 3170 and MATH 3200. Previous NMHU MATH 421. 

MATH 4250. Introduction to Real Analysis (3); Fa, Sp
This course gives students a solid background in theoretical undergraduate analysis with the theory and deeper understanding of calculus stressed. Students are introduced to proofs that motivate them toward clear thought and understanding of limits, continuity, differentiation, and series. This provides a rigorous training in Mathematical thinking. Prerequisites: MATH 3010, MATH 3200, and MATH 2530 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU MATH 425. 

MATH 4260. Introduction to Complex Variable (3); Fa, Sp
An introduction to the properties of analytic functions. Topics include mappings, limits, continuity, differentiation, Cauchy-Riemann equations, harmonic functions, multi-valued functions and branch points, definite integrals and the Cauchy-Goursat theorem, Cauchy integral formula, maximum modulus theorem, Liouville’s theorem, fundamental theorem of algebra, Taylor and Laurent series, residues, and poles. Prerequisite: MATH 4250 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU MATH 426. 

MATH 4300. Mathematical Problem Solving (4); 3, 2 Fa, Sp
A study of problem-solving techniques and the applications of such techniques to challenging problems in Mathematics. In addition, students will be required to demonstrate mastery of the fundamentals of undergraduate Mathematics by passing a series of examinations on college algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and linear algebra. Prerequisites: MATH 2530 and MATH 3200 with a grade of C or better. Previous NMHU MATH 430.

MATH 4440. Matrix Theory with Applications (3); Fa, Sp
A study of advanced topics in linear algebra and the theory of matrices with emphasis on computer-based applications. Similarity, characteristic and minimal polynomials, diagonalizable matrices and symmetric matrices, Jordan canonical form, vector and matrix norms, spectral radius, stable matrices, functions of matrices, non-negative matrices, and Perron- Frobenius theory, differential equations, stability, location of eigenvalues, Rayleigh quotient and Gersgorin’s theorem. Prerequisites: MATH 3170, MATH 3200, and MATH 3250 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU MATH 444. 

MATH 4500. Seminar in Mathematics (1-4 VC); Fa, Sp
Seminar course in a topic or topics in mathematics. Previous NMHU MATH 450.

MATH 4600. Applied Multivariate Statistics 1 (3); Fa, Sp
Introductory matrix analysis for statistics, multivariate distributions, multiple regression, multiple analysis of variance and covariance, principal component analysis, and canonical correlations. Prerequisite: MATH 3200 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU MATH 460. 

MATH 4610. Applied Multivariate Statistics 2 (3); Fa, Sp
A continuation of MATH 4600, including discriminant analysis, factor analysis, categorical techniques, distance concepts, and cluster analysis. Prerequisite: MATH 4600 with a minimum grade of C. Previous NMHU MATH 461. 

MATH 4990. Independent Research (1 – 4 VC); Fa, Sp
Individual research arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MATH 499.

Media Arts (MART), Courses in

MART 2900-4900. Independent Study (1-4 VC); Fa, Sp, Su
Individual directed study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 290-490. 

MART 2980-4980. Professional Internship (1-6 VC); Fa, Sp, Su
A student will work under the joint supervision of a work supervisor and a faculty member at an on-or off-campus site. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 298-498. 

MART 3050. Digital Painting (4); Fa
A course designed for students interested in learning how to create digital artworks using industry standard software and hardware. Students will use a digital painting application to recreate the analog tools found in an artist’s studio (painting, ink drawing, pastels, and other techniques). Previous NMHU MART 305. 

MART 3110. Graphics and Meaning (4); Fa
The purpose of this class is to introduce you to the Creative Processes, Conceptual Methods, and stages of Iterative Thinking in the development of successful ideas and solutions that present appropriate visual messages for corporations, profitable or non-profitable organizations, institutions, teams, or individuals who want to sell a service, product, idea, or way of life. In addition, emphasis will be placed upon understanding visual meaning and the power of ideas and words in relationship to visual message and communications. Prerequisites: ARTS 1145, FDMA 2200, and FDMA 2533, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 311. 

MART 3130. Design for the Web (4); Sp
This course is designed to introduce digitally savvy students to website structure, design, function, and terminology. Students will practice current industry standard development code, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and basic php. Prerequisites: FDMA 2533. Previous NMHU MART 313. 

MART 3170. Publication Design (4); Sp
This course comprehensively explores the process of designing for print and digital multipage publications such as book design, magazine design, newspaper design and digital publication. Significant emphasis will be placed upon the use of grids, complex and simple layouts, pagination, multi-page spreads, typography, visual and informational hierarchy with primary focus upon page layout software. Prerequisites: ARTS 1145, FDMA 2200, FDMA 2533, and MART 3730, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 317. 

MART 3180. Principles of Multimedia (4); Fa
The purpose of this class is to introduce students to the concepts and applications of a multimedia programming environment, address user interaction design, and current industry applications. Prerequisites: FDMA 2533 or co-enrollment. Previous NMHU MART 318.

MART 3220. HD Cinema Workshop (4); Sp
This is an advanced video production course focusing on documentary and narrative video production. Students will learn advanced camera movement, colorization, over-cranking, and other techniques used to communicate an idea. Prerequisite: FDMA 2521 or Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 322. 

MART 3260. Multimedia Project Management (4); Alt, Sp, Odd
In this course students learn to be part of a creative team that learns to professionally interact with clients while managing exhibition content, information flow, budgets, and productions schedules. Students work to master the art of problem solving and troubleshooting in a semester long project that is part of the Program in Interactive Cultural Technology. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: Co-enrolled in MART 4950 and permission instructor. Previous NMHU MART 326. 

MART 3270. Web Production Workshop (4); Fa
This is a course in front-end, presentational web production. We will focus on markup language, CSS, some JavaScript, image optimization and layout. We will discuss production for different platforms and browsers, address issues about mobile and small screen presentation, CMS systems, and considerations of accessibility and user experience. This class is a combination of the technical skills of front-end production, with the conceptual discussion of experience design and usability. Prerequisite: MART 2533. Previous NMHU MART 327.

MART 3280. Principles of Game Design (4); Var
This course provides the basic theories and implementation of game design. Students will study structure, strategy and will work on developing their own games, digital or analog. Previous NMHU MART 328. 

MART 3340-4340. Media Arts Practicum (1-4 VC); Fa, Sp, Su
A course to help students become leaders on multimedia projects. Previous NMHU MART 334-434. 

MART 3500. Media Arts Seminar (4); Fa
An investigation of the core concepts and topics of media arts, specific to graphic design, photography, multimedia, and videography, through critical readings, written papers, and guest lecturers. The course will culminate in collaborative community-based projects. Prerequisite: ARTS 1145, FDMA 2200 per permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 350. 

MART 3620. Video Effects (4); Var
The study of digital video post-production techniques including green screen techniques, video compositing, animation, and scripting. Prerequisite: FDMA 2521. Previous NMHU MART 362. 

MART 3630. Video Animation (4); Var
The study of animation for video including stop motion, rotoscoping, and coded methods of animating for video or the web. Both 2D and 3D will be discussed. Prerequisites: FDMA 2521 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 363. 

MART 3660. Audio for Media Arts (4); Var
This course serves as an introduction to digital audio. Students will learn how to use solid-state recorders, microphones, and industry standard digital audio software. Working both alone and in groups, students will apply their audio skills to the realm of narrative storytelling and video production. Feedback will be provided in the form of individual and peer critiques. Prerequisite: FDMA 2521 or Permission of Instructor. Previous NMHU MART 366. 

MART 3670. Character Animation (4); Var
This course focuses on character animation. Students will develop their skills in 2D and clay animation by learning the concepts of storyboarding, character movement, walk cycles, facial expression, audio syncing, and camera angles. Prerequisites: FDMA 2533, and FDMA 1545, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 367. 

MART 3730. Typography (4); Fa
In all fields of Visual Communication, the art of using, arranging, and designing with typography to communicate important worded and visual messages are of most important skills expected of an entry level professional. Upon entering most levels of the profession each of you will be expected to be very skilled in the nuanced art of choosing, organizing, and arranging typographical elements in printed materials, video, film, internet, web and animation. Additionally, you will be expected to understand and apply issues related to type history, type selection, type families, type classification, type architecture, type rendering and type mechanics; serif, sans serif, kerning, leading, spacing, readability, legibility, alignment, hierarchy, and type color. Prerequisites: ARTS 1145, and FDMA 2533. Previous NMHU MART 373. 

MART 4120. History of Design (4); Alt, Fa, Odd
The history of design for BFA students seeking a professional career in any of the Media Arts; communication Design, Photography, Film, Systems Design, Art Direction, Creative Direction, Illustration or any other of the professional areas within Media Arts is critical to the understanding of the aesthetic, cultural, economic, political, religious, propaganda/ideological, marketing, technological and visual communication influences on art and design practices. The history of design represents the process of developing strong ideas that deliver important visual messages. Additionally, the Zeitgeist of the times that dramatically influenced all levels of visual communication; typography, color, layout, image development (illustration and photography) will be addressed. The history of design will encompass ancient influences starting with pictograms and petroglyphs but the major historical issues influencing contemporary design is the 150-year period of time from the mid nineteenth century after the civil war to the present and include people who were considered to be founders of the modern era of design. Prerequisites: ENGL 1110 and/or ENGL 1120. Previous NMHU MART 412. 

MART 4130. Video Editing and Directing (4); Var
The study of the history, theory and practice of video editing and directing in a non-linear environment. Prerequisite: FDMA 2521 or Permission of Instructor. Previous NMHU MART 413. 

MART 4150. Design Projects for the Community (3); Var
This course focuses on the developing critical thinking skills for relating media content to context and for understanding how social and cultural issues impact public perceptions and behaviors. Through advocacy of a noncommercial cause, students will explore the many facets of an issue, identify key points to impact public appeal, develop a media promotional strategy, and employ visual communication skills to promote social change. Previous NMHU MART 415. 

MART 4360. Experimental Video Production (3); Var
In this course, students will explore approaches to experimental storytelling using advanced HD video. Students will learn the basic of project proposal writing, as well as how to secure funding and seek distribution for experimental projects. Prerequisites: FDMA 2521 and MART 3220 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 436.

MART 4380. Advanced Multimedia Project Management (3); Alt, Sp, Odd
The Program for Interactive Cultural Technology (PICT) is a full-semester, immersive academic, and hands-on program designed to prepare students for careers as multimedia professionals in museums, cultural organizations, and exhibition design businesses. PICT students help create a professional exhibition for an elite institution and participate in professional internships. Prerequisite: MART 3180 or MART 3500 and Corequisites: MART 3260 and 4960. Previous NMHU MART 438. 

MART 4460. Screenwriting (4); Fa
The study of the format, the writing styles, and the creative and technical techniques useful in the development of the dramatic screenplay for television and film. Previous NMHU MART 446. 

MART 4470. Studio Photography (4); Sp
Students will learn how to operate studio lighting equipment and techniques to execute professional photographic work both in the studio and in the field. Emphasis is placed on gaining technical skills, mastery of lighting techniques, and achieving the desired aesthetic effect to articulate a concept. Prerequisite: ARTS 1145 and FDMA 1545 or Permission of Instructor. Previous NMHU MART 447.

MART 4490. Contemporary Photography 4 (4); Var
An introduction to computational photography and virtual tours. Prerequisites: ARTS 1145, FDMA 2200, 2530, 2521, MART 3500, 3180 and 3730 or Permission of Instructor. Previous NMHU MART 449. 

MART 4560. Physical Computing (4); Sp
This course is an introduction to interaction beyond our usual screen-based focus, into the physical world. Using a programmable microcontroller, students will learn how to connect sensors and actuators to create devices, installations and environments that move interaction past the mouse, keyboard, and screen. Prerequisite: FDMA 2033 or co-enrollment. Previous NMHU MART 456. 

MART 4570. Surround and Installation Workshop (4); Var
The course prepares students to create large scale interactive multimedia installations using audio, video, and programming. Prerequisite: FDMA 1021, 2020, 2033, 350 and FDMA 2021, 3180, 243 and 3730 completed or concurrent. Previous NMHU MART 457. 

MART 4590. Advanced Interactive Multimedia (3); Var
A course designed for students interested in advanced multimedia and web development. This course is designed to relate directly to current professional standards in multimedia, interaction, and web production. Prerequisites: MART 3180 and 3270 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 459. 

MART 4600. Alternative Photographic Techn. (4); Var
This class will explore the creative usages of wet darkroom and digital darkroom alternative photographic techniques with an emphasis on the way that a form of a piece furthers an overarching concept. Prerequisites: FDMA 1021 and FDMA 1545. Previous NMHU MART 460. 

MART 4610. Advanced Design Practice (4); Fa
This course comprehensively explores the process of designing for print and digital multidimensional branding and advertising problems for corporate, institutional, non-profit, retail, and other clients needing comprehensive brand development. Significant emphasis will be placed upon client research, client goals and history and information gathering, brand aspiration and development, corporate identity and advertising including; company mark/logo design, symbols, color branding, packaging, print, website development use of grids, complex and simple layouts, pagination, multi-page spreads, typography, visual and informational hierarchy with primary focus upon development of a brand style guide and student process notebook. Layout software will be used in the development of all design problems. Prerequisite: ARTS 1145, FDMA 2200, 2533, and MART 3110, 3730 or Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 461. Previous NMHU MART 461.

MART 4640. Advanced Digital Cinema (3); Var
A capstone course in video production that requires the student to write, produce and direct a professional-quality video piece. Prerequisites: MART 4360 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 464. 

MART 4650. Advanced Media Projects (4); Sp
In this capstone course, graduation media arts students will create a final portfolio, resumes, personal statements, and create an online presence. BFA students will plan, execute, and document a final show in preparation for graduation. Prerequisite: Media Arts BFA student or Permission of Instructor. Previous NMHU MART 465. 

MART 4680. Advanced Lightwave Modeling (3); Var
The study of three-dimensional computer modeling techniques for virtual objects. Prerequisite: MART 3630. Previous NMHU MART 468. 

MART 4690. Advanced Video Animation (3); Var
The study of advanced techniques of Lightwave animation, including the use of metanurbs, inverse kinematics, multiple-target morphing, and quasi-cel animation. Prerequisite: MART 3630. Previous NMHU MART 469. 

MART 4700. Advanced Design Practice 2 (3); Sp
This class is an advanced design class and an advanced practice class, placing an emphasis on process, as well as client relations. The curriculum will focus on accurately targeting audiences for professional clients, with print, web, and interactive materials. We will learn how to most effectively position a unique brand on the market. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 470. 

MART 4720. Distributed Network Production (4); Var
The goal of this class is to explore emerging technologies and the implications and ethics of being media technology professionals in a rapidly evolving field. This class requires production work as well as readings, discussion, critical thinking, suspension of disbelief when necessary, and an internet in exploring the networked present and near future. Prerequisites: ARTS 1145 and FDMA 2200, 2533, and MART 3500 or Permission of Instructor. Previous NMHU MART 472. 

MART 4750. Advanced Screenwriting Workshop (4); Fa
Students in Advanced Screenwriting will complete and revise a feature-length screenplay or documentary. Prerequisite: MART 4460. Previously MART 475. 

MART 4770. Typography II (4); Var
This course explores the area of kinetic typography, an industry standard media form commonly seen in broadcast television media and film. A basic understanding of typography should have already been explored, as students will use their knowledge of vector-based software as a springboard for effects software. Animation on track paths, light, and camera angles come into play. Conceptual studies of environment-specific design will also be assessed and studied. Prerequisite: MART 3730. Previously MART 477.

MART 4900. Independent Study (1-4 VC); Fa, Sp, Su
Individual directed study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previously MART 490. 

MART 4940. Cultural Technology Mentorship (1); Var
A course designed as a requirement for the AmeriCorps Technology Program. It is a one-credit course fulfilling objectives outlined in the AmeriCorps proposal and cannot be used to fulfill a degree requirement. This course is designed to help students develop leadership skills and complete the necessary training for an AmeriCorps placement. This class will focus on 8 topic areas designed to give AmeriCorps interns a competitive advantage as they transition from NMHU students to professionals in cultural technology. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previously MART 494.

MART 4950. Exhibition Design (4); Alt, Sp, Odd
Students are introduced to successful exhibition design principles used in museums, ART galleries, and cultural institutions. Projects include the research and design of a physical space including both static and interactive elements. Students learn to combine design, construction, and multimedia skills to produce a final exhibit for the public. Prerequisite: Instructor permission and must be co-enrolled in MART 3260. Previously MART 495. 

MART 4960. Advanced Exhibition Design (3); Alt, Sp, Odd
This course is for students who have already taken Exhibition Design. In this class, students will expand their understanding of designing in a physical space, static and interactive elements, and combining design, construction, and multimedia skills to produce a final exhibit for the public. Prerequisites: MART 3730 or 4150 and MART 4950 and Corequisites: MART 4380. Previously MART 496. 

MART 4980. Professional Internship (1-6VC); Fa, Sp, Su
A student will work under the joint supervision of a work-supervisor and a faculty member either at an on or off campus site. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. Previously MART 498.

Music (MUSC), Courses In

MUSC 1040. Basic Voice (1); Fa, Sp
A study of the fundamentals of singing technique and vocal production. Repertoire will be drawn from “classical,” Broadway, and folk traditions. 

MUSC 1080. Basic Instrument (1); Fa, Sp
A study of the fundamentals of instrumental music performance, including scales, arpeggios, practice habits, rehearsal etiquette, and solo and chamber repertoire that elevates the student’s skill. 

MUSC 1130. Music Appreciation: Western Music (3); Fa, Sp
This course explores the ideas of music in society and its cultural relevance and is designed to increase the students’ appreciation of music as well as to enhance their listening skills. Students are introduced to various periods, styles, and composers of music and become acquainted with knowledge and appreciation of Western music from various cultures and times. Previous NMHU MUS 100.

MUSC 1155. Basic Songwriting (1); Fa, Sp
Study of the fundamentals of songwriting, including song form, the writing of lyrics, and song accompaniment styles. Previous NMHU MUS 106. 

MUSC 1160. Music Theory 1 (3); Sp
Introduces the fundamentals of tonal harmony and voice leading, focusing on four-voice writing and analysis of excerpts from music literature. Previous NMHU MUS 211. 

MUSC 1165 Music Theory 2 (3); Fa
Continuation of Music Theory I. Covers principles of harmony and voice leading, using all common diatonic triads and seventh chords. Introduces modulation, contrapuntal chord functions, and elementary structural analysis of excerpts from music literature. Prerequisite: MUSC 1160. Previous NMHU MUS 213. 

MUSC 1210. Fundamentals of Music for Non-majors (3); Fa, Sp
A beginning course in the fundamentals of music, this course includes notation, scales, key signatures, and intervals. Aural comprehension is introduced through singing intervals, scales and triads and dictating simple rhythmic and melodic patterns and students explore the basic components of music. Previous NMHU MUS 101.

MUSC 1230. Sight Singing (3); Fa, Sp
Enables the student to sing written melodies at first sight without the aid of a musical instrument. Topics include reading rhythmic notation, recognizing key signatures, seeing melodies as part of a scale, and learning the sounds of musical intervals. Previous NMHU MUS 144. 

MUSC 1310. Recital Attendance (0); Fa, Sp
This course is for music students to attend and participate in a good number of convocation, concert, and recital performances, creating a wider appreciation for the performing arts. Previous NMHU MUS 260. 

MUSC 1385. Aural Skills 2 (1); Fa
Continues to increase skills in melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic dictation and sight singing. Corequisite: MUSC 1461 or 1471. 

MUSC 1440. Basic Voice (1); Fa, Sp
A study of the fundamentals of singing technique and vocal production. Repertoire will be drawn from “classical,” Broadway, and folk traditions. 

MUSC 1470. Functional Piano I (1); Fa, Sp
Scales, chords, memorization. Harmonization of simple melodies with the ability to play simple melodies and rhythms. May be taken for unlimited credit. Restricted to music majors. No S/U option. Prerequisites: MUSC 1210, MUSC 1230 or instructor permission. Corequisite: MUS 211 or instructor permission.

MUSC 1471. Functional Piano II (1); Fa, Sp
Scales, chords, memorization. Harmonization of simple melodies with the ability to play simple melodies and rhythms. May be taken for unlimited credit. Restricted to music majors. No S/U option. Prerequisite: MUS 201. 

MUSC 1472. Piano Class 3 (1); Sp
Chord progressions, sight-reading and harmonization with extended repertoire. Preference given to students seeking a degree in music. Prerequisites: MUS 2020. 

MUSC 1510. Applied Courses (2cr or 4cr); 0, 1-2, Fa, Sp
These courses are not expected to transfer, and students will have to take a placement test upon transfer.

For music majors and minors only. Private study in composition, songwriting, voice, piano, guitar, strings, woodwind, brass, and percussion. Students receive one, 30-minute lesson per week for each two credit hours and perform before a jury at the end of the semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. Corequisites: MUSC 1310 or 4690 and MUSC 2120 or 4830. 

MUSC 2060. Guitar Class (1); 0, 2 Var
Introduction to guitar performances in all styles. Includes basic guitar performance technique, music reading, choral accompaniment, and melody playing. 

MUSC 2070. Guitar Class 2 (1); 0, 2 Var
A continuation of Music 206. Intermediate-level study of guitar technique, and exploration of various styles of guitar performance. Prerequisite: MUS 206 or permission of instructor. 

MUSC 2310. Sound and Music Technology (3); Fa, Sp
This course serves as an overview of current technologies and principles for the recording and production of sound, and the use of computer-based technologies for the production of music. May be repeated for credit. Previous NMHU MUS 220. 

MUSC 2350–4350. ST: Selected Topic in Music (1 –4 VC); Var
Course in a topic or topics in music. May be repeated with change of content. Previous NMHU MUS 235-435. 

MUSC 2510. Applied Courses (2-4 VC); Fa, Sp
These courses are not expected to transfer, and students will have to take a placement test upon transfer. For music majors only. Individualized study in a focused area of music where students receive one 30-minute lesson per week, per each two credit hours. Performances or presentations in convocations and final jury are required. Repeated courses vary according to degree requirements. A major course on skills and knowledge in the areas of studio and live recording techniques for voice, instruments, microphone selection and placement. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. 

MUSC 2110. Chamber Ensemble: (1-2 VC); Fa, Sp
This course is an exploration of chamber ensembles, allowing students to develop their abilities with their instruments in a group setting. Students will gain a broader understanding of chamber ensemble through study of musical history, as well as various practice exercises and performances. 

MUSC 2120. Major Ensemble: (1-2 VC); Fa, Sp
This course is an exploration of major ensembles, allowing students to develop their abilities with their instruments in a group setting. Students will gain a broader understanding of major ensemble through study of musical history, as well as various practice exercises and performances. 

MUSC 2610. Accompaniment Resource (1); Fa, Sp
The student meets with a piano accompanist for 30 minutes each week. Available only for music majors taking Applied Music Lesson in voice, brass, woodwinds, or composition. Previous NMHU MUS 288. 

MUSC 2810. Pro Tools Fundamentals (2); Var
Covers the basic principles of digital music production, recording and editing, from initial setup to final mixdown. Involves recording instruments, recording vocals, MIDI sequencing, audio looping, this Pro Tools. Upon successful completion of exams, the “User” level certificate will be available from Avid. 

MUSC 2900–4900. Independent Study (1 – 4 VC); 1-4, 0 Var
Individual study arranged with an instructor. May not replace a course listed in the catalog. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MUS 290-490. 

MUSC 2993. Workshop (2); Fa, Sp
Study, translation, analysis, rehearsal, and performance of opera. May be repeated up to 10 credits. Restricted to Las Cruces campus only. 

MUSC 3110. Western Art Music to 1750 (3); 3, 0 Var
An overview of the history of Western art music from the ancient world through the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods. Prerequisites: MUSC 1130 and 1210. Previous NMHU MUS 311. 

MUSC 3120. Western Art Music Since 1750 (3), 3, 0 Var
An overview of the history of Western art music from pre-Classical periods to the present. Prerequisites: MUSC 1130, 1210 and 1165. Previous NMHU MUS 312. 

MUSC 3170. Functional Piano (1); Var
Score reading on the piano and harmonic study through practical applications. Prerequisites: MUS 2080, 3310, and 3330. Corequisites: MUSC 3180 and 3320. Previous NMHU MUS 317. 

MUSC 3180. Piano Proficiency (0); Var
Score reading on the piano and harmonic study through practical applications. Prerequisite: MUS 1472. Corequisite: MUSC 3170. May be repeated with permission of the instructor, with a grade of B or better in Functional Piano without retaking MUSC 3170. Previous NMHU MUS 318.

MUSC 3200. Diction for Singers (2); 2, 0 Var
A course in the proper pronunciation of German, French, and Italian. Prerequisite: Voice Class. Previous NMHU MUS 320. 

MUSC 3220. Choral Conducting (2); 2, 0 Var
This course focuses on techniques in rehearsal and performance settings of choral ensembles. Topics include baton technique, score analysis, rehearsal techniques, and performance preparation. Includes experience conducting a public choral ensemble performance. Prerequisite: MUSC 1461 or instructor permission. Previous NMHU MUS 322. 

MUSC 3230. Instrumental Conducting (2); 2, 0; Alt, Fa
This course focuses on techniques in rehearsal and performance settings of choral ensembles. Topics include baton technique, score analysis, rehearsal techniques, and performance preparation. Includes experience conducting a public instrumental ensemble performance. Prerequisite: MUSC 1461 or instructor permission. Previous NMHU MUS 323. 

MUSC 3310. Theory 3 (3); 3, 0 Sp
Study of harmonic function in chromatic music, particularly focusing on modulation and advanced harmonic structures. Prerequisite: MUS 1461. Corequisites: MUSC 1472 and 3330. Previous NMHU MUS 331. 

MUSC 3320. Theory 4 (3); 3, 0 Fa
Exploration of theories and techniques of the 19th and 20th century composition. Prerequisite: MUSC 3310. Previous NMHU MUS 332. 

MUSC 3330. Aural Skills 3 (1); Sp
Continues to increase skills in melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic dictation and sight singing. Prerequisite: MUS 232. Corequisite: MUSC 1460 and 3310. Previous NMHU MUS 333. 

MUSC 3500. K-12 Music Methods (3); Var
This course explores music education methods of instruction and course planning in the context of primary and secondary education. Includes classroom management strategies with cultural sensitivity required of K-12 music educators. Prerequisite: MUSC 1460 or instructor permission. Previous NMHU MUS 350.

MUSC 3600. Half Recital (1); 1, 0 Fa, Sp
The student will prepare a 30-minute public recital. Music technology and composition students may include a presentation of both recorded and live music. Composition students may include some computer realizations in addition to a significant proportion of live performances. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor; four semesters of corresponding applied music lessons, MUSC 1471, 1461, and 3110 or 3120. Corequisites: Applied Music with the same focus as the recital performance for MUSC 251 or 4510 and MUSC 1310 or 4690. Previous NMHU MUS 360. 

MUSC 3760-4760. Musical Theatre (2); Fa, Sp
Participation in a current musical theatre production in an on-stage voice role. Assignments vary from production to production. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MUS 276-476. 

MUSC 3810. Pro Tools Production (2); Var
Covers techniques for operating a professional Pro Tools Ultimate system or advanced home studio. Develop advanced skills in editing, mixing, session management, control surfaces, and automation in Pro Tools Ultimate. Upon successful completion of exams, the “Operator” level certificate will be available from Avid. Prerequisite: MUSC 2810. 

MUS 3830–4830. Ensemble (1-2 VC); Fa, Sp
Musical performance in large- and small-group contexts, both choral and instrumental. See the Schedule of Classes for a list of ensembles offered during any given semester or summer session. Course may be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. 

MUSC 4000. Audition (3); 3, 3 Var
Explore audition techniques and preparation for community, University, and professional music theater. Prerequisite: One semester of acting class (theater) and one semester of voice class (music). Previous NMHU MUS 400. 

MUSC 4120. The History of Opera (3); Var
An overview of the history of opera. Previous NMHU MUS 412. 

MUSC 4250. Instrumental Techniques (4); Var
Study of performing and teaching techniques of instruments of the band and orchestra. Previous NMHU MUS 425. 

MUSC 4500. Seminar in Music (1–4 VC); Var
Seminar course in a topic or topics in music. Previous NMHU MUS 450.

MUSC 4510. Applied Music (2-4 VC); 0, 1-2, Fa, Sp
For music majors and minors only: Private study in composition, songwriting, voice, piano, guitar, strings, woodwind, brass, and percussion. Students receive one, 25-30 minute lesson per week for each credit hour and perform before a jury at the end of the semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Corequisites: MUSC 1310 or 4690 and MUSC 2120 or 4830. Previous NMHU MUS 451. 

MUSC 4690. Recital Attendance (0); Fa, Sp
Music students attend and participate in a variety of convocation, concert, and recital performance, creating a wider appreciation for the performing arts. Previous NMHU MUS 469. 

MUSC 4700. Full Recital (1); 2, 0 Fa, Sp
The student prepares a 60-minute public recital, a culmination of their studies in Applied Music. Prerequisite: instructor permission. Previous NMHU MUS 470.

MUSC 4710. History of Jazz (3); 3, 0 Var
Study of the origins and development of jazz from traditional New Orleans jazz through big band swing, bebop, and contemporary styles. Satisfies the fine arts requirement in the general education core. Previous NMHU MUS 471. 

MUSC 4750. Sound Design (3); Var
This course is a study of the advanced elements of sound design. Includes the historical background of sound synthesis, use of the lexicon of electronic sound generation, acquisition of the skills of sound synthesis, computer sound generation, sampling, and digital audio editing. This course is for students with an interest in composition, audio recording, and sound effects for video, film, and games; suitable for music majors, minors, and non-majors. Prerequisite: MUSC 2310 or instructor permission. Previous NMHU MUS 475. 

MUSC 4770. Music Technology Practicum (2); 0, 2 Var
Practical experience in the recording studio, working and communicating elements of recording and digital audio editing issues with students as clients, troubleshooting problems with computers and computer software, using critical thinking to solve technical issues that often arise in the studio, researching technical issues using the Internet. Prerequisite: MUSC 2310, with a grade of B or higher. Previous NMHU MUS 477. 

MUSC 4810. Pro Tools Advanced Music Production (2); Var
Highly advanced editing and mixing techniques, advanced control surfaces, troubleshooting techniques, automation and various complex plug-in processes covered. An emphasis on the skill of tactile control, also known as the memorization of “keyboard shortcuts” is stressed. A tactile exam and an online exam are required to earn the “Expert” level certificate from Avid. Prerequisite: MUSC 2810 and 3810.

Native American/Hispano Cultural Studies (NAHS), Courses in

NAHS 1110. Intro to Native American/Hispano Cultural Studies (3); Fa
Interdisciplinary introduction to Native American/Hispano cultural studies emphasizing thematic areas of place, environment, ethnicity, identity, language, and community. 

NAHS 2110. Indo/Hispano Ethnicity and Identity Formation (3); Alt, Sp, Odd
The study of foundational concepts and research regarding the complex interrelationships and identities of Native American/Hispano ethnic communities.

NAHS 3250. Indo/Hispano Contexts for Language and Literacy (3); Alt, Sp, Even
The study of social and cultural contexts for language and literacy practices within Indo/Hispano communities. 

NAHS 3750. New Mexico Land Grant, Acequia and Reservation Communities (3); Sp
Exploration of historical and contemporary community issues regarding land, water, economics, and sustainability. 

NAHS 4250. Native American/Hispano Communities and Cultural Contexts (3); Sp
The study of structures and methodologies for conducting short-term research projects in cultural and social contexts.

Nursing (NURS), Courses in

NURS 3100. RN-BSN Bridge Course (3); Fa, Sp
This course brings together knowledge, and concepts, that are basic to nursing curriculum: Critical thinking, problem solving, and the spirit of inquiry. Nursing literature will be discussed regarding the reasons for completing the BSN program for nurses. Nursing scholarly writing, APA formatting, electronic reference databases and literature review are discussed to assist the student with developing professional writing skills. The course highlights how to use the NMHU learning management system for nursing courses, and other computer skills needed for this curriculum. Student expectations in the RN-BSN program are presented. Previous NMHU NURS 310. 

NURS 3200. Evidence Based Application in Health Assessment (3); Fa
This course focuses on expanding the basic health assessment skills necessary for critical thinking in professional nursing. Emphasis is on identification of normal findings, with developmental and cultural variations. The course is designed to assist the student to differentiate between normal and abnormal findings, as well as furthering the development of the students’ assessment skills. Lab practice of assessment skills will be included within this course. Prerequisite: NMNC 3100. Previous NMHU NURS 320. 

NURS 3320. Intro to Nursing Informatics (2); Su
This course focuses on the role of the importance of information systems and technology to nursing practice, education, research, and administration. Students will understand the importance of becoming knowledge workers and develop skills for information literacy. The emphasis of the course is to provide the student with the expertise and knowledge to function effectively in the modern health care information technology environment. Prerequisite: NMNC 3100. Previous NMHU NURS 332. 

NURS 3400. Advancement of Professional Nursing (3); Fa, Sp
This course focuses on nursing practice foundations for continuing development of the student’s knowledge essential for functioning in a rapidly changing health care system. Content includes professional issues, quality improvement, safe practice, interdisciplinary collaboration, and influences of socio-cultural-political-economic factors on health care delivery systems. Prerequisite: NMNC 3100. Previous NMHU NURS 3400. 

NURS 3600. Cultural Competencies and Health Care (3); Fa
This course explores the role of the nurse practicing in culturally diverse health care delivery systems. Students will learn how to increase their skills in providing culturally competent care for patients across the lifespan. Skills needed to work collaboratively with health care workers from diverse backgrounds will also be emphasized. Prerequisite: NMNC 3100. Previous NMHU NURS 360. 

NURS 3700. Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice (3); Sp
This course teaches skills to increase the student’s sense on inquiry essential to evidence-based practice in nursing. Skills will be taught in scholarly literature search, and the process of evaluating material for the application in the clinical setting to obtain better patient care outcomes. Prerequisite: NMNC 3100. Previous NMHU NURS 370. 

NURS 4310. Community Health Nursing (3); Sp
This theory course focuses on the knowledge needed for community/public health nursing practice. Concepts presented discuss the nursing care of families, groups, and communities with an emphasis on community assessment, health promotion, risk reduction, disease prevention and health maintenance. Special emphasis will focus on community health nursing in diverse cultures and rural communities. Prerequisite: NMNC 3100. Previous NMHU NURS 431. 

NURS 4320. Health Care Policy (3); Su
This course is designed to introduce students to health policy, and the regulatory environment for health care. Health care policies that directly or indirectly influence nursing practice as well as the functioning of the healthcare system will be presented. Discussion about how healthcare policy shapes the quality and safety of the practice environment and healthcare provided in different practice settings. Explanation of how the regulatory agencies define the boundaries of nursing practice and the role of these agencies will be identified. Prerequisite: NMNC 3100. Previous NMHU NURS 432. 

NURS 4470. Community Health Nursing Practicum (3); Sp
This course provides clinical experience in community and public health nursing focusing on the application of community health nursing principles for the care of families, groups, and communities. Clinical experiences will have an emphasis on community assessment, health promotion, risk reduction, disease prevention and health maintenance. Special emphasis will focus on community health nursing in diverse cultures and rural communities. Prerequisite: NMNC 3100. Previous NMHU NURS 447. 

NURS 4510. Seminar on Professional Nursing Leadership (3); Fa
This course focuses on leadership and management principles and functions essential to the practice of professional nursing. Political, social, cultural, legal and ethical issues are explored from a leader’s viewpoint. Nursing leaders from diverse health care settings will be studied to determine their influence on the nursing profession. Prerequisites: NMNC 3100. Previous NMHU NURS 451. 

NURS 4520. Nursing Management Practicum (3); Fa
This clinical course facilitates the application of the leadership and management principles from course NMNC 4510 through leadership projects and activities with health care settings in the community. Prerequisite: NMNC 3100. Previous NMHU NURS 452. 

Philosophy (PHIL), Courses in

PHIL 1115. Introduction to Philosophy (3); Var
In this course, students will be introduced to some of the key questions of philosophy through the study of classical and contemporary thinkers. Some of the questions students might consider are: Do we have free will? What is knowledge? What is the mind? What are our moral obligations to others? Students will engage with and learn to critically assess various philosophical approaches to such questions. Previous NMHU PHIL 100. 

PHIL 1120. Logic, Reasoning, and Critical Thinking (3); Var
The purpose of this course is to teach students how to analyze, critique, and construct arguments. The course includes an introductory survey of important logical concepts and tools needed for argument analysis. These concepts and tools will be used to examine select philosophical and scholarly texts. Previous NMHU PHIL 211. 

PHIL 2010. Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (3); Var
A survey of ancient and medieval philosophy including but not limited to the Pre-Socratics, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas. Previous NMHU PHIL 201. 

PHIL 2030. Modern Philosophy (3); Var
Survey of the philosophies of Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and Kant. Previous NMHU PHIL 203.

Physical Education (PHED), Courses in 

PHED 1030. Advanced Swimming (1); Var
This course is designed to polish strokes students already know so they can swim with more ease, efficiency, power, and smoothness over greater distances. It is also an opportunity to learn the ad­vanced strokes which are mostly taught to swimming instructors.

PHED 1023. Softball (1); 0, 2 Var
Physical education activity course. 

PHED 1061. Intramurals (1); 0, 2 Var
This course allows community members to participate in the Intramurals Program at NMHU. Participants may compete in the Intramurals Program for the semester they are registered. 

PHED 1180. Lifetime Fitness for Senior Citizens (1-2 VC); 0, 4
Nonmedical supervision of physical activity and fitness/wellness information specifically designed for senior citizens (over 50 years of age). Seniors must have a physician’s clearance prior to admis­sion. This is an HU-Wellness Program activity. 

PHED 1210. Basketball (1); 0, 2 Var
Individual sections vary based on topic content; “audience”; type or level of participation. Physical education activity course. Previous NMHU PE 120.

PHED 1230. Individual Sport: Golf (1) Sp
Individual sections vary based on topic content; “audience”; type or level of participation. Physical education activity course. Special fee charged. Course meets for extended hours during a half-semes­ter. Previous NMHU PE 133.

PHED 1280. Volleyball (1); 0, 2 Var
Individual sections vary based on topic content; “audience”; type or level of participation. Physical education activity course. Previous NMHU PE 124.

PHED 1290. Team Sport: Soccer (1); 0, 2 Var
Individual sections vary based on topic content; “audience”; type or level of participation. Physical education activity course. Previous NMHU PE 122.

PHED 1310. Swim I (1); 0, 2 Fa, Sp, Su
Physical education activity course. Previous NMHU PE 101.

PHED 1320. Aqua Fit: Water Aerobics (1); 0, 2 Fa, Sp, Su
Individual sec